On there is a special creative freedom suburban area - the owner can realize any idea, to build in their own space around the house. Sometimes come across such possession, which contains slides, fountains, sculptures, pavilions, but there is no coherent picture that makes the holiday memorable ensemble. To create a really interesting way of your garden that can delight and amaze, before drawing up a design project, construction and earth works, purchase of plants and garden accessories, it is necessary to study the styles of landscape design and stop at one.
- Historical background: we descend back centuries
- Vertical, horizontal, and the volume of the four elements
- What determines each style: compare features
Historical styles - an echo of bygone eras
- English style: cold stiffness in landscape surroundings
- Dutch comfort: canals, windmills, tulips
- Village life, arranged with taste
- Chinese Garden - inlaid jewelry box with secret
- Colonial style: the organic, orderly, dignity
- Moorish style: a mystery
- Lavender Provence patina of antiquity required
- Features planning: regular French style
- Romantic trip to Italy
- Japanese Garden: restrained purity of style
Garden of our time: from complex to simple
- Alpine meadow + alpine garden alpine style =
- Minimalism: less is better
- Garden Art Nouveau
- High-tech: the future is here
- Ecostyle - complete unity with nature
- What is the master, so is the style
Historical background: we descend back centuries
The beginnings of landscape design appeared as soon as the primitive people decided on the concept of their own homes: paving gravel area in front of the cave can be compared with the modern arrangement of the driveway to the suburban mansion. Gardeners and chief architect in the palaces of the ancient rulers (Assyria, Babylon, Egypt), charmed the eyes of the results of their masters work, had no idea that they are landscape designers, however, laid the foundations of the science of harmonious change the world. Hanging Gardens of Babylon - the creation of the brilliant landscape architect, were recognized by the ancient one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Versailles park - at least grand and glorious offspring of André Le Nôtre, closer to our time, is considered a textbook example, the apex of landscape art, and Japanese "Garden of Stones" Ryoan-Tzu in Kyoto, whose atmosphere is painted religious and philosophical notes, was one of the forefathers of style and minimalist design architecture.

Vertical, horizontal, and the volume of the four elements
All components of landscape design perfectly fit into the rule to "combine top, bottom and form" and also symbolically support element 4 natural (wood, water, stone, air) during the filling landscape. An additional component, giving the ability to draw any geometric shape, accent emphasize objects is light.
Air | Water | A rock | Wood | Shine | |
Horizontal | Panoramic view | ponds reservoirs streams |
garden paths driveways parking lots Patio |
ornamental shrubs plant of trailing habit |
backlight tracks Artificial lighting reservoirs |
Vertical | "The light at the end of the tunnel" - invites to a walk light window at the end of alley | cascades Waterfalls | retaining walls columns stone arches |
Full-size trees Vertical gardening |
Free-standing lights |
volume | Outdoor spaces (lawn, a paved playground) | volumetric fountains | garden oven Sculptures Fireplace |
Topiary MAFy (arbor, pergola, lattice tos) |
Lighting Lighting design figure green spaces |

Developing landscape design, it is necessary to link the vertical and horizontal planes, emphasize the necessary volume, create a common space where nothing is not discordant with the general stylistic solution.

What determines each style: compare features
The starting point when creating your own landscape hacienda can be any detail. The main thing - to classify it correctly, determine the identity of style. Love to sandy shades of travertine is able to push on the design of the garden "a la Italy", the view that "a rose - the fairest of Flowers "tells the use of English classics, the mandatory presence of the fragrance of lavender - a direct reference to a saturated sun Provence. Narrow the scope of the style with the selection help the main features of the garden layout and content elements.
Rigor, using the rectangular shapes at different garden breakdown:
- Regular (French);
- Japanese;
- Mauritanian.

Smooth, rounded lines characterized by:
- English style;
- country;
- Russian Art Nouveau;
- Chinese;
Splendor of blooming vegetation, a riot of color in a geometrically rigid layout characteristic of the Moorish garden space, classic English garden, on the other hand, implies a perfectly well thought-out range of colors the cool shades, lots of greenery, general coloristic restraint.

Historical styles - an echo of bygone eras
Any historical style of landscape design - a reflection of the relevant time, painted the national colors. A thorough backup palace gardens today are not important, it requires the scope possessions, state gardeners and constant concern, but the use of common methods, arrangement necessary accents, the selection of suitable plants (originals or local counterparts) to create a small-scale facility that blends into the style framework. The use of specific types of paving, site layout, shearing hedges, construction of compulsory zones draws spectacular style image.

English style: cold stiffness in landscape surroundings
A classic example of the landscape in the English style watched heroine Jane Austen novel "Pride and Prejudice" in the rich estate of Mr. Darcy. Garden was a regular and luxurious at the same time. More mundane examples of this type of landscape design inherent smooth outlines of man-made elements (Playgrounds, paths, markup plantation boundaries, bodies of water circuits), restraint in the choice of plants, their color range. Preferred inflorescences cool tone, a combination of blue and pink, no shouting accents. Particular attention is paid to green areas and lawns: in addition to a thorough year-round care (Mowing, trimming, the replacement of extinct specimens) is a thorough screening of species type and color foliage. As a result, the English garden looks very well kept and harmonious.

When preparing the compositions of British typically important perennial color and size rhythm proportional mix of plants among themselves diversity planting of flowering time.

Dutch comfort: canals, windmills, tulips
The image of the Dutch garden is directly correlated with the character of the people of this country and its natural environment. Forced to win in the upcoming sea space to live the Dutch appreciate the land, their gardens are quite small in size. The main features of the Dutch character, reflected in the landscape:
- Practicality - the area used to the maximum, conventional trees replaced dwarf forms;
- Reasonableness - each element of the place (carefully calculated zoning);
- Accuracy - Garden found in perfect order;
- Love for life - three-dimensional spots of bright colors, the use of garden figurines and small objects;
- Pride - the most spectacular part of the garden is a ground floor front of the house to cause the admiration of passers-by.

Village life, arranged with taste
Country style (country music) landscape design is characterized by a certain casualness, a touch of antiquity, the lack of an ideal tuned proportions. It seems that the artist sketched the scenic light strokes sketch that suddenly came to life. Wood, stone, willow wicker, cane, clay - all natural materials will find use. In the style of the country welcomed the construction of wooden arbors, creating man-made ponds and streams, flower gardens free of rules, where coexist different plants. Decor elements involved in creating a garden full of rural charm - a wicker fences, clay pots, tubs of flowers, colorful garden sculptures, wheels and old carts, climbing plants, neat framed beds, - all that is so cute heart tortured city dweller and instantly forms an idyllic picture.

Chinese Garden - inlaid jewelry box with secret
Special features Chinese-style landscape design became elegant lines, rich colors, the desire to make the simple complex without disturbing the natural harmony. The space artificially stretched due to the large length of winding hiking trails included in the aqueous compositions of the landscape (calming calm waters replaced cascaded stages), the division of the garden light walls with slotted holes ( "moon gate"), the intriguing visitor, invited him to further travel.

Garden landscape orientation emphasize:
- Curved bridge line interface with a roofed pavilions, pagodas, ornamental gates;
- Skillful combination of two opposite energies: water, and stone;
- Centeredness garden composition;
- The use of plants with natural rounded shapes or use of topiary.

Colonial style: the organic, orderly, dignity
Colonial style combines the two different cultures - bringing the outside and aboriginal. This is an example of mutually enriching synthesis when multinational European colonizers, the limited selection of building materials, a variety of exotic local flora resulted in an amazing symbiotic style, which is characterized by heat, light negligence, soft coziness. Pushing the gate of the infield, designed in colonial style, it would be desirable to exclaim: «! Home, sweet home». Smooth lines bright flower beds, woody rounded outlines formulations in Routes repeated garden paths of brick, stone slab, the impregnated wood. An echo of the practical application of the first settlers of land holdings is zoning: obligatory stands orchard and garden part, which is often drawn as a decorative garden in the regular style. Garden with terraces, sun-drenched, is located behind the house, protected them from third-party views. He is full of colors, but the hallmark of colonial design is considered a low wooden fence "as a grandmother", painted a simple white.

Moorish style: a mystery
Closed from prying gardens in the Moorish style fully meet the definition of "eye candy and the repose of the heart." Surrounded by high walls and desert oasis filled with bright colors with a strong smell, sparkling water fountains and channels saturated green foliage. Oriental luxury features to bliss, the enjoyment of life, uninterrupted pleasure. Moorish style implies a unity of opposites: everything that has created the human hand straightforward, strictly, has clear boundaries, all donated by nature, raging in its original beauty. The artificial division by 4 square garden paths lined with tiles, creating complex patterns, and green spaces of different heights are used as a screen hiding the private life of the owners. garden ornaments are fruit trees, and the queen is the rose. Most preferred varieties that have a lush and dense inflorescence multileaf aroma, penetrating into all corners of the garden.

Lavender Provence patina of antiquity required
At the word "Provence" to mind images an infinitely receding into the distance the rows of purple flowers, but Olive Garden - a small, cozy, nice space around the house.
Typical features of a French village design:
- Antique, shabby wood for garden furniture;
- Weathered stone retaining walls and framing beds;
- Paved paths, which creeps plants grown;
- Mandatory curly bed with herbs;
- The abundance of lavender beds in terracotta pots that separate rest area with a wrought-iron bench from the other garden areas;
- Creepers, Entangling arches and pergolas, as a way of shading from the hot sun;
- A number of fruit trees with flat crowns, a special kind of molded trim, along the wall of the house.

Features planning: regular French style
Mirroring garden pieces along the central axis, the boundaries of clarity, cropped hedges of varying heights, extended neat alleys, curly floral borders - that's what distinguishes the French park ensembles, the creation of which was erected in a rank art. Classic elements of the regular style of the palace are:
- Fountains with sculpted groups;
- Front stalls in the front part;
- Reservoirs curved symmetrical shapes in the stone frame;
- Rows clipped exotic trees in massive tubs, which are removed in the winter greenhouse;
- Ideal extensive lawns as binder whole space;
- Flower beds, forming a complex geometric pattern;
- "Green" secret rooms, mazes, amphitheaters.

Romantic trip to Italy
Warm wind, the sun, intense aromas - the distinctive features of the Mediterranean climate, which is reflected in the design of the Italian gardens. Classical palace garden park - this is the symmetry plan, trimmed trees in pots, live fence, clearly delineates the space, straight track, raised pond, fountains and marble sculpture. Scenic beauty, richness of flowering plants are balanced by a strict composition of man-made changes in the landscape. In contrast, a small garden with a touch of romance to design easier - its characteristic features add cheerful color:
- Stone patio with furniture that combines wood and forging, is designed for the busy family meals;
- Bench under the pergola, overgrown with roses and vines, perfect for a relaxing afternoon;
- Outdoor terrace lined with flower pots, late in the evening will give the opportunity to admire the stars.

Japanese Garden: restrained purity of style
The main features of the landscape in the Japanese style is austerity, composite tuned, self-restraint. Nothing should distract from the contemplation of natural harmony or immersion in his own thoughts. Mandatory combination of water, stone and living plants creates a special, miniature world where time passes very slowly, where a person is given the infinity to watch bent over a small lake willow branches or fly around the flower petals. When designing a Japanese garden design true to the stylistic solution would be:
- Asymmetric site plan;
- Miscalculation of view points: Any movement in the zones Japanese garden should present an ideal picture viewer;
- Lighting recreation area with stone lanterns;
- Placing groups beautiful stones, paving stones separate flat framed lawn or scattering of pebbles;
- The use of plants, sung in Japanese poetry: maples, cherries and plums, roses, willows, pines, peonies.

Garden of our time: from complex to simple
Modern landscape designer provided a large palette of styles and instruments. New Directions have a personality, but do not require compliance with the strict regulations. The absence of severe restrictions allows to mix with each other embodiments, complement each other to implement interesting ideas. For example, today one of the increasingly popular styles becomes fantasy. Under the influence of the "Round Trip", "The Witcher", novels, barbarians, wizards, dwarves treasure dream to see customers in their area of the Shire or dense forest. Yes, sometimes adults too want to live in a fairy tale. specialist task - to realize this desire, filling the surrounding space mysterious corners under the canopy of woven branches, unknown paths, leading to a quiet backwater buildings "antique". The cellar of the Shire, children's lodge - hut of Baba Yaga, a gazebo with oven, like a tavern with trolls success will mark possessions belonging to "the realm of distant lands."

Alpine meadow + alpine garden alpine style =
Alpine style landscaping replicates the natural beauty of the European mountain areas, so apply it stands on a plot with a serious bias. The central focus becomes the use of stone in all sizes from boulders to pebbles. To place will have everything placers cobblestone, paving, slides and rockeries, "dry streams" cascading ponds where water is splashing on the rock slopes, rock observation decks. In combination with green grass stone lawn looks the most natural. A separate section of the zone may be taken under the alpine meadow: grasses waving wind flower would parallel aromas with spicy herbs (thyme planted in the gaps between the fragments alpine slides, where expanding, it fills the void along with heather, creeping stonecrop, awl-shaped phlox). Classic location of the house at the top portion of a panoramic view of the kaleidoscope of colors, typical of this style.

Minimalism: less is better
A small portion can be arranged in any style, but minimalism is able to make it not miserable and worthy. "I cut off all unnecessary" - Michelangelo replied to a question about how he creates his marble sculptures. The task of minimalism similar - to remove non-essential to restraint manifested in the true nature of the garden. Designed with precision engineering garden space format - this is the main idea. Scandinavian approach to the selection of colors (preferably neutral, natural tones), designed composition, clearly defined borders - these are the distinctive features of the design with a sense of dignity. Inherent minimalist form simple, by reducing the number of decorative accents expanding space eye resting on the green and the mirror surface of the water.

Garden Art Nouveau
The main rule of landscape design "house style defines the appearance of the garden" in modernity becomes dogma. The main building - it is the center of the entire space. Waves diverge away portion area, the internal features of the building are copied to external objects. Modern belongs to the category of landscape garden design: there are no right angles, clean lines. A distinctive feature contours are smoother, the natural curves garden paths, herbal compositions, water. Garden breathes tranquility, repetition shapes in different elements (small architectural forms and objects of decoration, flower beds, lawn border) creates an unhurried rhythm adjusts to a contemplative rest. It enhances the effect of appeasing muted colors of green spaces and flower beds.

Iris - the central flower of modernity, it appears in the paintings, stained glass, forging, parquet, wood carving interior decoration of the house, and perfectly decorate the garden. Delicate flowers on peduncles proud - the embodiment of style itself.

High-tech: the future is here
Once in the garden of high-tech person feels like a hero fiction novel on a huge spaceship, which provides everything for a long stay.
The main features of the landscape design of high-tech style:
- The use of rectangular shapes expressed by boundaries;
- Filling open areas clipped lawn, stone tiles, gravel dumping;
- Main materials: stone, concrete, glass, plastic, treated wood;
- Restrained colors;
- Using art objects of metal, stone, glass, mirrors;
- Water bodies without vegetation, enclosed in a rigid frame.
A powerful tool for creating garden hi-tech style is light. Backlight accents, depending on the operating light bands appear different light pattern.

Ecostyle - complete unity with nature
In developing the project in ecological style, the designer solves the problem of maximum use of the natural advantages of the site and minimal intervention in the landscape. It is also necessary to place all the buildings, so as not to disturb the ecosystem in miniature. The most significant is the stage of preliminary study:
- should draw the circuit layout area with heights, fall shadows when you move the sun, existing large trees for conservation purposes;
- analyze the pros and cons based on them offer landscape change plan;
- explore the growing plants on the ground, to make the necessary dendroplan greenery.

What is the master, so is the style
In the process of selection of a variety of artistic techniques of harmonization country site is difficult to take the very first decision. It is necessary to build on your own preferences, for the garden - a reflection of the soul of its owner. When a style is defined, the further process will go faster: you need to strictly observe the stylistic description, follow the advice of landscape designers, competently care for the created space. Then, concurring in appearance with a dream of a country house ambience will be a source of pride and garden care will be fun.
See also:Conifers in landscape design suburban area 75 photos