Enjoy all the advantages of living in a private house can only be correct operation of utilities. Proper wiring sewage in individual housing creates a comfortable environment, and problems in the wastewater discharge systems deliver a lot of trouble.
This article describes how to make error-free wiring of sewage in a private home or in the country with their own hands.
Components of sewage
To destination network liquid waste disposal are:
- interior;
- external;
- livnovye.

Detailed design, strict implementation of requirements documents, will avoid, and when the need to quickly troubleshoot problems, which lead to an unpleasant work to "escape" faeces.
It constitutes a preliminary circuit at the design stage. Further it eliminates the laborious operations of technology penetration holes in ceilings and walls for routing of sewer pipes.
The project specifies the equipment and tools, where they connect to the sewer.
Detailed scheme reduces the number of trips to a specialty store for the missing parts.

If the work entrusted to perform a third party, then the project will simplify the control of the reliability estimates in the "materials" and "work performed".
The choice of materials
The range of products allows you to create communication of any complexity and configuration - manufacturers release: pipes of various lengths and diameters, adapters, connections, corners and bends, fittings accession. All of them are called shaped parts (fasoninoy).
Sewage individually selected between a building commercially available iron or plastic products. Stainless steel and communication in individual construction have not been spread due high cost of installation and the features that can not be carried out without special welding equipment.
Cast iron
Cast iron drainage also rarely used in wiring sewerage schemes in private homes:
- components considerably more expensive than plastic;
- mass pipes impedes the transportation;
- installation is not possible without a team of assistants;
- are used for sealing joints and packing cement putty that non-technological;
- connection that is not provided by the original design of sanitary ware, is difficult without the partial destruction of the structure.
Cast iron products are suitable for installation in cold rooms, as amenable warming blowtorch when frozen.

In the individual building used cast iron pipes with the marking of the Cheka (Iron sewer) and advanced models for bezrastrubnogo installation called SML. The latter is much lower mass and is used for connection clamps. You can use cast iron products labeled VSHCHG and CHNR, but this specialty products for pressure aqueducts and sewage systems underground, their cost is high, and at home, they are used only if able to acquire "For nothing."
Plastic pipes and accessories:
- durable;
- do not require hermetic sealing of joints;
- easy to install by one person;
- not be exposed to corrosive liquids.
When buying consider that the "plastic" is of three types:
- Polyethylene products cheaper than other types, but use them to install sewers in areas of the house is undesirable. Pipes susceptible to deformation under temperature changes, the disrupted tightness in the joints. However, the material is resistant to UV radiation, so it is suitable for livnovoy sanitation.
- The cost of completing poliizopropilena high, but they are not subject to deformation under temperature influence, allow cleaning metal Yorshik, chemicals do not harm.
- Sewage from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - the best choice in terms of price and consumer characteristics. The disadvantages include the inability to use metal brushes when cleaned yet. Boiling water entering the sewer system, resulting in deformation. However, such a case is difficult to imagine - no one takes a bath when the water temperature is above 80aboutFROM. It is impossible to heat the pipe open flame in case of freezing, so the unheated rooms polyvinyl chloride are not used.
The joints of PVC pipes and fittings of standard unthreaded reliably sealed special rubber (silicone) rings. To facilitate the assembly of silicone sealant to become plumbers. The composition of the "seal" includes additives which prevent the development of fungi and mold in the joints.

There is, but not widely used, bezrastrubnye system when the connection is made by bonding. The disadvantage is that to change the assembled structure will not work without mechanical destruction.
The diameter of the sewer pipe and fittings is dependent on the connected equipment. The recommended dimensions are summarized in Table.
santehpriborov | The minimum inner diameter, mm |
washing | 50 |
Washbasin | 50 |
Washer | 32 |
Dishwasher | 40 |
Toilet bowl | 100 |
Draining for heaters | 32 |
Risers in one-story house | 100 |
Riser in a two-story structure | 150 |
"Tip! When selecting a material try to choose the components of one manufacturer - even small manufacturing tolerances can become a cause difficulties in mounting due to the different, 1- 2 mm diameter.
assembly rules
Getting to perform work on their own or to control the operation of builders, no harm will be familiar with the requirements of a set of rules (SP) and SNIP (Sanitary Norms and Rules):
- SP 30.13330.2012. "Domestic water supply and sewerage of buildings" - is the actual version of the "SNIP 2.04.01-85".
- SP 32.13330.2012, "SNIP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and facilities. "
Sets of rules adopted in 2012, but the requirements of SNIP, 1985 in which nearly repeated. Documents contain complete information on all stages of the work. Extracts, essential for the construction of a private home, are collected in the following sections of this article.
Required tools
A set of tools for independent wiring sewer pipes in the single-story private house is small, you will need:
- hammer with bits of concrete and chisel;
- Angle machine (Bulgarian);
- gun and sealant Sanitary Sealant;
- roulette;
- building level;
- file.
Lining of external networks
Draining of the house must be less than 10 - 15 cm Grade freezing in cold areas provide thermal insulation pipe.
"Important! To drain choosing pipes for installation in the ground. It is better to use ceramic or cast iron pipes. Plastic materials for external operating conditions, dyed light brown or orange in color. "
During the design phase include access roads to assenizatorskaya machines, they should not be held over the pipelines.
Retraction Montreux, following the slope of 2 - 3 cm / m length. Beforehand arrange 15 cm sand bed, which should be put on top of the pipe and before backfilling the trench with soil.

The foundation provide technological opening, which is mounted on a steel sleeve cement slurry, the diameter of which is 15 - 20 cm cross section than the lead-out pipe. The edges of the sleeve should protrude 150 mm for the outer and inner edge of the foundation. After final assembly gap sealed with foam, and the outside of the foundation equip waterproofing.
"Important! The riser is connected to the output 45 turningabout. The angle attachment 90about often leads to clogging in the corners. "
Connection to a septic tank
Tolerated distance from the septic tank to the foundation is at least 5 and up to 3 meters hozpostroek.
Login tube in the drive is arranged in the upper third of the walls of the septic tank (pit) - this will eliminate the head of water in the house overflow storage capacity or blockage of centralized networks.
Septic pit top cover equipped with hood, for discharging gases. Otherwise, bad odors get in the house.

internal networks
Building networks is carried out in three stages:
- riser installation;
- Hood assembly (sewer pipes);
- Internal wiring networks to plumbing items.
At the initial stage of a rough assembly for a precise fit. If all the connection points were provided to carry out final assembly locations.
Terms of installation of the central riser
In contrast to the apartments in a private house, depending on the project, it can be found a few risers. On the exact amount of influence as spatially separated sources of dirty water, the number of bathrooms.
"Important! The distance from the bowl to the riser can not exceed 1 meter, to other devices 3. If the project is not at home to withstand the distance, the central risers make a few. "
Installation start of output sockets of segments is set up so creates minimal resistance to movement effluent.
Immediately after the turn mounted revision. This will allow for cleaning without dismantling the whole structure - the tube part of the funnel about 10 cm and lift have all the risers, and this can not be done when the system is mounted.
It is desirable to establish an audit on all floors of the building.
"Attention! The riser is mounted vertically. Maximum allowable deviation 1cm / m length of tube. "
The riser slabs between floors are fixed with cement mortar. In a wooden house using foam core.
Vertical riser segments fixed to the walls of clamps that are mounted in advance to the pipe do not interfere at drilling.
In connection points santehpriborov mounted tees with the desired diameter outputs.
After final assembly of the riser wrapped soundproofing material hide and (if required) finishing material (plasterboard, paneling).
Extract (right - sewage pipes) equips Removal of sewage pipes and preventing malodor air pockets. In fact, the sewer pipe - the continuation of the riser.
The upper end of the hood make up the visor and protect from atmospheric precipitation visor.
Sanitary Regulations define the distance from the outlet to the sewer pipe window openings and balconies at least 4 m.
In the sewer without drawing a vacuum is created in the tubes, which "draws" water from the hydraulic locks, and the smell of the septic tank (pit) falls into the house.
Single-storey residential buildings allowed to build without a hood.
The layout of internal networks
Proper wiring provides performance requirements:
- Horizontal level drain toilet on each floor located below any other plumbing items - this will eliminate the ingress of water from the tank at the sink.
- Desirably excluded from the system turns 90about, If necessary, replace two of the best angles of 45about.
Figure 7. Replacing the 90 ° rotation with two angles of 45 °. - The toilet is connected a pipe with an inner diameter not less than 100 mm.
- The diameter of the branch pipes of any device can be thinner reception.
- Bends more than 3 m in length made of pipe of equal diameter riser. Otherwise air vacuum is created, preventing the normal sink. Be placed on the end of the branch pipe of the air valve, the passage of air into the system.
- When mounting observe slope 20 - 30 mm / m pipe lengths up to 50 mm and more than 2 cm / m for a 100 mm product.
Figure 8. Minimum slopes. - Pipes of different diameters are connected via adapters.
- When it is desirable to use sealant assembly with antifungal and antibacterial additives.
- Eyeliner necessarily attached to the wall, so they are not hanging in the air - otherwise there kinks in the pipe joints and leaks violated.
- Plum plumbing necessarily equipped with siphon (water seal) that prevent the penetration of odors. Washing is recommended to equip siphons "bottle" type, prevents large particles of food residues in the sewers.
- Plastic pipes and fittings are insulated from heating devices - high melt temperature material compounds lose their impermeability, and from possible leakage water system corrosion heating.
- compounds density should withstand the necessary pressure effluent.
storm sewage
The diameter of the gutters is selected from the calculation of maximum precipitation. Thus pay attention to the area of the roof covering - the larger it is, the larger diameter pipes. Otherwise possible accumulation of fluid in the tube with a simultaneous increase in the load, impending failure structures.

Riser livnovki necessarily fixed to a wall with clamps
"Important! Draining of sewage discharged livnovoy away from home. The public (centralized) sewage system reset is strictly prohibited. "
Strict compliance with the requirements for the construction of sewers in a private home - a prerequisite of its long reliable operation, to get rid of a headache hosts service for years to come.