Options for heating private houses, optimal heating options for cottage

Russian climate is such that the owners of country houses definitely need to take care of a reliable and efficient heating system, otherwise it will not even have to talk about any comfort residence. In most situations, it is carried out on the organization of an autonomous system, the ability to connect to the centralized highway outside the city limits there are extremely rare. Consider the various options for heating private houses, the benefit that their market represented a huge amount.

in a private house boiler

General rules

Experience modern builders clearly indicates that the determination of the optimum scheme must take into account a number of factors:

  • Availability of fuel in your particular region;
  • Family's financial resources, how much you are really willing to spend on heating during the cold season;
  • Climate of the area, the approximate number of sunny and cloudy days, the prevailing wind direction, average temperatures;
  • Features of the structure: Orientation, number of rooms with direct access to the windows on the sunny side, the quality of insulation.

Professionals definitely recommend that you first take care of the energy efficiency of buildings. Wall insulation with modern materials (rock wool or a panel of synthetic materials), carefully embedding joints, sealing cracks - all of which help reduce heat loss. Such a pre-treatment of the building ensures that the effectiveness of the selected heating circuit will increase several times without any extra investments, the object will be able to maintain the internal temperature regardless of what's going on street.

Variant heating circuit

heating scheme

The most accessible fuel in Russia - the gas, and therefore it is a heating option is most often used. If there is a possibility of connecting the house to the highway, then other options can not be considered. However, even if the pipeline is not nearby, but there are means for the equipment of its own gas tank, it is necessary to dwell on this method. If we combine the advantages of the gas heating system, the list looks as follows:

  • Minimum maintenance costs, low fuel cost cubic meter.
  • No harmful exhaust gas combustion process does not cause the emission of harmful combustion products and elements, thereby keeping the ideal environmental conditions at the site, exclude the possibility of water pollution and soil.
  • Compactness. Even a small gas boiler is characterized by a sufficient power to heat the two-storey cottage.
  • Security. Despite the rather "explosive" gas reputation, modern heating system based on it maximum security, since all operating parameters are controlled by numerous sensors and mechanisms. Of course, for greater certainty in this, it is necessary to entrust the installation team of professionals.

Among the few drawbacks of the heating for private homes can distinguish the high cost of installation (however, the initial investment fully repaid during operation), as well as the need to obtain numerous permits to control bodies.

classic oven

Unfortunately, in some regions of the gas fuel is not easily. In this case, you can go the traditional way - to buy a classic stove. Please note that these devices will help not only for heating homes, but also in cooking. Other their benefits are as follows:

  • Minimum cost that applies to the construction and operation;
  • Raising the overall level of home comfort;
  • The original addition to the interior design.

Disadvantages, however, such a solution is also quite a lot. It is necessary to carry and quite difficult operational processes (the need to heat and regularly cleaned periodically chimneys), and an increased risk of fire, and the awkwardness, the furnace is unlikely to build in a small building area.

solid fuel

Classical solid-fuel stove

Solid fuel heating boilers for home use require coal and wood burning which contributes to heating the coolant (water) to the desired temperature. Subsequently, the coolant flows into the pipe system and radiators.

The most sophisticated modifications of these devices are gas-generating model, but, however, show a good performance and classic counterparts. Using the devices can be safely and effectively, but, as is the case with furnaces suggests the need to regularly download new fuel portions cleaning chamber from ash and other products combustion.

System for liquid fuel

In most cases, this scheme assumes the use of conventional diesel fuel, however, some models of boilers operate by burning kerosene. Before you buy such equipment, you should pay attention to some of its features:

  • The liquid fuel can be costly enough, depending on the region that does not cheap exploitation;
  • Necessary amounts of fuel is difficult to deliver, it will also have to think about how to arrange a special tank or to equip a separate room for storing in cans;
  • Diesel boiler - not the best choice in terms of environmental safety, the amount of harmful atmospheric emissions are significant;
  • To ensure safe use, should be entrusted to the installation team of professionals, as well as take care of the installation of additional protective automatics.

However, such a boiler is characterized by high efficiency, and therefore satisfy even the needs of large cottage. In practice it has been found that the capacity of 10 kW in the model is able to cope with heating area of ​​100 squares even if not the best insulation.


electric fire

Electric boilers differ versatility and functionality, and are suitable for use as the main source of energy and as a reserve. However, experts believe that the backup function - the best option, because the cost of electricity is high enough. Among the advantages of the solution is necessary to emphasize the following:

  • Safety and environmental friendliness, there is no need to equip a separate room under the boiler room, it is suggested the possibility of placing the boiler directly into the living room;
  • Compactness and minimum weight;
  • Easy installation, no need for special permission, you just have to make sure that the home wiring to cope with the increased workload;
  • Easy and absolutely safe operation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the electric boilers are very different from each other on price. Should choose depending on your personal requirements. Expensive model does not necessarily stronger budgetary counterpart, in most cases, the difference determines the operational convenience, including the availability of a variety of automated functions, automatic maintenance of the selected hosts temperature.

alternative techniques

Solar heating of the house

There is also two alternative Heating country house options:

  • Solar collector. Special panel accumulating heat of the sun, which uses it for further heating the coolant. The system is very dependent on weather conditions, they are most effective in areas where the number of sunny days, the most high. The cost of the panels is high, but it is worth remembering that they do not involve any costs during the operation, which fully compensates for the initial investment. Strongly recommended to entrust the installation of qualified professionals, as well as take care of the pre-improving building insulation.
  • Geothermal heat, use of hot underground sources of water which rises to the pipes by means of the heat pump. This scheme can be implemented not in all regions is quite a lot of money, but pays off in the course of operation. Firstly, the underground heat is not worth any money, that is, the owners are not spent on the operation of the system. Secondly, with proper installation, the system is not exposed to stress, it can be, in fact, forever.