For any boiler equipment essential component of success is the availability of traction. In terms of the physical processes is a complex, non-uniform phenomenon, which is caused by the physical state of the substance. Warm heated to a certain temperature gaseous substances tend to rise upwardly, while colder substance contrary, are heavier and fall down. This principle is the basis of operation of the process heating equipment.

Solid fuel boiler, where superheated resulting from fuel combustion the carbon dioxide and volatile solids lifted up, fresh, cool air comes to their seats. Matter how strong the gas exchange of hot and cold air masses, traction depends. The draft regulator for solid fuel boilers just aims to solve the problem of intensity interchange of air mass affecting the efficiency of the heating unit. We consider in detail what a mechanical draft regulator. Find out what his direct participation in the work of heating equipment, the importance of the installation of devices for boilers.
traction control - its importance to the solid boiler equipment
Work heater with an open and a closed combustion chamber, 90% of thrust depends on the condition of the heating system. The more stable the parameters of traction, so the heater works best. Under the action of thrust in the combustion chamber burns a solid fuel better, the combustion products are easily volatilized through the chimney. In normal drawn fuel burns more intensely, heat transfer processes is improved accordingly increases boiler efficiency equipment.

Despite the fact that today most of the models of heating devices are equipped with solid fuel automation, the most efficient and effective are still mechanical devices and control adjustment. The volatility of the main lack of automation solid fuel boilers. There is no electricity in the house, I sat down the battery, the power supply of the UPS, the boiler becomes uncontrollable. The device with a mechanical actuator mounted on the boiler and configured in accordance with the specified parameters of temperature, the boiler is capable of full control of the intensity of the combustion.
The main benefits of the mechanical thermostat traction following:
- simple design and reliable operation in contrast to the automatic devices with electronics;
- non-volatile (automatic draft controller requires uninterrupted power supply);
- convenient and user friendly devices;
- low cost.
A simple design and function allows such a device to make their own hands, to install and configure. The mechanism has the scientific and technical name - thermostat for boiler. To get the best possible effect of the current of the heating unit, it is sufficient to carry out the installation of the thermostat correctly. Subsequent calibration of apparatus in accordance with the basic functions of ventilation and temperature parameters given.
Important! Installing traction control allows you to adjust operation of the entire heating system, depending on the technological and the design features of the boiler equipment, not enough to compensate for the effective work of the chimney and quality fuel.
Apparatus thermostat rods
The thermostat is a fairly simple and reliable mechanism. The approximate diagram in figure shows the draft control apparatus which elements consists of fixture design.

The main problem in the mechanism performs the temperature sensing element, which in interaction with a spring act as boiler temperature control sensor. When raising and lowering the temperature of the boiler beyond the established norm, the spring and the temperature sensing element is actuated working portion of the device. Immersion sleeve cooperates with a rod which is directly connected to the actuator.
Due to the mechanical drive operating part is connected with the traction valve opening. The current draft regulator under certain conditions closes or opens the damper by adjusting the inlet area. The simplest mechanical action acting as a regulator of the heater temperature. Damper tightly closed, the boiler goes on meager air supply mode. Damper ajar stronger the furnace enters more air, the combustion rate increases correspondingly, heating the coolant temperature increases. Everything is simple and clear.
Important! Proper installation device provides the normal movement of all the elements of simple design. Otherwise tyagoregulyator will perform jobs corresponding to the specified parameters.
Installing the controller is described in detail in the technical documentation for the boiler equipment. Guide tells how to install the device on the existing boiler and how to configure.
Installation and calibration of regulator traction with their own hands
A simple design allows the device to perform the installation of their own hands. If we consider the pot on all sides, in the projection, the front or the side surface of the machine selected for installation control. For this purpose, the product has a special hole. Mounted controller via a threaded connection. The diagram shows how to install the regulator, and as it is impossible to put a device.
Note: In this case, it may not be the median solutions. As stated in the instructions, so that the installation is performed on the traction control solid fuel boiler.
The correctness of the installation is determined by the alignment device in the vertical and horizontal position. After the controller is installed, all the rotating elements are tightened, the existing interface must be subjected to a special heat-resistant sealing composition. The lever is placed in a position that would have an opening through which will pass circuit is above the valve, in an upright position.
If the first phase of a sufficiently clear and simple, the subsequent steps require special attention, accuracy and consistency. Calibration of the controller is the most important stage of its functionality.
Step One
Setting the controller to your heating unit, you can start kindling. Bringing the boiler water temperature to 60 0C, fix the same point on the flywheel (thermostat) draft regulator. Lever at this time must be connected to a chain with a flap.
Important! The chain should be taut and does not have any mechanical noise from the outside. Damper calibration point is in the ajar state, a distance of 1-2 mm from the edge of the exhaust hole contour. In step adjustment valve position is determined by manually lengthening or shortening the chain.

Fixing the valve in position when the controller is configured at around 60 degrees, do the following steps.
Step two
Thermostat translate into a mark of 80 0C. If you installed the traction control properly and have completed all the previous steps in accordance with the instructions, when heated to a predetermined temperature of the boiler, the shutter closes automatically. In the furnace the air flow stops, respectively, will decrease the intensity of combustion of the fuel. The error in temperature measurement accuracy may reach +/- 5 0With that for ordinary, simple heaters heating systems, it is not critical.
Adjust the traction control is necessary as often as possible. Mechanical damage to the chain tight to move the flap may be an infringement of the functionality of the device.
In its precision mechanical method undeniably inferior to the accuracy of automatic control devices. However, from the point of view of expediency, no less effective for solid fuel boiler classical type such variant equipment. In addition, the automatic setting requires the participation of a specialist engineer heating engineer and special electronic devices.
Mounted sensor reacts to the boiler operation, automatically acting as a stoker. All subsequent temperature variations in the heating system are recorded control devices over the heating circuit temperature.