As with any heating system, radiant floor heating requires the installation of special equipment to carry out the adjustment of the heating industry. Unlike the old traditional ways of heating with a centralized communication system, the new equipment is much more efficient, however, and requires a great deal of attention. Heating the coolant to a warm water floor, implemented by autonomous boilers, must at all times be under the control of the instrumentation. Otherwise, you can forget about a comfortable temperature inside the heated room, and the security of the heating significantly reduced.
Issues related to the management and control of underfloor heating, are now becoming urgent. The reason for the increased interest of consumers in the subject due to the fact that in most cases new home owners prefer the floor heating as a full-fledged integrated system heating. Adjusting the heating temperature of the warm water floor heating system allows you to make the house flexible and dynamic, adapted to the real climate conditions.
heating equipment management process in a building is not associated with any special manipulation and sophisticated equipment. Even such a large-scale heating system, which are the warm water floors, controlled by the regulator, it reacts to the slightest change in temperature in the pipeline and in the room. For floor heating adjustment is properly configured devices and equipment involved in the operation of the heating system. Consider in detail, which are regulators in the present case, what is the working principle of each device and how the installation.

The value and position regulators for water sexes
Immediately dot the «i», which would indicate the importance of the information described in this article. Floor heating - Low temperature heating system, which will only be workable and effective, when its equipment are thermostats. Even the most simple version of heating by a water circuit, laid on the floor, involves the installation on both sides of the manifold control valves. Manually turning the valve head can be increased, reducing the volume of water supplied to the hot coolant loop of warm floors. The only disadvantage of this method of adjustment - adjustment on a whim.
Opting for manual operation, you have to rely on their own feelings. The more that the desired results will not come immediately. Underfloor heating with manual control - inertial system. Manual coolant temperature control for water floor heating will require you to the constant presence in response to climate change through the window. Substantial assistance in the process of adjusting the flow meters have a small and compact priborchiki controlling the amount of fluid supplied to the water circuit.
On a note: Having at its disposal and flowmeters (flow) and control valves can achieve a comfortable temperature in a room, at a certain point on the «constant» type.
For example: you are interested in the bathroom heating. This room, which is always high humidity and warm tiled floor is appropriate attribute. Suffice it once or twice to carry out the instrument settings and the room bathroom is a comfortable temperature, which does not depend on weather conditions.

For reference: Its users said mechanical adjustment method may result in the pipes of the heating circuits of air pockets. Airing results from the sudden change in the operating pressure and temperature of the coolant occurring in manual operation.
Other business automation underfloor heating. In this case you have to spend on the purchase of electro-mechanical and electronic devices. Such devices can solve several problems at once, depending on how the control of the heating equipment. Thermostats and actuators allow autonomously adjusted, not only air heating indoor temperature but also the degree of heating the floor surface. floor heating temperature is a critical factor in the efficiency of floor heating as the adjustment is carried out, in this way and the system operates.
Thermostats are fixing devices, whereas servos perform certain actions. Thermostats can be set individually for each room, in the main units and assemblies servicing equipment. Servo - individual devices designed for maintenance of water heating circuit. Compatible with thermostats, actuators on the pitch adjustment is carried out feeding the coolant into the conduit.

Thermostats - types of devices
Water floor is sufficiently sensitive system. The degree of heating the coolant, the rate of water supply to the heating circuit and the intensity of circulation of the coolant are parameters determining the efficiency of heating.
From a technical point of view thermostats are devices that provide a mechanical action in response to changes result set temperature parameters. Thermostats solve the following problems:
- automatic switching on and off the heating system;
- monitoring and ensuring the maintenance of a predetermined temperature inside the premises;
- programmable switch devices provide heating at a certain time;
- control over the degree of heating the coolant provides an energy savings.
On a note: in practice more than once, it was noticed that the installation and setting the thermostat in the room for the warm floors can save up to 20-30% of natural gas consumed in the autonomous operation of the boiler.

In practice, the following controls apply models:
Mechanical devices. This category of devices relates to the budget options. A distinctive feature of mechanical regulators is their reliability and easy maintenance. The adjustment is made by simply turning the disc, which is set at a particular value of the scale. In some cases, the front part of the device has a mechanical arm which operates on the principle, opened / closed. In addition to controlling the temperature of the coolant in the supply tube, such devices are not designed to perform other functions.
Electronic devices have the same functions differ only way to implement. The device is equipped with a screen and a button with the help of which the adjustment. On the device parameters are displayed in real time, and programmable data. Push-button control allows you to set the specified parameters and to carry out a gradual change of temperature.

On a note: Electronic underfloor heating control devices are in three, five times more expensive mechanical devices.
Among the electronic devices adjust special place in programmable devices. Availability of the software creates the conditions for maintaining the floor heating temperature, temperature inside the building in real time and not only. Specified temperature parameters and time allow you to change the temperature of underfloor heating over time, adjust the operation of all components and assemblies floor heating, depending on the climatic conditions.
These features are very easy to use, freeing up a lot of time for the inhabitants of the house. By means of programmable devices can work to provide heating in your absence maintaining in the building a stable and comfortable temperature. Saving energy when using programmable electronic controls is 25-30%. In modern conditions when gaining popularity comfortable accommodation, programmable controllers are in demand. you can control these systems through mobile devices remotely. Solving the complex multiple tasks, the adjustment of the floor surface and the heating temperature control on indoor air temperature, programmable electronic devices are beneficial in all options. Even taking into account that the cost of these devices is high enough.
Assessing the types used in the regulation of underfloor heating, appliances, you can draw some conclusions. In each case it is necessary to build on what tasks should be decided by the regulator.
The principle of operation of regulators
The most widely used electromechanical devices. In these devices combines electronics and mechanical parts. At a cost of such devices is much cheaper electronic counterparts. Construction and operation of electromechanical thermostats is simple and clear.

Electronics in this context is a fairly expensive equipment. However, its effectiveness such devices on the procedure more efficient and easier to use.
In order to make the right choice - to give preference to manual control, or navigate to the automation, understand the principle of the regulators.
The main objective, which is the responsibility of the regulators in the system of warm water floor, process control. The principle of the instrument is determined by the degree of use and use of warm floors in the living areas. The device construction can be partially or fully automated automation.
By the principle of action of regulators, respectively, are divided into hand-held devices and automated. The former include the conventional off valves. That is they can be used to stop or resume the supply of coolant in conduit floor heating. Scope of such devices - small-heated floor space. Thermostatically controlled device far more complex design. The operating principle of such products similar to the manual mechanisms of action, but a special electronic sensor is provided in the structure. Any change in temperature from the set parameters drives the circulation pump for supply of hot water. The device operates in accordance with a predetermined program, completely taking over the main steps Control underfloor.
Modern electronic thermostats have deployed functionality, which enables monitor one water circuit or to provide control over the operation of multiple heating pipes warm floor. Due mortgaged software such devices are able to respond to changes in climatic conditions, creating for the inhabitants of a residential facility comfortable temperature.
In order to warm the floor to work effectively and you satisfied with the quality of heating, it is not necessary only to have controls built into complex test equipment, but also the importance of their setting. With mechanical devices, the situation is clear. Having an idea about the principle of operation mechanisms, having the appropriate skills, you can configure these devices on their own.
With electronic and programmable devices a bit more complicated. It is better to seek the services of professionals who will be able to properly configure the automatic floor heating throughout the house.