Copper products are frequently used in the execution of the arrangement of the heating and water communications. Robust, flexible copper products are popular because of its corrosion resistance. In organizing the pipeline is often a need to bend the copper pipe: to do it right, you need to learn the basic techniques of bending.
Features of the application of copper
When it comes to the organization of the heating or plumbing system, the better the copper tube is hardly possible to think of something. This material is excellent contact with the liquid at different temperatures, so it can equally well be used as the water supply, as on heating. The special features of copper products include:
- versatility: besides the above applications isolated underfloor arrangement and ventilating system;
- copper products are used wherever fluid is used;
- resistance to decay, corrosion: the water is not subjected to reproduction of the fungus and does not bloom;
- plasticity: subject to certain temperatures, excellent brass tube susceptible to bending;
- a wide range of temperatures: the temperature of the fluid can be used within the water pipeline from -100 to +250 degrees.

If you install the product on the copper plumbing, the water from it will not have a metallic taste. This is another feature of the material, which is complemented by a pleasant decorative qualities: a pipeline of copper can be designed in retro style.
What properties pipe must have for bending
The ability for bending is determined by the physical properties of the material. Due to its ductility billet can be easily deformed, and the break in the fold, so the self-bending is to adhere to the established temperature and do gradually.

The main condition for bending - heating. Some of the copper tubes having thin walls, often can be bent without the use of a gas torch or soldering station. A large number of copper products has thick walls, however without heating is not enough. Several conditions for folding products:
- temperature - can not be heated above 1083 degrees copper: in such figures material melts, it deforms the article;
- the presence of the compensating element - as a compensator can use sand, a spring, other substances and articles;
- the gradual implementation of the procedure.
In the absence of the compensator chances of deformation increases sharply. Sand or the spring inside the product of small diameter will not allow him to take an irregular shape, or prevent the emergence of the corrugation.
The need for bending of pipes during repair work: benefits
Curved pipes are common in the implementation of installation and repair plumbing, heating systems. Masters often choose their bending method in preference to the standard welding. The need to bend the metal occurs when you need to get around a small area of ββthe wall or the floor with obstacles. To not use the fittings, not to wind the thread for connections, as well as not to leave the welds can be used flexibly.
Before you bend yourself copper pipe, to know better about the benefits of their use:
- reducing labor;
- increasing the hydro- aerodynamics characteristics of the tube passes;
- reducing the amount of additional material;
- better sealing;
- attractive appearance.

The pipeline with a curved copper devoid of risk of breakage and leakage, as is the case if, instead of bending the connecting elements used. bending place not exposed to friction, stress and other factors influence, so the chances of damage to the integrity minimized.
Bend the copper pipe at home: collection of methods
Bend the pipe made of copper can not attracting plumbers. To do this, there are proven, effective techniques. Master using metal springs, river sand, bent pipe into a spiral, and applied bender.
Using spring
The first thing to do - to find the spring. For bending copper pipes of large diameter, it is necessary to choose a solid metal spring from thick wire with frequent turns. Several features of the bend by a spring:
- metal spring inserted inside;
- better spring length to match the length of the tube;
- if the spring is shorter, it is necessary to insert the wire, so that later it was easy to remove;
- as a tool can be used for heating blowtorch or gas burner;
- heating element is substituted at the bending place, as soon as the tube changes color, it means that it can be bent.

Compensator in the form of spring will not allow the product to deform. If you need to bend the thin tube, spring pick a diameter greater than the product itself. The pipe is inserted into the spring, then procedure is repeated.
The use of sand
Bending manually, you can use river sand, it will be a good equalizer. It works best in a spacious room or on the street, because you need a lot of space. Materials useful metal tube - it will plug one end of the article. A piece of wood with the desired diameter will act as a circumference for bending. The procedure is as follows:
- Pipe on one side is plugged.
- Inside the product poured sand.
- Copper is heated by a lamp or torch.
- The product becomes plastic, so that it does not warp using a round timber and make a bend in it.

With the help of this is not difficult, but effective method, without bending tool can independently bend the copper tube.
spiral method
Self flexible spiral causes difficulties. There is no longer possible to limit the use of sand and a metal spring: the aid comes another technique. In order to bend the coil is required:
- rubber mallet;
- two pillars;
- solids, such as sand: you can also use ice in the cold season;
- a heating tool.

The cavity is filled with sand or fill with ice. It is also possible to pour water into the pre and freeze it. Then the ends are placed on a support and heated bending points. While copper becomes plastic, it formed into the desired shape using a mallet.
Bending of the pipe using bending tool
Special tool helps in situations where people's methods are powerless. Bender is a tool which fixes one end of the tube by bending it at a predetermined diameter. Deformations such work does not arise, it all goes away quickly and clearly. Benders can be made of steel, lever and electric. To bend the copper tube with hand tools do the following:
- Selected desired bending angle: the parameters indicated on the arm surface.
- Is fixed one end of the preform.
- Flexion is performed.

This method is suitable for bending thin copper pipes, so if you have to work with a large diameter, it is better to use a hydraulic bender. When large-scale and industrial applications use power tools.
Recommendations masters and possible difficulties
Faced with flexible copper for the first time, from any person in the home can be difficult. Masters are advised to stick to the rules:
- use springs for bending thin copper tubes of 6 mm foreign origin;
- if you bend the coil manually should exercise extreme care and fluidity of movement: sharp maneuvers will lead to a strong deformation of the heated product;
- if a foldable tube made of annealed copper, at its bending will take less time;
- may be re-heating of the product during the initial execution of the wrong turn;
- bending large-sized elements in the home can not be: it needs an industrial tool.
Some masters recommend to use a lubricant during bending. Newcomers such an option is not suitable, since there is a risk of heating at high temperature. In order to avoid difficulties, it is necessary to exercise extreme care and caution when handling.
Technology bending pipes made of copper is useful for self-regeneration of communications. Graceful twists and turns to prevent loss of product integrity, as well as safeguard against leaks. The use of the proposed methods will help in the short term to make a smooth and beautiful bend.