Life in the private sector in the winter is full of problems and difficulties, and they have to solve the owner of this house. And often, problems arise precisely with communications at home. For example, peremerzaet water.
This situation in itself is unpleasant. Therefore, everyone should know how to quickly warm up the composition pipe underground. What if the cold water in the pipe, be discussed in the article.

Of course, you can always call a specialist, who will come and everything will fix a couple of minutes. But their hands will make it profitable and easy.
Thawing composition pipe: preparations
Warm the pipe in the ground is not difficult. Only it should be done quickly and correctly. We must not tarry here! Every extra minute could aggravate the situation, leading to a not very good consequences.
Before you begin, you need to find the center of freezing. Should be guided on the open areas where there is air circulation. It is worth paying attention to the place of transition of water supply land to the foundation. Typically, the pipe does not freeze within 1 m so as deep ground temperature is positive.
Detect the frozen portion in several ways. The first - a tactile, involves checking by hand. In places peremerzaniya pipe is cold and dense. If you can not get your hands, it will use an infrared thermometer. The second method - the use of the probe. The probe is passed into the interior of the tube to the point until it abuts the ice jam.
After determination of the freezing space can proceed directly to the process of warming the tube. But before that you need to determine how the same way it is easier to do?
Methods warming composition pipe
There are many practical ways to remove ice jams, which can be applied in practice. They differ only in complexity and performance efficiency.
Here are a few ways of working warming composition pipe at home, available to everyone.
Thawing by means of hot water
In those situations where freezing hearth is not deep, will help ordinary hot water. The method is simple and the test of time because it is based on natural physical laws of nature.
- After finding the place of freezing clear workspace. Around there should be no unnecessary objects or debris.
- If possible, disconnect one end of the water supply. This is necessary to ensure that the ice during expansion could go outside, thereby freeing the internal space.
- If the place of freezing is above ground level and can be reached promorzshego site, it is much easier to work. There is enough wind cloth problematic zone, then gradually warm to water tube, and then hot water. This method is effective only in the fresh ice formation.

- When to get hands is not possible, then you need to use the means at hand. For example, smaller diameter hose. It is placed in a frozen pipe until it stops. In the inserted tube is gradually filled with hot water until it starts to come back.
- Doing so should be as long as the ice melts and the water can freely get into the house.

In cases where the pipe lies partially in the house, and the ice plug is shallow, you can use another method.
Under the tube container is placed with the heating water. Due to the steam outlet pipe gradually starts to get warm, ice punching mash. A method for a simple but slow.
When working with hot water should remember a few basic rules:
- To avoid burns, better to limit the workspace and not to touch his exposed body sites. Even from the heated steam can get strong mutilation;
- Composition pipe under the influence of boiling water expands, respectively, can easily break during rough handling. Therefore, no need to pour hot water immediately, and first slightly warm water and gradually increasing water temperature.
- After the start of the warming of the water hose goes. Which are likely to may be a little podtopit house. By that better prepare in advance, keeping handy tool for pipe installation.
These methods will help to answer how to easily unfreeze the composition pipe without financial costs. There are still other ways that require more careful preparation, but their effectiveness is fully justifies the effort.
Using specialized equipment
In Siberia and the Far East at everyone in the house should be a "wake-set." It should include all the necessary tools and equipment used for the warming of metal and plastic.
An excellent embodiment to thawed tube is a steam generator. Use it to warm up any congestion in minutes.
Operating procedure:
- Disconnect one end of the tube, located in an apartment;
- At the free end of the adapter from wear of the steam generator;
- Gradually supplying steam with medium intensity and gradually increasing the temperature.

As a rule, specialized devices are already equipped with the necessary measuring sensors. They provide additional protection against unforeseen circumstances.
One only has to remember that the steam coming out of the car, may have a temperature greater than 100 ° C, and they can be easily burned.
Operations are to follow safety rules and use a protective inventory!
Another effective tool is a hydrodynamic machine. How it works is simple - it pumps water jet certain power, which divides the inner congestion.
Her work easier and much safer. a water supply nozzle is inserted into a frozen pipe, after which the ice crushing process begins. Form the mass of water located outside, so the work required buckets and bowls.
Suddenly, the house was frozen composition pipe directly on the surface (this often happens in cases where the walls are thin at home)? It helps ordinary household or building a hairdryer!
To defrost water in the multilayer pipe with a hair dryer, is required to find and place ice mash influence it with hot air from the dryer cavity. First, work better at low engine speeds, then gradually increase the intensity and temperature of the air. If the pipe is frozen recently, it will warm up quickly.

As practice shows, in private houses pipes freeze and freeze often and in the most unexpected places. But with the right approach to deal with the problem may be a matter of minutes even the layman. And spend this money is not necessary.