Each person will inevitably have to deal with unpleasant situation sewer system clogging. From the timely elimination of the problem depends on home hygiene, comfort, safety sanitary equipment apartments. Flushing in the house sewer pipes in various ways. Skillfully combining them, it is possible to achieve a positive result.
Types and causes of blockages
Before proceeding to the purification of sewage pipes, you should find out what was the cause. Contamination in the sewer pipe is divided into three main types:
- technological. It occurs due to disturbances established communication requirements, improper slope tubes, their invalid section joints to the presence of barbs and scoring, a small volume of water in the toilet tank; direct communication wear;
- mechanical. It occurs due to contact of a foreign object;
- operational. The most common type of problem. Clogged sewer pipes in the house is due to narrowing and blockage of the flow of water. The reason is the systematic penetration of fat, hair, food residue, pet hair.
In a private house clogged sewer is also due to the displacement of soil, its freezing in the winter.

Removal of the problems should be carried out immediately after their occurrence, as they eventually harden, and then will not help any measure other than the extreme - the replacement pipe.
Determination clogging portion
Understand that the clogged drain, simply: the water in the sink and the bath goes slowly, slowly sink stops completely emerges from the drain unpleasant putrid odor, do not serve toilet.
Work to eliminate clogging begins with determining the place of its location. It can be:
- a corrugated pipe under a sink or a bathtub;
- in the sewer pipes in the same apartment;
- in general risers;
- a total pipe high-rise building, located in the basement;
- in place of the outlet pipe of a house where a check filter;
- between manholes.
Without calling home professionals can not do, if the blockage is in the common pipes, riser block of flats or between wells. With other clog can learn to cope at home alone.
Methods of clearing-house
Purify sewage pipes independently by different techniques:
- washing with water;
- mechanically (using a cable);
- hydrodynamic method (using a plunger);
- means at hand (using baking soda, vinegar, ammonia, etc.);
- chemical means (using a specially designed household chemicals).
This is the most effective ways to resolve problems with sewage. Let's examine them in detail.
rinsing with water
Recently there was a blockage eliminated by washing it with plain water. Depending on the location of the obstruction: a sink in a kitchen or bath begin to pour into the hole drain very hot water.

It is probable that an outflow of water is not immediately restored, it will fill the bath, the sink bowl. This creates a pressure which should push the cork. It is necessary to constantly monitor that no water flowed over the edge of the sink or tub, patiently waiting for her flight. Do not worry if the water does not pass the first time. Rinse the tube several times is necessary. Initially, the outflow will be slow. Repeat the action several times. As soon as the water flow will improve, while costs continue to drain the water to rinse well with sewer.
Using a rope
If flushing with water does not work, use a mechanical method of dealing with the blockage. For this purpose, a cable for cleaning sanitary sewer pipes having a second name - flexible shaft. It is designed as a flexible and strong steel springs, has a handle and at the other end of the hook.
Variety of flexible shaft:
- cable;
- spring;
- spring-wound;
- tape, with a width of 1 to 4 cm.

Acquire cleaning tool at the hardware store. Thin shaft section 3-4 mm clean traps and removes hair from the drain bath. Thick cable does not go into the sink, the sink to clean them fail. These shafts are used in the purification of the risers. For household use suited universal plumbing wires up to 10 mm in width and 2-3 m in length.
Break through the house sewer pipe by a cable as follows:
- remove the siphon itself providing access to the sewer pipe;
- pushing a cable into the tube all the way into the mud plug;
- to break the blockage, rotate the cable in a clockwise direction, a reciprocating action, trying to hook to pick up the cork, pull it out.
Periodically, the cable is removed from the tube, clean its end with a hook and continue operation. When contamination is destroyed, the pipe pour hot water, washing with a drain and after testing and the belief that water is no longer stagnant, put in place siphon.
For plastic pipe is selected with a flexible nozzle rubber sheath to prevent damage to the pipe walls.
On completion of work, the cable is washed with hot water and cleaning agent, wiped with dry cloth. Store in a minimized state.
Elimination of blockages by a plunger
Plunger - one of the most common tools for plumbing, it consists of two parts: a rubber valve in the form of a hemisphere and a wooden handle.
In domestic plunger principle of operation pump. It is placed over the hole sink or bathtub drain, tightly clutching him. The water should cover the valve plunger, if necessary, add it from the tap. Then start the water pump, the valve is not peeled from the pouring hole.
When the plunger knob is pulled, the water rises outwardly through conduit after the valve. When pressure is applied to the drain region, by inertia water moves upwards, but encounters resistance. At the same time weed cork loosened and moved from its place. Bleed water 4-5 times, the device pulls sharply, and the water flows, a flow for carrying contamination. In order to achieve the result is repeated the procedure several times.

means available
To clean the sewer pipes from fat everyday use substances that are available in every home: salt, vinegar, baking soda. There are a few proven recipes of their application with their own hands.
- It should create a mixture alkaline: soda glass fill the drain, add 3 cups of boiling water. And so it is repeated several times if previous attempts have failed.
- Pour 0.5 soda glass into the drain hole, add 0.5 cups distilled vinegar, preferably pre-warmed in a microwave oven. Close the drain plug or shut tightly with a cloth and leave for several hours. There will be a flurry of chemical reaction that affect the destruction of weed stopper. Then pour into the sewer pipe liter of boiling water. The deposits from the inner surface of the pipe deleted.
- Often in the kitchen sink water outflow slowed down due to fat deposits. Eliminate can be as follows: a fill tube of half cups of salt and baking soda, pour there is approximately 3 liters of boiling water. Left in this state overnight.

The disadvantage of these methods to eliminate mud stopper - use of boiling water. Effective when used for iron pipes, plastic sewage but boiling water damage. The alternative will be a very hot water from the tap. But at the same time the impact can be reduced.
Household chemicals against blockages
The modern market of household chemistry offers a wide range of means for cleaning sewer systems. They are liquid and powdered consistency. In composition are divided: on acid (used for the bathroom) and alkaline (used for kitchen sinks).
Household products for cleaning sewer pipes - aggressive reagent, which upon contact with water increases its properties. Use them to dissolve the fat accumulated in the pipes. By using such means, take all precautionary measures to avoid burns of the skin, respiratory organs, not to hurt the eyes. It is important to pre-read the instructions and follow it. It is not recommended to mix the acid and alkali reactants, it may be unsafe.
The most popular tools include:
- "Mole";
- "Mister Muscle";
- "Tiret turbo";
- "Sanfor";
- "Domestos"

Before buying should consult with the seller: some household chemicals have a high percentage of acid, which affects the plastic pipe. A pipe, manufactured from steel, chemical method does not fit, makes them corrosion.
preventive measures
For sanitation should be treated with care, to avoid gross errors in their operation. The pipes are not discarded debris, rags, plastic bags, hoping that their good wash water or they gradually dissolved. On the contrary, in contact with water, they turn into a thick tube, which is difficult to eliminate.
As a preventive measure, to remove all grease and soap deposits inside the drain pour hot water. It is useful to open the tap on full blast so that the water is hard to beat the drain hole. It will be enough to do this procedure 2-3 times a week for 5 minutes to mud plug was not going to.
The kitchen sinks put special rubber or plastic mats in fine mesh to prevent the penetration of the peel of fruits and vegetables, food particles to sink.

The substance, which is useful in terms of preventive measures against littering, you can make yourself: mix thoroughly on a glass of salt and baking soda, add a quarter cup of cream of tartar. Laying the resulting powder into the sink, fill with hot water, and after a few minutes - cold. 1 perform the procedure once a week.
And, of course, you should always keep in mind that any problem is easier to prevent. This also applies to the situation with the sewer blockage.