Wall insulation rolled insulation is most often used in cases where the wall surface is considerable, and there are extended straight spans. In this case it is possible to achieve significant savings on the cost of winning the materials and performance compared to heaters in the form of plates or mats. The rolls are supplied for insulating a variety of materials, from wool to the pressed cork. Each of them has its own advantages in specific circumstances. Installation of insulation rolled joint is not difficult and does not require highly skilled workers or expensive equipment.
The main types of
Experts identify the following features and variety of insulation, supplied in rolls.
The material heaters are divided into several varieties:
- mineral (basalt, Glass or slag wool). Usually used for the exterior walls.
- Polymer - based foam plastics. Used for thermal insulation inside and outside walls.
- Cork - of pressed cork. Roll insulation cork for interior walls is secured under the wallpaper.
Mineral and polymeric roll insulation can paste on one side with aluminum foil to reduce the thermal conductivity and improve waterproofing. Thin foil layer reflects more than 95% of the heat radiation returning to the heat insulated room. Foil is not only well reflects the heat, but also increases the strength of the material.

Roller for insulating materials characterized by the following parameters:
- Environmentally friendly. All models on the market must comply with the requirements of building a safety during installation, operation and disposal. They should contain a small amount of harmful substances, these substances should not be released from the insulation during its storage, stacking and during use. On the package indicated method of disposal. Materials resistant to organic solvents and other active substances.
- Fire and biosecurity. Mineral insulation does not burn itself, and prevents the spread of flame. Foam materials can withstand fire a certain time. Materials prevent the occurrence of mold and repel rodents.
- Air and vapor permeability. Key Features. They show how much air or water vapor at a predetermined temperature can seep through the unit area of the material. Water vapor permeability is required in order to divert the excess moisture from the inside out through the walls and ventilation systems.
- Strength. An important characteristic of the insulation under the wallpaper. Touch, including a hard object should not result in damage to the wallpaper.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of web material are:
- Versatility. Suitable for thermal insulation of all surfaces. For complex spatial shapes, including curved, it is possible to cut out a suitable piece.
- Minimum requirements for surface preparation prior to laying.
- The gain in the price of the material and the performance of work at warming the walls of large areas, especially the straight sections.
Have rolled materials and disadvantages.
- The high labor intensity in the part during installation lathing, additional time is needed for cutting.
- Low rigidity does not allow to use them where required to withstand significant loads.
In general, the benefits offset the disadvantages, this explains the high popularity among consumers of rolled materials.
Materials harmless to health if they are proper operation and compliance with fire safety conditions.
Popular brands
The domestic market has no shortage of rolled materials. In various kinds of leaders from different manufacturers.
The German company produces excellent mineral wool insulation. They are free of formaldehyde and other harmful agents through a specially designed fiber structure do not provoke allergic reactions. However, the installation work of the manufacturer recommends in the thick gloves. Excellent muffle noise, impregnated by insects, rodents and mold.

- Dimensions 1220H6148H50 MM (15 m2).
- Thermal conductivity: 0.037 W / (m ° K).
- Density 12 kg / m3.
- Cost of 1100-1200 rubles.
The French company has launched production at local venues. A wide assortment of rolls of thickness from 20 to 150 mm, which allows to keep the heat in all weather conditions. Many models of foil that can be used in rooms and buildings with high humidity.

- Size 50 * 1220 * 5490mm.
- Packing 13,4m2, 0,67m32 mat.
- Thermal conductivity 0.04 W / (m * K).
- Density 10.5 kg / m3.
- Price from 750 rubles.
Easy to install different material long life, excellent fire properties.
For insulation of walls, a model Ursa Geo M11.

- Size 7000h1200h100 mm.
- The average density - 11 kg / m³.
- Group flammability NG.
- Thermal conductivity - 0.040 W / (m ° K).
Foamed rolled material is produced with a thickness of 3 to 20 millimeters. Excellent used under conditions of high humidity. It does not rot. Very light, easy to assemble. Foiled model resist strong gusts of wind (when properly installed). It characterized by excellent water vapor permeability.

- size of 8 mm (18 m2) Wide. 1.2m;
- weight 8 kg;
- Price 850 - 1100 rubles.
It is a good choice insulation of walls, including loggias, attics, attic. It has a low density, which makes transportation and work with it easy and convenient.
The manufacturer claims a lifetime of 30 years.
The heat insulating layer is made of polyethylene foam. Available several types penofol:
- A - foil on one side.
- B - foil on both sides.
- C - on the one hand a foil, on the other a layer of adhesive to facilitate assembly.
It produced a thickness of 2 to 40 mm, the foil thickness - 30 micrometers. It does not emit any harmful substances, it is recommended for warming children's rooms.

- Foamed polyethylene Penofol B 15000h1200h10 10 mm.
- Permeability: 0.001 mg / (m • h • Pa).
- Density: 35 kg / m3
- Thermal conductivity: 0.049 W / (m * K).
- Cost of 1400-1600 rubles.
What to consider when you work
Insulated with mineral roll materials can be carried out at any time of the year, it is only important to protect the material from rain.
Use of foams, mounted on the adhesive layer depends on the outside temperature. Usually limited to -10 ° C. Issued and special adhesives, effective to -20 ° C.
Prior to the beginning of warming required to spend a minimum surface preparation:
- Dismantle the pipes, wiring, lamps, decorations, plants, etc.
- Clear wall from old paint residues, debris and dust.
- Set crate for the mineral insulation.
- Align and clean the surface for gluing foam thermal insulator.
Installation requires no special equipment, from tools will need:
- Construction knife;
- stapler;
- screwdriver;
- hammer;
- double sided tape.
Installation and cutting roll insulation is more convenient to carry out together, especially for large volumes of work. Small volumes under force and one master.
Calculate the amount of insulation needed for your walls will help a consultant at the store or the manufacturer's website.
The process of warming
The sequence of operations for mounting the following mineral insulation
- Wall is attached to the prepared paroizoliruyuschaya film.
- Mounted wooden bars of the crate or metal profiles. Recommended step guide - 50 or 60 cm.
- The rolls are cut according to the selected step. Cutting should be carried out so that the insulation between the rails included tight and cracking, provide a better fit to the guide.

- Mineral wool is attached to the wall by means of disc dowels plastic cutoff in accordance with the layer thickness of 4-5 based on the square meter.
- Wind- proofing film is attached to top rails laid wadding. The joints are sealed film double-sided tape. Installation of insulation to the walls of the house.
Scheme mounting under lathing Insulation performed. You can proceed to the installation of the selected cladding - wooden or vinyl siding. For ventilation facade mounted on top of wind insulation of thin secondary lathing strips.
Scheme mounting under plaster Read on - insulation penofolom.
Mounting roll foam insulation for exterior and interior walls itself easier, but requires the best surface preparation. It will have to align more closely - so skin will not conceal irregularities, as mineral wool.
Attach foam rolls using staple gun is not recommended - staples create so-called thermal bridges, in which the cold can penetrate into the warm part of the room. The heat insulating effect of the material thus somewhat reduced.
How to fix the heater on the wall:
- Clean and smooth the surface of the wall.
- Cutting material based butt mounting.
- In areas of complex spatial shapes - close to the openings in the corners, junctions and building structures (Beams, balconies and the like), the cut pieces is better to try to remove or spreading the adhesive protective layer.
- Apply the adhesive to a heat insulator or remove the protective film from the adhesive layer.
- Paste material moving below the top.
- Smooth the surface with your hands or rule, ensuring the best fit. If air bubbles have formed the Greatest, they should be carefully pierce the center of a sharp needle, and moving from the edges of the bladder to the hole, squeeze out the air.
After half an hour adhesive sets and insulating layer will be ready for operation. When mounting the cork sheet is used specially designed stopper glue. It is applied on walls and on the plug. Before mounting your should wait for the complete drying of the adhesive in order to avoid warping.