How to store bread in a bag, breadcrumbs and a refrigerator?

When answering the question of how to store bread, most people answer that in the breadbox. If this knowledge ends, then do not be surprised soon spoilage of bakery products and a rapid decline in their taste. Practice shows that, observing simple rules, you can save the product for several days in its original form.

Do not forget that in the opinion of nutritionists not fresh, but it was spent for a couple of days, bread is considered most useful. He gets rid of all the substances left after the fermentation process, slightly changes its texture. This rule applies only when creating favorable conditions for the storage of the product.

Basic rules for storing bread

To maintain high quality of bakery products for several days, it is important to remember the following points:

  1. Warm bread is forbidden to be packed, it is necessary to wait until it cools. Otherwise, the environment around the product will be filled with moisture, which is the reason for the rapid appearance of mold.
  2. Keep bread in the refrigerator strictly prohibited. The moisture content of fresh baking is about 50%, and the conditions of the refrigerating chamber are such that the moisture in it evaporates at an accelerated rate. This leads to drying of bakery products, loss of taste and aroma. It turns out that bread, which many traditionally store in the refrigerator, does not freeze, but rapidly hardens.
  3. Loaves of different sort must be stored separately. Each of them has its own microflora, and one always negatively affects the other. As a result, smells are mixed and products are quickly damaged.
  4. Despite the fact that bread is usually cut from the end, the best option is the opposite approach - from the middle. If you initially cut any kind of bakery products in the center and cut the pieces in this way, and if you store the slices tightly, you can significantly extend the shelf life of the food component.

Compliance with simple rules not only gives the opportunity for a longer time to enjoy the pleasant taste of the product, but also reduces the risk of food poisoning or the appearance of mold on the bread.

Where and how best to store baked goods?

Proper storage of bread is not just the storing of fresh produce in the breadbox. Experts propose to consider the following options for approaching the organization of the issue:

  • In tissue. At home, you can use canvas or a piece of linen cloth. Just wrap the bread in it, then its freshness will be saved for a week. If through this time the product from the group of bakery products becomes stale, it will not lose its taste and useful components.

Tip: The fabric does not need to be changed every time, it only needs to be washed from time to time. Use with this ray of laundry soap, but not detergent powders with a strong aroma. Even if the smell does not come from the fabric, the quality of bread will definitely affect it.

  • In a polyethylene package. This method is used for bakery products that do not need to be stored for more than 4-5 days. The main thing is to make sure that condensation does not accumulate on the walls of the bag. For prevention, several holes can be made in the material.
  • In a bag of paper. The best option for food lovers with crispy crust. In extreme cases, it is allowed to use thick paper, but without any traces of paint. Paper towels with this approach will not work! Contrary to popular opinion of many housewives, paper does not prevent the evaporation of moisture, so in the refrigerator, such convolutions can not be stored.

  • In a special bag. Today in hardware stores are offered multi-layer bags that can provide bread with the most comfortable conditions. Even after a few days of staying in such a package, the freshness and pleasant aroma of bakery products is preserved in full.

  • In the freezer. Despite the fact that it is forbidden to keep bread in the refrigerator, it is even possible to use the freezer for this purpose. If you bring the temperature in the chamber to an indicator of -18 ° C, then the product will retain its properties for up to six months. This product is thawed at room temperature for a couple of hours. To speed up the process, a microwave or oven can be used. The negative moment here is only one - this bread very quickly becomes stale, so before processing it is better to cut the loaf portionwise and wrap each piece in a foil.
  • In the breadbox. Strange as it may seem, not the most successful way of storing baking. The product will remain in its original form for only a few days, for the sake of fidelity, popular rumor recommends placing an open salt shaker, half a potato, a piece of sugar or an apple in a container. The breadbasket should be airtight, it is better to put it in a warm dry place. It is best to use a wooden product wrapped in linen cloth. It is worth paying attention to the construction of birch bark, it has natural antiseptic properties.

  • In a modified form. Preparation of biscuits is also a way of storing bread. And n must necessarily use the product for food in this form, if necessary, it is steamed out in a water bath.

Even the listed approaches do not always guarantee the desired result. If you have any doubts about the quality of the product, it should be discarded immediately, and not attempted to clean the mold and prolong its storage.