Heating Options garden solid fuel boiler

Cottage for many of us is now not just a garden, located out of town, but in most cases, a full-fledged housing. Gone are the days when the cottages were a modest shelter, which could hardly hide from the rain and wind. Today, many of us dacha - a capital structure in which, if desired, can be made year-round habitation, both in summer and winter. Allow to solve this problem solid boilers for questioning. Today this is no longer normal, primitive drums like "solid fuel burning stoves». Today, the heating unit, which is a high-tech equipment can be supplied at the cottage.

Boilers for solid fuel to give the most suitable option. Being a long time in winter in the country, no one will, but to spend a weekend out of town, surrounded by nature - it's perfectly acceptable. Pull the gas line to your site, to connect a gas boiler in this case is not cost-effective. For temporary heating and creation within the holiday home comfort will be enough wood burning heater, or any other accessible form of solid fuel.

What heater is best suited for the garden

One wishes to equip his country house autonomous heating system a little. For this purpose, it requires not only money, but also technical skill and savvy. As a rule, in country houses quite often solve the problem with heating, using for this purpose fireplaces or conventional oven - stove. Such a method is simple enough to use, but is not very effective and extremely economical.

On a note: during operation of the fireplace in a building, an area of ​​30-50 m2Almost 50% of the thermal energy is wasted. Russian furnace can heat a large enough space, and for a long time, but doubt cause great fuel consumption and the dimensions of the structure itself.

It is much more efficient to run the boiler, heater, whose mission is focused heating of premises in the house. The boiler is designed so that the construction itself has focused on the fact that it would be better to use the resulting heat to heat the room. Standalone heating garden using solid fuel boilers on the principle of action and in essence no different from similar systems that are mounted in private households. The only condition to which you should pay attention, due to the type of heating device, and the dependence of the heating system from the other communications.

Choosing a solid fuel boiler for your garden, consider the following aspects:

  • which the rate of heating the room suits you;
  • What is the duration of operation of the boiler with a single tab;
  • whether it is possible to connect the boiler hot water system;
  • what is the fuel consumption;
  • Is it convenient and practical operation of the equipment in terms of country of residence.

Tend to use the most common schemes boilers connection with forced and natural circulation.

Most modern models produced by domestic and foreign companies - a compact and cost-effective products. The units are specifically designed for rapid heating of premises in the field, if about giving so to speak. The ratio of price-quality foreign models seem preferable domestic products. In terms of functionality for solid fuel boilers for cottages can vary greatly, depending on the model chosen.

We recommend you visit: how to make a heating system in the country?

We are considering different embodiments of heating equipment to give

Pyrolysis boilers type

For reference: in foreign models duration of pyrolysis combustion boiler from one fueling is 100-120 hours, whereas the domestic units are able to operate smoothly at exactly half the time.

But domestic heating technology taxing on the operating conditions, which is especially important in terms of low-quality fuel resources. Often domestic models are equipped with even cooking surface, which is very convenient and important for the country house. The majority of products, solid fuel - a type boilers Pyrolysis or speaking a different language - gas generator. In boilers of this type of basic operation of heating the coolant makes the combustible pyrolysis (wood) gas. The principle of operation of heating devices of this type are quite simple and straightforward.

For reference: Main heat is not obtained from the combustion of fuel that is embedded into the combustion chamber, as a result of the secondary combustion air-gas fuel mixture. Solid fuel at this moment only decays, releasing under high temperature and the small amount of air, a large quantity of a gaseous volatile matter. This process is called pyrolysis.

Such a method is characterized by high intensity combustion process, and correspondingly high heat medium heating temperature. What is equally important is the low fuel consumption. One tab is sufficient for continuous operation of the boiler without human intervention. pyrolysis boilers It has a high capacity, so if you decide at his dacha equipped with a complete system of independent heating with hot water, this unit will be the best choice.

See also: what oven choose to give? Review of 10 options.

To increase the efficiency of the pyrolysis type units can be achieved by installing a heat accumulator system. In the storage tank will flow from the hot water boiler, passing in particular the coolant temperature. If there is a desire to get into the house hot water, place a container with placed inside the coils, through which will be heating water for domestic use.

On a note: Recommended storage tank capacity is 400-500 liters. (Per 25 liters. 1 kW thermal energy).

These heat accumulators are usually put in all autonomous heating systems where there are high-power solid aggregates and the intended use of hot water. Tanks serve as a buffer, or cooling the coolant in the heating system at the same time being a source of hot water. Significant negative units operating at the expense of the pyrolysis, the need for bookmarks only dry wood. At the cottage, this question can not always be solved quickly.

long burning boilers

Another kind of heating equipment which may be used successfully in the country - a long burning solid aggregates. Jetstream furnace can also be attributed to this kind of equipment, but from a technical point of view there are significant differences in between the units according to the process of fuel loading.

For this category of heaters there are two types:

  • boilers for solid pyrolysis type;
  • top-loading machines.

The main difference in the principle of combustion. The pyrolysis combustion units can be divided into two stages: smoldering fuel gasification and subsequent combustion of the air-gas mixture. The long burning boilers all occurs quietly and calmly.

For reference: Fuel unlike classical and pyrolysis boilers burning from top to bottom. The combustion process of wood burning firewood occurs in layers. First, the upper layer, then following it and so on until the complete combustion of all bookmarks.

This technique is characterized by high productivity and has significant technological characteristics. Typically long burning boilers installed in buildings of large area requiring heating large areas, there is large consumption of hot water for domestic purposes. As fuel commonly used wood, charcoal or briquettes.

As expected, in the piping must be present boiler storage tank. For this kind of heating device can be connected to a warm floor. Possibility of adjusting the heat medium heating intensity, the presence of the heat accumulator provides the requisite temperature control for the entire heating system.

For reference: One fuel loading is enough for a day or more. This is very useful especially during the night, and due to complete combustion of the fuel mass, high efficiency is achieved. To avoid premature boiling of the boiler water, the first feed do half the volume. After 30-40 minutes fill the whole combustion chamber the remaining fuel.

A significant drawback of this technique, their large inertia. The hot pot left on the optimal mode of operation can not be stopped immediately. Therefore, in order to fire, before leaving the boiler must be given time to cool completely. It takes an average of 8-10 hours. During this time, the heating in the house will run at the expense of the coolant accumulated in the accumulator tank.

Air solid fuel boilers

Perhaps this is one of the variants of the heating device which is best suited for a country house. The main advantage of Air heating devices - is a fast warm-up and to achieve the required temperature of heating the air. Not every one of us can invest sufficient funds required for installation in the country thoroughly, the capital of the heating system. Complex assembly, the presence of a large number of additional tools and mechanisms, all this and much more makes water heating system cottage ineffective.

Another thing is the air solid fuel boilers. Operating on the principle of the fireplace or furnace such unit is able to fill in minutes house desired heat. Installation of equipment is not associated with significant costs. In the small area premises simply continue ducts, which will circulate the warm air. This boiler is absolutely not afraid of heavy frost. Absence of the heat transfer fluid as the broker itself greatly simplifies the task of heating the article reduces the costs associated with heating equipment.

Boilers of small capacity, working with wood and warming the air is very practical and easy to use.

On a note: to obtain the desired room temperature is sufficient for 20-30 minutes, as opposed to 2-3 hours until the solid-water boiler will be released on the calculated indicators.

The more often these units are equipped with a cooking surface. At the cottage, this fact is of great importance. Given the short duration of stay in the country during the cold season, the air boiler for wood or coal will be a great help in everyday life.


Considering heaters that you can set your own garden, it should be practical and pragmatic approach to the issue. If the duration of your stay in the country is quite significant, do not skimp on the installation powerful heating unit, which will provide full country house heat and hot water. If your cottage just a temporary shelter for one or two days in order to rest, then it is better to do the most simple and reliable models.

air heating boilers, solid fuel boiler to give long burning, conventional pyrolysis-type boilers, all this machinery is able to solve the set of tasks for which it is designed. Overpay and buy expensive equipment is not necessary, if you can get an affordable, simple and reliable operation of the machine. It is important to consider fire safety and the degree of control equipment.