For the host of a private house, the owner of the countryside residential real estate becomes particularly relevant service Autonomous heating system during the heating season. When the house is worth the special gas boiler heating issues are not triggering. Gas is fed via line permanently and can only adjust accordingly automation, controlling temperature conditions in the building. It is more difficult for that category of people who use home heating solid fuel boiler. This type of heating equipment although it provides some independence from centralized energy, but requires more attention.

The inhabitants of the house have to independently control the operation of the unit, to take direct physical participation in the process. It is not always convenient and possible. Fundamentally solve the problem enable heating solid fuel boilers long burning, which are now produced by many companies that specialize in boiler equipment. Consider what constitutes such a long burning boiler as its design features, advantages and disadvantages.
BACKGROUND appearance of this type of boiler equipment
Conventional solid fuel boilers operate on fuel that is loaded into the combustion chamber. This may be coal, wood, peat briquettes, pellets and other types of fossil fuels. Matter how often it is necessary to load fuel into the combustion chamber depends home and comfort. On average, for the solid unit made according to the classic scheme for normal operation is required 2-8 downloads per day. Well-established automation system takes care of all the basic functions. That is how the heating device itself as fuel is consumed, has been dependent on the model and on the person.
For reference: the time taken for a normal load of the solid fuel in the conventional apparatus of the embodiment 3-5 minutes. a combustion loading time averages 2-4 hours. The preparation of the furnace to load a new batch of wood or coal (ash cleaning, cleaning the combustion chamber from the large fuel fragments) takes another 5-10 minutes. Total: for the next firing the boiler requires at least 20 minutes. Do you have night time? You can find 20 minutes of your time, if you just come to the house after a long absence?

Working solid fuel boiler of this kind in the state for a long time to issue the necessary heat for heating, greatly increasing the length of time between loads. The very name of the unit indicates that the equipment is able to run smoothly for a long time. The principal difference between this type of heaters from traditional models of solid fuel boilers is in the process of combustion.
It does not always have the opportunity to throw again wood or coal into the furnace. Such a procedure causes discomfort, especially at night when the temperature outside drops rapidly. Loaded fuel can burn during the absence of hosts, which will inevitably lead to a cooling of the coolant in the circuit.
Attempts to optimize the way to load wood or coal, even the best boiler through automatic feeding, partially solve the problem. Equip near gas appliance unit mechanical coal supply means on a limited area of additional space. Noise continuously running rotor or screw malopriyaten. Needed to find a fundamental solution to the problem. The photo shows a normal boiler operating on solid fuel, equipped with a hopper for automatic coal feed.

In short, people have many reasons that would be put at home solid fuel boilers long burning. This technique minimizes the human factor, which largely depends on the efficiency of the heating system. Heating Equipment, operating according to this principle, there was a little more than 10-15 years ago. Then only began to appear the first samples of devices. Many have tried at home on their own to build a solid fuel boiler long burning his hands. The main thing to understand the principle of operation of this type of heating equipment.
Solid fuel boiler continuous burning - operating principle
The appearance on the market of boiler equipment heaters continuous burning, the situation with the organization and installation of home heating system is much simpler. Now you can put the heating powerful heating units that do not require constant fuel load. long burning Boilers, hand made, are not always able to fully meet the needs of inhabitants of the house.
Looking at the drawings of the first models, as seen today, units design changed. For an example, the drawing of a typical pyrolysis heating installation type.

Industrial products whose manufacturers have added a number of structural changes and innovations that have greater technological resources, cost-effective and more practical to use. Despite the significant technological and structural changes in the basis of this type of equipment remained unchanged principle. Fuel loaded into the combustion chamber, burning in a special way is not, as in a conventional boiler. The principle of mass fuel combustion is fundamentally different. Through the creation of certain conditions in the furnace is an exothermic reaction, other physical processes influencing the combustion intensity and the duration of burn-loaded fuel.
In modern units uses two combustion method:
- First, due to pyrolysis;
- Second, due to the upper combustion process of the fuel material.
The pyrolysis process - associated with the generation of thermal energy released during the combustion of coal, wood and other fuel materials. The basic operation of the boiler is burning wood gas generated from smoldering fuel.
In the second case, we are talking about upper combustion process. Fuel burn is not from the bottom up, as is commonly believed, but rather, from the top down. In this process, it achieved a complete burnout of the fuel material that is embedded in the furnace. The amount of generated heat of combustion resulting order of magnitude greater than that of the lower combustion apparatus.
What kinds of solid long burning devices there
Today in everyday life became particularly popular are two types of such equipment:
- Boilers operating pyrolysis method;
- units designed for top fashion boot.
Solid fuel boilers based on pyrolysis
Consider first the most common and most effective form - pyrolysis boilers. If we talk about this type of solid fuel boiler, it is a highly specialized heater. The unit is a typical heating apparatus for continuous burning wood.
Important! For the operation of this equipment, use only dry wood pellets, humidity does not exceed 20%. Otherwise, the pyrolysis process starts, the boiler will lose its main advantages and effectiveness.
Distinguishes data heaters design feature. Here we are dealing with two combustion chambers. In the first laid wood furnace where air with a limited arrival process of decay begins on the fuel material. Further, from smoldering wood is intensively pyrolysis (wood) gas that flows only in the second furnace. Here, at elevated oxygen content of heated air begins to interact with the wood gas. Thanks to the actions of units operating at the expense of pyrolysis called gas-generating heating devices.
Starting intense burning the gaseous mixture, while stressing the huge amount of thermal energy. The whole process takes a long time. The result of the boiler furnace is practically empty. Everything, including the minute particles of ash, volatile combustible compounds have time to burn in the combustion chamber. By this method the pyrolysis combustion furnaces for burning solid fuel long possess one of the highest efficiency (85%), among the entire range of solid-heating technology.
The main feature of this type of boiler equipment - the ability to use not only the obtained heat to the heating system, but also heated pyrolysis gas. Wood-fired boiler may operate as a hot-water heating and air.
On a note: Pyrolysis furnaces have two devices. Burning in the upper chamber is achieved through the injection of additional air volume, so in this case the rod is only forced.

The main advantages of this method of operation of the boiler equipment are as follows:
- fuel burns completely;
- considerable time intervals between the tabs of the fuel material;
- technical possibility of adjusting the temperature of the boiler water;
- technical possibility of burning wood of large fragments.
Drawings of the internal structure of pyrolysis boiler can accurately represent not only the design of the unit, but also to understand the working principle.
The photo shows a fragment of the upper furnace of the apparatus, where the pyrolysis takes place.

The disadvantages of this type of heating equipment should be taken rhetorical. The main argument of opponents of the pyrolysis boilers - high cost of equipment. Compared with traditional devices, such models are a third more expensive.
Unlike conventional solid devices pyrolysis heating boiler energozavisim. Forced supercharging provided by the installation of an additional fan.
reminder: Equipment such as pyrolysis fuel should be loaded completely. Otherwise, the unit will not run at full capacity. Combustion is not uniform and stable.
The most effective is considered to be a heating unit is designed for servicing the two circuits. In this case, you get a heating system and a fully independent system of hot water. A heat exchanger for hot water is made of heat resistant steel or cast iron having a coil shape.
Boilers upper combustion
A second type of heating appliances of this kind is a solid fuel continuous burning top loading. Unlike pyrolysis boilers - this kind of heating equipment has been used for more than one century. The main difference from the traditional solid fuel boilers, fuel loading principle, and basic operation of the unit. The main effect is achieved by the combustion of fuel material from the top down. In other words:
Fuel begins to burn exactly where oxygen is present. Thus, the burned layer by layer, starting with the top. One download is enough for 12-24 hours of operation of the boiler. The boiler in their work completely burns the fuel portion, waiting for the next boot. Due to the completeness of combustion of fuel maximizes heat transfer. The efficiency of some models is about 80%.
Attention! In order to avoid boiling of the boiler water in the heat exchanger, the first tab of firewood should be small. Roughly furnace is filled to ½ of its volume. After ignition, after 15-20 minutes, adding the remains of the required amount of fuel material.
A significant disadvantage of a long combustion heating devices is their high inertia. The boiler loses its power when loading the next batch of fuel. Comparing with the lower combustion boilers, top loading machines have a lower emissivity. The drawing shows a diagram of the internal structure and operation of the device.

Modern model coal-fired boiler burning very long usually fitted with a fan that pumps air into the combustion chamber. In most cases, the model produced with wood, but today it has become fashionable to drown these units peat and wood briquettes.
At the end of analysis of characteristics of your attention is invited video, which shows a long burning solid fuel boilers. Roller illustrates the principle of operation of heating equipment of this type. If the pyrolysis unit is a new technical solution, a completely different look heating technique, a top-loading machines are long burning devices the literal sense.
Model, which is the most interesting, in terms of price, quality and efficiency - a solid fuel combustion boiler top, extremely long, convenient and practical heater.
So for example: solid fuel assembly top-loading can digest 50 kg. fuels unloading unit for 31 hours. The boiler is operated at the rated load, giving a capacity of 8-10 kW.
To achieve this performance was due to the significant design features. The furnace apparatus has a cylindrical shape. The mass of air enters the combustion chamber from the top, being distributed uniformly all over the topsheet fuel bookmarks. It should be noted one technical detail: the air distributor leans on the fuel bed. As the combustion bed, the distributor is lowered, the fuel reaching the next layer.
Where the air is in contact with the fuel material, the combustion is accompanied by partial oxidation of carbon. The combustion products enter into the upper part of the furnace, then through a flue evaporate outwards.
The main design feature for the heating equipment is that the heat exchanger is the entire body of the heating unit. Boiler water circulates from top to bottom.

Both types of solid fuel boilers are boilers pyrolysis type, in different versions.
The duration of firing is determined by the size where fuel resource is located. Boilers of these modifications have high efficiency, effective in terms of fuel consumption. Sophisticated equipment is virtually absent, device design itself is stable. Your choice, you can do it yourself, given their own domestic needs. Boilers of this type are ideal for those who prefer to enjoy more warmth and comfort than Lesson physical work loaded firewood in a conventional furnace heating device Autonomous heating.