When major repairs apartments often change the interior doors. The market is filled with such a large variety of door models. To properly select the right door, you must know the basic selection criteria. Let's try to understand them.
Selection of a method of opening
The main door is when choosing a way to open it. Doors are:
- Swing. They are hung on hinges and open inward or outward. Doors with a simple construction is well isolated room. Their disadvantage is considered necessary to have more space to use.
- Swinging. They are multifunctional and open inwards and outwards. Unlike swing, these doors are rotated 180 degrees. Usually used for the kitchen to open busy hands.
- Folding. Leaf doors are added to each other when they are opened. Used to save the apartment area. May have multiple folds and are called "book" or "accordion". For them, not afraid of drafts, but due to the small life of the fixture, they are used in areas of limited use.
- Sliding. Leaf doors at the opening move in the guide.
These doors - the best option to save space of the room. In one embodiment, a shifted sheet, Spreading and - two. Their disadvantage are: poor sound and heat insulation, the complexity of the care. They are often used in interior walls.
Quality interior doors better to buy from reliable companies, such as http://dveri-skill.ru/
The choice of the material
The main quality of the door depends on the material used in its production. For the basics, the following materials:
1. Wood. Used precious woods, which are in kind or in the form of laminated veneer. It forms at the doors especially in appearance and strength. Due to the high humidity, for bathrooms need glulam beams.
2. Chipboard. The material of high strength and environmental safety. The doors of such plates are inexpensive. They do not want to install in bathrooms and kitchens.
3. MDF. Material with high performance, high reliability, and environmental cleanliness. These doors are covered with wood veneer, PVC or combined with glass.
4. Glass. It can be used independently for sliding doors or in combination with other materials.
As materials used for the coating of doors:
- Veneer. Fine wood, which is applied to a base of fiberboard, MDF and other materials. This door can be installed in any room, but it must be protected from scratches.
- Paint. The basis of the door is painted in several layers of paint for interior use. The coating is easy to clean.
- Laminate. Artificial turf for the foundations of the door with a long service life. It is resistant to mechanical stress with a beautiful appearance.
- PVC. Material with a pattern cut wood. Material creates a defense based on the door, but can not be restored.
The choice of design

Basic requirements for the design of the following premises:
- Regardless of the number of rooms, all doors must be one style.
- The height of all doors must be the same.
- Door color should be in harmony with the interior premises.
- The decoration of the doors can be stained glass and mirrors.
Design solutions can be considered:
- Doors with glass inserts. These inserts are not only decorate the door, but they are also a source of light, so they are used for kitchens and living rooms.
- Door with stained glass. This door looks like a picture of colored glass.
- Door with a mirror. It inserts in the door leaf, which visually change the volume of the room. This door looks very good in small apartments.
- Door with leather trim. Cover with an attractive appearance and good strength. They are ideal for rooms where there are leather furniture.
Choice of sound and heat insulation
These indicators are the most important for interior doors.
Soundproofing is very important for walk-through rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet. This index is associated with the door leaf material. Soundproofing affects the insulation space as used inserts from various porous materials. Significantly improve insulating characteristics of the various seals.
High sound and heat insulation have swing doors, folding doors at this rate is very low.
Select by price
An important role in the formation of prices played material. Cheap deemed door with a base made of chipboard and MDF. Their cost also depends on the quality of the fabric and up to 4 thousand. rubles.
Considered elite doors from different types of wood. Their price can be up to 45 thousand. rubles. Exclusive doors in different styles with different decorative elements can cost up to 120 thousand. rubles.
In conclusion, we can say that there are no trifles in the selection of interior doors. If you follow all of the recommendations, the success is guaranteed.