Children's birthday party belongs to the category of memorable events that I want to make the most vivid and unforgettable, that the child was happy, cheerful and remembered what a wonderful celebration staged parents. Therefore daryatsya gifts, to do surprises, invite friends, bought a birthday cake, invented all sorts of jewelry with symbols of the holiday. Of course, you can go to the store to buy balloons or invite home professionals who quickly and efficiently decorate the house. But you must admit, it's not interesting! Because important not the scenery, and the process of their creation, as well as great memories left over from the pre-holiday and training. If you are considering options for decoration holiday party, pay attention to these step by step instructions decoration digits birthday with his hands.
The most popular example of the figures corresponding to the age of the birthday boy is a variant made of small balls, is usually ordered over the Internet by parents (although it make your hands very simply). However, this type of decoration has long become boring and bored. Now there are many more interesting and creative options that you can easily do yourself. They can be big or small, three-dimensional or flat, empty or filled inside with tinsel or scraps of paper (like Mexican pinyanty toys), made in the "girlish" or "boyish" style (decorated with flowers and buds, and pompoms fringe). Let stretch of imagination is unlimited, it is worth to try all forms, colors, textures, sizes.
- Production of large numbers of carcasses at a birthday party with his own hands
- decor options digits with steps
- Flowers from napkins birthday with his hands
- Fringe of corrugated paper
the cloth
- Butterflies of the ribbons
- A fringe of thin ribbons
- satin flowers
- threads
- Other materials
Production of large numbers of carcasses at a birthday party with his own hands
The first thing we should start - making framework. Usually it is made of cardboard that will not bend or break during subsequent decoration. Then we should define the future size of the numbers. If you plan to make a figure in the range of A4 paper size, feel free to look for the correct number on the Internet, and printed.

If you want to make it larger than A4 size, do the following:
- Find a picture on the Internet of high resolution;
- Print image on two / three (depending on size) A4 sheets in the printer;
- Carefully cut each piece;
- Combine all parts butt-seal tape;
- The resulting pattern figures should be applied to a prepared sheet of the desired size cardboard cut around the contour;
- Follow the Get contour you want to cut the figure;
- If a birthday over 9 years, this procedure should be repeated as the second digit. For example, if the child turns 10 years old, you need to cut the numbers 1 and 0.

Thus, the planar frame numbers finished. You can go ahead and make the volume number. It's worth the extra few steps to perform:
- After trace the stencil and cut the 1st part of the product (the front), you need to follow these steps again, having received a similar 2nd figure (rear).
- Be cut third figure, placing it in the end part of the product (forming volume) The width of the tape corresponds to the width of the future numbers. A length must be equal to the perimeter of the figure (better to take with a stock).
For figures with closed inner space (0, 6, 8, 9) have additional cut side portions desired width. - After should connect three of the figure (the back and front figures are arranged on the sides, the end member belt in the middle), to seal them shut. Better to use a sufficient amount of adhesive tape that does not fall apart during the decoration.
See also:Festive garland with their hands

Important advice: The easiest way (if the board allows the width) cut a long ribbon, which will encircle the figure in the end region is bent at the corners. This is much more convenient than the cut individual pieces for each fold, bonding them together.

If there is no desire that any glue, can be used as the basis of polystyrene or polyurethane foam. In this case, you need to take a solid piece of foam (foam) the desired width (corresponding to the width of the finished pieces), attach the stencil numbers, circle it, cut along the contour. Thus, you get a bulk figure. For cutting the foam, you can use a pair of scissors. The foam will have to be cut with a sharp knife.
decor options digits with steps
When the base is prepared, you should choose one of the options of decorating products. Choosing a way of decorating, it is better to rely on their own capabilities, the availability of a number of necessary materials, as well as age, gender, preferences birthday.

It is worth noting that the decor will largely depend on the shape of the product (flat or volumetric figure). We hope that the presented options you will find that you have to like it.

In the case of figures decorate with paper, you will need PVA glue, paper of various colors (textures), previously prepared frame, a little imagination!

Flowers from napkins birthday with his hands
From napkins obtained wonderful homemade flower buds. For the manufacture of conventional paper napkin take, form piles of several napkins in each piling piles bellows tightly bandaging middle thread. Both ends rounded and straighten. Begin to separate the tissue layer by layer, to twist the ends to form a kind of flower buds.

The resulting buds using glue PVA glue to the frame numbers, trying to make sure that do not show through the cardboard between them. Color napkins, you can choose any, but rather shades of pink, because thanks to the pink color will increase the similarity with real flowers. Of course, this option would be more appropriate at the Day birthday girl.

Important advice: The more napkins to use in the formation of the stacks, the more lush and colorful buds are obtained.
Napkins can be minimized on the roll type, slightly tapered at the base and extended in the middle, giving it a resemblance to the buds of roses. Attach the buds need to hot glue the most close to each other, so that there is an association with a magnificent bouquet of roses, decorated in the form of volumetric figures. To these rolls was convenient twist, should wrap them around a blunt pencil edge. This technique is called "trimming". Effectively will look pink and red shades of paper.
See also:Weaving newspaper tubes for beginners: turn-based workshops

Paper flowers can be directly cut from napkins stencil, attach several pieces of thread in the center, and then straighten the layers, creating a voluminous flower. Or is there a way to cut out tissue thin ribbon in a spiral, and then firmly twist it into a charming little buds of different diameters. As the frame is perfect basis of foam rubber, as is convenient to stick the buds of paper using conventional safety pins (only the buds first be sure to secure it with glue or thread so they do not collapsed).
Each of these options is good in its own way, they all look very soft and feminine.

Fringe of corrugated paper
Corrugated paper, cut by narrow ribbons, it turns out pretty figure "in the frills." To create this effect must cut into pieces suitable corrugation width after stepwise glue paper ribbons on the product starting from the bottom row (subsequent layer must be higher than the previous one, covering it middle). The result is a semblance of a pleated skirt, which will be "dressed" figure. It looks a very elegant option. If the product is three-dimensional, each layer must be completely wrapped around it, fix and then get to the next level.

For greater visual effect can be pre-incision of corrugated ribbon "grass", making of each piece of paper a kind of fringe.
Tip: If you make a new layer different from the previous color, this option will be an original and bright, that will certainly enjoy children. You can decorate a figure of a rainbow of seven colors.

Of corrugations out great flowers to decorate the figures birthday with his hands. Step by step instructions for the manufacture of:
- Cut strips of paper (approximate dimensions - 50h3 cm). On the resulting strips veins should be located vertically, have a height of 3 cm;
- Stretch the ribbon from the upper side, creating a peculiar wave;
- Bends upper "wavy" part by about 5-8 mm;
- Keep the tape for the bottom part is not wavy, begin to slowly twist;
- Gradually it becomes apparent that the lower part (the height 1.5-2 cm) begins to be formed into the likeness of the legs and the top - in the flower bud that resembles a rose;
- The final stage to tie up a thread (a thin rubber band in the color of the paper) between the part of the flower stem and bud, that it does not spill;
- The resulting rosettes of the corrugations glued onto the frame.

In addition to napkins and tissue paper can be used tulle (organza). Then the image of the product becomes more soft and airy. In general, these variants (buds, pleating, fringe) may be made of various kinds of paper, according to your preferences.

the cloth
If the holiday party is planned on the street, and you are afraid of the rain, or simply are not the lovers of paper fakes, you should pay attention to these great ways to decor with a cloth.

Butterflies of the ribbons
This is a wonderful way to decorate a birthday figures not only look creative and stylish, but also very simple to perform:
- Take the fabric of the desired color;
- Cut fabric to average width ribbons;
- Tying ribbons in bows (too long is not worth doing narrow ribbons as bows can get a "sluggish");
- Bows attach to the base of numbers hot glue (pre worth obtyanut base fabric to match the color of the ribbons that do not show through the cardboard through them).
See also:Woodcarving for Beginners

Your figure will appear as if it is sitting on a flock of colorful butterflies.
A fringe of thin ribbons
Rather short and thin strips can be decorated with a figure made of ribbons fringe. To do this in the middle of the tape need to tie a knot and glue it to the base. It should be noted that the nodules have to be close to each other to create a solid colored coat from the fringe.

satin flowers
This option looks awesome, and make it easy enough. Step by step instructions for the manufacture of:
- From satin fabric (satin tape) cut into slices of 3-4 (each should be slightly lower than the previous);
- Light a candle, its flame slightly singeing the edges of tissue slices, so they are not fringe and look like flower petals;
- Put the petals into one another so that smaller was in the center;
- Inside resulting bud can stick a safety pin and attach them to the frame (it's best to use the foundation of the foam).

To create this original image of a birthday will need a cardboard base and a ball of yarn. To create it you need to take a thread, fix them on the basis of two-sided tape or glue PVA, after heavy wind of the figure so as not to be seen lined lumens. It is possible to give a complete freedom of imagination: use a different color, in any quantity and sequence of strings create patterns or inscriptions. You can use the thread gradient (change in color as the unraveling of the coil).

Another interesting option is to create the figures by braiding threads small studs driven into the wooden plank. Carnations form a frame numbers, while using a thread is created and its inner contour color filling. In this case, it turns out the real picture made with your own hands.

Other materials
Wonderful decor figures might make of family photos, which depicted the birthday boy and his friends. This is one of the most simple, vivid and emotional choices in our selection. All you have to do is paste the actual printed out on a printer and cut on the photo frame numbers.

You can even attach a photo on the wall with pins in the form of numbers. The main thing - to choose a truly happy and joyful pictures, where there is a smiling birthday.

You can make a number of what the child is interested. For example, to create a basis of Lego, decorate it with balloons, fresh flowers, buttons, stamps, coins, papier-mâché, using dry leaves or flowers (if he likes to collect them herbarium). The main thing - creativity, a desire to surprise and please a loved one. By the way, this gift will appeal to both the child and adult.

Figure with his own hands will be a great birthday present to parents, brother, sister or a close friend.