Most of the owners after the construction of facilities for the bath, install the fireplace or furnace chimney believe that all work has been completed. Meanwhile, there comes a moment when the chimney constructed for baths must be isolated from the fuel elements and the roof leaks.

It is best to carry out the furnace insulation at the stage of construction of the bath. This will help avoid an increase in costs for dismantling the furnace elements for its isolation. The finished structure will be more difficult to isolate, it is sometimes required to completely disassemble it to lay additional material.
Why need a chimney insulation
Mainly chimney is protected from two major negative factors that affect it:
- High temperature in the sauna.
- Moisture through poorly made joints in the roof.
In order to eliminate the negative factors, you can wrap the pipe insulator chimney. This helps prevent heating of the metal structure, and to eliminate the occurrence of condensate, which also adversely affects the iron elements.
Thermal insulation of the chimney allows you to:
- Make safer transition at the points of contact of the pipe with a roof or wall.
- Avoid heat loss.
- Extend the life of metal structures.
- Use all kinds of finishing materials to create your own unique style and pleasant atmosphere in the bath.

In principle, the conduct of the work is not too much difficulty on warming chimney design, more importantly know how to isolate the metal furnace flue pipe in the bath. To choose the right type of insulator that is suitable for you, you need to understand their technical characteristics.
How to choose a heater to the chimney in the bath
The principal difference to the selection of insulators in the bath, built separately or in the house, no. Basically, the choice falls on the two types of heat insulators:
- Mineral wool. Among its varieties include: glass wool, stone and basalt. These heaters are capable of withstanding high temperature conditions, in addition resist fire and are resistant to open flame. The porous structure allows to store heat well. It is lightweight and does not require amplification foundation walls and bath.

- Modern multifunctional thermal insulation: thermal and folgizol.
Thermal - innovative insulation made of polyethylene foam, with the two sides held foil surface. Material perfectly manifests itself as an insulator, does not absorb moisture, resistant to high temperatures.
Use active material of different thickness. From this parameter depends on the value of thermal stability:
- The thickness of 2-5 mm is able to withstand temperature extremes from -30 to +100 degrees.
- The width of the reservoir 5 to 10mm can withstand the temperature conditions of -50 to +150 degrees.
Fasten the heat on the surface does not take much. To do this you need metal wire or tape to secure the insulator to the chimney. Work is carried out quickly and does not require further assistance from the outside.

Folgizol is also well suited for the insulation of the chimney is properly installed in the bath tube. It is made of a double layer food foil and an inner heater. Such an insulator is not only protects the metallic surface of the structure against heat loss, but when heated does not emit harmful substances. He is an environmentally friendly material that today is an important factor.
Regulations and code of practice
To carry out work on warming the pipe in the bath, set up certain standards and SNIP requirements, which should not violate:
- The minimum height of the flue pipe should be 5 meters.
- Between the ceiling and the furnace structure is left away. For metal constructions - 1.5 m, and for the brick - 500 cm.
- Preserved gap between the pipe and the fuel elements 250 mm.
Compliance with these standards will save not only heat, but also to protect the structure against fire.
Insulation performance of the chimney yourself
Mineral wool - one of the most popular types of insulator for the kiln exhaust. "Wraps" basalt heat insulator can be the entire surface, from the outlet to the roof and ending close proximity to the heat source. In this case it does not matter goes through the roof construction or withdrawal chimney conducted through the wall.

Important! Metal chimney without the insulating layer is extremely fire risk object, therefore, between it and the nearest heating element must be kept at a distance of 60 mm.
Work on the isolation of the furnace exhaust in the bath carried out as follows:
- It is necessary to prepare the insulation. Take basalt wool is better in slabs whose thickness should exceed 5 mm. Can use the web material, whose density must not be below 6 mm.
- A material fixed across the tube surface using a wire, which is wrapped over the material.
- On top of a heat insulator mounted reinforced mesh. It is applied prepared mortar or plaster. If plastering causes difficulties, you can use a metal sheet. This step is necessary to protect the insulation from it to get wet.
Particular attention should be paid to insulation cutting pipe in the ceiling of the bath. Places its passage through the ceiling or wall are particularly vulnerable, so this portion of the insulation is subjected to necessary. In order to best protect the floors and roofs to prevent the ignition of roofing material creates additional protection of the metal box. It can be made with their own hands or buy ready-made at the store.

During the insulation works, consider the following:
- The size of the orifice created larger than the diameter of the pipe. The distance from the roof to the walls of the chimney is about 30 cm.
- The slits in this space is not allowed, because this space is filled with insulation, which has a dense layer snugly around the perimeter of the box.
- Wooden parts in the pipe near the place must be treated flame retardants.
- To insulate the ceiling and the roof is better to take the heat-resistant material: aerated concrete, clay, concrete block.

If properly conduct cutting insulation in the ceiling of the room will cool down quickly, and the cost of warming grow. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to this issue.
Sandwich-pipe - a modern solution for the thermal insulation of the chimney
Chimney of sandwich pipes in the traditional bath can be an excellent solution to the issue of insulation. Now you can buy ready-made structure in the construction market. By installing such a system, you can not think about the materials and methods of additional warming chimney.
Sandwich pipes consist of several parts of the assembly that is easy to interconnect and set independently. This system is ideal for the sauna stove or iron.
The design resembles a layer cake:
- The inner layer of stainless steel.
- The second of basalt wool.
- The outer sides are covered with galvanized iron.
Installation sandwich tube occurs according to the following scheme:
- Prepare an opening in a construction site passes through the ceiling.
- Fits exhaust flange, which is the first stage of construction. Collect the remaining parts of the second stage begins.
- Double-walled pipes are connected progressively and displayed through the ceiling to the roof. Mounted elements additionally attached to the walls.
- After isolation structure assembly held in passageways in the loft. Here it is allowed to use only double-walled part of the structure without additional components.
- Next, the chimney is output through the roof. In places where its passage is necessary to perform thermal insulation.

- Fixing of bath chimney extensions carried out if it is strongly rises above the roof.
- The finished structure is mounted on top of the spark arrester, and fungus.
During the connection elements used for sealing chimneys. It is capable of withstanding the temperature conditions to +1000 degrees. The quality of the connection and the tightness of joints depends on traction force.
drawing furnace passage for fire safety increase the loft created through the ceiling-pass node. It is a galvanized steel box with an opening for the pipe. It can be purchased ready-made. The box is inserted into the prepared opening before the collection of the whole structure.
Thermal insulation in this area carried out in the following manner:
- PPU is installed in the opening. The design is placed on the bottom of the beam so that the compound was higher attic floor.

- The gap between the beams and the walls of the foam should be greater than 13 cm which is filled with mineral wool.
- Further, clearances are closed with the upper and lower sides metal plates.
Such a multilayer structure allows retain heat and to minimize the accumulation of soot on the walls. Sandwich construction is not suitable for traditional Russian baths with high humidity. It should definitely be taken into account during the construction of baths.
Thermal insulation of the chimney in the bath - a difficult and demanding job. Mistakes made during them can completely nullify the efforts to build a bath and set aside the possibility of its use.