Bending of profile pipes can be useful in any area related to the construction or installation of structures. After all, their main mission lies precisely in the construction of support structures.

Bend the square tube is not so difficult, but at the same time, this process requires a very sensitive approach. Every awkward step may simply compromise the integrity of the design, and then have to buy new hardware.
For bending pipes, usually using special devices called benders. But what if such a device is not, and bend the profile square tube necessary? In such situations, comes to the aid of human ingenuity and a set of garage wizard. In any case, the profile can be bent without bending tool, at home!
Especially bending square tubes
The main feature of these products is their square shape. In contrast to the classic round, they can be easily bent at any angle, spending this process less effort. All thanks to a smaller area of the bend and a slim profile.
In addition, they are easily fixed without the use of the grip. The profile can be clamped between two bars, which is enough for the less quality of fixation.
But often the problem is the high-quality flexible material of manufacture and the cross section diameter. If the material manufacturing steel, the cold bending will be small, because the steel material is very durable. There will need a burner or a heating element for bending pipes.
sectional diameter is just as important. The higher it is - the more difficult to bend the product. That is why the pipe for greenhouses or for other needs is better to choose a smaller diameter, so how to deal with such profiles will be much easier.
During improper bending process, the tube can come into disrepair. This happens for several reasons:
- A profile can jump off the clamps. This can not be tolerated. Otherwise, bending would occur in different planes, and eventually the product is not suitable for installation.
- During bending, fold formed inside the mold. On the one hand, it does not affect the final structure, only if it does not straighten the back. In this case, in place of the folds formed by the crack that has quite a serious problem.

- Strong or too sharp pressure on the airfoil portion also may harm the integrity of the structure. It can not withstand the pressure and at any moment to burst.
Important! Avoid all of the above points can only be met if the pipe bending technology!
Types of flexible pipes
At the moment there are 4 types of bending. Each of the methods designed for specific technological features of the product. Therefore, not every method can be applied to any profile.
Hot bending
The method is relevant for those who do not have the tube bender. The work on bending in a way quite laborious, but the result is not long to wait.

The bottom line is this: in the cavity of the pipe is filled with sand. Normal river sand, before starting work to be good to sift from combustible items (wood, feathers, etc.). Sand need to sleep as tight as possible. After that, both ends of the profile, you can close the wooden plugs, so that sand does not spill. Using a gas or gasoline burner space crease is heated to a temperature of 900 ° C. The main thing - to prevent overheating.
Understand the body condition of readiness for bending metal can on color - it will be red. Thereafter the pipe can be bent at any angle, using bare hands or stops (depending on the thickness and construction material).
The advantages of this method are the possibility of application in the home and low cost implementation. Disadvantages - inexperienced master can overheat the metal, from which the burst profile.
cold bending
At the moment, this is the best and most common way of working with metal surfaces. It does not require the use of fire and is completely safe for the environment.
Cold process involves the use of special equipment and its absence. There should be clear: the pipe can be bent without fire and the equipment, if the diameter will make it.
Without the equipment can not be done even fold, but at the same time, it will be enough, for example, to create a 90 degree angle. Profile is clamped in the vise, and then using the crowbar or a thick rod is bent downwards / upwards. The process is long and laborious, but the result can be achieved.
There is the possibility of bending equipment - it is better to use it. This is the most accurate and safe way. In total there are 2 kinds of such equipment:
- Stationary benders;
- Portable benders.

Their main difference is in the scale of the work performed. With the first, as a rule, bend thicker and long products. Such devices are characterized by high accuracy and capacity. Transportable same benders are more compact and consequently are designed for small pipes.
Depending on the devices modifications bend pipe can be up to 360 degrees! The result is a full circle, which can be interesting for the artists to work with metal surfaces.
Benders all share one thing - they have the pressure rollers. They placed the tube and from its pressure or the pressure inflection occurs special emphasis. human efforts are minimal. It is only necessary to follow the angle of bending.
Pipe bending radially at an angle of 90 °
If future greenhouse construction or summerhouse involves the use of crimped legs, landline bender need for high-quality work performance. Without it will not work to provide accurate slope angle without damaging the material.
Pipe bending radially applied bender with the target bending scale. Usually, it is located on the front of the unit. On this scale, and the entire workflow will run.
Bending under the angle 90 °
The pipe is laid on the fixing roller, and then clamped abutment roller. With rotation of the levers, it is necessary to bend a pipe on a scale under an angle of 90 degrees. During bending the pipe will sag in the cavity under the rollers, so there should be nothing superfluous. Once on the scale will record in 90 °, the stops can be removed and take the product.

Flexible radially
This process does not differ from bending process under an angle of 90 °. It differs only in that the scale is now necessary to achieve a different result. And while the need to change the position of the tube periodically, depending on its length.
How to make your own hands bender
In the store, such devices are fabulous money. Not everyone can afford to just go and buy them. That is why the garage master found a way out of the situation and began to make their own hands benders.
That's one of the easiest to square tube benders, which can make absolutely everyone!
Its working principle is hydraulic. It is based on the use of a conventional car jack, which can be bought at any auto shop.
You need the following constituent elements:
- a jack (preferably with a load capacity of at least 2 t);
- 4 metal pin, which will serve as a support;
- metal plate thickness of 6 mm for the base and locking elements clips - 3 units .;
- metal rollers - 2 pcs.
The main advantages lie in its design simplicity. Disadvantages - a pipe of small diameter suitable for and maximum bending angle does not exceed 180 degrees.
First, you need to assemble the structure using the welding machine. The design should be similar to an inverted stool. The finished design can insert the jack, and it is desirable to fasten the bolts to the substrate. So that during operation it does not come off.
The rollers are set to last. For them to do a lot of holes, which can adjust the angle of bending the pipe.
The end result should be such as shown below.

You must use it in the following way - the rollers are set to the desired position, the jack is lowered. Profile is pushed to the base of the jack over the rollers, so that when the jack is raised, the pipe rested on the rollers. All the preparatory phase is over. Now you can stick to. This should be done with the help of a jack. Lift to be as long as the pipe is bent to the desired position.
This device can be easily bent aluminum pipe.
Recommendations masters and typical mistakes
As in any business, from novice masters may have some difficulty, in consequence lead to errors. Below we present a number of the most common mistakes novice masters, which should be avoided everyone.
- Overheating pipe for hot bending. A very common mistake. It can be avoided by applying non-contact thermometer tracked heating temperature.
- Poor fixation in benders. Poorly recorded product can be not only bad bend, but and get an injury. Better make sure before starting work as a fixation.
- You must use only whole sections! If there is damage, it is not even worth trying to bend such rectangular tubes with your hands.
- Large profile is better to stick to professional equipment. Home products such bending will be difficult, if not impossible. Profitable advance purchase already bent square tube.