For chocolate should thank the people of South America. From cocoa beans are produced cold drink, which was called "bitter water." In the language of the Aztec name sounded more succinctly "chokoatl" or "chokolatl". An adapted version of the word we still use today: its value remained unchanged. Frayed cocoa beans mixed with water with the addition of chili pepper and herbs. Plentiful drink poured from vessel to vessel, that he has acquired the characteristic foam, which was considered the most valuable in it. As for taste, the chokoatl little resemblance to modern chocolate. Drank bitter water during the rituals. Shamans use it to trying to reach a state of trance. Generously treated chokoatlem and future victims - the central character of the bloody ritual. For Europe, the chocolate first discovered by Christopher Columbus, the man who mistook South America and India. Along with potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco leaves it brought the ship and cocoa beans. However, overseas seeds hapless traveler anyone at the court is not interested in opening and chocolate in the Old World was postponed by almost a hundred years long.
The second "defendant" the case of cocoa beans was the Spaniard Hernán Cortés. He cut the Aztec civilization and turned them into ruins. Conqueror primarily selected from the local gold, when it was over he became interested in the less shiny wealth. The Aztecs did not have money, but there was their counterpart - cocoa beans. Spanish gentleman tasted fine lines chokoatlya taste and appreciated its invigorating effect. The seeds of the cocoa tree again taken to Europe. Cortes was a merchant at heart, so their goods at the court of the Spanish monarch he presented in the best tradition of "sell" advertising. Chocolate was an unprecedented success. Cortes once again enriched. The drink drank all cereal establishments where the highest light going. Mere mortals chokoatl was not available because of the frenzied cost of raw materials: a hundred grains gave the same slave.
Then drink recipe have acquired Monks, improve and bring it closer to an embodiment of chocolate, which is now in coffee drink. The composition was removed from pepper, it was replaced with honey and added nuts, vanilla, cinnamon. A medley to better mixed the drink began to warm up. Hot chocolate was in times tastier. Recipe from Spain migrated to Austria, France and Italy. Last drink was subjected to England. Since the 1620s commercial sea "octopus" - West India Company established transportation and sale of "counterfeit" cocoa beans from South America, and the product is now available to everyone. Then it was invented hydraulic press, the first "machine" for the mass production of chocolate bars, which sold for an amount equivalent to the value of 500 kg of gold. After a treat of steel produced in each country. That's sweet tooth chocolate captured hearts all over the world.
Interestingly, the cacao tree seeds in their raw form are very unattractive grayish color, which is very different to the luxurious tone of his prepared delicacies. Chocolate is considered more noble, deep shades of brown. Although sweetness that may have a lot of colors, called more often involve classic color black (grade) tiles without milk. Hue has become fashionable in the last century, it began to use the first in clothing, and then in the interior design of houses and city apartments. Modern styles picked idea and steel beat tone features in various combinations. Chocolate color in interior design is ideal for as accent areas and backgrounds. Its luxurious rich shades of different depth and understated natural elegance, which was characterized by more "chokoatlyu". We'll talk in more detail about the features of colors and variants of its use in the interior of the house.
- color characteristics and its psychological perception
- The main advantages and disadvantages
- What combine
- The walls, floor, ceiling, or furniture?
- In what style is applied
interior Features
- Living room
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- hallway
- conclusion
See also:The combination of colors: the rules and table
color characteristics and its psychological perception
All familiar with the expression "life in the chocolate," that is to be fully secured in all respects, to find their own happiness. Nobody would have thought half a century ago, this idiom is interpreted literally: to live in a "sweet" interior. Why do so many choose this color for the decoration of your apartment? It turns out chocolate, like many shades of brown, has a special "magic" magnetic attraction that fascinates and hypnotizes man. The decoration and furniture of the room, which is decorated in a "sweet" motifs, easy to relax, tune in positive way, to have a relaxed, candid conversation, shake off the accumulated load of everyday problems. Chocolate color relates more to the soothing neutral shades. It is preferred by conservatives at heart, who do not need bright, eye-catching innovation and shocking. These people are confident in their abilities and know their value. They do not need to hurry up with the fashion, in order to keep pace with the times, or throw in the pool with his head, in order to achieve the desired. Chocolate - the color of the people took place, we can say that it is "status shade." But do not think that the tone is only suitable for interiors of apartments, where people live in the age. Together with mischievous hues (orange, rose, minty, green, turquoise) chocolate opens on the other hand, as the active color and tasteful. He seemed to throw off the feigned and the importance of elegance go to the moderate levity. This is the main feature of the chocolate: its role in the interior depends on the overall picture of the stylistic and tonal palette of the situation, this hue versatile and chameleon.

The main advantages and disadvantages
Like any other shade of chocolate has its own advantages and disadvantages when used in the interior. The main advantages of the color include:
- The ability to "not become boring." If the interior moderately "impregnated" with sweetness, he for many years to preserve the freshness. fashion will change, run time, and the situation will retain its relevance.
- Age versatility. Chocolate chooses the young generation as well as elderly people.
- Pleasant associations with desserts and "sweet" life. Production of the "happy" hormone (serotonin), chocolate walls, curtains or the sofa of course not provoke, as it makes tiles goodies, but subliminal parallel with it will be held.
- Dominance in any combination.

Among the few drawbacks of the color can be noted:
- Not suitable for losing weight. Strange sound, but the subconscious association with desserts can play a cruel thing to those who sit on diets. Food restrictions usually associated with irritability, and chocolate room will gently stimulate the appetite and at the same time with him, and aggression.
- In small rooms unacceptable prevalence of color. He will make the room even smaller.
With proper use of shades of chocolate without drawbacks.

What combine
As mentioned above, refers to the color chocolate-generalist, who is allowed to combine with almost any option. It is often confused with the brown - the closest relative of the wavelength, but different shades. This is especially noticeable in combination. Traditional brown is not so rich tone range and depth. Combinations with white chocolate have a light refreshing effect. Any light shades of color-dominant constrain and enable us to find a balance in the palette. Against white wallpaper looks great turquoise-chocolate "filling" of the room. Harmony "sweet" color with peach, pink, blue, olive, lavender and fresh (mint, turquoise) shades of green. Good relations are developing in tone with other relatives brown: sand, walnut, chestnut, golden. Beige and chocolate interiors combined with snow-white finish. The spacious apartments (more than 25 m²) Various "transfers" of surfaces create a unique comfort, which is sometimes difficult to achieve due to the large area of the room.
See also:Lilac color and its combinations in the interior - 25 photo ideas

To clearly assess the merits of color try to resort to comparisons. Beige and brown interior will look much poorer. Add a bit of color dairy tiles and paint sparkle with renewed vigor. room design in white and browns seem dull. The impression that the apartment live serious people, devoid of imagination. Add to the palette of "sweet" and will highlight shades, light mischief. Turquoise and brown interior can hardly be attributed to the elegant, but not fashionable solutions. But the play of chocolate in combination with a bright "neighbor" will help to create a luxurious atmosphere.

The walls, floor, ceiling, or furniture?
What part of the room is preferable to draw in shades of chocolate? Ceiling trim in dark tones only in rooms that boast extra meters. If the room is small, the only exception would be a light shade of milk chocolate. Walls coated with paint or wallpaper with a "sweet" motifs, but furnish on a similar background to be a pastel, or with cold shades (turquoise, blue, blue). Originally will look the situation of olive, pale yellow and cream colors on the background of dark chocolate "box" spacious room. To close the premises actual use of bright trim and "mischievous" furniture. Its interior can be made of textile with turquoise, orange, pink stripes on a dark chocolate background. Flooring embodiments are covered in conventional laminate, linoleum or parquet board brown, gray, black. To cover looks elegant and "richer" use rich chocolate shade with golden highlights. Implement Tone solution best on a smooth, glossy surface of the self-leveling floor. Effective addition to a studio apartment or room will be combined clearance of partitions or other items of zoning with chocolate motifs.

Topical solution for one-bedroom apartments and studios will be interior design within a single palette. In different areas of its beat and otherwise create a single picture that consists of elements that are not deprived of their individuality.

In what style is applied
Art Nouveau Chocolate is one of the color "pillars" of style. It is used in all types of premises in different variations. Effectively looks on a dark background ornate floral ornament, which is so fond of the classics. Technique is used not only in the wallpaper, but also in textile curtains, tablecloths, and furniture upholstery. This color can achieve the effect of the very "heavy" luxury that has become the hallmark of direction. Loved chocolate shades and modern styles. Masonry wall or slate formed in the color look great in combination with the rest of the industrial decoration loft. Captivating with its exquisite Art Nouveau extensive use of wood chocolate shades to create an interior for connoisseurs. A little less color is used in high-tech, as it is a good idea worked well in tandem with a firm "technological" tone - gray. Many copyright of design projects for the luxury apartments are played shades of chocolate. In combination with different surface textures creates a unique effect "boxes truffles", where each element brings dessert association and becomes visually "tasty".

interior Features
Each room in the house performs specific functions. Color scheme should emphasize the purpose of the premises, and in any case does not prevent him to carry out its core tasks. When making the different rooms "sweet" interior will have its own nuances that must be considered at the stage of development design project. Perhaps the main advantage of chocolate is that it is considered natural for some woods, so pick up the materials will not be too difficult.

Living room
The living room is allowed "mischief" in shades of game combinations of colors. For example, the reading area can be designed in dark chocolate tones. What could be better for a relaxing holiday with a book in peaceful surroundings? Chocolate furniture with elements of olive, orange, turquoise decor looks good on the "milk" background. If the wall decoration of the hall is made in dark colors, then use the sofas, armchairs with soft, light-colored upholstery. Monochrome textiles suitable for creating a simple interior. If you want to add 'cherry' on the cake, get an element of unusual shape. For example, it may be a "hollow" within chair set of bookshelves and "wavy" couch therebetween, mounted regiment, consisting of concentric circles.
See also:Pistachio color in the interior and on the combination of photo

In the bedroom, avoid using dark chocolate tones. They can be issued only accent wall at the head of the bed, but it is better to dilute ornament or a small figure. He can be repeated on the etched glass cabinet front. The bedroom should have a cozy, relaxed atmosphere. Create it possible, using a combination of different shades of color on the soft, silken surfaces. The result will be the effect of a multi-layer depth, causing a desire to "wrap up and drown." It is this atmosphere will adjust the rest and bring sound sleep.

The kitchen is recommended to resort to "dessert" color or furnishings, or in the finishing room. Against the background of gray, beige, white walls looked very solid set chocolate. Bright kitchen furniture will look stylish in combination with a rich "sweet" finish. To add a room, "taste" in the decoration use paintings or collages with pictures of pastries and coffee cups. The motives are relevant for the kitchen and will look at its interior organically. Accent area you can make an apron of tile rich chocolate color with gold. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dominant shade to avoid the feeling cloying.

In the model homes are usually small bathrooms. To competently beat the color scheme similar floor space, you need to carefully "dosed" dark shades. They are recommended to use only in emphasis: the facades of cabinets, shower curtains, mats or cupboard under the sink. It looks elegant tile, mosaic-laid method. Shades of chocolate brown combine on a glossy surface, which effectively "shimmer" in the glow of artificial colors. To visually expand the space using light trim with dark horizontal stripes.

In the hallway chocolate color typically used in cabinet fronts and door sets. It looks good such a decision against the background of a soft "creamy" finish. Corridors are usually long and narrow. To increase its width adds a touch of beige on the floor, white ceiling, and horizontal stripes or decorative chocolate shades in bright wallpaper on the walls. The larger vestibules is permissible to use a combination of white contrast and dark tones "sweet" color. Light make baseboards, door frames and transoms, decorative elements. Dark chocolate make out the smooth surface of the walls.

Chocolate - the main inspirer of color, has a rich history, shrouded in mystery and legend. Difficult path, which took dessert was full of adventure in the tradition of the literary genre of the same name. Chocolate has a very specific taste. It's amazing how in fact a bitter ingredient could become king of the world of confectionery. Perhaps this originality and contrast reflected in the deep color tints. Be that as it may, the chocolate tone showed that he was out of time, fickle fashion failed to dislodge it from the interior of homes. Designers began to beat him anyway, but to give up completely and could not. Perhaps this is the magic of chocolate.