How to use the stove: User furnace kindling in the house and bath

Modern technological furnaces are widely used. But traditional foci are still popular. On the amateur opinion, the firebox of the furnace - a straightforward process: upload yes pobrasyvay firewood. In fact, there are many nuances that affect the quality of the kindling, the life of the plant and fuel consumption.

Picture 1. Wood oven firelighter

Features of the firebox with wood and preparation process

Efficacy kindling wood oven depends on three main factors:

  • wood quality;
  • condition of the heating structure;
  • stove-maker skills.

quality of wood

The best wood for the furnace firebox - logs of hardwood trees, which are characterized by a high density. Deserved popular oak and birch. The denser the wood, the higher is its heat and the longer it burns.

The highest quality wood are the result of the winter preparation - during this period reduced sap flow.

But the most important aspect that you need to pay attention - dry fuel. Therefore it is very important to buy quality or logs, or harvest them in advance. Wet wood fuel in the combustion process releases steam which settles on the walls of the chimney and the furnace chamber.

Figure 2. harvested wood

The furnace is not enough blow dried firewood resulting in:

  • Reduction teplovyvodyaschih channel diameter;
  • contamination of the inner zone of the furnace;
  • acid formation, which reduces the period of the hearth life.

logs Size matters, too. It is recommended to use wood, whose cross section - in the range of 8-10 cm. Experience shows that, other things being equal, the fuel burns with such parameters is extremely long and effectively.

Status furnace construction

The obvious point - the competent performance of the furnace. The design must comply with the requirements, relying on the interdependence of physical processes. That is why masonry ovens are best left to a specialist - an experienced setter will construct the furnace, taking into account the nuances of the masses.

Realizing this, many users at the same time underestimating the importance of the integrity of the structure. Even a small crack can significantly reduce the thermal efficiency of the stove. Two-millimeter gap around the furnace door can increase fuel consumption by 10-20%. Once in the crack, the air creates a thrust that outputs hot gases - useful energy.

Figure 3. Cracks in the chimney masonry

If the furnace to keep open, the result will be the heat loss up to 40-50%. Considering only those moments, you can greatly reduce the burden on the budget.

To insert oven-quality wood to be effective, you need to:

  • regular repair design; under high temperature and humidity of the oven in the home prone to cracking; deform not only plaster, but also bricklaying; restore desirable at least once a year - better in the warm season;
  • at least a couple times a year to clean the chimney; fuel combustion accompanied by the formation of soot deposited on the walls of the firebox and the flue; eventually soot layer thickness may be up to several millimeters - is strongly reduces the heat transfer structure;
  • Before starting to clean the ash pan and grate; a large amount of ash entering and prevents circulation of air, which reduces the thermal efficiency of the design.

If you do not monitor the condition of the furnace, the last few years will still operate. But ignoring the recommendations of the repercussions necessarily decrease the life of the heat source and the increase in fuel and finance costs.

stove firebox

Wood felled, the design right. At this stage the most important thing to understand how to use the stove properly. Procedure kindling such (including purified ash):

  • stacked wood in the firebox; matter how stacked the logs depends on thermal efficiency; two main options - cell and poryadovkoy (not recommended to put shalashika); it is important to preserve the space between the elements - about a centimeter; thanks to the possibility of air circulation between the wood and the lack of oxygen does not allow fuel to ignite properly;
    Figure 4. Incorrect (1) and right (2) burner stoves
  • logs length should be such that the cleaved grate overlap but not touch the walls of the furnace; the height of the stacked logs does not match the height of the camera - optimally when the wood will be below the ceiling of the chamber at 15-20 cm; This is very important, since otherwise some of the fuel will burn at the bottom of the chimney; kindling wood oven assumes that the fuel is burning in the firebox;
  • alternatively, the first bottom piece of wood is placed diagonally with respect to the other; This makes it possible to place the bottom of the chips for ignition;
  • at the bottom, under the wood, put a "trifle" - paper or wood chips; putting them need uniformly to the fire engulfed the logs from all sides; if it does not ignite quickly, you need to be trained - also need a minimum skill for this; but for ease of use with liquid fuel can not process.

The new furnace or design, have not operated, the ignition is likely to be smoke. To avoid this, it is necessary to warm up the chimney. In such a situation does not begin with the wood and with splinters and knots. It was only after the vertical flue warms up, the furnace can start to toss the wood thicker.

traction regulation

It is important to not only understand how to melt furnace, but also be able to adjust the traction. The latter, being adjusted, ensures uniform combustion. The oven 4 has a member by which the process and possible correction:

  • fire door;
  • blower door;
  • damper (damper);
  • flue damper.
Figure 5. Apparatus wood burning stoves

With air flow control doors. Through valves and dampers "tuned" craving wood oven. Competent ignition is to open at the start of the firebox door and close the "ash-pit." Two other elements also open. Once the logs combustion, in relation to the door do the opposite - ash pit open and close the furnace.

The fact that when close / open, can be guided by the flame shades:

  • white color combined with the characteristic sound in chimneys speaks of a powerful thrust - ash pit should be closed or cover;
  • red tones - a sign of too little draft; at the same clubs hint of dark smoke; in this case the ash pit opening.

On the normal burning yellow tint indicates fire.

A few tips to make more efficient the furnace

Figure 6. Kiln firing process

The furnace will be more effective, if I pay attention to the following points:

  • Wet wood can lead to the fact that the flame goes out after a while; reason - formation within the chamber a large amount of carbon monoxide; of unseasoned fuel better to forget, but if there was an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to close and open the valve combustion flue and damper - 10-20 minutes; thereafter possible for some time to reveal and an outer door (camera);
  • logs, not burned at least 50%, it is not recommended to move;
  • coalsFormed before the other, it is desirable to rake in the center of the bottom of the furnace and to impose a fuel burning and red-hot coals;
  • better that the temperature in the firebox exceed 200 degrees; In this case, almost no soot is deposited on the chimney walls.

How to stoke the furnace bannuyu?

Algorithm kindling bathhouse stove is somewhat different. The basic rule - melt the way that carbon monoxide was not at all. All actions with the dampers and valves is performed so that the camera in any case did not have a lack of air. For example, if desired furnace "muffle" first cover damper, and after the ash pit. If you want to increase traction, do the opposite.

Figure 7. The furnace of bath furnace

Another nuance. The coals should be collected and put out in the tank with water as soon as the blue flame disappears carbon monoxide. Moreover, regardless of the fuel type.

Details on how to properly sink bath, described in a separate article.


To sum up - if you rely on the trio of main components of an effective kiln firing, a positive result is required. Prepare in advance a suitable fuel, checking the status of the heating structure and the subsequent correct algorithm kindling, it can be safely, efficiently and economically heat the room.