The performance of the utilities affected by various factors, one of them is cold. To low temperatures do not interfere with the operation of the fluid, it is necessary to conduct a reliable thermal insulation of pipes sewage systems.
Choosing insulation for sewage
High-quality insulation can not be made without reliable materials. In the Russian market a wide range of thermal insulation for piping of various kinds. To select a suitable, you need to know the technical characteristics of this material and its field of application.
The main object of the sewer pipe insulation is not circulating heating fluid, and protection from heat losses in the system. Therefore it is important to take into account the thermal conductivity of the insulating material when it is selected.
What should be the heater
There are criteria to be met by a heat insulator.
- Ease of installation. Criterion is important for domestic use, as most do not have the professional skills of plumbing and convenience when working with a heater will be very useful.
- Long service life. High-quality insulation material will protect the pipeline for at least 50 years.
- Fire resistance. For heating water systems are often used electrical cables. This criterion aims to protect against fire. The material must have the ability to self-extinguishing.
- Resistance to penetration of moisture and air. If the material is not sealed, its ability to store heat is greatly reduced.
- Affordable price. She should have objective limits. Use of cheap material will result in additional expenses when frequent replacement.

Taking into account the technical characteristics of each type of insulation. For pipelines open type and laid in the ground, choose a different thermal insulation.
Types of heaters for drainage
The most popular are the following materials:
- Mineral wool. The rules embodied in the GOST 31913 indicated that this relates to a fibrous insulation material made of metal alloys and slags mountain. The concept combines its three varieties: glass wool, rock wool and slag wool. Each type is characterized by a thermal conductivity coefficient, fiber thickness, ability to resist mechanical influences.
It has mineral wool number of positive qualities:
- Easy to operate. Manufactured in rolls of wool can be simply obtyanut pipe and fasten it with string or tape.
- Low price - a weighty argument in favor of this material.
- It does not rot, which makes it possible to use it for warming the pipe held in the ground.

It is necessary to mention the negative sides of the insulation, which include the presence in its composition of harmful substances. When heated formaldehyde resins emit noxious fumes, which badly affect human health. Mineral wool absorbs moisture, which adversely affects its performance.
- Extruded polystyrene. It is a foam mass with closed cells. Due to this structure, it is possible to carry out thermal insulation of sewer pipes in the wet ground. Available as a cover material that is easily put on the surface on both sides, and fixed system of "tongue and groove". Dimensions ukryvnyh parts depend on the tube diameter and the length of the entire system.

We also note its several positive qualities:
- Low thermal conductivity.
- Long operational period. It does not lose its properties for over 50 years.
- It has a high density.
- Resistant to extremes
To be objective, mention must be made of the shortcomings of this material:
- Combustible. This means that it can not be used near electrical wires or an open area.
- Releases harmful substances when heated above 70 degrees.
- Structures subject to destruction upon exposure to UV rays.
- Whatever spoke producers, in practice it verified that insects and rodents infest and are very fond of this material.
- Izopayp. insulation material that protects the piping system from the effects of low temperatures, even at relatively shallow depths. Izopayp insulation for outdoor sewerage system is discharged in a cylindrical form divided into two parts on the connecting tube via the slots. Made from environmentally friendly materials, not subject to decay. For moisture protection cover manufacturers waterproofing layer (foil).
Izopayp - a practical heater for the sewer pipe. - Basalt fiber is well protected from frost line. Available in the form of cylinders covered with a protective top layer from moisture penetration (glassine, folgizol, roofing material). They are easy to put on the gutter system. It has good thermal conductivity. There is only one drawback - the high price.
- Energoflex. Made from polyethylene foam. The mesh structure gives ease, and allows to retain heat. He is known as a reliable means for insulating the sewerage system.
Energoflek plastic tube as a heater - Expanded clay. Bulk insulation that fills the duct or trench with water supply. It is produced by firing clay, thus it becomes easy and hard. The porous structure allows it to retain heat inside. But there is a drawback - you can use it only in a dry place, requiring additional waterproofing of the trench where the pipeline passes.
Methods for mounting a heater tubes
As an example, take the polystyrene as a heater. The main positive aspect when it is used is the convenience and the prostate during installation. You do not need special skills, so it can hold warming themselves.
To do this, perform the following steps:
- The cylinder is divided into two parts, which are put on the tube to be offset from each other. In this case, must be formed with a small overlap outside: from the bottom in a radius of 10 cm from the top - 20 cm. The diameter of the casing should match the diameter of the pipeline.
- When laying underground drainage system way, the two halves are fastened to structures with adhesive tape. For external pipe fixation performed after completion of the work. In the joints with tape glue is necessary in addition. For better sealing.
- For warming the angles, corners, connections of nodes used special fans shells. They have a shape that follows the curve of the system.
By following all the instructions, insulation does not require a lot of time.
Warming outdoor sewerage system
You can use the electric cable to an external drainage system is not malfunctioned for better insulation. This method requires additional investments.
The works are carried out taking into account the following points:
- Heating cable is laid on the surface of the pipe and is fastened to it.
- To reduce heat loss cable material is covered by a thermal foil. It will direct delivery of heat to the pipe.
- Next, the pipe is laid in a trench, previously laid waterproof to protect against moisture and its contact with the cable.

Installing the heating cable is securely protect your drainage system from freezing.
Engineering method shelter from the cold pipe
A constructive approach to the pipe-laying is one of the simplest and most effective ways to protect the system from freezing.
The method consists in laying the pipeline below the level of soil freezing. Installation is performed as follows:
- I make a trench with a slope of 1 meter.
- At the bottom pour sand or expanded clay. They mounted a drain structure.
- Create designs poured gravel, earth and then tamped.

This method of protecting pipes from freezing is simple to use. You can use it in the normal domestic environment without the use of mechanized equipment.
Closure insulator sewer pipe
Warming for the outlet of the riser is of particular importance. It prints onto the street for ventilation pipe system. It does not have the circulated fluid, which can be frozen, but the walls of the riser can greatly freeze. Accrued ice crust capable clog the air passage. Therefore, it should also be warm.
Opt for insulation for the outlet of the riser should be materials that are resistant to moisture and ultra-violet radiation. Warming System requires segment, located in the upper part. top end structure metal cap worn for protection from the weather.

If the riser is covered with icing you can unfreeze people's way:
- Taken stranded metal wire without insulation. It is measured segment length equal to the distance of the riser.
- Because it is formed bead, appropriate tube diameter. It is attached to a thick wire or a rope.
- Then it must be secured to the pipe end and held in this form for several days.
At this time, a chemical reaction occurs with evolution of heat, which warms the wall of the riser pipe and free from ice.
Selection of the method and material of the insulation remains with the sewage system owner portion. The main thing to take into account features of the landscape and climate of the region of residence.