Sometimes you just need to spice up the interior and at the same time keep within a couple of days. Typically, such training is related to the upcoming holidays. Some go to the store to buy little things unusual, and others make ornaments with their hands, turning the whole process into a fun game to which you can connect all home. Creating a decor paper is considered to be perhaps the easiest and fastest option, as the material is available, malleable, and its transformation techniques weight. Consider a series of workshops on the creation of the original interior decoration: temporary and permanent.
A variety of decor ideas
- flowers
- fans
- paper garland
- The curtain of hearts
- Quilling
- Origami
- Panels and posters
- conclusion
A variety of decor ideas
The decor paper has a long history. In different periods of this versatile material is used to create figurines, masks, fans, handicrafts. Of particular importance attached to paper products in Japan. The Japanese process of creating crafts raised to an art form. That is why the names of nearly half a popular technique comes from the Japanese language. In some cases, the decorations are the result of hard work so that man in the street is difficult to believe that the decor is made of paper. The most original methods of creating interior "crafts" are:
- Collage. Usually it is a color picture image on which painstakingly assembled from pieces of paper. Collage can be a full and partial when only a few papers paste accent zone photo or picture. For example, in the picture, which depicts a girl decorated with only her dress.
- Quilling. A very old technique, which has already passed the age of 500 years. Thin strips of colored paper twisted, giving them shape and then glued onto the canvas.
- Pergamano. This technique is popular for decoration postcards. Crafts of tracings performed by embossing or punching.
- Iris folding. A relatively new technique, in which the canvas is applied sketch pattern which is then filled with pieces of paper of different colors which have been laid in a spiral.
- Silhouette cutting. According to the researchers, the technique appeared in China around the same time as the paper itself. We have a similar way of cutting out pictures from repeatedly folded sheet - vytynanka. In Japan, there is a more laborious technique catagen. True art, in which a thin rice paper cut full picture. To work needed stencils (templates) and a special sharp knife.
- Trimming. Young appliances, vaguely reminiscent of quilling. Instead of using strips of paper squares, which are wound on the rod and then fixed to the canvas.
- Decoupage. Although the technique has a number of ways to transfer the image onto the substrate, wrapping paper it is the most simple and accessible method for beginners.
- Simple origami modular, technology "wet folding" - all variations of creating figurines of paper without the use of glue or other fastening components. For more information about origami, we'll talk later.
- Papier mache. A simple technique, which is often attended by children. Papier-mache figurines can be made of any complexity, but the most popular are the mask. To create crafts do not have to glue or cut, enough to soak a roll of toilet paper in the paste and wait until the mixture slightly thickens to the consistency of soft clay. After manufacturing figurines it is coated with a primer layer and paint.
- Kusudama. Equipment similar to origami, but modules for bonding them together can be stapled or glued together. Kusudama figures often have a spherical shape.
- Kirigami. In this technique from a single sheet of paper is produced three-dimensional picture with glue and scissors. Method little easier origami, as obtained massive products. Kirigami remind children panoramic book.
- Pape art. "Subsidiary" of papier-mache technique, which came up with the Russian woman a decade ago. Strips of paper are moistened and twisted into tight flagella, which are then applied to the substrate (wooden boxes, chests, vases, bottles) and paste. After drying, they are covered with a layer of paint simulating bronze, silver or gold. The decor looks not only beautiful, but significantly, if the surface really minted or decorated forging.
See also:old suitcase decor - ideas for the interior 75 photo

Of paper, you can create a decorative Christmas tree for the New Year, couple Wedding swans, garlands, fans or posters on the wall, "scary" decorations for Halloween or Easter baskets of newspaper tubes. With paper craft room design will be "alive" and more original.

It is impossible not to note the very young, modern Cubeecraft technique in which paper is made, angular figures of characters of films, books, comics. The assembly is carried out by a single scheme, and the emphasis is on coloring in bright colors.

It is possible to produce fat, large buds of corrugated paper, neat-spheres topiary or luxury, volumetric bunches on the canvas in quilling art. Probably every manufactured the origami flowers (tulips) in childhood. This is one of the most unpretentious of options. With the help of affordable, flexible material can be a real exotic garden, which will be pleasing to the eye in the winter.

Beautiful, large flowers of corrugation decorate banquet tables. They are used as decoration in weddings, hanging from the ceiling or mounted on a wall behind the bride and groom. Also floral "wall" will be a great celebration in the photo zone. Consider the steps for creating a rose. To work required:
- Crepe paper two or more colors: green on the stem and leaves, white and pink for the cores of for extreme bud petals.
- Scissors.
- Prepared in advance petal pattern.
- Wire stem.
- Glue.

Using a template made of paper, cut out the petals of the workpiece. During operation, the material is not recommended to stretch as back corrugations no longer meet. To get a natural bud, the petals should be of different sizes. Of the smallest harvested tight bud, superimposing them on top of each other and glue the bottom. Then the flower petals begin to wrap the new, which is also fixed at the base. After the bud will be collected, they can be a little stretch, giving the desired shape and volume. Now you need to cut a few leaves. Wire wrapped with a strip of paper diagonally. Gradually, the stem "weave" side short delays for the leaves. Fasten them with new layers of paper strips. Leaves them adhered to the "wrong" side. Finalizing fixing flower on a stalk. To create flower of a rose, corrugated strip of paper is cut from one edge of a wavy line, and then twisted. This floral decorations can decorate the house, not only for the holidays. Topiary of a bouquet or luxury buds suitable for any room: kitchen, bedroom, living room.
See also:House for children with their own hands

Originally will look like décor, designed in a certain color, for weddings. It is fashionable to arrange celebrations, where guests come dressed in advance "approved" colors. For example, the area for shoots with pink and white buds will look good as background if posing for a picture to be dressed in red.

A fan mounted on the wall behind the couch, will be a luxurious addition to the minimalist or Japanese, Chinese Ethnic style. To make it incredibly easy. The sheet is folded "concertina" and then bonded each section at one of the sides. To decoration looked more solid, choose paper with a picture or decorate it yourself. In the center of each fan can be glued or buttons of large beads. In complex models use two sheets of paper of different sizes that fold bellows with the same pitch, and then simply superimposed on each other and glued together in the middle.

paper garland
Paper garlands made of flat or volume figures, which are symbolic for the upcoming holiday:
- Rabbits, flowers, baskets for Easter.
- Hearts, butterflies, roses for Valentine's Day or just a romantic evening.
- Christmas tree, balls, snowflakes, animal figures for New Year's decor.
- Pompons, the numbers on the child's birthday. Festive decorations for boys may include trains, cars, houses, boxes. For girls made delicate flowers, dolls.
- Bows, ribbons, figurines of the bride and groom for the wedding garlands.
- Pumpkins, spiders, witches on broomsticks miniature for Halloween.

Garlands can be used for decoration of walls, windows, window sills or the doorway. Of heavy paper or cardboard cutouts, glue or thread that is fixed to the fishing line. You can "flash" a string of articles on the typewriter. Garland necessarily paint or pre-use colored paper.

The curtain of hearts
Curtain of hearts decorated with door and window openings. This looks nice decoration on background plain white tulle. Decorating is usually made to a romantic anniversary or Valentine's Day. Hearts cut out of paper and glued to the line, which are then fixed on the eaves or on a slope. Also, they may be made of strips of equal length. Two such ribbons folded in heart and fix it with two brackets with a stapler. By the bottom of the "island" of the immediately attached two more strips. Of them also fold and heart on the same principle collect vertical garland. They will need five to ten pieces, so there was a whole curtain.
See also:Trees from beads for beginners. Examples weaving.

To learn how to use the technique of quilling, required well-developed fine motor skills of hands. It is through your fingers each element is shaped, and their more than thirty Quilling: tight and loose spiral foot, arrows, horns, eyes, semicircles, conventional and curved drops, sheets, triangles, curls, crescents, squares.

Since the self-cut colored paper into strips for too long, it is easier to buy ready-made set, which also includes tweezers and a stick with a longitudinal incision at the end. In this slot, and inserted into the tip of the fixed tape, which then is wound. If you need a tight spiral, the tip immediately fixed with glue. By the way, these elements often carry pictures of the Cubs. To give a different form, twisted strip gently removed from the rods and swipe your finger manipulation to create angles or oblateness. Then the element is adhered to the canvas. The technique of quilling masters make sophisticated modular pattern where used more than 20-30 flowers.

Origami refers to one of the most sophisticated techniques. Fold the crane, boat, frog or tulip simple enough, but this is not the limit for the masters. The main difficulty and the basic rule in the classic origami - paper can not tear, cut, glue or fix another method. Figure must be solid. Modular origami involves creating a plurality of complex shapes fragments are "embedded" into each other again without the use of glue. In the "wet" technique can be wet paper from a spray to get soft curves. Usually it is required when creating animal figures.

Panels and posters
To create panels of paper that does not need a complex, step by step instructions and detailed manual. The technique can be any. The main thing is that the picture had a volume. The easiest option - the use of corrugated paper or folding leaf so that its edges were in favor of the frame. Posters independently draw is difficult, so come to the aid printing. As already mentioned above, further decorate them manually colored pieces of paper to isolate accent areas.

Paper - brittle material, but its main advantage compliance hidden. It can be given any shape that can easily be fixed by an adhesive or thread. Durable paper crafts can not be called, but the decor is created to reflect the mood of the hosts. Ornaments like the seasons, must periodically leave the interior to make room for new ones that will help to look at a little bored clearance from a different angle.