In heating systems where the heaters are used in the binding sites, and coolers, valves meets characteristic form - two-way valve. The instrument quickly and precisely adjusts the volume of feed and water intake. He claimed in the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. Now the great demand for two-way valves, equipped with electric drive, which are controlled by special sensors. This reliable and easy-to-install device on the design features and the differences which we learn later.

Application and design
Classic instrument equipment is as follows:
- thermostatic valve;
- thermostatic head with a remote sensor;
- Thermal head valve;
- restrictive sensor, taking into account the temperature;
- meter;
- a pump for circulating;
- water filter;
- return valve.
Two-way adjustment devices are used everywhere, but much depends on whether they are made of any material. Considering the design features that will make a reservation at once, that the valves are available with one or two seats. Using the second variation, it is regulated and overlap the working medium flows, and allowed substantial pressure differences, which can not cope with a valve seat. She looks like a fitting a separate item with a mechanical or electronic drive. Often, an additional source of energy is not provided, however it is mounted after first installation.
The advantages of two-way valve:
- simple design;
- easy to install;
- to work effectively requires the involvement of a person;
- repairable;
- reliable;
- a long time is;
- sealed;
- characterized by a low resistance;
- available.
Drawing attention to the design element seems that it is similar to a standard valve, but the mechanisms differ considerably. For example, the main valve closing element - rod or ball. That is, the flow restriction corresponds to the stem, which is in a horizontal or vertical position, or a ball, rotatable around its axis by 90 degrees. The device operates on a simple scheme - the open slot and liquid is transported through it. To these structural elements are operated, the valve connects the actuator that requires electricity or compressed air. The drive itself is combined with the individual devices that account for the system pressure, temperature and other characteristics.

Areas of use
As noted above, this type of control valves used in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. Separately consider the peculiarities of its use in the circuit with the "warm floor".
If the boiler is installed in the building, his task - heating water and, usually, the temperature is fairly high, suitable for radiators (from +75 to +95 degrees Celsius). For the system "warm floor", such heating is not needed, because the sanitary norms regulate the maximum 35 degrees Celsius. This figure is enough to comfortably walk on the floor. If the temperature is higher, it is not only cause inconvenience residents, but also have a negative impact on the finishing floor covering. For example, linoleum or laminate easily deformed.
"Warm floor" is installed under the screed, besides using different flooring materials. For this purpose, the coolant is heated to 50 degrees Celsius. When Heated floor directly connected to a boiler or a centralized heating system, too high temperature is obtained. To reduce it at the entrance to the circuit mount mixing valve for underfloor heating, with the already provided two-way or three-way stopcock. As the name suggests, the purpose of such reinforcement - mixing hot and cold water circulating through the circuit. That is changing the process fluid passing - radiator water temperature is hot and flows to warm the floor already mixed, having a lower temperature.

What materials are made
Now common cast iron, brass and steel products. For example, iron and steel fittings installed in piping systems with large amounts of water or steam. The valves are made of brass are often encountered in the ventilation systems. Their main advantage - compact size, the element is installed even in small spaces with limited water consumption.
It is recommended to use a steel or cast-iron control valve. Distributed steel products which are as strong as iron counterparts, but are much cheaper. Choosing the material, the pressure characteristics are taken into account in the system and the size of the fitting itself.

Types of control valves
Fittings varies according to several parameters.
Depending on the design features distinguish 2 types:
- communicating - they have the opposite arrangement of pipes;
- angled - at an angle of 90 degrees.
Notice how the method is implemented valve control.
On this parameter distinguish 3 types:
- pneumatic;
- hydraulic;
- equipped with an electric drive.
Resulting electric device serves as a low-power motor or solenoid retractors. Of course, there are products and manually operated, but they are difficult to use because it does not allow to set the exact parameters. The devices operate on the electrical network having an alternating current of 220 V or DC 24 V.
Determination of the nodes are offline, without power. Such valves is controlled and regulated by the membrane and the opposing spring s. As used tracings at which coolant moves as the feedback - the same membrane and forwards in the desired direction.
Which gives two-way valve:
- flow control, distributed and saved resources (water);
- more economical heat consumption;
- equipment and networks are protected from pressure drops;
- if the proper use of the valve, it prolongs the life of the connected equipment and the network itself.
Mounted device by flanges, or welded to the thread method. One of the types of threaded connections - tsapkovoe mount, at which the valve is screwed into the other device. When you install a welded using special nozzles.
A separate issue is the valve with a remote control, which is the most easy to use. Such instruments are supplemented by electric or consoles. That Console take all the current features of the system. Remotely decreases, increased blood pressure or certain branches overlap the heating system.

Wiring diagram
For water underfloor heating valve is usually installed in parallel. To implement it, to be used 2 or 3 heating circuit with a circulating coolant. Feed and water pressure is controlled by one or several parallel connected valves. In parallel coolant mixing kindly disconnect trunk floor heating.
As a rule, the adjusting valves adjust yourself manually, which exhibited the necessary volume of water flowing.
Important! If you have a parallel circuit, the bypass is recommended to replace the relief valve. This is done to reduce the operational load and save energy supplied to the pump.
Scheme have negative - coolant entering the circuit to be the same temperature as the water coming from the return path to the boiler. Because of this, hot water is unevenly distributed circuits.

Special features
The procedure itself is to ensure that the valve is connected to the necessary pipes. That the valve worked long and without problems, should be properly implemented connection with all the tips and tricks. If there is insufficient experience is recommended to address to experts. Otherwise the heating system will not be as efficient and economical, it should be.
Before proceeding to installation, pay attention to the two-way valve - on his body there is an external or internal thread, which is screwed and the union nut (or fitting) pipeline. For a reliable connection, experts advise to wind thread sealant, for which suitable FUM tape.
Complete fittings are special pads that provide an appropriate level of tightness. If those are not available, then they will have to buy separately, the appropriate thickness and diameter. The main task - to ensure a tight connection, with no distortions on the thread that will prevent possible leakage. It does not require special tools and devices.
Note! Two-way valves is not functioning in the most simple terms - namely, under high temperature. Because of this, the threaded connections may lose their density, so the connection procedure must be carried out responsibly.
Professional advice:
- During installation, ensure that excluded any effort in the pipeline.
- Before mounting the unit on a water pipe, the latter must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any impurities. They have a negative impact on the state of sealing materials, because of what is broken valve tightness.
- Over time, you may need to repair or dismantle the device, so you need to leave enough space around it.
- It is important to carry out a thorough installation. When using the flange connection, the corresponding recommended screws tightened alternately, so that no internal stress. When the threaded connection setup method of adjustment used, which will continue to dismantle the valve.
- If you need to blow or wash the entire pipeline system, the valve is removed, and in its place put the adapter.
Installation is a complex process and depends on the selected scheme. To avoid confusion, we recommend to order the valve installation service specialists.

Mixing valve for heating with temperature control is the main element of floor heating, which directly affects the hot and cold water flows, thereby maintaining the desired temperature. The mixing units play an important part two-way cock, which allows you to fine-tune the operation of the floor heating. It is important to choose the right valve model, considering the many features.