Top 10 The longest bridges in Russia

Bridges, no matter how trite it sounds, are different - from a simple board, thrown over an obstacle to giant structures that amaze with their beauty and grandeur. The longest bridges in Russia - we offer readers our rating of the most impressive architectural structures.


Metro bridge across the Ob River, Novosibirsk 2145 meters

Novosibirsk has the longest metro bridge across Russia in the Ob River. Its length( coastal overpasses, too, we take into account) is 2145 meters. The weight of the building is impressive - 6200 tons. The bridge is famous for its unique design. Its construction was carried out step by step with the help of huge hydraulic jacks. This method has no analogues in the world.

An interesting feature of the bridge across the Ob is that in summer it stretches( about 50 cm), and in winter it shrinks. This is due to the large temperature changes.

Metromoost started work in 1986.10th place in our rating of the longest bridges in Rossi and.

It's interesting: Novosibirsk boasts several more records. Here is the longest automobile bridge in Siberia - Bugrinsky. Its length is 2096 meters. In the city is another famous bridge - the October( the former Communist).In the summer of 1965, serving in Kansk, Valentin Privalov flew on a jet fighter under a bridge a meter from the water in front of hundreds of tourists on the banks of the Ob Oblast. The pilot was threatened with a military tribunal, but personally interfered with by the defense minister Malinovsky. No pilot in the world decided to repeat this deadly trick. Meanwhile, there is not even a memorial tablet on this amazing event on the October Bridge.


Communal bridge in Krasnoyarsk 2300 meters

On the 9th place among the longest bridges in Russia - Communal bridge in Krasnoyarsk .He is familiar to everyone - his image is adorned with a ten-ruble note. The bridge is 2300 meters long. It consists of two bridges connected by a dam.


New Saratov Bridge 2351 meter

The new Saratov Bridge with a length of 2351 meters is the eighth line in our rating. If we talk about the total length of the bridge, its length is 12760 meters.


Saratov Automobile Bridge 2825 meters

Saratov Automobile Bridge across the Volga - on the 7th place among the longest bridges in Russia. It connects two cities - Saratov and Engels. The length is 2825, 8 meters. It was put into operation in 1965.At that time it was considered to be the longest bridge in Europe. In the summer of 2014, the renovation of the structure was completed. According to the calculations of engineers, the life of the Saratov bridge after repair will be 20 years. What will happen to him later is not yet known. There are two options: turning into a pedestrian bridge or demolition.


Bolshoy Obukhovsky Bridge, St. Petersburg 2884 meters

The is located in St. Petersburg. The Bolshoy Obukhov Bridge occupies the sixth place in our rating of the longest bridges in Russia. It represents two bridges with the opposite movement. It is the largest non-waterlogged bridge across the Neva. Its length is 2884 meters. It is also famous for the fact that for the first time in the history of St. Petersburg its residents could vote for the proposed bridge names. Very nice The big Obukhov bridge looks at night thanks to lighting.


Vladivostok Russian bridge 3100 meters

Vladivostok Russian bridge is one of the objects built for the APEC summit held in 2012.The length of the structure is 3100 meters. The complexity of erection ranks first not only in Russia, but also in the world. It is interesting that the question of the construction of the bridge was understood as far back as 1939, but the project was never implemented. The fifth place in the list of the longest bridges of our country.


Khabarovsk bridge 3890 meters

Two-storey Khabarovsk bridge is not for nothing called the "Amur miracle".Trains are moving along the lower level, and cars are moving along the upper level. Its length is 3890, 5 meters. The construction of the structure began in the distant 1913, and the opening of the movement took place in 1916.Long years of operation led to defects in the arched part and span of the bridge, and since 1992, works on its reconstruction began. The image of the bridge is decorated with a five thousandth note. The Khabarovsk bridge across the Amur is on the fourth place in the list of the longest bridges in Russia.


Bridge crossing over the Yuribey river 3892 meters

Bridge crossing over the Yuribey river , located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, takes the third place in the list of the longest bridges in Russia. Its length is 3892.9 meters. In the XVII century, the river was called Mutnaya and the trade route passed through it. In 2009, here was the opening of the longest bridge beyond the Arctic Circle. But this is not all records of the structure. It was built in a surprisingly short time - in just 349 days. During the bridge construction, modern technologies were used, which allowed preserving the river ecosystem and not harming the rare fish species. The lifetime of the bridge is estimated at 100 years.


Bridge across the Amur Bay 5331 meter

Vladivostok can rightfully be proud of three new bridges built in 2012 specifically for the APEC summit, which was held for the first time in Russia on the Russky Island. The longest of them was Bridge across the Amur Bay , connecting the Muraviov-Amur peninsula and the De-Fries peninsula. Its length is 5331 meters. It ranks second in the rating of the longest bridges in Russia. A unique lighting system is installed on the bridge. It saves electricity by 50% and takes into account such typical for the region phenomena like frequent fog and rain. The installed lamps are environmentally friendly and do not affect the environment. The bridge across the Amur takes the second place in our rating.


Presidential bridge across the Volga 5825 meters

In the first place among the longest bridges in Russia - Presidential bridge across the Volga , located in Ulyanovsk. The length of the bridge is 5825 meters. The total length of the bridge is almost 13 thousand meters. It was put into operation in 2009.With interruptions, the construction of the longest bridge in Russia went for 23 years.

If we talk about bridge crossings, then the palm tree belongs here to Tatarstan. The total length of the crossing is 13,967 meters. This includes the length of two bridges - across the Kama, Kurnalka and Arkharovka rivers. There is the biggest bridge crossing in Russia near the village of Sorochi Mountains in the Republic of Tatarstan.

It's interesting: is the longest bridge in the world located in China at an altitude of 33 meters above the Jiaozhou Bay. Its length is 42, 5 kilometers. The construction of the giant bridge began in 2011 with the forces of two brigades. Four years later they met in the middle of the building. The bridge has increased strength - it is able to withstand an 8-point earthquake. The cost is about 87 billion rubles.