Can I insulate the ceiling filings today? Today, for the insulation of ceilings it offered a lot of variety of modern materials - mineral wool, foamed plastics, ecowool and many others. Against the background of the traditional insulation looks outdated and inefficient. However, if you calculate the cost of insulation per square meter, at equal thermal insulation good old sawdust, used as the insulation of the ceiling, will give high technologies hundred points. For centuries it worked out several recipes sawdust mixture and its application technique.
Sawdust as a heater
The main advantage of sawdust as compared with other materials is their low price. Many woodworking industry, not to spend money on the export of waste, sawdust given for a knockdown price, or simply wasted. If your site hewing and collect log cabin brought out of the forest - will be a lot of sawdust and its.
Furthermore, the material possess advantages such as:
- Versatility. Suitable for thermal insulation of all types of floors - wood, concrete, arched.
- Application of insulation requires no fasteners.
Long-term thermal insulation services based on sawdust tested for thousands of years.

Characteristic of traditional materials and disadvantages:
- The high thermal conductivity as compared with current insulators. Required to lay several times thicker layer.
- Absorbability. Sawdust is easy to absorb moisture, thus losing insulating properties.
- Fire hazard. Quickly ignite and burn well. It requires mandatory impregnation ogneprotektorami.
- Exposure to biougrozam. Prone to the development of mold, fungus, spread of insects and rodents. Requires appropriate biosecurity.
In general, despite the need for many additional protective measures, the material is quite competitive, if you want to insulate the roof of sawdust in a private home. The most common and inexpensive way to protect is impregnated sawdust clay and cement mortar.
Main article: warming the floor with sawdust.
The recipe and way of preparation
Over the millennia mankind application designed, tested in practice and developed a lot of thermal insulation mixture recipes.

recipe №1
This versatile opilkobeton for thermal insulation of the ceiling can be used in homes on the first floor and attic ceilings.

You need the following components in parts:
- Good dried sawdust - 10.
- Lime - 1.
- Cement - 1.
- sodium tetraborate (borax).
- Water - 5-8.
Borax (instead it can take bluestone) is used as biosecurity.
The sequence of action for the preparation solution was as follows:
- Mix lime and cement.
- The old bathtub or a large vat filled with sawdust. Using a mixer speed up the process and increase the quality of mixing.
- Pour the cement-lime mixture and stir thoroughly.
- Dilute borax rate of 3 v. l. a bucket of water.
Attention! Borax and bluestone are dangerous to health. When ingested, they lead to severe poisoning. Be sure to wear protective gloves, goggles and a respirator.
- Stirring constantly, slowly pour the solution into a cement-sawdust mixture. The consistency of the mixture should be such that a crumpled wad hand retain its shape, but not exudates.
The material is ready for stacking.
Recipe № 2
This unique composition of the bath is recommended for ceilings. It does not use a drill and bluestone. They when heated can release harmful substances. They used the most affordable components that require minimal cost.
The ingredients required are (in parts):
- The dried sawdust - 10.
- Clay - 5.
- Lime-1.
- Water - 7-15.
Prior to joining chips to survive in a dry ventilated place for six months - a year.
A solution is prepared as follows:
- Pour the clay in two parts of water. Post a completely be melted.

- Stir until a thick cream, adding water as necessary. Break or grind all lumps.
- Stirring continuously, add small portions of chips.
- Bring the mixture to a thick state. Stuck the stick should not fall. If the mixture has turned a thick enough, it should be left to dry for a day in an open container.
recipe №3
The ingredients are the same as in the previous lineup, but the clay must be replaced with the same amount of gypsum. This recipe is also used for bath ceilings.
Plaster thickens very quickly, so you need to make in small quantities and then use the solution.
How to choose the sawdust
It would seem that even such a simple matter experts are divided into several varieties of size fractions:
- shallow;
- average;
- large.
To create an insulated layer is best suited middle fraction. The fine fraction creates difficulties in the preparation of the solution and large has insufficient heat insulating properties.

It is best suited for ceiling insulation sawdust joinery production. They are obtained from the already dried wood and do not require dryness. In addition, they are less affected by rot.
If the sawdust produced by cutting the natural moisture of the forest - they have to be dried. To do this, they are laid out on a flat, dry surface in a well-ventilated area. Perfect street canopy. In dry weather, the sawdust are dried for several months, if it rains and high humidity - will have to add another week.
If possible, select a wood species best suited conifers. They have a lot of resinous substances, insect repellent.
Excellent choice for a bath - larch. This unique tree practically does not rot. To completely avoid rotting of insulation, it adds 5-10% ash and kept up to six months.
If sawdust contain debris or other foreign matter - they should be carefully sift through a project strainer.
Before you start to mix the solution, you need to make sure that you meet the following requirements:
- the average fraction;
- humidity below 10%;
- no mold.
The selection of high-quality source material guarantees a warm ceiling and \ long heater life.
How to insulate the ceiling trained sawdust
Before you apply the solution, mixed on a particular recipe, you should perform a series of preparatory work. The most important of them - is a vapor barrier. Popular options are:
- Modern semi-permeable membrane film. Stacked on the rough ceiling boards, fabric bonded to each other two-way tape.
- Asphalt or roofing material. Laid overlapping, secured with tape or mastic adhered.
- Clay-sand screed. Prepare a solution with a dense clay sand in a ratio of one to four, it is applied a thin layer on the board, and then leveled. After drying, the screed can be applied to it to insulate solution.

High-quality steam will help to avoid waterlogging and soaking the insulation layer.
Thermal insulation of the ceiling clay and sawdust
Sequence of the substrate solution on the basis of the following clays:
- Vapor barrier perform one of the methods listed above.
- Prepare a solution according to the recipe №2. Particular attention should be given to the absence of lumps before adding sawdust. If the grind and mix them fails, it is necessary to filter the solution.
- Prepared solution to cover the overlapping area evenly. The layer thickness of 10-15 cm.
- Allow to dry. The duration of the drying depends on the temperature and humidity. It is best to apply the solution in the early summer, before the period of hot and dry weather.
- If the structure is in a region with a cold climate, a second layer is applied to the insulation solution.
- After drying the insulation cover layer of waterproofing. Secure film or roofing felt to the beams.

The dried mixture is a solid porous mass. On it you can even walk.
Thermal insulation of the ceiling with a mixture based on cement
Such solutions are called opilkobeton have a higher density and are well suited for solid slab capable of withstanding their weight. The procedure is as follows:
- Vapor barrier perform one of the methods listed above.
- Prepare a solution according to the recipe №1.
- Apply a layer of 20-25 cm.
- Allow to dry.
- Apply waterproof.

Drying of compositions based on cement is many times faster than clay. It can be applied and in wet weather, and at low positive temperatures.
Sometimes the cement is replaced by lime. Fully mortar after setting has lower strength. It is used if you plan to lay floors on top of the insulation, and it will not be subjected to loads.
Recipe №3 in practice for thermal insulation of the entire ceiling is rarely used because the plaster is worth much more expensive cement, and even more so - clay. It is used for repair work to replace the small coverage areas.
to warm bath
While insulating the ceiling baths there are some nuances. Baths are characterized by:
- high humidity;
- large fluctuations in temperature.
Because of the high temperatures, especially over a steam room, a vapor barrier material subject to special requirements. Roofing felt or conventional polymeric membranes are not suitable. When heated, they can melt or release harmful substances. The clay should be used or specially designed coupler vapor sealing materials, heat-resistant, coated on one side of the foil.
Changes in temperature and humidity may also lead to cracking of the insulation layer. To avoid this, a solution of rock salt is added at the rate of 6-12 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.
Before you begin
Before you decide to insulate the ceiling in a private house with sawdust, it is reasonable to perform assessment calculations:
- what is necessary thickness of the layer in your region;
- materials as necessary;
- what is the approximate the complexity and duration of the works (including dry sawdust and dry the applied insulation layer);
- Do you have enough strength to cope with all the volume on their own or will have to attract mates;
- At what cost square meter of insulation.
Despite the low cost of the components, according to the results of calculations may be that in a particular case, for example, mineral wool would be advantageous.
Of the tools and equipment required:
- shed for drying;
- container for stirring the solution;
- shovels or construction mixer;
- Construction sieve;
- buckets for feeding the solution to the site of filling;
- trowel and generally for alignment layer;
- Stapler and double-sided tape for fixing parogidroizolyatsionnyh membranes to the walls and beams.
The work will be technologically simple, but requires participants to fitness. The ceiling in the bath is quite possible to insulate alone, for the house is better to attract a partner, or even two.