Leaking heating system - is not uncommon, moreover it happens in most cases, unexpectedly, with the exception of test equipment starts at the beginning of the heating season. What was the cause of the leak is not always possible to reliably determine, but it is not always important, as the foreground in such situations - the restoration of tightness of the heating circuit. As a rule, a thorough overhaul lay in the warm season, and when it detects a leak choose what to cover a leak in the heating pipe temporarily.

Factors characterizing the depressurization system
The heating system consists of the following elements:
- heating boilers;
- pipeline;
- radiators;
- Control and measuring equipment and valves.
All these elements are mounted in the heating circuit, the tightness of which depends on the integrity of the constituent elements and their compounds.
Selection method for reducing heating system integrity depends on the following factors:
- availability of the fault location;
- leak status (fistula, loss of tightness of threaded connections, etc.);
- manufacturing material of the damaged item;
- Having the ability to turn off the system.
From the combination of the above circumstances and the method is selected as the most efficient seal the leak in the heating pipe in the existing situation.
Preparatory work
When spot repairs of the heating system is first necessary to establish a specific place leakage of coolant. If the pipeline is laid covertly (wall, floor), lined with decorative elements or is equipped with thermal insulation, the problem is complicated.
Important! In a situation where the leaked pipe or joint, rendered monolithic by a wall, it is advisable to consider the possibility of mounting new pipeline section, since spoil flat finish for repairing a pipe with a high degree of wear has sense.
At the emergency site prospective contour demountable decorative finish and insulation, sought leakage place, after which the estimated character and extent of damage, as well as its availability of repair.
Spot repair the heating system can be of three types:
- Mechanical - using the crimping and tightening devices, electric welding or other means that are not based on the application of the sealing solutions;
- chemical - using different kinds of compositions for sealing, hardening due to chemical reactions or drying;
- Combined - sealing contour with a combination of mechanical and chemical methods.
If you select a mechanical method of production of repair, and the damage is not significant (or needle-fistula drip leaks), the heating system before starting work on the elimination of leaks can be left in operation mode. If the damage is more serious, the heating system must be disabled:
- Autonomous boiler is switched off, the coolant is drained;
- in a central heating system it is necessary to block the valve and the total riser hang it on a warning sign, and then also to drain the water from the system.
The technology of processing the base before sealing the circuit depends on the material of the pipeline execution, status leakage and the type of repair, but, in any case, the end result is largely due to the quality of training surface.
How to perform repairs with reference to the site of the leak
In most cases, eliminate the leakage of the heating system possible on their own, without the involvement of professionals. For this we consider ways of producing spot repair circuit at the most common injuries.
Removal of the fistula at the forward portion of the steel pipe by mechanical means
On the horizontal or vertical section of a single steel pipe due to a number of factors (wear, corrosion defect material) is often leak, which can be removed independently and without significant costs.
If the steel pipe 50 mm in diameter with a fistula jet cross section approximately in a match, then it can even be eliminated without any special preparation of the base, but the pipe wall thickness must be at least 3 mm. Around the damaged place was purified from rust and scale grinder or a file, and then screwed into the drill hole self-drilling screw with a rubber sealing washer. The screw length is chosen with the expectation that it is leaving the holes inside the pipe appeared minimal and in any case not rested on the opposite wall.

Important! When using an electric heat medium in the pipe should not be under pressure to the jet of water does not hit the tool and not the cause of electric shock or damage to the drill. For security, use a drill with a built-in battery 12 V, wrapped in a plastic bag with a slot for a cartridge.
About how to seal the hole in the heating pipe of 50 mm in diameter and with a greater cross section of the fistula, also better know in advance, since the consequences of such a heat conductor from damage more serious and the probability of the accident did not below.
Fistula hole drill bit is run with larger diameter calculation, then to cut it in the bolt thread. The wall thickness should also be sufficient for threading. The table shows the drill and matching threads (taps).
The diameters of the holes for metric thread with normal pitch
rated diameter thread (mm) |
The diameter of the drill to the product, made of: |
brass, steel | iron, bronze | |
3,0 | 2,5 | 2,5 |
3,5 | 2,9 | 2,9 |
4,0 | 3,3 | 3,3 |
5,0 | 4,2 | 4,1 |
6,0 | 5,0 | 4,9 |
7,0 | 6,0 | 5,9 |
8,0 | 6,7 | 6,6 |
9,0 | 7,7 | 7,7 |
10,0 | 8,4 | 8,3 |
After threading the bolt is screwed into the hole with a washer and a gasket of rubber. Bolt length is selected depending on the wall thickness - item after screwing should not overlap or abut the lumen of the tube to the opposite wall.
Eliminate leakage of heating the steel pipe as possible and without the thread elements - by means of caulking and welding. Reams the hole to the nearest largest diameter, whereafter the nail hammered steel machined cone (PCR) of appropriate size. Remaining outside of the chop grinds grinder to such an extent that the remaining small serving hat, which then scald electric welding. Such a method for eliminating leakage is reliable and durable, but it should be remembered that, for welding galvanized pipes need to apply electrodes with rutile and tube wall thickness must be sufficient (3mm).

A single hole in the wall of the steel pipe can be drown out also by means of a narrow crimp clamp.

Such a collar can be produced and independently from the steel strip, but commercially available large range of these devices, which are far superior aesthetics. Clamp selected by the pipe diameter, and if the package includes no gasket, such a sealing strip of rubber or cut paronita at least 3 mm thick. The device is worn on the pipe, the gasket is aligned with the fistula, and a collar is crimped to the correct torque. This method of removing leakage applicable to pipelines of copper or polymeric materials.

In a situation where a small area formed multiple fistulas, use of the above methods can not repair - pipe section is weakened, and repairing leaks alone is not effective, and even the destruction of the whole fragment is fraught circuit. On oblong damage (crack) clamp too narrow as chop is not installed.
If there is currently no way to replace the entire disaster area, you can restore integrity heating pipe used holder - wide collars, whose actions are the same principle as that of the narrow adaptations.

Repair of the pipeline on a straight or turn to chemical and combined methods
To eliminate leakage heating pipe produced various kinds of thermostable one- and two-component sealants used as steel, and so on polymeric tubes. The most widely used high-temperature silicone based compositions characterized by a high degree of adhesion, ductility and ability to withstand temperatures up to 350 degrees. These sealing mixture are different from other types of silicone adhesives or reddish brown tint.

Each of these compounds has its own instructions for use on the container and providing for use in the sealing of joints and couplings. But, if we apply the reinforcement, they can be used in the plane, i.e., on the surface of the pipeline as steel and polymer.
Before starting work the heating system coolant is drained and the area around the lesion cleaned from paint, degreased and dried.
Important! Adhesion of silicone sealants to smooth surfaces harder than rough, so the process tube abrasives repaired portion does not follow.
Reinforcement silicone sealing coat is made to increase the tensile strength envelope and its resistance to mechanical damage. The use as reinforcement serpyanku - masking tape fiberglass.

On the prepared surface of the heating pipe sealant is applied in a continuous layer 2-3 mm thick, on top of which is screwed serpyanka - turns butt. Over the first layer of mesh layer of sealant is applied again, and then again serpyanka, but with an overlap of turns on each other is 5 mm. In total, the mesh layers with layers of silicone should be 4 or 5. It is necessary to fit the coils to preload without folds with voids, like bandaging - ribbons with turns around the axis at the end of each layer to return in the reverse direction. Such a bandaging should capture pipeline sections 10-20 cm in both directions from damage. The last layer on the tube is made of a sealant which is smoothed by hand, soapy water. End serpyanku temporarily attached to a pipe of nylon clamp away from the repair area - after curing composition it is cut flush with the surface of the sealant.
Depending on the type of adhesive and the total thickness of the sealant layer, curing which occurs by contacting the composition with moisture in the air, it requires several hours to days.
By the same technique using the reinforcement of serpyanku produce repair of the heating system via heat-resistant rubber sealants - are also strong, but elasticity was successfully used both in everyday life and in the production.
It should be understood that commercially available silicone rubber and sealants for use in automotive engines. If the performance of such compositions meet the requirements of the heating system, the automotive sealant, intended for use in the repair of an internal combustion engine with a heat conductor sealing in everyday life to cope especially.
To eliminate the leak pipe domestic heating systems often use ready-made repair kits, which include all that is necessary for sealing. Examples of such agents can serve as a repair kit Siloplast, stocked even with protective rubber gloves. The main element of elimination of a leak in the set is a ribbon impregnated with, which in contact with water (Wetting during installation) hardens and forms a strong hermetic shell tube, which further does caulk not necessary.

Dosing Siloplasta described in detail on the package and on the observance of the technology, as well as the quality of preparation of the base depends on the success of repair. Repair kit can be used not only direct but also on the curved sections of the pipe, and the top of threaded joints, sealing material which loses its properties.
The material is produced for the various spheres of production, so when you purchase you must choose the necessary kind of repair kit, one of them - Siloplast "Home."

special two-component composition used to restore the heating system for leaks under the name "cold welding" - a mixture of epoxy resins with the addition of a metal filler and additives, are responsible for the specific characteristics of the glue in certain conditions.

The resin composition provides the ductility of the material after curing and the metal component increases strength and hardness of the binder. Cold welding is performed in the liquid and a plastic form. Technical characteristics, including operating temperature and method of application are indicated on the packaging. It remains only to choose the right type of sealant, appropriate operating conditions and material manufacturing thermal circuit.

If the heating pipe leaks are not significant, the question of how to cover the contour on a straight section or junction threaded connection, can be solved and improvised means, such as via "Minute" glue or identical in action. For this the repaired surface or a crack must be cleaned from paint, degreased and dried. Then the prepared area serpyanku butt wrapped layer and rubbed into the grid cell usual baking soda (tentative first coil secured to the glue dot tube). Then the pipe is applied a layer of mesh More turns already formed overlap, and again filled with soda cell. After laying of the third layer with soda serpyanku last round nylon tape fixed clamp, and coupling the resulting glue is applied from a tube, since the fault location. Clay instantly absorbed by the soda and reacts with it, as quickly hardens to form a solid shell. It is necessary to apply adhesive over the entire surface of the winding, alternately extruded tubes as emptying, the number of tubes depends on the area of the repaired portion.
If damage to the pipe - a crack, then it just stuffed soda and drip glue on top, sealing the damage instantly. On top of the shroud cracked applied serpyanku manner described above.
The method is applicable for the repair of both steel and plastic pipes.

There is another way to plug the leakage of coolant in direct or oval section steel heating pipeline, and also over the threaded connections - via shroud lining made of reinforced cement mortar. For this purpose, the system was depressurized to prevent water from seeping from the injury site, and the repair area is cleaned of paint and rust. Then cement grade 400 or 500 prepared aqueous solution the consistency of sour cream and problem area layers conduit bandage strip of canvas fabric well passes through a liquid (may be an ordinary medical or serpyanku bandage). Bandaging produce obmazyvaniem each layer with cement mortar. On the tube must be formed as a result of coupling with a wall thickness of at least 2 cm, which was covered with the last layer of the same solution.

Efficiency of the process can be increased, if water is not used for mixing cement and PVA glue, but its kind is not pasty, and emulsion. Also, instead of cement can be used for surface waterproofing cement based
Ceresit CR 65, specifically designed for waterproof coating device.
Important! Use for sealing a pipeline heating band cement a temporary measure, as the cement is not ductile and poorly resists efforts at break that will affect it when thermal expansion pipe, so over time from the occurrence of microcracks in the repair shell not save even reinforcement serpyanku.
Eliminating leaks in places of threaded connections
If the heat transfer fluid flows at the junction sections of pipes, executed a threaded manner, or in a place of connection to the radiator heating, valving, the best effect will be dismantling the threaded joint for diagnostic reasons depressurization. This refers to the situation where not used fittings designed for alignment during installation of the heating system - control with a seal. Dismantling of a threaded connection, which is produced after the descent of the coolant system, will cause leakage - wear thread sealant or loss of their qualities.
In the first case, the thread profile refresh passage through it chaser (ram) 2-3 additional threaded turns. If the thread is significantly destroyed, it will perform a new fragment insert pipe by welding or threaded connection again (spigot).
When satisfactory thread state are replacing the sealing material. For this thread is cleaned of residues of the old gasket and put on her new one. For reliability of the seal is recommended to use a combination of fiber seal (linen strand) and one type of thread sealant, including anaerobic, designed for independent using.

Simplify this procedure is possible, using a special universal sealing thread impregnated. Material filament can be natural or synthetic, impregnation - usually silicone. Attractive this thread ease of use, versatility and affordable price that allows you to perform the repairs yourself, and without significant cost.

As a threaded joint sealant is widely used FUM Feed - synthetic material, thanks to the content of fluorine resistant to high temperatures and chemicals.
FUM tape is made of three kinds:
- FUM-1 - with lubrication petrolatum for use in industrial piping, including aggressive media;
- FUM-2 - does not contain a lubricant suitable for environments with oxidants;
- FUM-3 - for pipelines with non-corrosive environment.
All three types of FCMs ribbons suitable for use in domestic heating systems and are effective when properly applied to the thread.

In cases where the intensity of the leakage is not significant, the dismantling of the threaded connection can be postponed until the end of the heating season, and connections for leaks restore overlay atop shroud reinforced joint using one of the above-described sealing compositions - silicone rubber, Cold welding.
Eliminating leakage of the heating system, you should objectively evaluate the efficacy and potential durability produced repair. Most of the tools offered by manufacturers to eliminate leaks, are calculated on the temporary elimination emergency before taking drastic measures, including production system overhaul heating. Therefore, troubleshoot the causes of leakage and choosing what to cover damage, you should consult with professionals, not relying only on in-store marketing consultation, sometimes granted to employees with no experience of repair and construction activity. This will provide an objective assessment of the situation and to plan maintenance activities at the end of the heating season to avoid the deterioration of the situation in the cold season.