Best dog food by customer feedback

Search for your pet pet the best food by trial and error is like putting experiments on defenseless people. The dog trusts you, but can not say that it does not feel good from the food chosen. The owners also notice the problems, only when the pet has faded hair and the activity has clearly decreased. But before that you can not bring, if you immediately buy the animal a full feed. Therefore, we collected all the feedback of the owners and on the basis of them chose the safest and most balanced canned food, as well as dry mixes for adults and puppies of different breeds. But remember: there is no ideal dog food, as there is no universal food for people. Therefore, first take a small package - for testing. If the animal reacts to it normally and eats with appetite, this is your option.


  1. Dog food what company to choose
  2. Best dry food
  3. Best wet food and canned food for dogs
  4. Best feed for puppies
  5. What food for dogs to buy

Dog food which company to choose

We have compiled ratings of the best canine mixes based on reviewsowners of dogs who fed them their pets. In addition, for each product, we analyzed the composition, taking into account its balance, the content and quality of meat, as well as the price.

As a result, we will consider the following feeds:

1. The best dry food - German Wolfsblut, Czech Brit Care for large breeds and domestic Probalance.

2. The best wet food and canned food - here again the brand Brit, the inexpensive and affordable spiders Purina One, as well as the German canned Belcando.

3. Best feed for puppies - NOW Natural class holistic, hypoallergenic composition Acana Puppy &Junior and Italian mixture from Almo Nature.

In our rating there are no feeds of economy class, because they do not meet the requirements of the balance of useful substances and vitamins, and the meat in them is at best represented by waste products of food production. For full nutrition of domestic predators, mixtures of premium class and holistic are needed.

Most of the presented feeds can be found in pet stores and even supermarkets. These are the products of the following brands:

1. Royal Canin

2. Purina

3. Brit

4. Probalans

Some are hard to find on the free market, but they can be ordered from specialized online stores. As an option, contact the breeders - they will help to reach suppliers.

We are talking about the goods of foreign companies:

1. Wolfsblut

2. Belcando

3. Now Fresh

4. Acana

5. Almo Nature

The best dry food

For daily food, it's best to take dry food. It is more economical and is stored for a long time even in an open package. But here you need to carefully read the composition. In a quality mixture should contain about 50% of sources of protein( meat), but artificial flavor and aromatic additives in it are undesirable.

Wolfsblut - perfectly balanced

Excellent German food class holistic. According to the manufacturer, animals for its preparation are grown on special farms without the use of hormones. Products favorably differ in the extensive meat menu, at times very exotic. In addition to the traditional mutton, duck and rabbit, here you can find mixtures with meat of pheasant, deer, camel, ostrich, wild boar - 15 items in all. And for summer and dietary food the producer offers dry food with six kinds of fish.


  • Meat content is 25-50%, if necessary, the protein norm "gets" due to fish;
  • Average size of granules;
  • Virtually does not cause allergies;
  • Interesting and diverse tastes, which will appeal to dogs-podereds;
  • Contains a minimum of cereals or does not contain them at all;
  • Enriched with phyto-components;
  • Three "formats" of packaging - 2, 7.5 and 15 kg.


  • The content of animal fats in most products of the line reaches 18%, which can cause constipation in some dogs and certainly does not fit for sedentary and obese dogs;
  • High price with sharp jumps in currency exchange rates;
  • Mixtures containing tomato can cause allergies.

Dry food Wolfsblut frankly bad reviews do not have: the worst of the comments - neutral. In general, this is an interesting line of useful products for dogs of different breeds. After their application, the owners note a general increase in the activity of their pets, an improvement in the condition of the wool and teeth.

Brit Care Adult Large Breed - the best food for large dogs

Czech super premium food. In the line there are mixtures with chicken meat and salmon, but more interest is produced by products for allergic animals. It is made from lamb with rice.


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Lock zip-lock on the packaging to preserve the smell after printing;
  • Contains chondroprotectors for joint protection;
  • The composition includes fruits and phytocomponents;
  • A large 12 kg package is equipped with a convenient side handle.


  • Relatively high cost;
  • Zhirnovat.

Great option for dogs who have digestive problems or have a reaction to other foods. Suitable for medium, large and especially large animals over 2 years old, as well as for representatives of rocks prone to allergies( labradors, bulldogs, shar pei, etc.).

Probalance - the most inexpensive

Despite the foreign name, it is a mixture of Russian production - just a Danish brand. In the domestic market, Probalance has appeared relatively recently, so the dealer network is still failing. Premium class.


  • Dehydrated meat in the composition instead of questionable "poultry flour";
  • Affordable price for this quality;
  • Does not contain corn and soybeans - oats or flaxseeds are used as sources of carbohydrates;
  • Contains phytocomposition from herbs, chondroprotectors and prebiotics;
  • 12 vitamins instead of standard 3.


  • Difficulties with supplies;
  • Low meat content - up to 30%;
  • Includes synthetic antioxidant E321 - its use is allowed in many countries, but it is still not completely safe.

In general, Probalance honestly fulfills the requirements for premium feed. However, dog owners recommend giving their pets a smaller amount than indicated on the package. It is too high-calorie, which can cause problems with evacuation.

The best wet food and canned food for dogs

Canned food for large dogs only get in the form of goodies, as they are very expensive when compared with dry feeds. But for medium and small breeds this is an excellent solution to the issues of balanced nutrition.

Brit - the most natural

The brand has already lit up in our review, as the best among dry feeds. Her canned food also collected a lot of good reviews and not a single bad one. True, this line is already produced in Russia - at the Yelets meat processing plant. It belongs to the premium class.


  • Natural composition( only meat, by-products and fat-soluble vitamins);
  • Does not contain grain, although some products have rice;
  • The share of meat products is 80%.


  • There are reviews that lately there has been more jelly in the banks - it seems that technologists are experimenting.

A small can of 850 g is suitable for feeding medium and large dogs. Small breeds may not have time to "master" all packagings in two days, and canned food has to be thrown away. Veterinarians recommend giving Brit wet food for restoration of immunity after diseases and surgical operations.

Purina One "My Dog" - the most affordable

A fairly common kind of wet dog food that can be bought even in a supermarket. In general Purina brand produces good products of budget and medium price segment, but the quality here is not premium.


  • Availability and low price;
  • Standard composition of useful components: 6 minerals and 3 vitamins;
  • Natural vegetable garnish;
  • Convenient packaging in sealed pouch packages.


  • The label is vaguely prescribed composition;
  • Contains potential allergens such as wheat and corn;
  • Presence of flavor additives without explanation of their origin.

Purina One is suitable for small and medium dogs, but the composition can not be perfectly balanced. In the diet of the pet will have to additionally introduce vitamin complexes and natural meat.

Belcando - the meatiest

German-made canned canned cans are produced in 400 and 800 gram cans. Meat and liver are ground fairly large pieces, so that the owners can visually assess its naturalness. As a side dish, rice and vegetables are added.


  • Meat Ingredients Content 60-90%;
  • Optimum volume and convenient cover with a key;
  • Rich, rich composition of ingredients;
  • Contains calcium and phosphorus;
  • A standard set of vitamins and minerals, plus lecithin, necessary for older dogs.


  • Bold and excessively high in calories;
  • Not always combined with vitamins;
  • High cost;
  • Not at all pet stores it can be found.

The canned Belkando food is suitable for large and moving dogs, as well as animals kept on the street. Prior to the claimed super-premium, the manufacturer is a little underperformed, according to the dog breeders themselves, but the quality is generally good. But the dry mixes of the same firm did not cause rapture.

The best feed for puppies

For a growing dog organism, as for our children, balanced nutrition is especially important: with a high protein content, a powerful complex of vitamins and minerals. In this case, it should be hypoallergenic, since the immunity of a small pet is still too weak. The best option for puppies will be holistic-feed, as well as mixtures of premium-class, corresponding to their size and breed.

NOW Natural holistic New - the most useful

This feed of super-premium class Canadians made for puppies made without grain. In addition, Now Fresh tries to avoid using potentially allergenic products, replacing chicken with duck and turkey.


  • Absolutely natural - made from meat fillets, eggs, vegetables and fruits;
  • There is no beet, which is important for dogs with white hair;
  • Does not contain cereals - instead of them, the suppliers of fiber are potatoes, peas and apples;
  • Fine granules;
  • The optimum fat content is 16%.


  • Almost does not occur in free sale, although you can order it via the Internet;
  • It is dry and for some puppies it needs to be soaked;
  • Price is too high.

Excellent food for puppies with a balanced composition. Normalizes digestion thanks to lactobaths and does not cause any negative reactions.

Acana Puppy &Junior - absolutely natural

One of the most famous and expensive brands of dog food produces a line of dry mixes for puppies of small, medium and large breeds. They collect a lot of positive feedback and have already earned the favor of veterinarians. The only problem that can arise with Akana is typical for any food that just turned out to be not to your pet's taste.


  • Made of dehydrated meat;
  • Small and not too hard granules;
  • Does not cause food allergy;
  • Contains vegetables, legumes and whole bouquet of phytocomponents, from cereals - only oats;
  • Enriched with chondroitin.


  • High fat content - 19%, which can cause problems with the intestines;
  • Price is too high.

Food Acana Puppy &Junior owners buy not only for puppies, but also for adult individuals of small breeds - the composition is well balanced, and the small size of the pellets is just in the teeth of the dogs.

Almo Nature Medium Puppy - the most popular

A dry mix of Italian production is declared as a holistic product. In fact, the composition here is more victorious - rather, it is a premium.


  • Meat content 53-55%;
  • From cereals - rice, oats and barley;
  • No preservatives and flavors;
  • Available in many pet stores;
  • Not too greasy;
  • Contains fruit and herbal extracts.


  • The price is higher than it could be;
  • "Unsurprising" in the description of the composition of the manufacturer, which causes the owners to doubt the quality of the mixture.

In general, food is not bad - neither the owners of dogs, nor the puppies themselves discontent over him do not show. But the self-confident inscription holistic does not correspond to the declared qualities and, most likely, is simply a pretext to overestimate the cost of the mixture.

What food for dogs to buy

1. For daily dog ​​food, it is better to choose good but inexpensive products: canned foods Brit, Purina ONE spiders, Probalance dry food.

2. Animals with digestive problems and a tendency to allergies buy dry mixtures Brit Care, Acana.

3. For active dogs( hunting, service and fighting breeds), fatty and high-calorie mixtures of Wolfsblut, Belcando or more affordable options from Probalance are suitable.

4. Puppies for a year or two are better kept on expensive, but balanced holistic: Now Fresh or Acana Puppy. If you can not find them on sale, you can go to a mixture easier, such as Almo Nature. The same brands produce good food for decorative dogs.