Cast iron grate (grate) to the furnace: types and apparatus

All heating units for solid fuels, even pyrolysis type, have in their structure binding element - grate, without which the process in the firebox of the furnace combustion wood or coal would impossible. Despite the apparent primitiveness of this part, the efficiency of the heater depends on its characteristics, and because grate design manufacturers improved furnace along with other devices components.

Samples grate arrays for household oven heaters

Let us consider what a grate furnace, and how to use it correctly.

Grate, its purpose and place in the furnace unit

Grate structure is a solid fuel heater element separating furnace for two sections arranged one above the other and of different functionality - the combustion chamber and ash pan.

On this partition stacked wood or coal, is ignited, whereupon the combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber It occurs with consumption of oxygen from the air supplied from the bottom of the ash through the apertures in the grate. And from the combustion chamber to the ash pan toward the airflow showered ash formed during the combustion of wood or coal.

This dual function of the grate - to pass through itself up into the combustion chamber and the air flow to sift down into the ash pan fine ash provides the following:

  • predrying and more complete combustion of the fuel;
  • distancing the high temperature zone of the furnace foundation device;
  • efficient use of the volume of the combustion chamber;
  • participate in the regulation of combustion intensity - due to the degree of opening the ash door.

In furnaces of industrial manufacturing grate partition constructed with reference to the size and type of the furnace heater, and its replacement in case of failure it is only necessary to purchase a new element with the same parameters.

Metal stove industrial manufacturing devices with individual grate structure

The device is hand-made furnace grate selected proportionate and fuel loading site, and then:

  • a metal heating devices design internal volume of the housing and the support arms must correspond to the dimensions and configuration of the lattice;
  • in brick furnace devices aperture of bricks in the partition wall between the combustion chamber and the ash pan also parameters laid out below the grate element, but the implementation of the support ledge of stone perimeter.
The arrangement of gratings in grate furnaces and steel furnaces brick

For ease of removal rate setting of the part is made without rigid fixation to the body. Furthermore, under the aperture latticed element is performed with a gap of 0.5 cm in each side to eliminate pressure on parts of a heater wall during thermal expansion.

In addition to the description septum stacking operation in the brick of the heater is shown in this video:

Types grate devices

Separating ash from the combustion chamber gratings are classified by the following features:

  • manufacturing material;
  • design.

Material. These perforated plates are made of cast iron or steel, cast iron - industrial casting, the steel may be made independently.

For reference. Articles of iron (trademark MF-15 or MF-20) is heavier, but iron grate zharostoek more resistant to corrosive products of combustion and therefore It is preferable for the furnace.

Important! The service life of steel elements is less, but it is measured in years, and the products are cheaper and can be made with your own hands.

Design. According to the degree of static grate manufactured mobile and immobile.

mobile devices It consists of several fragments and latticed adjusting rod via which to changing the angle of the grating relative to the vertical edges and thereby adjust its size gaps. Models such nodes different magnitude of the angle of rotation of the adjusting rod, but they are used in long burning heating units (not all modifications) and complex for the manufacture of a domestic conditions.

Fixed grate partitions - a lattice of different sizes and configurations, collapsible or solidDesigned for a certain heater design. They are fixed after installation, and their parameters are unchanged.

According to the profile of the fixed fire bars are also divided into groups:

  • Tile - rectangular flat grid, with reinforcement ribs or without bottom, is used for any furnaces, fireplaces and boilers for solid fuels;
  • sectional beams - assembled structure of the individual longitudinal strips of cast iron allows to collect any device Trellis path;
  • Cart - outdated device used in the kitchen foci open type.
Types grate grates: left to right - flat beam (segment), basket.

There is another kind of moving grate - a chain, but its design does not provide a complete combustion of solid fuels, and therefore rarely used.

Proper selection of the grate

If you choose this accessory is not a lot of rules, but they are important:

  • a lattice partition is chosen with reference to the type of fuel - and for timber-mounted device briquette size 33 x 25, 30 x 25, 25 x 25, 25 x 18, 14 x 18, 14 x 12 cm, while coal 35 or 30 x 20.5 x 20.5 cm, which caused a large release of harmful substances during combustion stone fuel;
  • Furnace carbon perforated partition is selected as greater cross-sectional area, preferably - of cast iron, to avoid its deformation under heat and weight of coal;
  • total area of ​​the gaps should be approximately 40% of the total area of ​​the lattice, not minimal value Ensure adequate air supply, and through excessively large holes not dogorevshie coals will fall into ash pan;
  • selection of size for a brick grate heater on consideration of the gap of 0.5 cm between its contour and stone;
  • of two identical products item iron has more weight.

In addition, with the purchase of the grate for brick unit is necessary to calculate the contour of the seat. The data given in the table below, clearly show that we have in mind.

These dimensions approximate ratio latticed partition with the reference contour dimensions

Grate hand-made

If there is no possibility to get a cast-iron accessory grate elements easily made their steel hands.

It is possible to cook the desired frame size of a steel reinforcement or a variable profile rod diameter of 24-32 mm, and then longitudinally or transversely mounted in it of smaller diameter rods material.

Instead, you can use reinforcement steel area.

Important! If no skills in performing electric welding, can be in the steel sheet thickness of 8.10 mm cutting torch or grinder perform longitudinal slots desired width and length.

Such products will not be released durability, but also to replace them with new ones of failure is not difficult.

Samples improvised grate devices


Gridiron for an oven - simple devices, but their role in the efficiency of operation of furnaces for solid fuels high. If coal is used as fuel, it is preferable to use a lattice of iron.

For wood stove Small longer important design and geometry of the grate than its material manufacture, so you can safely make this item your own from scrap materials.

The main essence of the article

  1. The design of any furnace unit solid fuel grate is present - item, without which normal function of the combustion chamber impossible.
  2. Do not underestimate the value of the grate for the economical use of heating appliances, so you need to know the types of accessories and requirements to them.
  3. Despite the importance of the grate in the furnace structure, the fireplace or boiler for solid fuels, in the absence a cast-iron accessory may be, having minimal locksmith skills to make their own accessory of steel.