Residents of apartment buildings do not know firsthand about what may be causing the discomfort noise sewer riser. The problem is relevant provided that the old cast iron drain, due to render it unusable, was replaced by a plastic version. Soundproofing pipes will be costly if handled by professionals. Do the job and you can own. The main thing to understand how to properly do it.
The meaning of the procedure
Completely get rid of the annoying noise, unfortunately, it will not work. Making insulation for sewer pipes is carried out to reduce them to the lowest level possible. Considering the causes of noise in the apartment, and the essence of the work can be divided objectives into three main areas:
- Reduce the degree of vibration of plastic pipes.
- Preventing transmission of vibrations from the sewage riser elements to the building structure.
- Creating a barrier to sound, occurs during pouring the water.
Sound insulation of the riser may be required because of the presence of certain circumstances, or their presence in the complex. Further, some of them:
- Low quality materials that were used during installation flow. As a consequence, a low resistance to mechanical deformation of the walls.
- The work carried out with violations of technology. Designing pipes in the apartment was not performed properly.
- Improper selection of the sealing material.
Constant noise can lead to the disorder of the psycho-emotional condition of the tenants of the apartment. The immediate appearance of noise sources is a riser, respectively, than it is longer, the greater the vibration and creates extraneous sound.
It should be remembered! The higher the building of an apartment building, the stronger will be the noise level. Especially on the lower floors. Accordingly, there is the creation of sound insulation is most important.
In the understanding of the reasons for this, there is nothing difficult. Streams of water during the movement of the riser face each other, with the air hit at the drain structure. The result is the occurrence of vibration and extraneous sounds in the apartment. Classify the noise can be categorized as follows:
- Drums. The mechanical action of water flows to the drain construction systems and their interaction with each other.
- Air. Water Falling Down eventually face with "air barrier", the result is a bland though, but still noise. If any, as a rule, it is not the primary cause of tube finishing with soundproofing material.
- Structural. The presence of noise of this type brings the greatest discomfort to tenants in an apartment building. The flow of water rushing down the pipe gives it a vibration which passes Ceilings, walls, heating pipes, water and Promchites elements of the building structure.
Before turning to the question of the proper installation of sound insulation in the sewage pipes, it is necessary to consider in more detail the circumstances that contribute to the emergence and strengthening of extraneous sound.
Height wastewater stream fall certainly plays an important role, but not less noise promotes manufacturing a pipe material. Plastic, in spite of all their advantages in this regard much inferior to cast iron counterparts. Sewer pipes made of the latter is significantly more resistant to mechanical influence from the water.
Alloy cast iron has a specific feature that allows it to absorb some fraction of the noise produced inside the tube. The structure of this material is somewhat porous. It is composed of a plurality of small particles, in the interaction which occurs sound damping.
Important role played by the fact that due to the "porosity" iron is gaining on its surface coating, which to some extent also prevents the spread of sound.
To modern analogues of sewer pipes, these advantages do not apply. Plastic, on the contrary, often referred to as a kind of musical instrument. He not only did not prevent the emergence and spread of sound that occurs in the tube, but rather contributes to its strengthening, strong vibration.
In particular, when using this material for an overall, on the inner surfaces of pipes is not formed plaque. There is a belief that the pipes made of plastic, the formation of such a natural "sound insulation" layer is not inherent in completely. Opinion is erroneous. The fact that plastic really successfully repels particles from sticking, but only in an upright position. For example, in a pipe extending from the toilet seat, a raid completely takes place.
The thickness of the walls of the riser is also important. The higher it is, the lower the proportion of noise penetrating into the premises. The ensuing and a similar situation with the weight of sewage sludge material. The large mass enables the system to be less sensitive to vibration giving it.
Unfortunately, this is especially important for multi-family homes, often there are situations that due to a kind of designing the building sewage pipe is not in the bathroom, and in residential. Such situations are not common, but they have a place to be.
Another error that often make builders in the sewer pipe arrangement is used as foam sealing gasket. Do not forget that its main feature is a dense filling of any space. As a result, it becomes an excellent conductor of vibration.
Methods for removing noise
If it turns out that the sewage passes into the living room, the most correct solution is not sound insulation of pipes, and their transfer. Such a solution can be carried out only during the construction phase. Execute movement after completion of the work will not succeed. Funny, then, that such a situation occurs in new buildings due to mistakes when designing. In practice, sewage drain pipe commonly takes place in the bathroom or the toilet if san. node is not combined. Now directly on the methods.
Soundproofing toilet in the private low-rise building or apartment as a whole can be carried out through the following operations.
- Silent installation of pipes.
- Securing sound-insulating materials.
- Installing hard collars, in order to give more static sewer construction.
- Mounting box.
- Install or repair the sewer pipe.
silent pipe
Silent pipes can be called a novelty in the market of building materials. They are used so far are not so often, but successfully gaining recognition among customers. Distinctive features of the riser are thickened wall and special components that are designed to prevent the penetration of sound and vibration in the room. Notably, even the quenched pipe noiseless infrasound.
In addition to such positive qualities of the new material is a couple of significant drawbacks. The prices of such tubes considerably higher in comparison with the classical one PVC. they also do not have a long service life, no more than 30 years. Of course, you can find more resistant varieties, but the price will grow in progression.
sewage pipes
At its core is the ventilation for the water drain. In a private house, the height of which does not exceed two floors, the installation of a sewer pipe is not carried out, and this need is actually there. Legislation to this requirement, and does not show. With regard to the presence of high-rise buildings sewer pipe required. It allows you not only to equalize the pressure in the riser, but through it into the atmosphere derived accumulating gases that can cause aircraft noise.
It functions like a sewer pipe, but in the room, can perform air valves. Their purpose is to let air into the sewage system and thus prevent the reverse movement. Make a noise insulation for ducts can soundproofing material, but not to block the flow. If break capacity, the water from the riser can head through the inlet channel.
In practice, the most common situation is when the sewage system is already installed and its replacement will lead to unnecessary financial and labor costs. Thus, the residents of the apartments, which have a need to reduce the level of noise from the riser, resorted to the use of various kinds of sound-insulating materials. As such, it can be used for this mass.
Implementation of soundproofing sewer riser does not require special skills, enough to have at least a little experience in installation works. Make it easier just by the use of polyethylene foam or polyurethane foam.
As for the places of passage through the riser of the building floors, as previously mentioned, it is not necessary to use assembly foam, as it only adds to the structural noise. Instead, we should take a porous rubber. This will allow to the maximum to reduce the likelihood of transmission of vibration of the building structure and eliminate the acoustic effect.
On a note. View sewer riser in sound insulation is not enough presentable. On this basis, it makes sense to close the pipe decorative boxes. Design itself can be modified in various surfacing materials.
Box will not only create a more attractive appearance, but also gives additional noise insulation. It is important to take into account the point that it is not worth doing deaf. You need access to the water, since it often takes place in close proximity to the sewer. It is likely that nothing more to do for the duct is not necessary, but the probability of occurrence of an emergency situation must be considered. It was then that ease of access and efficiency of the work can significantly reduce the harmful effects of the emergency.
Among the materials that give the maximum effect can be applied:
- Foamed polyethylene.
- Polyurethane foam.
- Foam rubber.
- The foam shell.
- Mineral wool.
Important. From the latter option, namely mineral wool, it is wise to abstain. She, of course, fulfill its role, but it is quite unsafe for the health of the household.
Noise isolation with their own hands
If you need to reduce the noise coming from the sewage, it is worth trying to do with their hands. The work is not complicated, but salaried work take over this good money. Soundproofing sewer riser, made with their own hands are more likely to be just as good. work the following algorithm:
- Metering pipe made in order to determine the volume of a sound insulating material which have to purchase. It is necessary to measure the height of the pipe by means of roulette. Then, for example, a thread is determined by a circle. The resulting unit to be multiplied. To the result we add about 10-20%.
- Buying adhesive tape or straps, and material.
- Wrap the pipe sound insulation should be implemented so that the entire surface was closed. Then, a fixing material with adhesive tape (or clamps).
common errors
Despite the simplicity of the operation, people often commit some mistakes. They should get introduced to avoid a repeat:
- Wrong choice of material. It is important not to confuse the sound insulation with external thermal insulation similar. If in doubt, it would be correct to get advice from store employees.
- The presence of air under soundproofed. Gapping material to the pipe surface will do the job meaningless.
Summing up, it is worth noting from the noise occurring in the riser just enough to get rid of. It is important to approach the work performed and the selection of materials.