In most regions of Russia, the question the need for garage heating equipment does not cause disputes - the air temperature in winter even in southern areas below freezing, not to mention the north countries. Therefore garages heating problem discussing only from the perspective of efficiency and effectiveness of a heating unit for specific conditions.

Consider several types of popular among motorists heaters for heating individual garage and compare their characteristics.
Justification everything heated garage
The main purpose of garages - storage of the vehicle, but this room many additional features, depending on the interests of the owner and are not related to the category of minor.
Arguments in favor of garage heating equipment:
- reduction of moisture in the room periodically heat their winter - the car body less corroded, boxing can use a longer life, the safety of storage utensils and dry materials, finishing walling wiring above;
- relief engine start in winter;
- possibility of repair, maintenance or household works regardless of outdoor temperature.
Important! Efficient, cost-effective heating of the garage is not real without it everything walling insulation.
That says about heating garage buildings Law
Having made the decision to equip the garage heating, should be aware that not only the result but also the order of your actions must conform to current legislation RF
The main legislative act regulating fire prevention measures in the Russian Federation, today is the RF Government Decree "About firefighting mode» No 390 of 25 April 2012 (As amended on 18.11.2017, the).

However, there are other fire safety regulations containing more detailed requirements on the prevention of fires in the buildings garage collective and personal, mandatory execution. For example, the "Instruction PB Garage" from 2018 22 pages.
If the garage for personal use, not adjacent to the buildings of identical purpose, the equipment it heating is carried out according to the project developed by the project organization licensed for this type of activity.
If you find the same facilities as part of a cooperative arrangement of the space heating is carried out after consultation with the Chairman - in accordance with the instructions available to it on the measures Fire containing calculations and rules for the particular organization.
Important! Universal fire safety instructions thoroughly taking into account the specifics of the heating of an object does not exist.
Thus, all the independent actions of the owners of the garages on the installation and use of heating appliances manufactured by them at your own risk.
Heaters diesel
Diesel fuel - energy resource that is available, and the presence in the fuel market, and price. In addition, diesel fuel volatility lower than that of kerosene, which makes it safer in a household application. Therefore, as a heater for heat generators garage Local stably occupy a leading position.
The generalized description of the group "Diesel heaters"Will not give the desired presentation of these units, which are different types of design and technical characteristics. From these considerations, we consider a model to each of the types of heaters Local popular with the owners of garages.

Heaters for indirect heating Local units differ from the direct action in that they have a combustion chamber isolated from the heated room air and the combustion products of diesel fuel during operation of the device output through a chimney to the outside.
This design feature is particularly important for the garage - limited volume of space, the content of carbon monoxide wherein the gas for heating diesel direct heating gun reaches dangerous values for a few minutes.
Diesel heat gun indirectly heated BALLU BHDN-20 TUNDRA series
- dimensions - 89h67,5h44 cm;
- weight (without fuel) - 22.0 kg;
- maximum heat power - 20 kW;
- fan capacity - up to 500 m3/ч;
- feed air temperature - 95about C (20about With indoor);
- Efficiency - 78-82%;
- Maximum heating area - 200 m2;
- consumed fuel - fuel oil;
- diesel averaged flow - 1.9 l / h;
- Fuel tank capacity - 24 liters;
- time of continuous operation on one filling - 15 hours;
- voltage supply - 220-230 V;
- cost - 32-37 thousand. rub;
- manufacturer - China.
- a high level of security;
- high-performance fan;
- Ignition - 2-electrode;
- powerful electronic ignition spark;
- precision electronic flame control based photocell;
- durable heat exchanger and the combustion chamber (heat-resistant stainless steel);
- corrosion and heat resistant paint covering the housing;
- solid rubber tire wheels.
A more complete understanding of the liquid-fuel heat indirect heat guns will help video showing the diesel heater for garage Aurora TK-55 ID - unit, identical to that described above Ballu BHDN-20:
Fuel oil heaters companies "SolyaroGaz"
Line heaters this manufacturer consists of five basic models, differing capacity (1.8 - 2.5 kW) and structurally slightly (geometry of the reflector, the manufacturing material firebox).
Dimensions of these compact units are in the range of 30-40 cm, which does not require a lot of space at the location and can carry air heaters in the trunk of any car. Heaters line "SolyaroGaz" at modest sizes allow to maintain a comfortable temperature in buildings area of 20-25 m2Consuming an average of only 0.2 liters of fuel per hour.

Volume of fuel tanks, heaters, depending on the model, varies (2.5 - 3.5), but on average provides a continuous operation of the device for 10 hours and the economy mode until 18 hours.
Starting up in the following order:
- raise divider with mesh-emitter;
- by the controller to open the supply of fuel;
- set fire to the wick of a lighted match;
- lower splitter.

- versatility (two kinds of fuel used);
- functionality (heating and cooking);
- compactness and low weight at sufficient power;
- efficiency - low fuel consumption;
- ease of use;
- reasonable price (3-5 thousand. rub.).
- factors of open flames, including the need to periodically ventilate the room;
- relatively slow output in the operating mode;
- using a selection of diesel odor and off the ignition.
Important! Working with volatile fuel in the garage at the working oil-fired infrared heaters, as well as direct burner heat rays directly towards combustible materials, gas cylinders, gas pipelines, wirings and etc. prohibited.
gas heat generators
As for heating equipment garage gas heaters are somewhat inferior to the popularity of diesel heaters, as the connection garage structure to the backbone with natural gas requires the development of the project and the use of bottled propane or butane is much expensive. However, in regions with a mean duration of the heating season, gas heaters apply in garage buildings often enough.

Gas heaters are divided into infrared and convection action. In both types of aggregates heat is generated due to the combustion gas, but the devices differ in the way of heat transmission.
From the perspective of ease of use in a garage, consider samples of compact units.
Heater gas infrared action BALLU BIGH-3 -
EXAMPLE modern energy-saving heating device having the necessary functionality for the garage and efficiency.
The device is connected through reducer to the cylinder with propane or butane and sent to the current area.
After ignition of the burner heats the ceramic panel, the emitter being infrared waves. Infrared radiation heats the surface of objects placed on the propagation path, and then the heated interior gives heat to the indoor air.

The model is suitable for a local directional heating zones and objects, which is useful in the repair of the car in the garage. Furthermore, adjustable stand allows directing radiation upwardly and to use the device for heating water or cooking food.
Main characteristics:
- ignition - Manual;
- Fuel - propane, butane;
- heat power - 3 kW (max);
- heated area - up to 30 m2;
- fuel consumption - up to 200 ml / hour;
- Dimensions of the heater - 22,5h21,5h22,1 cm;
- Wet weight - 2.2 kg.
Advantages of the model:
- compactness;
- efficiency;
- quality paint housing;
- Ceramic emitter class A protected execution.
Important! Sellers BALLU BIGH-heating panel 3 are both not subject to deformation from contact with water, but the degree of resistance uncertainty, however under conditions of a garage, a car wash where practiced, the infrared heater must not come into contact with moisture.
gas convectors They operate on a different principle - the burning gas in the apparatus heats a metal plate-heat exchanger, which is in contact with the room air, initiates the formation of convective currents. Combustion of gas takes place in the heated volume is isolated from the housing unit, and the combustion products are discharged outside via a conventional coaxial or chimney.
Due to the removal of combustion products on the outside the heat loss in the heating device so significant, however exchangers convectors to provide sufficient heat transfer performed much larger area than the infrared heating panels gas heaters.

Operation of gas convectors requires a significant gas flow, so to heat garages, they are rarely used. In addition, these heaters are located in the operating mode slowly and the effect of the garage unit operation must be rapid.
Important! At equipment garage gas convector with an open combustion chamber space to be ventilated is provided with a three-time air exchange for an hour.
electrical heaters
Heat generators for heating the garage electricity are the safest to use. In addition, the vast majority of garage buildings originally electrified, and the use of electric heater does not require additional activities - Chimney unit, ventilation, solving problems with fuel and etc.

With a relatively short stays in a garage for heating energy costs will not be significant, though electricity and not a cheap source of energy.
Due to the aforementioned factors, electric heater in the garage structure - common unit.

The heating device, which we choose for the garage, must correspond to the capacity in which the premises is operated.
If the mode of operation - half-hour visits every few days, a reasonable solution would be to purchase a small spiral or TENovye device with a fan. Electric infrared heater tripod performance will also be effective.

When the garage is used as a full service shop, it is necessary to consider more inertia, but at the same time energy-saving types of heating units. Rational solution is homemade register of embedded steel pipe with the lower portion of TAN filled with antifreeze or transformer oil.

Important! According to the safety regulations in the operation of electrical appliances, all electric equipment in the garage must be grounded - on ground loop or through a third conductor on the supply cable.
In today's variety of types of heating equipment, the proposed domestic and foreign manufacturers, choose the heater for the garage is not difficult.
However, getting device with reference to the existing conditions, it is first necessary focus on operational safety - to choose the design with multiple steps of protection and perform PB rules. The severity of the consequences of levity in this direction is unpredictable, particularly in the garage cooperatives.
The main essence of the article
- The possibility of heating the garage premises - the guarantor of long-term safety of the vehicle and stored utensils, comfort repair work.
- Providing comfort in the garage should not be contrary to the rules of fire safety. The use in garages all improvised heaters is prohibited.
- Fuel oil heaters are popular among owners of garages, but the operation of the units even industrial production in close premises associated with increased risk.
- Gas heating units during operation hardly left after combustion of harmful substances, but the gas - the fuel increased danger. Installation, operation units on the gas demand of design calculations and approval of the regulatory authorities.
- Electric heaters - the most secure device for the garage environment, so the apparent high cost of electricity for the most economical heating with electricity in the long term.