By purchasing housing on the secondary real estate market, the newly made owner does not need to worry about the urgent repair, as more or less comfortable conditions for living there are already present. The situation is different from the "new" owners of the apartment, located in a new building. Instant check in this case is only possible when "finish" finish premises, but "rough" version will meet you naked walls, empty doorways, questionable quality double-glazed windows, as well as a complete lack of communications (electrical, plumbing).
From the foregoing, it is clear that live in such an apartment is simply impossible, and to begin to make at least minimal repairs, t. E. plaster align and horizontal surfaces (ceiling and walls) to lay a floor covering, in order to bring Door slopes and install interior doors, possibly to replace windows, plumbing and electrical hold work. In addition, you may need to change the layout of the apartment - to demolish the wall, or install additional partitions. However, such repair of apartments in new buildings requires obtaining permits, and hence the additional time and costs.
At the same time it must be admitted that, for people who want to make your apartment individual, unique, the most appropriate preferences, tastes and needs of the owner, the repair of apartments in new buildings from scratch is the best and convenient this.
The quality of materials used for the repair of premises in new buildings, in much the same used for finishing the secondary housing, but their consumption is greatly increased because of work performed for the first time. This is especially true of plaster, putty, materials to strengthen the walls and floor screeds. In addition, undertaking large-scale repair work, it is worth remembering that the current "silence of law" has not been canceled, and It means the time of your construction activity, and, consequently, the repair rate will be limited by the rules of public order.
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Repair of apartments in new buildings with the "finish" and "rough" finish for the price and duration are almost similar. Registration of new apartments is carried out "standard" and is not always as high quality as I would like to master. Therefore, the "diligence" of builders often bring only the difficulties associated with removing and replacing the cheap plumbers and electricians uncomfortable, doors, low-quality wood flooring and windows, "stripping" is too simple wallpaper and installing hinged ceiling structures in place are not very carefully stucco ceiling. In this case, it is clear why many buyers prefer to buy in new "black" of the apartment.
How to quickly and efficiently carry out repairs in the buildings?
Speech here goes about "draft" versions, ie. E. how to turn an empty room into a cozy and comfortable home.
To begin to undertake the development of technical and engineering work plan and preparation of the design project. It is very important rigorous approach to the choice of the organization to which you are going to entrust the fate of their homes, as many technical details known only by true professionals. Just imagine the consequences of an error in the project electrical wiring or heating system? Therefore, the designer, who will be engaged in drawing up blueprints, must have the appropriate education, high qualification and years of experience.
The same requirements apply to the designer - designer of the room, which, in addition to aesthetics, comfort and relaxation, should give each element of the interior comfort and functionality, as well as take into account the technical characteristics of communications provided project.
We now turn to technology. It is well known that all types of installation, technical and finishing work must be carried out subject to certain standards and rules. These standards are the result of the analysis of many generations builders and act as requirements respecting that when carrying out repair works achieved the best results in durability, beauty, consumption of materials and the most reasonable the use of funds.
Having received the design project and technical documentation, you can proceed to the choice of the brigade or company - artist, which actually carry out repairs in the buildings. Of course, the organization should be solid, have a recommendation and a license, and its experts - highly qualified. Thus it is necessary to clarify whether the system is practiced now clear gradation in the field of working? This is important because often "Jack of all trades" significantly inferior to the qualification of "narrow" specialists. Does the company help in attracting third-party contractors (installation of metal doors, for example)?
For repair, you'll need a variety of building materials. Often purchase them directly involved in the organization - performer, based on the experience of its own experts (that's why their skills so important) and the customer's wishes. Just remember that high price, unfortunately, does not always reflect the actual quality criteria. A sky-high cost of services of some contractors often do not correspond to the results obtained.
Therefore, when choosing a company - the designer, building materials suppliers and teams of workers that you trust your own home, should be guided by customer feedback, stability and duration of the activity of these organizations, rather than the value of their services.
So that the purchase of apartments in new pleasing many generations of owners, it is necessary at the outset to lay the foundation of a successful repair: to agree project, to consider technical details, you develop a nice interior design, choose a skilled team of workers and safely enjoy in anticipation of holiday housewarming.