Standard grocery stores have a predictable layout, types of lighting and dull colors, which is diluted aggressively bright pointers product positioning and catchy advertising promotional products a month. But a pleasant interior and competent merchindayzing can be several times to increase sales and contribute to the attraction of new customers, as people will be nice to go into the cozy shop. Small shops are equal to modern design of large chain supermarkets and in many respects replicate their situation. This approach to design is not valid in the root.
At the small grocery stores have one strong advantage to the interior can be approached creatively and with the soul, to create a special comfort, which was previously I present in all the shops, where every customer knew by sight, and accompanied by the purchase of nice conversations with the seller and part-owner. store product design really create your own. Of course, this additional burden will be a burden especially for start-ups, but the savings on the purchase of the finished project will be a nice bonus. Let's try to figure out what styles are now considered valid and how to implement them in practice.
- Disposition of the premises and the establishment of the project
- store zoning Organization
- shops styles
- Meaning of colors in the design store
- Lighting
- Materials and methods of finishing
- The choice of furniture and technological equipment
- Accessories and decor elements
- Design of a small grocery store
- Store design coffee-bakery
- Design butcher shop / store
- The interior of the store dairy products
- Ideas for vegetable store
- conclusion
Disposition of the premises and the establishment of the project
Disposition - competent, convenient location of each premises zone. From it depends directly on the functionality of the store. In the classic version, it consists of a trade hall and ancillary facilities (warehouse, dressing room, playground for the processing of goods, toilet). There are two main types of food shops:
- Mini self-serving, that is, customers are gaining their own goods and baskets are on the cash register.
- Shop closed countertop area. Goods buyers take out the sellers. This option is not suitable for serving large flows of people, as there will inevitably turn.
- When the store layout is necessary to consider its type. In the first case, at the entrance to allocate a zone for trolleys and baskets, and offices are arranged in such a way that they blocked the flow of customers. In the second embodiment, the shelves are usually placed around the perimeter. Trading hall - one of the primary sales tools. With planning, you can adjust the flow of customers to guide them in certain accent areas. During the creation of the design project take into account the following principles:
Functionality. Each square meter must be used for certain purposes. - No "dead" or "dead-end" zones. Trading hall should be planned in such a way that the flow of customers is continuously circulated. movement direction to go in cycles, and the shelves in the center necessarily equipped with a pass-through, so as not to have to go back. Due to such a layout people will be reluctant to view more goods, and therefore the probability of "accidental" purchase increases.
- The maximum extension of the zones with the actual goods.
Designers do not recommend to do the warehouse "cross-cutting". To this should lead one entrance / exit. When this product is connected to the storage area for handling (packaging) product. unloading zone is also linked to the warehouse through an adjacent room. Place for processing of goods shall be reported directly to the shop floor. This will allow to quickly deliver fresh food on the shelves.

The optimal form of sales area is considered to be a rectangle or oval. In this room is conveniently positioned equipment, and buyers will not pay attention to a complex configuration, which subtly distract from the goods.

store zoning Organization
Salesroom should be structured into separate zones:
- The input part;
- Place for carts and baskets;
- Cash area;
- Marketplace with open shelves and closed stalls, which sell products in bulk, or "home" cooking.

The first thing to plan a place to enter. Keep in mind that most people intuitively moves counterclockwise. Therefore, the turnstile leading to the trading floor, located at the right side of the entrance. At the same time we must take into account the placement of the store on the street. Outside Entrance should be communicated to the busiest part of it. If you have two choices: back alley or avenue, the choice is made in favor of the second. At the entrance, as a rule, are arranged news or promotional items. At the level of the same intuition buyers pay more attention to those counters, which are located on the right. To identify this pattern, even conducted special psychological studies. Therefore, the "burning" or expensive items that need to sell quickly, placed on the right side. Cash Zone is located on the left side of the entrance. Here are arranged on the shelves products "impulse buying", that is, the products that are cheap and can easily seduce a man on the purchase until it will stand in the queue.
See also:How to make the design barbershop +50 examples

shops styles
In grocery stores embody the same style as in the design of residential houses:
- Rustic. The perfect solution for the thematic shop, whose products are famous for their natural origin. The decoration used wood and decorate the room with different symbols: Village carts, wheels, tubs, barrels, brooms, burlap, checkered textiles and straw decorations. These elements can be adapted to perform certain functions. For example, in a wagon equipped with the counter where they sell fresh dairy products. On exhibit barrels wine collection, and near kadushek buyers are waiting for the pickles, which are typical for blanks in the village: pickles, mushrooms, sauerkraut.
- Ecostyle. The decoration used only natural materials and their high-quality imitation wood, plastic, metal, glass. Salesroom issued on minimalist principles. Necessarily present in the decoration of the plant. In order to facilitate the work of staff to care for them, choosing unpretentious kinds of sprouts or oats, wheat, rye, which look stylish and concisely.
- Provence. Extremely cozy rustic ethnic variation. With such a design, you can save on the skin, as the gloss in Provence are not welcome. The decoration use wood. The interior decoration of the shop should look like a small shop in the suburbs of Paris. He will homely, soft and warm. The color palette prevails white, gray, pink, yellow. Surface decorated with floral patterns.
- Loft. Stylish and luxurious design course will make the store a pearl street that will stand out from the typical shops in the neighborhood. The decoration use stone, brick, textured plaster, plastic plates, glass. The room is equipped with low-hanging lamps. Counters metal selected from the wooden shelves. Walls partially decorated with brickwork. Complement the design of a group of pictures or photos to free space.
Also, when you make use of country stores (another kind of country style), Art Deco, retro, high-tech, fusion, minimalism, ethnic areas, if most of the goods imported from one countries.

Meaning of colors in the design store
With color gamut can be manipulated by virtue of their customers subconscious perception of colors. Red - the most popular color in advertising. He aggressively stimulate action and evokes strong emotions. Although there are many negative connotations associated with red, he is still the basic color "driving" force trade. In order not to overload the room unnecessary pressure, the shade chosen for emphasis. Purple is the color of kings and the symbol of creative personalities. He also leads to action, but not as strongly as red. Purple is suitable for modern interiors where unusual ideas apply. Pink causes pleasant emotions associated with the concepts of romance and tenderness. This color usually decorate counters with children's products or with products that will appeal to women (sweets, cosmetics, kitchen utensils). Blue symbolizes stability. It is suitable for processing solid stores. In addition, the blue color will attract attention due to the fact that is the most "favorite" color on the planet. The situation with the orange is not so simple. This color is perceived without compromise: it either love or hate. While orange and is associated with a positive, it is not necessary to go to far with them in the design. Green is most easily perceived by the person. This natural color is neutral, but it is associated only with positive emotions, as the symbol of life, renewal, health. It is often chosen for decoration pharmacies. Turquoise is considered to be fresh and unobtrusive colors that are used in the design of modern fashion shops. Yellow - the color of happiness and optimism, it will cheer up customers and gently trigger on a purchase. Brown is associated with the earth, stability and trustworthiness. With its help emphasize the shelves with expensive, but natural products. White symbolizes purity and innocence, it is often used as a neutral background. Black is closely associated with elegance, luxury and exclusive formal. It is selected only serious shops.
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Remember that the colors in the design of the store has to overlap with the brand. This will help make it more recognizable.

Properly placed bulbs put up the goods in the best light, and in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The trading floor is necessarily present basic lighting in the form of groups of bulbs, which are located along the main stream "highways". Some counters are highlighted locally to emphasize the beautiful presentation and draw attention to the product, spread out on them. Be sure to light stands storefront, which plays the role of a presentable "face" to attract customers.

Materials and methods of finishing
For finishing shops use natural and artificial stone, brick, wood, plastic panels, ceramic tiles, and even paint. Material must meet the standard requirements that are mandatory for crowded places (flammability, toxicity). The floor and walls are usually trim tiles. This material is considered to be the best option, because it is easy to clean, not afraid of aggressive household chemicals and at the same time a very presentable look. If necessary, part of the walls accent decorate more expensive and less practical materials: brick, wood or stone. The ceiling is usually equipped with a skeleton that sheathe plasterboard or PVC panels. Since them hide communications, such an option will provide easy access to them when needed urgent repair.

The choice of furniture and technological equipment
Furniture and equipment are selected based on their functionality. Counters, cabinets, containers must be:
- durable;
- practical;
- Concise (not to detract from the catalog);
- Strong.

On the aesthetic appeal of attention is paid in the last instance, as a spectacular but fragile shelf under the production, no store is not interested. The best option for metal furniture considered in combination with the plastic elements.

Accessories and decor elements
Decorative elements and accessories emphasize the stylistic features of the concept. Since the main task of the store - to sell, and all the customer's attention should be focused only on the goods, interior ornaments used "passing", that is, they carry the emphasis on product group, do not provoke human gaze linger on myself. Designers recommend to pick up a couple of bright spots on the background of counters and displays, which must comply with the chosen style. In the loft, they will blackboards on the walls with a list of novelties and unusual ceiling lighting fixtures on. In the country use the "braids" of onions hanging from the ceiling, the wheels of the cart, converted into lamps, wicker baskets for bread with a substrate of checkered napkins. The rustic hay currently used, which placed under foods. This, incidentally, is useful because it will prevent them from spoiling quickly. Minimalism and completely devoid of decoration. Its main decoration - light, color and texture.

Design of a small grocery store
A small grocery store is necessary to use visual deception tricks to help create the illusion of more space. The furnish used simple materials desirable light color with a glossy surface. Counters and shelves are selected with mirrored walls, which will create the future. For decorative choose glass. Counters have on the perimeter (loop layout) with an "island" in the middle of the burning products. To the room seemed even more floor veneer dark or black tiles that accentuate the whiteness of the rest of the decoration. For use in extending the inlay in the form of one or two horizontal stripes on the walls. Shelves choose compact but roomy. Of stylistic options considered optimal minimalism, hi-tech and Ecostyle.
See also:The design of the flower shop

Store design coffee-bakery
The bakery, which in combination also a coffee shop, sales area is used for space with tables and chairs for visitors. Cash a zone in the center opposite the entrance. The rest of the wall occupied by stalls selling confectionery and baking. If the range of products is large, the windows are placed by the letter "G". The pastry is usually trying to recreate the comfort of home, which is associated with sweet delicacies. Therefore, in the decoration use wood or imitation, which is combined with painted or plastered areas. Facilities for visitors to decorate the glass walls, the paintings on the walls, hanging shelves with fine decor. The highlight of the program will be a cabinet with dishes, located right next to the tables. Sweets also decorate substrates, napkins and hot buns placed in a wicker basket.

Design butcher shop / store
To butcher looked more presentable accent wall behind the counter decorated with large signs, which show the juicy, flavorful dishes. Such will be the subtle hint and tips for buyers: what can be prepared from the store products. Above the storefronts hung slates with schematic depictions of animals and anatomical notes (which part of the carcass, the name). To the room looked stylish and slightly brutal, it is lined with natural stone floor, which will be combined with wood on the ceiling and walls. Counters also decorated with wood of the same color.

The interior of the store dairy products
«MilkLand» company one of the most original interiors dairy store has a Japanese pavilion. Take its design as an example. The color palette is used as the basis for white and gray. Accents is available in black and green. The main decoration shop - the figure of a cow in a full-length, is located on a piece of grass.

Continuing the theme of the natural veneer floor partially green tiles, imitating the path of grass. It stands out from the rest of the white tile. Furniture and appliances are choosing pale walnut or gray. Cash zone isolated black stylish spotlights on the ceiling. As an added decoration using grass in pots and bouquets of ears, tied with burlap.

Ideas for vegetable store
Due to the large influx of vegetables and fruits with GMOs and nitrates, store owners are trying in every way to emphasize the naturalness of its products. For these purposes the two most natural colors - brown and green. As an additional component palette used their colors: green, beige, walnut, olive, chocolate, coffee with milk. Herbs used in the decoration of the walls, and brown - in the shop windows and shelves.

Stylish solution would be placing decorative shelves hanging from a tree on the drawers or baskets with vegetables. It put fake composition of artificial fruits and vegetables, and is decorated with hooks for price tags. The room is decorated with grass in the pot and a couple of posters with interesting information about these or other products, which can be once a month to change the new. Vegetables themselves need to carefully select and lay out the flowers. You can even create a pie "flower bed" in the middle of a trading hall.

Starting your own store is always exciting. That business went up the hill to the customers must be approached with the soul and not to consider them only as an object that can contribute to the company's turnover. People feel attitude. If the store atmosphere is correct: cozy, lively, uplifting, that person will want to return here again. And no large network shops will not be able to lure customers to his back, because they will have to wait a little shop where you can buy groceries, and in the appendage to get pleasant emotions is free.