The easiest way to equip the sauna stove factory. But then you have to fork out. Those who are not deprived of direct hands, it is more expedient to make the design your own. Horizontal furnace - the most simple "makeshift" solution. Even the most intricate drawings do not require the master of high qualification and skills honed over the years.
Make a furnace for the bath of the tube diameter of 500-530 mm. Taking the appropriate blank can rid themselves of unwanted difficulties associated with welding unit from sheet metal. Tubular structures are vertical and horizontal. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of horizontal furnaces
In a vertical solutions have obvious advantage - saving space. For too small baths it is difficult to think of anything more appropriate. But in the rest of the pros "horizontal" outweigh.
On a note! Both options have the overall advantage. The cylindrical shape promotes a better flow around the air flow. Therefore, more heat is supplied to the heater and tank.
Advantages of the horizontal options:
- longitudinally extending housing unit contributes to the formation of heat radiation, which heats the room all the workspace; worse warming zone under the firebox; the vertical same stove to cope better with the heating of the walls, while a lot of usable space remains "outside" heating;
- thin-layer design implies a distribution of solid fuel in the furnace; thanks to the logs burned almost completely and evenly; vertical loading equipment with a thin layer of wood would mean too small tab;
- heater located below - it's convenient;
- load firewood into the camera, thanks to the low height, too comfortable;
- rapid heating bath - homemade unit is able to heat a room for 40-60 minutes;
- durability - in the qualitative production of oven bathhouse will last more than a decade;
- ease of manufacture and assembly - pipe equipment to make it easier than, for example, brick version;
- budgetary - even if the case will have to buy, the final price of the product is very low; in comparison with factory or construction units of chamotte price "pipe" and does scanty;
- a more attractive appearance.
It has this option and cons. Among the shortcomings - relatively rapid cooling. For this reason, the stove regularly have heat a little. In terms of volume the room becomes noticeable one minus - uneven heating bath. In a small steam room in this plan is all right, but in the public bath is better to put several units in different zones.

See also - Overview furnaces for heating the garage.
Features horizontal equipment
Typically the furnace is made craftsmen for the bath of metal pipes 500 or 530 mm in diameter. The move comes as the b / a metal, and custom trim. Trailing only option is to use round billets. This is not an axiom, but such a geometry provides additional heat dissipation.
Weight of the unit depends upon metal thickness and most often ranges from 50-200 kg. Even the most solid construction does not differ too much weight, so a strong base is needed. It can also be written in the list of benefits. Typically, a tube furnace installation enough small metal frame mounted on the insulating layer.
What is needed for the manufacture of the stove?
Of the tools you will need:
- welding machine;
- metal cutting tool (Bulgarian and / or tin snips).

List of materials:
- clipping said tube diameter; Trimming length - 800-1000 mm; 800 mm tube will suffice for qualitative heating medium bath 20 bottoms; If the room is larger, it is recommended to take a meter workpiece;
- flat, not deformed steel sheet; sheet size - roughly 700h1200 mm; The minimum thickness - 3 mm; rust - not a problem, but the metal should aspire to the ideal plane;
- 6-8-mm steel reinforcement; well suited trimming length 500 mm;
- metallic profile; It recommended 50 mm Area, but come up and the square; the overall profile of consumption - 1.5-2 m;
- 110-millimeter "dvuhkolennaya" pipe length of 1500 mm; Knee angle depends on the construction characteristics, so the material should be selected in the process;
- 2 doors - to the firebox and ash pan.
In addition, it required approximately 5 electrodes of stainless steel pieces of 20 - on ferrous metal.
Tip! We need to try to avoid the "beushnye" blanks. They are usually characterized by a certain deformation, which is undesirable.
Production of bath horizontal fuser
If we compare the various figures, it can be seen that the furnace tubes of 530 mm has the same design. Major structural nuances related to the location of the stove, fume collection pipes and the hydraulic tank, as well as to the characteristics of the ash and ash.
In the simplest embodiment grate ash box and welded to the corners of the metal (or other profile). The grille is recommended to do the entire length of the pipe, but the maximum width of 100-120 mm. Broader elements lead to deterioration of traction.
Tip! Better to use a cast iron grate. Practice shows that in the context of oven heating cast iron grate more durable tendons.
The sidewall (vertical embodiment - bottom) are cut, either based on the tube, or with an allowance with respect to the upper and lower points. After mounting the lower area of the sidewalls is adjusted for housing support. To the bottom of the casing can be welded metal sheet forming an additional "wings". The last bonus serve as heat conductors, increasing the heat of the furnace.

Ash pan is recommended to do in the box format. Separate component eliminates the need for driving the air suction fuel residues. metal thickness for the ash in this case is similar to the thickness of the pipe body.
In such a furnace structure for a bath of a pipe heater is usually closer to the chimney, in the upper zone. The frontal pipe zone is characterized by a lower temperature, so its task - heated air bath. In some schemes, it is clear that designers curved fume collection tube several times. Due to this the area of contact with the heater and the hydraulic tank extremely increased. And, hence, the thermal efficiency of the unit above.
Window for fuel loading can also have variativnoe execution. But more often it is done in a tunnel format. This solution allows to deduce elements of ash from steam in the back room. It also solves the problem of dirt in the device.
Installation of the pipe unit in the steam room

In order to properly make an oven out of the tube with your hands, you need to follow a certain pattern:
- casing edge trimmed angle grinding machine so that the output side walls were located strictly at right angles to the body axis. Forming a chamfer at the sidewall.
- Metal trimmed from rusty plaque and mounted in the tube metal profile, for supporting a cast iron grid (or a grid of reinforcing steel).
- If, as recommended, the ash pan make separate box, the next step - the formation of the box element and weld it to the inside of the body. At this stage, the vertically welded harvested wall. On the front wall of the hole is made under the loading chamber. Alternatively, you can just weld the door of the firebox and ash pan.
- Mounted hydraulic tank and container for stones.
- Metallooporu form a cabinet. Under the metal substrate is required to pave insulating material.
- From tubes and knee elements manufactured fume collection channel. It is important to make an accurate markings and ensure a safe connection to the housing channel and the chimney. This is one of the main problems of longitudinally arranged furnace to the bath unit. So you need to make sure that everything is correctly calculated. If everything is calculated correctly and according to the drawing, ready to channel welded to the pole elements - pipe and chimney.
- The surface of the housing cover and tin insulated cover. To keep the heat level and increase the amount of moisture in the steam room, the open area is recommended to cover the hull with removable covers.

Recommendation! Before operating the pipe need to make sure that the stove is safely protected against corrosion. Desirably the final stage of construct carefully sanded with shlifnasadkoy grinder. To enhance the anti-corrosion effect, the oven can be covered with heat-resistant paint. After coating, the coloring polymer composition of the product is necessary to heat the paint to become one with the pipe. But this should be done outdoors.
Staining allows, besides, to get rid of the smell in the room metal. But it's just a bonus, because the characteristic odor quickly disappears after a few furnaces without additional coating.
In this work for the production of furnace designs are completed. You must make sure that the unit is installed securely and you can begin to bath procedures. Although a small departure from the axis of the body especially the weather does not, better to set the structure strictly along the axes.
Stoke the stove should be positioned horizontally according to certain rules, which are available on our website.
Not even the most "rukasty" user must have noticed that the stove out of the pipe - a really simple solution for heating baths. Following the reduced scheme, you can quickly, easily and cheaply equipped with steam room a safe and effective heating unit. Why to turn out his pockets, if the same effect can be achieved easier and more cost-effective ways?