Thermal insulation for pipes: external and internal insulation for pipes

When the device requires piping for heat insulation of pipes to reduce heat loss, or maintain communications temperature. This is necessary in order to secure the daily operation. If you do not, no one can guarantee that in the winter the system will run smoothly and will come in a moment of action.

Protection of metal pipes against heat loss with the use of insulators

Thermal insulation of metal pipes prevents the possibility that the liquid in it will not freeze at low ambient temperatures. It will also prevent condensation from forming on the pipe surface.

Important! thermal insulation requirements laid down in safety regulations. When transported by pipeline gas, the thermal insulation is used in different versions.

Isolate such a pipe can, covering it with a special lacquer or paint. But in practice, often use a protective material, so you can meet certain requirements:

  • Use monolithic insulators, which are evenly borne by the pipe.
  • Working materials must have a low moisture absorption coefficient, and waterproofing properties should be at a high level.
  • The material should be good to resist the destructive action of ultraviolet radiation.

Insulation is clearly regulated in the relevant regulations, which are called building codes (today a set of rules, which are actualized edited SNIP). These documents prescribed specifications of the material for heat insulation and detailed methodology of work.

Application insulation pipe production factory

View insulator

This type of work is carried out thermal insulators in the following forms:

  • separate segment;
  • cylinder;
  • mat;
  • half-cylinder;
  • roll.

Insulated piping may be using the following types of insulators:

  • Mineral wool.
  • Shell.
  • Polyurethane sealant.
  • Pipe insulation.
  • Liquid concrete block.
  • Basalt wool.

This is not a complete list of thermal insulation materials. The construction market is subject to constant updating with new, more modern materials.

Using mineral wool

This is the cheapest material, which is easy to carry out installation work. It is difficult not to agree that this fact is expressed by a positive torque. Works are carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

  • It is a cross section of the roll. Formed strip thickness of 200 mm, and that the tube coil is conducted. Initially fit mineral wool, and over it - fiberglass.
  • Mineral wool Installation procedure is carried out uniformly, preventing its collapse.

In this way, insulated pipes of large diameter. Since wool actively absorbs moisture, it quickly rots. Therefore, insulation of the pipelines mineral wool is conducted only in cases where the heating main runs above ground or in a room. Such a method is not used for insulating pipes and sewer systems with a small diameter. It is able to be ignited by the high temperature, so it should refrain from applying near the heating furnace, as well as in places the passage of electric cables.

Use of mineral wool for insulation of pipes

Mineral wool is available in two forms:

  • stone;
  • glass.

rocks are used In the first case the material for its manufacture. Glassworks battle or staple fibers, the basis for the production of which is quartz sand used to make glass.

external heat pipes

If the pipes are laid externally, for the thermal insulation mats used roll type. The application of liquid insulation has a certain convenience in use. Such epoxy relates pipe insulation.

Powder or liquid coating has advantages over the other types:

  • Increased resistance to abrasion.
  • Shock resistance.
  • High stability.
  • Corrosion protection.
Epoxy coating for corrosion protection

Linear pipe sections covered with the heat insulator casing galvanized.

Process piping insulate pipes or rolls of penokauchuka. Insulation made with several layers. Their number depends on the total desired value.

Of certain interest is insulated from the application of the coating layer.

The use of thermal insulation for thermal insulation of pipes does not cool the hot water during its long way from the source to the consumer. They are used for almost all types of pipes:

  • Plastic.
  • Metal.
  • The polymer composite.
  • Metal and plastic.
  • Composite.

In carrying out such work in a private home is better to use pipes that have predizolyatsiyu. This uses adhesive insulation. Help will further winding, as that can take advantage of aluminum tape.

Before performing any work required to calculate heat losses. This takes into account temperature, and which has the coolant temperature parameters of the ambient air.

Good insulation properties can be observed in polyurethane foam and glass wool. They have a high efficiency.

Isolation metal pipes of cold water has the primary purpose - preventing the emergence of moisture at the surface. Condensation protection is needed in order not to develop rust. It leads to corrosion of the metal and, therefore, the total yield of the pipe system.

Warming of cold water plumbing Basement

The use of polyurethane foam

Penopolimermineralnaya insulation has excellent environmental properties in the presence of high efficiency of its use as a heat insulator.

The insulator of this type has many positive aspects:

  • neutral smell;
  • is not subject to the action of the fungus strikes;
  • resistant to aggressive substances;
  • on the human body has no adverse effect;
  • It manifests itself as an excellent insulator;
  • It has good resistance to various mechanical influences.

If the pipes have a large diameter, its application is performed by spraying. In this case, a solid insulating layer is obtained without the presence of a seam. Using this method ensures an exception to the maximum heat loss. Spraying is carried out with special equipment. Sputtering process simple and short time.

Pipe insulation foam

For small diameter tubes, installed in an apartment used polyurethane shells. Thus achieve a high level of thermal insulation. This method has a relatively low cost.

Using polyethylene foam

In the market of such materials today it holds a leading position. It is used for insulation of pipelines of any purpose. It has the form of finished shell, which is shaped pipe. It is as if enveloping tube, protecting it from the effects of harmful factors.

Using polyethylene foam as insulation for pipes

This shell has a seam at which the cut is performed and assembly work. After their graduation envelope glued again.

The use of glass

This material has all the properties that meet the requirements for a thermal insulator requirements. Used for thermal insulation rolls. If we consider this material as the primary means for thermal insulation, then applying it slightly increases the cost of the work. This is due to the need for additional measures. Such work longer time.

Pros of glass:

  • material can be used for a long time;
  • highly resistant to vibration factor;
  • high resistance to chemical and biological agents.

Before working on the piping insulation is necessary to make an estimate. It will be reflected in all single-step production of the scope of work. The result will be the total cost.

Casing glass wool with foil protection

Insulation works are carried out in accordance with applicable regulations of construction documents. If done correctly, the work achieved by the guarantee that the desired energy efficiency will be achieved. Significantly increase the period of useful life of the pipeline.

Various materials are used for assembly work. It is necessary to account certain factors. Crucial will be the purpose for which is planned to construct the pipeline.

For example, if the pipe assumes a high-temperature coolant, it is better to use a cylinder isolation. Quite suitable for this purpose shell in polyurethane foam. The used foil laminated cardboard or foil as an additional means.

internal coating

Applying internal insulation for metal pipes is carried out only in the factory, in strict compliance with the regulatory indicators. Internal insulation allows to keep all operational characteristics of the pipeline. Most often products with this type of insulation used for laying underground pipelines.

Strong internal insulation

Separate stages of works

Works are carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • To begin it is necessary to insulate the pipe only after completion of all installation work (plumbing work, welding).
  • Hand-made cleaning the pipe surface by means of special brushes. It is possible to use a mechanical sandblasting. After that, the surface is subjected to degreasing.
  • It is necessary to test the strength and tightness of the welds. In addition to the visual inspection conducted hydraulic tests under increased pressure. To control can be used and special equipment.
  • Then applied to the surface of special formulations. As an example, an epoxy primer.

In recent years, the popularity has gained a good way of warming water pipes and sewage systems using heating cables. Such a method has the greatest relevance in areas with severe winters. There are species that independently regulate the heating temperature. For greater power savings necessary to install a thermostat. But the presence of such a cable still requires high-quality insulation. Without this will take place uncontrollable costs.