Top 10 most durable metals in the world

The use of metals in everyday life began at the dawn of the development of mankind, and the first metal was copper, because it is available in nature and can be easily processed. It is not for nothing that archaeologists find various products and household utensils from this metal during excavations. In the process of evolution, people gradually learned to connect different metals, getting ever stronger alloys, suitable for the manufacture of tools, and later weapons. In our time, experiments are continuing, thanks to which it is possible to identify the most durable metals in the world.



Opens our titanium rating - high-strength solid metal, which immediately attracted attention. The properties of titanium are:

  • high specific strength;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • low density;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • mechanical and chemical resistance.

Titanium is used in the military industry, aviation medicine, shipbuilding, and other fields of production.



The most famous element, which is considered to be one of the most durable metals in the world, and under normal conditions is a weak radioactive metal. In nature it is found both in the free state and in acidic sedimentary rocks. It is quite heavy, widely distributed everywhere and has paramagnetic properties, flexibility, ductility, and relative ductility. Uranium is used in many spheres of production.



Known as the most refractory metal of all existing, and belongs to the most durable metals in the world. It is a solid transition element of shiny silver-gray color. Has high strength, excellent refractoriness, resistance to chemical influences. Due to its properties it lends itself to forging, and stretches out into a thin thread. Known as a tungsten filament.



Among the representatives of this group is considered a high-density transition metal of silvery-white color. In nature it occurs in its pure form, but it occurs in molybdenum and copper raw materials. It has high hardness and density, and has excellent refractoriness. Has increased strength, which is not lost with multiple temperature changes. Rhenium refers to expensive metals and has a high cost. Used in modern technology and electronics.



Brilliant silver-white metal with a slightly bluish tint, belongs to the platinum group and is considered one of the most durable metals in the world. Similarly, iridium has a high atomic density of high strength and hardness. Since osmium belongs to platinum metals, it has properties similar to iridium: refractoriness, hardness, brittleness, resistance to mechanical influences, and also to the influence of aggressive media. Has found wide application in surgery, electron microscopy, chemical industry, rocket technology, electronic equipment.



Refers to a group of metals, and is a light gray color element with a relative hardness and high toxicity. Due to its unique properties, beryllium is used in a wide variety of industries:

  • nuclear power engineering;
  • aerospace engineering;
  • Metallurgy;
  • laser technology;
  • nuclear power engineering.

Because of its high hardness, beryllium is used in the production of alloying alloys, refractory materials.



The next in the ten of the most durable metals in the world is chrome-hard, high-strength metal of bluish-white color, resistant to alkali and acids. In nature it occurs in its pure form and is widely used in various branches of science, technology and production. Chrome is used to create various alloys, which are used in the manufacture of medical, as well as chemical processing equipment. In conjunction with iron forms an alloy ferrochrome, which is used in the manufacture of metal-cutting tools.



Bronze in the rating deserves tantalum, because it is one of the most durable metals in the world. It is a silver metal with high hardness and atomic density. Due to the formation of an oxide film on its surface, it has a leaden shade.

Distinctive properties of tantalum are high strength, refractoriness, resistance to corrosion, and exposure to corrosive media. Metal is a fairly ductile metal and can be easily machined. Today tantalum is successfully used:

  • in the chemical industry;
  • for the construction of nuclear reactors;
  • in metallurgical production;
  • when creating high-temperature alloys.



The second line of the world's most durable metals ranking is ruthenium - silver metal belonging to the platinum group. Its feature is the presence in the muscle tissue of living organisms. Valuable properties of ruthenium are high strength, hardness, refractoriness, chemical resistance, the ability to form complex compounds. Ruthenium is considered a catalyst for many chemical reactions, acts as a material for the manufacture of electrodes, contacts, sharp tips.



The rating of the most durable metals in the world is headed by iridium - silvery-white, hard and refractory metal, which belongs to the platinum group. In nature, a high-strength element is extremely rare, and often enters the compound with osmium. Due to its natural hardness, it is difficult to machine and has a high resistance to chemicals. Iridium reacts with great difficulty to the effects of halogens and sodium peroxide.

This metal plays an important role in everyday life. It is added to titanium, chrome and tungsten to improve resistance to acidic environments, used in the manufacture of office supplies, used in jewelry to create jewelry. The cost of iridium remains high due to the limited presence in nature.