When buying fish is important to know what kind of food sold to them, and to determine in advance what is right for your pet.
- Types of fish feed
- Advantages of fish feed
- Disadvantages of fish feed
- How to choose
- Storage
- Producers of fish feed
Types of fish feed

The shops offer a wide range of food.
fresh food

Some species of fish feed on plant-based diet, good for them to include in the diet of green vegetables: peas, cucumber, spinach and lettuce.
Cucumbers can be given in the form of cheese, peas, best cook, and spinach and lettuce, pour over boiling water, so that they become soft and better to learn. Well suited as a food seafood: shrimp, fresh or frozen fish, mussels.
Live feed

Such feed is important to include in the diet of aquarium fish, since it has a high nutritional value and contains essential minerals and vitamins, which are not destroyed by heat treatment.
Fish different mode of feeding: one food collected from the water surface, the other at the bottom of feed. Therefore, the composition of live feed is separated. For the first type of fish are suitable aquatic and terrestrial insects, and for the second - small crustaceans, insects, larvae, worms.
Dry food

The store different types of dry food:
- cereals;
- beads;
- pills.
Flakes are suitable for feeding small species of fish. Granules and tablets designed for larger animals, so they produce different sizes.
High-quality dry food composition guided by the different types of fish, as their needs may be very different.
Separately, you can make a sublimated food - it is a living product (bloodworm, tubifex), dried at a low temperature. In such a preparation the excess moisture removed, but the nutrients remain.
frozen food

Amateur aquarists easier to feed the fish dry food, but a varied diet has a positive effect on the health of pets, so it is advisable to add to the food fish fresh or frozen foods.
The following types of frozen food:
- Artemia;
- gammarus;
- daphnia;
- bloodworm;
- Cyclops;
- koretra.
Advantages of fish feed
fresh food

- always have a home at your fingertips;
- It contains important fish vitamins and minerals;
- well absorbed.
Live feed

The main advantage of live food is a high nutritional value, but more importantly, it satisfies a natural instinct. Fish are much more active to respond to the living, moving food.
The fry of some species and even adults do not react to stationary food; if you give them dry food, and nothing else, they will die of hunger.
Some companies grow organisms in open systems, where there are no fish and other animals, so they prevent the ingress of pathogenic substances in food.
Dry food

Dry food is almost dehydrated, it ensures a long shelf life and prevents mold and mildew. Another advantage is that it does not pollute the aquarium.
frozen food

Frozen food is irradiated, which leads to the clearing of all kinds of microbes and parasites that infect fish. Because of this diet include fish, frozen food is safer than fresh.
Some species of exotic fish bad eating dry food and may require bloodworms or Tubifex. Well suited for feeding or spawning fish fry.
Disadvantages of fish feed
fresh food

Identifies a number of products which in any case can not give the fish as they contain harmful fats:
- meat birds and mammals;
- bread;
- cheese and syrosoderzhaschie products;
- biscuits.
Live feed

- The problem of feeding live food is the probability of entry into the aquarium diseases and parasites. The product includes living organisms, which are often carriers of viruses, bacteria and various parasites (e.g., helminths).
All this may be contained in the water that collects live feed.
- Motyl is important to soak for 3-4 days, to rid the gut of the larvae, and only then can feed the pets. Tubifex should rest in bed for 5-7 days.
Do not feed the fish only Tubifex: it contains a lot of fat, so it can lead to disease.
- Koretra is a predator, it is impossible to feed ikromechuschie fish, because it will eat the fry.
Dry food

- When using only dry food is easy to overfeed the fish, so it is important to comply with lumpiness.
- If the product has the ability to swell in water, it is best to soak it before feeding it to not swollen in the stomach of the fish.
- When choosing guided by the views of pupils, the wrong food can cause animal disease.
frozen food

Frozen food in any case it is impossible to give the fish without first unfreeze, it can lead to hypothermia or damage to the stomach.
The frozen product was put in a net under the stream of water, and then strain to remove any residual organic matter that unnecessarily clog up the aquarium.
How to choose

The best food for fish - a balanced, varied and safe. If you prefer to feed pets dry food, it is necessary to periodically thinned diet with fresh, alive or frozen.
Live feed

bloodworm - it is the larvae of the mosquito-Dergunov. Larvae red color, the size varies from 5 to 25 mm.
- To choose the right crank, first look at the color - it must be bright red and shiny.
- If the joker pink or light orange, it is still too young and immature. There few nutrients.
- If the joker dark red or purple color, it is old, and the fish can poison them.
- Pay attention to the mobility of the moth, when exposed to the larvae move and fold into ringlets.
koretra - the larva of mosquitoes. Less nutritious than bloodworms, so only feed the fish larvae koretra impossible. Carried on the surface or in the water column.
Koretra larvae are transparent, without any shades, glossy and very mobile. This product has no specific odor.
tubifex - ringed oligochaetes.
Larva Tubifex light pink color, she is very active. It happens that Tubifex replaced by another worm - lyumbrikulyusa. Its color is bright red. Lyumbrikulyus lives in cleaner waters, and therefore less dangerous.
Dry food

- When choosing a dry food pay attention to the composition, for any fish it is suitable and in what form is produced (flakes, pellets or granules), since different species feed in different ways.
- Packaging should be opaque and sealed. High-quality dry product does not pollute the aquarium.
frozen food

- Large pellets frozen product suitable for large aquariums or aquarium farms. For home use it is recommended to buy blisters or "chocolate."
- Packaging in the form of chocolate ensures that the food has not been defrosted in the road, as it once would have changed appearance.
- It is worth paying attention to packaging - foil or Pet leak air, which contributes to the oxidation of the product. Therefore, the vacuum should be selected, it prevents the entry of air and moisture, protect against oxidation and microbial growth within the package.
Live feed

Immediately after the purchase bloodworms sure to rinse with running water, removing debris and dead larvae, draining the dregs. Then package them into portions, folded into the wet fabric in a flat dish and put in fridge. Flush with bloodworms need 2 times a day.
An interesting method of storage - the larvae put in a cloth bag and fasten it to the tank of the toilet. Thus, the crank will be continuously washed with cold running water.

Keep koretra should be the same as bloodworms and larvae: wash, put in a damp cloth and place in the refrigerator.
Another method - larvae placed in dishes with water at the rate of a liter of water at 2 tbsp. koretra spoon and put the dish in the refrigerator. Water should be completely changed 2 times during the day. With this storage product will stay fresh for 3-4 weeks.
Tubifex should be stored in a pot with water, but it does not completely cover the worms. Flush larvae should cold running water, thus directing a jet so as to break up the lump.
Dry food

- The product should be stored in a sealed package, to go from getting wet.
- Another important point - the retention of vitamins in the product, as they tend to break down the light or moisture. Keep the packaging, in dark, cool and dry places.
The bank itself should be opaque with a tight lid. Power is recommended to store no longer than three months, since the content of nutrients is gradually reduced.
frozen food

Stored up to 3 months after the freeze on the condition that had complied with all the rules and regulations of storage and transportation.
Producers of fish feed

The Japanese manufacturer, specializing in natural aquariums. Production refers to the premium produced in granules of various sizes, suitable for feeding fish caught from natural waters.

Russian manufacturer of aquariums and fish feed. The product passes the microbiological control, consists only of natural ingredients, fortified.
Suitable for the basic diet, promotes stimulation of brightness and color saturation of fish. manufacturer's recommended feed Institute of Freshwater Fisheries.

The German company specializes in all kinds of products for aquariums. feed line is designed for different types of fish: Fighting, herbivorous, bottom, gold and so on.
The manufacturer claims that are not included in fishmeal. The product was fortified and contains a combination of prebiotics and probiotics with beta-glucan to digestion regulation.
The company claims that their food:
- maintains health;
- strengthens coloring;
- It provides fertility activity and fish;
- improves the immune system;
- It provides high digestibility.

Production is fully automated, which eliminates the ingress in food pathogens. Forages are premium, indicating that their high quality.
The range includes low cost and availability. The range includes catering for large and small fish, herbivorous animals, there is a niche product to improve the color.

Producer from Italy offers a wide range of food for aquarium fish, taking into account their type, size and special needs. The product consists of natural ingredients, is produced in various forms:
- sticks;
- beads;
- cereals.
Food fortified and contain the optimal combination of fiber, fat and proteins.

The company produces feed for freshwater and marine fish in aquariums, as well as contained in the ponds. The product range is presented for each decorative fish individually and corresponds to the natural diet.
Sera basic nutrition company is divided into 3 groups:
- universal;
- for color brightness;
- vegetable.
On the packaging manufacturer indicates for what type of food product is: bottom, in the water or at the surface. The quantity of pellets into account fish sizes.

The world's first developer of complete feed for fish in the form of flakes. It specializes in several areas:
- feed for freshwater, marine and pond fish, reptiles and crustaceans;
- care with water;
- care of aquatic plants;
- aquariums and products for them;
- medicines for ornamental fish.
Main feed include more than 40 components, they supply the fish with essential nutrients and vitamins. Method of production - granules, chips or flakes. Auxiliary products make the diet more varied.
Specialized nutrition intended for certain species of fish (cichlids, discus, labyrinth fish, guppies, carnivores and herbivores).
In the development takes into account the size and type of food (bottom, surface or in the water column). Among the specialized fodder represented the power to enhance color.

The main areas are food and treats for rodents, birds, fish and reptiles, secondary - products for water care products, plants and accessories for aquariums.
For a basis of the product composition for fish taken small aquatic organisms, insect larvae, algae and other plant components. The line represented monocomponent pet food mixtures, pellets and flakes.
The diet includes essential vitamins and minerals, micro and macro.
"Pets" developed catering for specific species of fish and versatile products for aquariums with different kinds. Specialized feeds include natural pigments to impart a bright color fishes.
Manufacturers have thought a special "weekend food", which provides a gradual flow of food into the aquarium, even if you are not home. Designed for up to two weeks.

It produces food for ornamental and pond fish and reptiles. The company states that in feeding their preparation:
- only natural components;
- added the multivitamin mixture;
- introduced a new stable form of vitamin C, which is less susceptible to oxidation.
The products are available in several forms:
- flake,
- granular,
- in the form of discs,
- freeze-dried,
- liquid.
The company has developed a special and slowly dissolving food.