The fastest trains in the world

At the moment, in Europe and China, there is a process of crowding out air carriers by rail companies. To some extent this is due to the fact that the is the fastest in the world of the trains able to compete in speed with an airliner. Some modern railway cars develop speeds above 600 km / h, while some passenger aircraft accelerate in airspace to only 510 km / h( Yak-40).To achieve such high speed indicators it was possible, thanks to innovative technology of magnetic suspension of trains. Ultrafast machines manufactured using this technology are called magnets or magnetoplans.

The top 10 includes the world's fastest trains in the history of railways.


Transrapid 06 Speed ​​412 km / h

Transrapid 06 ( Germany) opens the top ten fastest trains in the world. Its predecessor Transrapid 05, created in 1979, was the world's first magnetoplane. Transrapid 06 is a two-level maglev, capable of gaining a maximum speed of 412 km / h. The record was put in January 1988.


Aerotrain I80HV Speed ​​430 km / h

Aerotrain I80HV ( France) takes the ninth place in the top of the fastest trains in the world. The uniqueness of this experimental model was that the engineers used not electric motors to launch the machine, but a jet engine similar to what is installed on airplanes. The experimental Aerotrain project was developed from 1965 to 1977 by engineer Jean Bertin. The maximum speed this train showed was 430 km / h. The tests took place on March 5, 1974.For 15 years this world record could not be beaten by any railroad car. But then there was a series of trains TGV, which surpassed the legendary Aerotrain I80HV in speed. Currently, the project has only one restored retro model Aerotrain 02, which is located in Paris. The remaining prototypes were destroyed during a violent fire.


MLU002N Speed ​​431 km / h

MLU 002 N ( Japan) - high-speed maglev, one of the fastest trains in the world. It was developed in 1994 as a test model. During the tests MLU002N gained a speed of 431 km / h, thanks to which I got on our list. The uniqueness of the magnetoplanes is that even at the maximum speed they can stop abruptly in the required place.


Shinkansen Speed ​​442.5 km / h

Shinkansen ( Japan) is the seventh in the list of the fastest trains. As a result of tests the super-express was accelerated to 442.5 km / h. It was built for high-speed transportation of passengers. Sinkasen in Japan go by special high-speed tracks, which are separable from other trains, and have their own platforms. The sinkasen system is the main transport artery of Japan. The average speed of the magnetoplanes in this series is 320 km / h. Shinkansen is also considered the safest high-speed train in the world: in half a century there have been no recorded fatalities or serious injuries.


Transrapid 07 Speed ​​450 km / h

Transrapid 07 ( Germany) - one of the fastest trains in the world, a follower of Transrapid 06. It was created to transport passengers from Berlin to Hamburg. But due to insufficient funding, the project had to be rolled back. During testing, conducted in 1993, Transrapid gained speed to 450 km / h, thereby becoming history as one of the fastest magnetoplanes.


Harmony-380A Speed ​​486.1 km / h

"Harmony-380A" , or CRH380A( China) takes the fifth line of the rating of the fastest trains in the world. The record was put during the test pass of the "Hase-380A" composition on the section between the cities of Zaozhuang and Bengpu on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail in 2010.During the tests, he crossed a 220 km section at a speed of 486.1 km / h. And this is already quite at the level of the new regional AN-140 airplane. The PRC government is actively investing in the development of high-speed railways throughout the 21st century.


Transrapid08 Speed ​​500 km / h

Transrapid 08 ( China) or Shanghai Maglev is one of the fastest trains in the world. The limiting speed, developed by the magnetoplane, is 500 km / h. Transrapid 08 runs every day for 14 hours on the highway and can carry up to 440 passengers per trip. On the average( at the end of 2007), 7,500 passengers were delivered each day. The average speed of the railway superfast transport is 300 km / h.


ML-500R Speed ​​517 km / h

ML -500 R ( Japan) opens the top three high-speed trains in the world with an absolute speed of 517 km / h. The magnetoplane was never used as a public transport. This is one of the first prototypes created by the Japanese for testing purposes and served as an example for creating other fast trains on magnetic suspension.


TGVEst V150 Speed ​​574.8 km / h

TGV Est V 150 ( France) takes the second place in the rating of the fastest trains in the world. During the experiment on April 3, 2007, the speed record for a rail car with traditional wheels was 574.8 km / h. The electric train was formed from two head motor cars from TGV POS No. 4402, which was modernized, and three intermediate wagons from TGV Duplex. Motor cars were equipped with more powerful traction motors, because of which the output power of the electric train increased from 9.3 MW to 19.6 MW, the wheels were replaced with new ones with the largest diameter( 1020 mm instead of 920 mm), and to reduce air resistancethe intervals between the wagons were closed. Also, the voltage in the contact network was raised from 25 kV to 31 kV, and more than 600 different sensors were placed on the composition. In the beginning of 2007, on the line experienced trips were conducted, during which an unofficial record of 554.3 km / h was set on February 13, and on April 3, with a large number of journalists and correspondents, the train was dispersed to a speed of 574.8 km / h, thus officiallysetting a new world speed record for rail trains. The manager of the TGV Est V150 engineer Erik Piezak said after the tests that he was allowed to accelerate the car to a speed not exceeding 575 km / h.


MLX 01 Speed ​​603 km / h

MLX 01 ( Japan) - the fastest train in the world, the absolute record of which is equal to 603 km / h. At the heart of the high-speed machine is the technology of magnetic suspension. Previous trains of the same series for half a century were a symbol of reliability and speed. In 2003, a train from this series could accelerate to 581 km / h with passengers on board, and in April 2015 an absolute world record of 603 km / h was set. MLX 01 is the absolute flagship among the trains of the whole world. Its average speed is about 300 km / h.