Which Treats masquerade do without the charming witch? And what a charmer without symbolic attire: a pointed hat, broom under his arm and strict fitting dress on the floor? Witches have long since become regulars Treats parties. The image of the evil sorceress is really versatile: it can be a white-haired old lady with a hooked nose, a charming young witch with a cheerful look, and even very small naughty girl. There are dangerous, gloomy, mysterious, fantastic, lovely and cute witch. Adjust the image, you can use make-up and details of the dress, but one thing remains the same - branded hat with a sharp tip, which seemed rips the sky above dark sorceress. image attribute can be purchased in the store finished goods, but much more fun to make a hat with his hands. For elegant witch - a fatal beauty, gone over to the dark side, pick up luxury dresses in black velvet or silk, corsets, stylish decoration and neat hats on Halloween, which is crowned with a graceful hairstyles. For the image of the witch-old woman fit awkwardly large hats on their hair disheveled, slightly podtochennaya time dresses, "terrible" makeup (teeth, long noses, warts). Little Enchantress pick outfits "dolls", which are sewn at home moms: neat short dresses combined with funny striped sleeves and stockings. Consider stepwise process creating three types witches hats: from felt, fabric and paper.
- Witches image and history of the emergence of peaked hats
Make a hat out of paper / cardboard
- Tools and materials needed
- Making crown and hat brim
- Decoration and painting hats
Hat made of felt
- Materials and tools
- Operating procedure
- decoration
Hat fabric
- Materials and tools
- of work equipment
- decoration
- Cocktail hat witch
- conclusion
Witches image and history of the emergence of peaked hats
The evolution of the image of the sorceress is closely linked with the history of religious fundamentalism. If originally belonged to a witch is not so categorical, that in the era of a "witch hunt", any woman could become a potential "friend unclean." Missing only a couple of slander from "well-wishers" and a few hours of torture, he confessed to the unfortunate of all sins. It was believed that witches met with the devil himself, killing children, strongly dirty trick people and regularly flock to the Sabbath in order to boast of crimes and to celebrate their impunity. Pointed hats - a mandatory attribute of witches only in Western culture. Patriotic Baba Yaga preferred scarves or headbands. Bulgakov's Margarita and all sported nudity. Pointed hats were popular in various cultures. Moreover, no negative connotation they themselves do not carry. First hats elongated appeared in ancient Egypt. They were called atevami and along with klaftami (striped scarf) were considered as part of the ritual of Pharaoh appearance. In Europe, pointed hats worn by men everywhere. Women prefer enneny - heavy "hats" with a frame made of whalebone, wrapped in silk and adorned with a veil. Fields in these "hats" was not. Hats already been delivered weighty and possessor of a lot of trouble during walks.

In the Middle Ages, witches were the people in the nude and with her hair. Moreover witch usually possessed fluffy red hair. A little later, the witch began to become more modest and masked by a more carefully. Their clothes did not differ from the usual image of urban women: dress and bonnet. Only in the XVII century in the English books and engravings witch got pointy hat. Many researchers believe that it is using the ridiculously sharp tip was easy to hint at bond holders headdress with evil forces. The image is called "hit the mark." It was used everywhere (in the fairy tales and songs) and now after a couple of centuries, no self-respecting witch was not on the Sabbath without this item of clothing. Finally, the image of the sorceress in a pointed hat was fixed after the release of the book by Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." Wicked Witch of the West had an unhealthy greenish tint face, was dressed in black clothes and hat of the same color, whose tip of sharpness could argue with the spire of the highest tower. This appearance has become a classic. It is complemented by a stylish broom, maybe a skull in his hand and a loyal friend - a wolf, a raven, a bat or a black dog. It would seem that the sorceress should look like a caricature and ridiculous in that outfit, but the gloomy image of a woman who "you" with otherworldly powers, adds color appearance. Peaked hats are actively used during Halloween. They can be called a classic attribute of witches costume. Hats are often provided with heavy buckles as on the belts. A Dutch tradition which gradually merged into the English way of witches and Quakers in symbolism. The combination really get amazing, because some of them - representatives of religious organizations and others - evil with which they are struggling.
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Acute hats borderless were part of the way astrologers (astronomers). It was believed that the space under the dome symbolizes the "temple". Astrologer could be anywhere, but he was always "in the Cathedral," that is kept in touch with heaven.

Make a hat out of paper / cardboard
Witch hat easiest to make out of cardboard or paper. Materials are available to everyone. Depending on the size of the finished product, it can be used for different purposes. For example, tiny hats are used for decorating the table for Halloween. Larger headgear suitable for decorating baby costume. It should be borne in mind that such a cap quickly will become worthless because of the fragility of the material. Typically, it is used only once, and the next year will have to make a new one.

Tools and materials needed
To work required:
- Scissors;
- Pencil;
- Cardboard or paper;
- Ruler and compass;
- Paint and brush.
Additionally used for decorating hats satin ribbons, bows, beads, coins, brooches, veil, locks, pens, buttons. As decoration, you can take any vending detail that will make witch hat original. Instead of cardboard sheet, for fields sometimes used disposable plates.

Making crown and hat brim
First, the crown is made pointed. Her folded from a pre-arranged pattern. The cone is obtained the same as for paper bags seeds. In the diagram, specially made stock, which will be sizing. "Rim", ie future fields hats consist of circles. They draw three: field boundaries and one internal. Nadrezhut it into strips, folded and glued to Tuglie. In another embodiment, the stocks are doing on the cover and also adhered to the "wrong" side of the hat fields. Then paint the paper, thereby masking the junction of the two parts.

Decoration and painting hats
To avoid further painting, a hat made from "trim" of cardboard, decorated with a picture. Beautifully will look model with black fields and patterned crown. If you use plain paper, it gouache paint with a brush. Does not recommend the use of watercolors. Because liquid consistency when dry composition will cause paper deformation and cap "pokorezhitsya". On top of the still wet paint cover the glitter.
See also:Furniture for doll house with their hands

To consolidate the layer, its usual sprayed with hairspray. He additionally give a glossy shine. You can do in painting and applied to the surface of the object original pattern. any trinkets suitable for decorating the headdress. The more original the hat will look, the more attention it will attract the owner. Its paste organza, voile, lace "rims", feathers, ribbons, sequins and even fur. Luxuriously look stimpankovskie hats decorated with castles of old clothes and gears of the clocks.

Milo and unusual will look handmade children Treats cap with a repeating pattern of spiders or volatile mice. Big Mama's brooch in a silver frame finish image impish witch.
Hat made of felt
Felt - the perfect material for sophisticated crafts, which should keep the shape. This is a soft, dense natural fabric (felt), obtained by felting. From it are made berets, hats and even boots. For home experiments Treats clothes suit sets for creativity, which you can buy at the store. The package usually consists of colored pieces of felt, but the desired shades can pick up on their own. For image witch ideal black, red, orange (yellow) and lilac or blue.

Materials and tools
To work with the material needed:
- Scissors;
- Needle and thread;
- Compasses, pencil, the paper sheet (for pattern);
- Glue;
- Several pieces of felt in different shades.
For decorative selected beads, rhinestones, satin bows and the felt volatile mice, which are put on hats field.
Operating procedure
Hat made of felt created on the same algorithm as the paper model, but there is no need to glue the elements, and sew them. First you need to draw the pattern for the fields and the crown. Be sure to add "reserves". Recommend draw on a piece of paper, then cut out the pattern and applied to pieces of felt. Fix it possible by means of pins. Then fine, or remnant, redraw the pattern on the fabric, and cut along the contours. Now you can start to sew. First, connect the edge of the crown, and then crosslinked two hat portion in one piece.

It is worth noting that the hats of felt, as well as from foamirana usually do small sizes. They are more suitable for children, dolls and Treats pumpkin. Often used as a room decoration. Big headdress will not hold the shape, it is necessary to produce even a framework for it.
Decorative headdress decorated with funny tassels on the tips and the "belt" with a buckle in the same tone. Details can be created from the same felt or to use more air fabric (mesh, veil). To attach the fields "fluffy" edging of fur or feathers black. The connection between the crown and fields decorated with ribbons, imitation web, miniature skulls, spiders in sequins, silk ribbons. Unusually will look hat with "autumn" decor of maple leaves, blades of grass, ears, tiny tykovok (from New Year's balls) and scarlet rowan brushes.

Hat fabric
Cloth hats - the most popular option. They are made for adults and Treats witches of all textiles. Since the size of the product is large enough, a prerequisite for it becomes frames, which help to maintain the shape of the headdress. Some combine materials. For example, tissue crown and the field of cardboard. Hat textiles last a long time and is used in many Halloween, while maintaining his frightening appearance.
See also:Ways to create and decoration boxes for storage

Materials and tools
To work on the creation of textile hats will need:
- Scissors;
- Threads and the needle;
- The cloth;
- Wire frame;
- wire cutters;
- paperboard sheet for the pattern;
- Decor.
Witch hats can have a sharp tip pointing to the sky, or gently slipping off somewhere to the side. Fabric for the fields and the crown have to starch.

of work equipment
To begin, measure the girth of the head witch, which meant hat. On the basis of the figures create a pattern on the paperboard sheet stock in 1.5 cm. frame "circles" and then produced. From the coils of wire are cut two pieces. One is the circumference of the head, and the second - the length of the outer hat brim. The ends of both pieces joined by screwing tight. You can use a soldering iron. Now the crown is crosslinked and is attached to the bottom of the smaller wire circle. If the cap must gently "fall down", it figured straighten and place fixed folds formed stitches. For fields hats cut out two identical parts. They are applied to each other and ligated. Now the field is possible to turn out on the front side. Secured on the rim circle of larger diameter wire. Carefully doshivayut remaining stitch on the outside. If the hand is not a wire, it is replaced by a cardboard circle. Form it will keep a little worse. Then the field is crosslinked with crowned. Place bonding two elements mask black or purple ribbon.

Pointy hat Witch of fabric decorated with translucent mesh. Veil sewn to the fields from the "inside." Big "dome" that will hang on all sides by a headdress, collected under the inconspicuous black gum and put on top. Hats decorate bright lacing, bats, snakes, buckles, pens beams, spiders, pictorially sliding on a thread with a sharp tip. It looks great models made of black silk, and decorated with bright orange "bouquet" of maple leaves. Modest but mysterious hat is decorated with silver threads entangle cap. Complement the decor with tiny rhinestones or asterisks. To underline the gloomy style, use the skull, "claws" of small animals, miniature ravens are set up on the headdress of the field. The original decor can crochet. For example, a light hood from the gray yarn (openwork knit), will simulate a web on a black hat.

Cocktail hat witch
Cocktail hat - a small elegant headdress. Typically, it is attached by means of pins on the side. This hat - part of the image of elegant witches, which only hints at his belonging to the dark forces. Dress a little reminiscent of a caricature, masquerade clothing. Refined dress embroidered with black lace corset and tiny hat with a coquettish veil - that image of a modern witch. To make such a hat can be made of cloth with a cardboard frame. Black silk crown adhesive qualities lace and decorated with large beads. At the junction of the fields and fix the hood satin ribbon, which is crowned like a cherry on the cake, graceful brooch instead of coarse decorative buckles.

Witch - always a welcome guest at the party and Treats. Image of a witch, one of the brightest representatives of "evil forces" have to collect the pieces, carefully thinking through every detail of fancy dress. Hat, perhaps the main character witch nature along with a broom. It will be a "sign of recognition", which will immediately understand the other guests, which image has chosen for himself a woman.