In residential buildings, the old stock, both in the private sector and in apartment buildings, are now actively working on the conversion of heating systems. Physically and mentally worn out heating equipment (steel and cast iron radiators, pipes, valves and fittings) is changed to the new heating system. In place of the obsolete devices come better heating units, for example, bimetallic heating radiators, having improved characteristics. Steel pipes - material familiar and enduring was still popular when mounting the heating circuits, but the replacement of worn-out steel pipelines are increasingly made of new materials, in particular of polypropylene - polymer widely used in the production of pipe products.

Despite the fact that the pipes of the polymers used in the construction is not the first dozen years, many home owners, Operators still steel pipes and planning the modernization of the heating circuit, there are questions about the technology upcoming installation - how is the wiring lines made of polypropylene in the home, it looks like the connection radiator heating system a polypropylene reinforced pipes? To partially answer them, let us consider in more detail how the connection is made polypropylene tube materials for heating radiators.
Place radiators in the heating system
Using radiators home heating plays an important role today. Most of the residential properties, especially apartments in multi-storey buildings, because of the design factors that can not be equipped with underfloor heating, requiring a substantial thickness of interfloor slabs. Therefore, most of the work relating to heating the internal living spaces perform wall radiators, often called batteries.
Radiators transfer thermal energy from the coolant surrounding space. The intensity of heat transfer depends on the coolant temperature, the thermal conductivity of the heat sink material and producing heat transfer area. The design of modern models of radiators has a number of technical improvements that allow them to perform the connection to the heating circuits of virtually any routing scheme.
On a note: iron in old sample batteries were only connections for inlet and outlet of coolant, Modern same model additionally equipped with a built-in air vent - to eliminate air traffic jams.
New battery design dramatically easier operation of the heating system and increase its efficiency - in the presence of air pockets in the heating devices is enough to open the drain valve and bleed air.

Thanks to modern models of radiators made possible to select the optimum wiring diagram, installing heaters maximize efficiently and effectively. But the performance and durability of the water heating circuit depends on the quality of performance strapping - the conditions for using the polypropylene pipes, despite the many advantages of this material.
Important! Connecting polypropylene tubes to a metal standpipe is made by means of special adapters, one end of which - a metal fitting, and the second - the polypropylene polymer tube is connected by hot welding. Incision in the heating radiator circuit polypropylene tubes, it is necessary to use connecting fittings, adapters and couplings made from the same material.
Polypropylene tubes have high thermal expansion coefficient, therefore it is necessary to leave gaps between the ends of the installation of the heating circuit pipe and the wall sections to the linear extension of the exposed hot coolant tube does not span ends rested on the wall and deformed. It should be borne in mind that the longer span of the pipeline, the greater value on it lengthens.
Reinforcement of polypropylene pipes with aluminum or fiberglass linear expansion reduces but does not completely solve the problem, so at considerable length sections is necessary to provide U-shaped or, if the placement spiral compensators.
What might be binding polypropylene tubes
Schemes strapping water heating system there is a plurality of radiators. Of the existing methods consumer always selects the one in existing conditions requires a minimum flow of material at the maximum efficiency radiator arrangement.

In fact, the situation is that, in contrast to the expensive metal pipes, polypropylene consumables are much cheaper and easier to installSo save on the length of the pipeline at the expense of efficiency is not necessary. Choosing the type of binding to be that in a particular case will be most effective.
The choice of strapping is to decide on the following matters:
- which heating circuit will be used (one-pipe or two-pipe);
- what type of connection will be applied radiators (diagonal side or bottom).
Typically, when using any heating scheme - one-pipe or two-pipe can be used to use all types of batteries connected.

On a note: According to experts, laying the pipeline is necessary to conduct a minimum number of bends - straight sections of pipe are more resistant to the hydrodynamic loads and the formation of air pockets.
Heating systems using polypropylene tubes, depending on the circuit, is performed in compliance with certain rules.
For one-pipe system:
- in such a system typically uses a serial connection of radiators;
- before the battery is always installed a bypass connecting the supply pipe and return flow - Bypass is not activated during normal operation of the heating system, and in carrying out maintenance or in an emergency water supply to the radiator stops and the coolant circulates freely through Bypass.

For two-pipe system:
- It is used as a parallel or serial connection of the battery;
- radiator tubes are connected to various pipes - to an upper feed pipe, a lower return pipe.
Usually in two-pipe systems it runs parallel connection of radiators, so the installation does not require bypass.

Tying radiators polypropylene tubes in two ways: by using soldering fittings. Depending on the selected method, the connection of batteries by using a soldering iron or a special key for an American plumbing.
Good article, What better two-pipe or one-pipe system?
Stages connecting radiators
Inserting the batteries in the house with their subsequent connection is required, depending on the project, a number of auxiliary fittings and accessories. Thus valves if it is not installed on the thread, and the soldering must also be made of polypropylene. For ease of use ball valves are available today in any modification, both straight and angular.
For reference: You can use brass fixtures, but it is more expensive, and eventually place the docking brass with propylene can lose bond strength.
To perform high-quality connection, the following tools and supplies: seals, a set of keys, screw paste, mounting tape, yarn for the manufacture of thread.

Tying in the following sequence:
in radiators vkruchivatsya connecting fittings of the "Multiflex" - couplings equipped with coupling nuts;
polypropylene tubes via mounting brackets mounted on the wall of the pre-formed markings with a permissible gap between the manifold and the wall of 20-30 mm;
when a hidden installation (with stacking in Stroebe) displayed on the tube surface only at the locations of connection to radiators;

radiators fixed to the wall with the help of standard brackets or universal pins;
via so-called soldering iron (optimum power is 800 W, the operating temperature of 2700C) the connection is mounted on the wall of a pipeline with fixed radiators, not forgetting about the installation, if provided by the project, the stem of thermostatic regulators.
For reference: heating circuit pipe must have a corresponding draft gradient, but in the absence of pre-stressed areas that will eventually become the weak link of the heating circuit and can be destroyed by pressure coolant.
To view the installation of the radiator was more graphic, we offer you to watch this video.
Working with polypropylene pipes is not particularly difficult. But the installation of any heating system definitely performed on projects carried out by a licensed design organization, and therefore includes the equipment layout and thermal calculations.
Use of polypropylene pipes in the heating circuit allows at any time to carry out re-installation of the radiator in the home, without the use of complex equipment.
Careful arrangement of valves provide efficient management of flows of coolant through the radiators.

To ensure the durability of the heating pipe during installation, follow these instructions:
- when mounting a heating circuit of polymer pipes is not permissible to use hot docking fragments of different polymers;
- large spans with a small pipe support brackets sag setting step;
- compound with polypropylene pipes must withstand the temperature and duration of heating abutting fragments - overheating leads to the deterioration of soldering and reduction in the internal lumen pipe.
Proper piping and strength of the compounds are basic conditions for the durability and quality of the heating system piping. In addition, you should not skimp on installing shut-off valves before each radiator - in case of failure of the system automation or leakage due time they will help to block the flow of coolant in the system and to avoid a large-scale flooding.