Building a house or renovating one of the most important aspects is to install the roof. Improper designing can lead to excessive loads and damage to the coating material due to accumulation of deposits thereon. The problems may be different from the flow of moisture between the joints before entering the cool air in the house in case of improper insulation. In this case, a heating equipment will not have any help, making it impossible to permanent residence in the area. The better insulate the roof of a private home, and how to do this can be found in this article.
The need for insulation and the necessary materials

The construction of a private home includes a main floor and a loft. When there is insufficient insulation of the roof there is a need for heating all the rooms, as the fifth part of the heat disappears through the ceiling.
Many people ask themselves the question of what is better insulate the roof in his private house to be comfortable living in any season. For the efficient operation of such a structure, it is necessary to choose the right material. Basically, it depends on the processes taking place under the roof.
The main ones are:
- the difference in temperature inside and outside. In the absence of warming of the upper part of the house passes a lot of heat, which significantly increases spending for utilities. If during the construction of the roof of the right to carry out the installation of insulation, the room will remain normal temperature readings, which will not allow the violation of the heat.
- Violations of moisture exchange that occurs in the home for various reasons. Roof insulation keeps the optimal level of humidity in the room, not letting it through the roof. At the same odors disappear through ventilation.
Tip! To know how to insulate the roof, you need to initially have information about what the material is and how to choose the right.
Also, a proper roof insulation saves space at home from temperature extremes. This is due to the fact that the material has its own temperature readings that are slightly higher than those found on the street. In addition, heat is stored inside the home, eliminating the need to use resources heats.
Interaction of hot air with cold constitutes condensate. The insulation layer excludes its appearance, so it is used for insulation, prolonging the life of heater.
When properly performed work also reduced the need for annual repairs.
Self-holding warming

In order to insulate the roof, does not necessarily involve specialists. These repairs can be done independently, and at the same time spend a minimum of time.
First you will surely find the right materials, and to develop a plan and scheme of work. The design of any roof includes an outer (roof) And the inner part (ceiling rafters and frame). Warming can be done by checking the component parts and, if necessary, making them repair.
The next step is to get rid of excess moisture, dampness and mold. Antiseptic roof treatment provides protection against bacterial effects. In the case of rusted metal elements, you need to clear their composition against corrosion.
Important! it is recommended to use fiberglass for pitched roofs.
Most popular for insulating materials that can be used for adobe houses:
- stone plates and glass fiber (mineral wool);
- polystyrene;
- polyurethane foam.
Material must be chosen depending on the particular design of the roof. The choice of insulation, primarily influenced by the shape of the coating.
As for the glass fiber, it has excellent performance heat - and sound insulation. Another advantage of this material is a long life, which comes to 50 years. Furthermore, fiberglass has a good resistance to fire and couple. The final advantage is its low price material.
Feature insulation for roofs

At the present time, the construction market is a wide range of different materials for thermal insulation. But among the huge number, especially popular rock wool. It is not only perfectly fulfills its function, but also quite cheap.
Based on the composition, this material can be divided into 2 types:
- Stone wool. Its uniqueness lies in the structure of the fibers, created due to molten rocks and waste generated by the production of industrial metallurgy. Stone wool is resistant to high temperatures and the influence of chemicals.
- Glass wool. The material is formed from a molten glass. A particular strength of air fibers provides high resistance to chemicals and fire.
Advantages of using mineral wool:
- Heat conductivity is minimized;
- a high level of sound insulation;
- resistance to fire;
- long service life and environmental friendliness.
Glass wool, having a temperature of 25 ° C heat capacity of 0.05 W / m, virtually no sags, keeping the elasticity and fiber structure.

With regard to the insulation of the foam, they have a low weight, which significantly reduces the load on the roof. In addition, their use eliminates the installation of insulation materials with steam, as they repel moisture.
More modern material is a polyurethane foam, which eliminates the need for securing it to the surface, since it must be applied with special equipment. Spraying can be explored on the Internet or find in a manager.
The material is characterized by excellent interaction with the surface, forming a solid structure without seams and providing protection from moisture and low temperatures.
Outdoor mounting of insulation on flat roofs

After the selection of the right materials should be ready to install the insulation. To do this, there are 2 schemes: single-layer and double-layer.
The first is recommended for insulating plants, garage and storage space. For installation on the roof of the exploited, it is necessary to form the reinforced concrete screed.
An important advantage of a single layer of insulation is to prevent the formation of condensation. Also, such a scheme at times reduces the heat loss performance.
Warming in the two layers will help create comfort and convenience for life. It is to install two balls insulating material. Details of the lower insulation layer should include resistance to temperature, low strength and a width of 70-170 mm.
The topsheet allocates physical burden on the entire surface. In contrast, the lower, the ball has a high level of strength to deformation, and a thickness of 30-50 mm.
These parameters are enough layers reduce the weight and the load on the insulation frame and foundation of the building.
For the insulation of flat roofs and roofs soft can not approach each slab of mineral wool. The best option in this case are made of basalt fabric. Their fibers diverge in opposite directions, which allows the material to retain its original properties even under high loads.
With regard to strengthening, the best indicator in this case would be wet and dry screed. Less of this embodiment is the additional load on the supporting structure.

Warming plates of mineral wool:
- What - no matter basis, it should be covered with a membrane for insulation of steam. This should be done prior to installation of insulation. Otherwise, the plate under the influence of condensation will cease to retain heat. Moreover, waterproofing, which extends from the top, can swell. The sale of the membrane are one and two sides. Unilateral require the presence of the distance of 4 cm between them and the base for free evaporation condensate. In the case of two-way membrane, then this is not necessary. Use of membranes can be replaced by a standard construction and polyethylene polymer bitumen. The result should be close all planes insulated from the steam, while maintaining a small distance to the heater.
- Laying mineral wool must pass in 1-2 layers. In the dual-layer coating thickness necessary to determine the future roof. If necessary, it can be tightened by setting the insulation thin plates of high strength. This method is used in areas of high humidity and temperature fluctuations, which cause spoilage of the standard heaters.
- Mounts to the base plates are dowel or bitumen, depending on the type of surface. The first embodiment is well suited for such a roofing material as profnastilovye sheets. To achieve mechanical fixing method should use the second embodiment. This method causes a lot of trouble and money, but it is best for the bases of concrete. In one bitumen layer applied to a stack plate. To create the second insulation ball, the first ball lubricated with a mixture, putting it on the new sheet.
- In the case of strengthening a heater using dowels, waterproofing fixing must be carried out in the same manner.

Important! When laying two layers of insulation, you need to ensure that the seams do not match.
Insulation of flat roofs polystyrene
Unlike extruded polystyrene is a high level of durability and water resistance. Its use is popular for insulation of roofs inversion.
Plates have slotted locks, making the construction of a solid. Despite this, the joints should additionally cover using construction tape.
The algorithm works with polystyrene foam:
- Stacking of the plates on the base, closing the joints of compounds of tape. If necessary, the second layer, its installation should not coincide with the first seams.
- Use of a geotextile which is put on the heater, maintains the lower layer from damage and contamination.
- Placed on top of the gravel or crushed stone ball in the 5-10 cm. In some cases, between these layers trail membrane.
- The last step is to lay a final coating, after previous bay tie layer. For the roof, which should fit a grass or flowers, you must add a new ball geotextile followed by backfilling the fertile layer of soil 15 to 20 cm.
Proper execution of insulation works, ensure quality results, lets you enjoy the comfort and coziness in the house for many years. Therefore, observe all conditions and do not ignore the rules.