Head parts - a base element which is responsible for feeding and flow control, and water temperature due to the rotation of the valve. In mixers with one or two levers mounted brass fittings, which eventually amenable to deposit and rust, which greatly complicates the process of dismantling and repair of the failed head parts.

In such a situation, to promote a threaded joint for repair or replacement becomes almost impossible. The main mistake many homeowners is that they are not thinking taking up the key, and with a force trying to unscrew the head parts.
However, brittle brass can not withstand the pressure and crumbled. Repair can be complicated and time-delayed, or a mechanism will have to change completely.
Because be properly prepared for repair. Carrying it is first necessary to equip an appropriate tool, basic knowledge of the dismantling methods.
The main causes of faults
Kitchen mixer, as well as in the bathroom, is actively used by the household many times a day. Not all relate to it properly. For example, often twisted flywheel abrupt movements with excessive force. This leads to the bursting of the rubber pads, and after - the failure of the device.
Also, it is subject to penetration of the inside abrasive materials (sand or other solid fine particles) which are deposited on the surfaces and impede its rotation, and in the worst case lead to the destruction of the ceramic rings.

Most often broken kitchen single-lever mixers. This is due to the fact that they are under pressure with a vengeance. These actions lead to the fact that the brass part is crushed and repair such head parts will be difficult.
There are three options for solving the problem:
- Change to a new mixer;
- Replace a broken element;
- Repair the faulty part.
The least expensive - a third of these ways of eliminating breakage, but use one of them should be based on the specific situation.
required tools
To carry out the work will need the appropriate tool. It is preferably prepared in advance to reduce the reconstruction time interval, during which the house will remain without water. Advance preparation of appropriate tools will be repaired safely and without fuss.

First of all, it is necessary to have available a spare part. This is necessary, if it turns out that the old element will not turn out to be repaired. But so it will be able to quickly establish in its place a new one.
To immediately rectify faults need the following tools:
- pliers;
- adjustable or pipe wrench;
- carob or Ring spanners for faces of different sizes;
- flat, Phillips head screwdriver;
- electric drill with cutter and drill bits for metal.
Please note! Wide range of the spare parts market in China often leads to the fact that at the most inopportune moment, there is a discrepancy keys and materials from China. For this reason it is best to err, having at hand a set of keys of different sizes.
Preparatory work
Before the process of dismantling is required to block the water supply to the riser, and then find out the reason why the water drips spontaneously. Often this may be due to wear of the valve gland.

If it turns out that the head parts is still flowing, it is necessary to proceed directly to the valve disassembly procedure. On the side of the lever remove cap carefully hooking it with a knife, taking care not to damage the coating. If a solid handle, without a stub, simply unscrew it. After it is necessary to remove the plastic ring and the valve itself. To do this, unscrew the screw fixing a flat screwdriver.
Sometimes, however, the question arises: what to do if the crane arm does not rotate? In this embodiment, the inner side of reinforcement recommended grease or pour vinegar solution WD-40, which can be bought at any auto. This simple procedure will soften the hardened deposits within a few hours. After that the valve must be disassembled easily, and then can proceed to the next step.
Effective tips on how to become attached to unscrew the head parts
Disassemble the head parts can be one of several ways. This diversity allows to select the most suitable embodiment based on the specific situation:
- Chemical. Implementation is simple as the world. Detail copiously lubricated acid-containing solution (WD-40, sanitary means Cilit or vinegar), and the sample can be dismantled in a few hours. In complex situations should try to fill the chemical agent inside the problematic compound (e.g., syringe). In addition, experts recommend to try to boil completely remove the device for 20 minutes in a solution of soda - it often helps turn the stalled valve.

- Thermal. To be applied in the case where the above-described method does not bring the desired results. It is based on the fact that direct and head parts of the mixer, with which it is in contact, typically different. Accordingly, they have different degrees of expansion. Processing is performed construction phenomenon that thread carefully warmed up until the bolt does not move.
- Tapping. It usually helps when removing alloy head parts, which is leaking. Running multiple light hammer or mallet on the housing along the threaded connection. Limescale and rust should retire, and seized parts - easy to remove.
- Rocking jumper. It is used in situations where the edge jumper "lick". It is necessary to firmly grasp the jumper tong and try to swing by his wreck. It is important not to use excessive force - it is fraught with disruption and breakage of the thread details.
Become attached drilling head parts - Drilling. It is considered the most radical method; It used when others have not helped. The projecting part is cut jumper hacksaw, whereupon suitable drill drilled remaining inside the part. Instead, you can use the drill cutter. the threads then have to cut again.
Recommendations masters and possible difficulties
Plumbing equipment requires regular inspection. If head parts become attached firmly, and the problem should be solved urgently, we will have to intervene personally. This is especially true in cases where specialist services are not affordable or delayed.
The following are recommendations to follow which will help facilitate the work when it is personally fulfilling:
- If you can cut off the water in the house for a long time, it is advisable to go for the purchase of new parts only after the dismantling of the old, taking the latter as a model. Sales consultants at the store will help you choose an identical spare part or a suitable equivalent.
- Modern plumbing market offers repair kits head parts, rubber and ceramics. Plumbers say that with prolonged use of the mixer comes into disrepair entire locking mechanism. Therefore it is better to buy a new device entirely.

- Some valves are equipped with locks. They must be removed first.
- A wide range of Chinese parts requires different key sizes.
- The use of open fire is not only able to accelerate the repair, but also would jeopardize melt plastic parts of the crane. It should be borne in mind that the shiny surface of the body is also able to burn.
- Before removing the axlebox become attached crane be dismantled completely mixer and boiled in a solution with the addition of 2 tablespoons baking soda for about 20 minutes. After that, it is necessary to dry the threaded connection and try to unscrew the part.
- Before working with their hands should be familiar with the model head parts design.
Dismantling the head parts - no easy task, which is not easy to perform. However, the study design of the mechanism, the work methods of production, and following the advice of experts will help solve even the most difficult task.