The interior of the house reflects the owners characters. Sometimes, to find "their" design is very difficult. Stylish interiors have inner harmony. Their composition is a complete picture, in which each screw is in place. The stylish interiors are no superfluous details, every thing has its functional purpose. Therefore professional designers recommend before you buy anything, ask, "Why in the house need this item? ». Get acquainted with the peculiarities of creating stylish interiors and consider a number of design techniques that will help give the situation an atmosphere of harmony.
- What is the stylish interior
- How to define your style
- A few tips for creating a stylish and modern interior
Create a design project
- We disclaim complex forms in the interior
- The height of the ceiling and simplicity
- we combine incongruous
- The use of natural materials for finishing and decoration
- Multi-level lighting
- The choice of furniture and accessories for the rooms
- Ergonomic use of space
- Popular styles used in the design of apartments
- conclusion
What is the stylish interior
The stylish interior - decoration of the room, which is carried out in accordance with the rules of registration of a design direction. Do not confuse the concept of "stylish" and "trendy". Style is timeless. It can persist for centuries, as is easily seen by examples of ancient, colonial and classical lines. Fashion is only dictates what is now overdue. All that she had once branded as "obsolete", sooner or later receives absolution and returned as a "well-forgotten old". Filling the house trendy "bagatelles" owners emphasize their awareness of the popular trends, but that does not mean that the interior in the blink of an eye will be stylish. He can stay and tasteless, if you use a medley of disparate parts that do not match each other. The stylish interior of the balance between beauty and comfort. It is convenient for the owners of apartments, but is admired by guests. All items: decoration, decoration, type and arrangement of furniture, chosen by the principle of identity and create a single composition, in which there are no unnecessary details.

How to define your style
To determine the preferences and choose a particular style - that's the most difficult task in the design. It becomes doubly difficult when a couple lives in an apartment with a completely different personalities and tastes. If there is a clash of preferences, then the best way out would be a compromise or eclectic style fusion. Both of these concepts are related, but still have some differences. Eclectic style means "confusion", but a symbiosis of two or three directions should be harmonious with the balance of enforcement. Fusion - a more youthful style, which involves a combination of incongruous, that is explosive, bright, extraordinary medley with its special atmosphere. It is selected only the bold creative people who are not afraid to experiment with the interior of your own home.
Many designers say that the stylistic preferences originate in the human character. For expressive and ambitious people who love to surround themselves with beautiful things and demonstrate their status, fit for a king luxurious classicism palace and antique styles. For those who value comfort above all, he does not suffer from consumerism and calm feeling in Spartan conditions, selected high-tech or minimalism. These areas combine perfectly with the pace of life of a city dweller who spends more time at work. For aesthetes, lovers of exquisite beauty fit Baroque, Empire, Rococo. Conservatives prefer strict constructivism. Subtle sense natures (predominantly women) suitable Shabby chic, Provence, romance. There is also a separate group areas "on the fan." These include a number of ethnic styles: African, Oriental, Japanese, Dutch, German. These areas are chosen by people in love with the culture of their country rocks.

Decide on the style of much help planning. People at once can be divided into two groups: the Conservatives and the experimenters. Simply ask how they relate to the studios. If the combined space fall under a taboo, something in front of you clearly conservative.

A few tips for creating a stylish and modern interior
Professional designers have created a universal "cheat sheet" to help newcomers in a design company matter and simple townsfolk properly coordinate their actions to create stylish interior:
- You should never give in to momentary desires and buy things (especially overall) "the mood." Purchase items for a stylish interior - the result of an informed choice.
- Work on the final result. Imagine in the imagination of the picture - the picture of the finished interior. If the target is too blurred, and designer only fully rely on the fact that "it is settled itself along the way", the result can grieve.
- Pay great attention to the organization of space. Not last role in it goes to storage systems. Every thing must have its place, which is the location of think through in advance.
- Stylish interior should not be too bright, or, conversely, too faded. Calm color scheme offset catchy finish accents the decor. Bright colors on the walls, floor or ceiling "cooled" by a range of pastel in furnishing and interior decorations.
See also:Library Interior Design 50 photo examples

To create an environment that will look really stylish, it is recommended to combine colors, textures and materials. With proper combination room will look luxurious and elegant.

Create a design project
Design project is needed in the design space. It helps to organize the repair work, plan the time and money, choose the layout, furniture, decoration materials, decoration and color scheme. In addition, the design project clearly show the ultimate goal - a diagrammatic sketch or a 3D model of the finished interior. Work with pencil and paper is not necessary. Now there are many 3D planners to help modeled as a single room, so the whole house:
- FloorPlan 3D. The program has a high level of detail. According to the final room, you can "walk" to get acquainted with the interior. Useful bonus - an automatic calculation of the area of the room (after entering the data) and the selection of furniture that will fit into it.
- Sweet Home 3D. Visualizer is designed for beginners. Catalog of interior parts and furniture pretty sparse, but the scheduler interface can handle even a child. Just half an hour, you can sketch a three-dimensional model of the interior bedrooms, living room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom.
- Planner 5D. Popular planner who designed both for indoor design, and on the landscape. The program allows you to choose not only the furniture and decoration, but also staircases, windows, partitions.

Another rather interesting planner - IKEA Home Planner. It is suitable for fans of products from the same Swedish conglomerate. In the catalog of furniture and decor are present only products from Ikea, but once you can go to the store and order your favorite wardrobe or bed. Preparation of design-project should not be carried in a hurry. On how skillfully he will be made, it depends largely on the success of future repairs. Three-dimensional model of the interior will help to find his strengths and eliminate design errors at the design stage, rather than eliminate them already after the work is completed.

We disclaim complex forms in the interior
Complex forms in the interior - a sign of rich styles. They are suitable for large spaces. For example, Art Nouveau is sometimes called the "wave style". Zigzags, semi-circles, polygons, wavy lines can not be combined with a clear and concise style of modern geometry. The exception was only futurism. This is a relatively new trend is not without "streamlined" forms, which are part of its concept. The stylish interior designers are advised to give preference to the squares, rectangles, circles, in rare cases and only straight lines with no breaks.

The height of the ceiling and simplicity
The ceiling must be a clean sheet, covered with classic white stucco. Even the texture options it is better to discard. Do not recommend to complicate the geometry of the gypsum ceiling levels that are so often used where it is unnecessary. The designer must try to keep the maximum height of the walls. This will help change the perception of the little room and make it visually more.

we combine incongruous
Style fusion does not necessarily embody the whole house. His role in the interior design may be limited to individual accentual areas where combine incongruous. To find the original medley, taking a selection of interiors, which are decorated in different styles. Then, on each photo mark favorite parts. Thereafter think through variations of their combination in the same space, but in a manner that the composition was a single entity rather than collapsing pattern collected from various puzzles. To match was easier to stick to the selected colors (preferably in the range of three colors).
See also:75 brilliant ideas for the organization of space and storage space

The use of natural materials for finishing and decoration
The use of natural materials makes the interior is not only environmentally friendly, but also more extravagant. Man has always drawn to nature, get away from it a kind of energy. Because of this natural materials have a special "character", which allows them to integrate into light notes of any design composition. The leader among them was the wood. Wood is not only used in the decoration and furniture business. Of this material having a particular texture, even inlay fabricated. From bars collect stylish panel. Sprigs associated in the bouquet will be the replacement of the original vibrant colors. A deck with a glass top coffee table replace normal. Thin slats, assembled in a row, gently divide the room into zones and interlacing roots of the staircase balusters in a private house complement the sleek minimalism. Tree in such an unusual form is ideal for eco-style and country. We should also mention the bamboo, which is sometimes mistaken for a tree (and in fact the grass). He, too, has become an important part of Japanese minimalism and ethnic style. Natural stone is used in English, classical and even contemporary directions. The only difference is that the older styles recognize only the raw surface, with an emphasis on their texture, and a new wave of bets on grinding. Skin, fur, animal hides, natural fabrics in stylish interiors used as a luxurious decoration. Another variety of natural materials - maritime gifts (pebbles, shells, stones, stars) suited to the style of the same name or a romantic interiors that resemble a beach environment houses.
Highly prized furniture and decor items made handicraft made of natural materials, exposed to minimal processing.

Multi-level lighting
Multi-level lighting - a complex function of light sources, which include floor lamps, wall lamps, chandeliers, floor and table lamps. This system allows you to fill a warm room, comfort and completely transform the interior, giving it depth and volume. Depending on the level of light sources, they are classified into four groups:
- Floor.
- Desktop. Those that are inserted or placed on furniture surfaces.
- Wall. Designed only for highlighting a specific area.
- Ceiling. Provide general light.

On the distribution of the light fixtures are classified into two groups:
- Those that give a diffused (background) light. lamps bulbs covered with a special matte shades. Sometimes direct their light onto the reflective surface to the pl.
- Those that provide direct or direct light. They are designed to focus attention on some details of the interior. For example, to emphasize the unusual texture of a wall or highlight the original picture.
Recently, a special popularity began to use dimmers - special devices that allow you to adjust the brightness of the lighting. More "advanced" options are connected to the LED strips, allowing you to play colors, including light bulbs only group to your taste. With the dimmer, you can periodically adjust the multi-level lighting, changing the whole picture of an interior.

Convenient solution would be communicating switches. With their help it is easy to control the light source of the few places in the apartment. For example, to turn off the ceiling lights in the bedroom, you can walk to the switch by the door or by clicking the button at the head of the bed that there is pre-arranged. Control light will be as simple as changing channels on your TV remote.

The choice of furniture and accessories for the rooms
Space in stylish interiors should breathe freely, so the clutter of his furniture and decorative details can not. In this case, even in the most cost design projects do not recommend to save on those elements that should last a long time (plumbing, headsets). Try to choose a multifunctional furniture, which, if necessary, replace the compact folded or other piece of furniture. Do not recommend to buy kits. Beautiful, they look only on the pages of glossy magazines, in the house of such a situation may seem too sweet and boring. The choice of decor is best left for last. Assessing almost finished interior, it is easier to pick up the missing parts in the composition.
See also:Modern interior of an apartment - 30 design examples

Ergonomic use of space
The stylish interiors especially appreciate the presence of the "air". Get ideas for the design space can be in minimalism. This style is better than others will be able to demonstrate how to properly arrange the furniture so that was nice and compact. The feeling of "purity" of the interior give the order in things, its filling. Therefore, one must have the necessary amount of storage, which is enough for all. Open shelves with a decor can be alternated with closed, which will be composed of personal belongings.

Popular styles used in the design of apartments
The five most popular styles today include:
- Loft. This style became refined version of the American industrial areas. Loft miraculously manages to combine luxury and carelessness. For finishing the ceiling using plaster, flooring or laminate flooring and the walls are decorated with brickwork, which is sometimes painted in other colors. Furniture choose expensive natural wood and leather steering wheel. Communication lines in the loft become part of the interior, stylish decor. The direction is best to put into rooms with high ceilings that resemble factories workshop.
- High tech. Direction, which corresponds to the modern age of digital technology. High-tech originally appeared in the most fashionable European homes, as the style of the pilot. The technical component plays a huge role for the direction. Appliances are decor that organically joins in an interior concept. In an atmosphere of calm colors used, which is based on a combination of white and gray.
- Minimalism. This subspecies of the eastern style has gained enormous popularity in the developed countries. For directions characterized by brevity and simplicity. Minimalism draws ideas from Eastern philosophy. Each square meter of the room is made with great care: in the interior should be nothing superfluous. Furniture choose a compact and multi-functional. The decor is hardly ever used. The prevailing color in the interior - white.
- Scandinavian style. Create a similar interior help hyugge philosophy that direct the designer in the right direction and help you choose ideas for a stylish and comfortable environment. For Scandinavian style characterized by the use of natural materials: wood, leather, fur. The color palette is dominated by white, which is diluted with a blue, blue, green, gray. Sometimes in the palette add warm colors, but in small quantities (beige, yellow, red).
- Marine or coastal style. Interior design is based on a combination of shades of blue, green, yellow and white. The style is sometimes called "family", as it is reminiscent of the holiday by the sea. Windows should be large. No heavy curtains, only light, weightless curtains. The interior decor of little use, which should be replaced by plants. Upholstery upholstered furniture is made of natural fabric with a rough texture. Their surface is decorated with a strip cell or larger prints.

Variants of stylistic solutions in the design is not limited to the above directions. They are so many that diversity gives everyone hope for a successful search for his own style.

Stylish interiors easily embodied in a large room, as well as in small spaces. The principle of "freedom of the air, and" allows organically arrange any room, regardless of its quadrature. Combining rooms is welcome. Zoning is carried out by a complex combination of textures, colors and materials. Do not forget the balconies and loggias, which may also become a separate additional zones or mini-rooms. To get a complete stylish interior, stay the course from start to finish. Any deviation can easily strike at the harmony of space and design, and eventually this "crack" will only grow.