Decorative crafts open channel flowing from you fancy building, the sealed abyss ordinary decades ago. The procedure for generating a tiny miracle own hands ecstatically generates employment and belief in the need to start a complete, despite the difficulties and obstacles encountered in the process. It does not matter if the original result will be a simple trinket with curved corners and messy gluing. Looking at it, you will plunge into unknown depths of creativity. The first attempt to craft becomes a wild and unknown world, sometimes bringing disappointment, but possessed by a thirst to peruse and explore its fertile regions alternately. Surrendering unusual hobby, you get a chance to brag to friends gleaned skills and non-trivial developments. Do not lose the occasion to test themselves in an unusual incarnation, and will be rewarded with rich experiences.
- The variety and diversity of crafts
Crafts for the garden
- Unusual birdhouses or feeders with their own hands
- Articles made of wood
Articles made of cement
- Master class openwork Garden ball
- Articles made of fabric and thread
- Articles made of glass bottles
- Articles made of metal cans
- Crafts from cereals, coffee and pasta
- Articles made of plastic bottles and disposable tableware
- Crafts from natural materials
- Origami
- conclusion
The variety and diversity of crafts
The basis for the future creation can take paper, glass, plastic, stone, wood, plywood, epoxy resin, fabric and thread. Crafts produced by the operation of the drawing or improvisation. The paper projects drawing function takes thorough scheme or algorithm assembling the individual parts into a whole. When constructing a realistic model cars made of paper, scale components and the order of their associations play a vital role, not work to do without a detailed Gajda. Sculpture made of papier-mache requires only the presence of the form that you want to create. In sketchbukinge better to use a template and a combination of creative fiction. For articles made from natural and synthetic raw materials in the early stages of manufacturing indisputably necessary product plan. The scope and intricacy material handling forced to start from sketches up until newfound skills will not allow to be guided only by the imagination, acquired skills and intuition.

Crafts for the garden
Cottage - a quiet corner of the eternal stability. Prior to the monastery village of comfort does not reach even the long arm omniscient duties. Work and family troubles encircle the side of this little Eden. It is not surprising that I want personally add the attractive elements of the exterior. Old bald tires, covered with high-quality paint, shine charming novelty. Examples of the role of merry guard or baby swing. Wooden crafts will look majestic and securely, whether luxury or miniature garden furniture, decorated with carved pendants. Flat decorative stones are allowed to form an artificial pond, alpine slide, fill up the path, passing gracefully across the garden. Any scrap materials, having enough of them, it is easy to find the application. Decorate the garden help anything from the remnants of building materials and finishing with accumulated debris.

Unusual birdhouses or feeders with their own hands
Typically, a device for feeding the birds would be a stylish accessory and attract to itself the envious glances of neighbors and passers-by. It boasts an original design in the shape of:
- dollhouse;
- cartoon characters;
- authentic houses of different nations;
- wicker baskets;
- household items, adjusted under the feeder;
- entirely made of Lego.

The order of construction activities birdhouse will be:
- Find out which birds are most common in your area. Based on the information received, to determine the size of the finished product. Pay special attention to the diameter of the holes or perch;
- Choose the material that is available on finance available-processing tools and the level of your skills;
- Make an initial sketch;
- Translate to outline the full-size drawing;
- Cut or carve detail in outline scheme;
- Staple items crafts;
- Decorate the bird feeder, ensuring proper surroundings.
See also:Christmas crafts with their hands

Articles made of wood
Garden furniture - large-scale and multi-jobbing. Tables and stools are used for their intended purpose and in ordinary use. If your creation is terrible to sit and put on the table a glass of water immediately points to the differences of legs - do not worry. Put on the headset flower pots, funny sculptures, and your failure will be an outstanding attribute of suburban area. Diversify interior of the house personally designed elegant photo frames and panels. Close approve your hobby. Wreaths on the door - not the native western tradition. The custom of decorating the entrance - trend of the Slavic peoples. Already envious of the beauty of your area vacationers will melt when he saw how cordially greeted them from the entrance. Wreath symbolizes the power of a heavenly body, one look at his perfectly the circular shape will be enough to appease.

Articles made of cement
Cement - durable and reliable material. Acquiring a silicone mold with alphabet letters, pour cement into them and get the possibility to decorate the portion of any word or phrase. Stone letters are suitable for use as supports, poles or fences. Concrete balls, decorated with numerous squares and parks to make available to everyone, though in a slightly smaller scale, taking the form of shabby useless ball. Along the edges of the tracks in the garden look spectacular cement candlesticks. If your favorite neighbor is still not inspired your hospitality and decided to award decorations yourself, using the same cement can be strengthened to secure against such nasty accidents.

Having a form suitable configuration of mineralita will get absolutely any sculpture.

Master class openwork Garden ball
If the design minimalistic country house together with unpretentious boulders looks like a hospital building, cement balls are required to correct the panorama of elegance and filigree. Fabrication process for a garden openwork ball via a ball, rope painted cement and exploded.
- Get a strong balloon or rubber ball children;
- Inflate it;
- Override cement with sand in a ratio of two to one. Adding more sand, you will find that the product crumbles and disintegrates;
- Dip into the rope solution, one left top tip;
- Beginning with pent-end wind up a rope in the cement on the ball, trying to spread angles evenly and overlaying layers;
- When the mixture hardens, bursting balloon and pull it through the opening between the winding rings;
- The result of the work will be refined elegant lace sphere.

Articles made of fabric and thread
Various natural or synthetic material is used for applications, the creation of artificial flowers, sticking and supports, amulets, installations of fabric. All the methods associated with stitching patches you can master, just completing the construction of soft toys.
- First, we prepare a sketch or are looking for the finished product, which you want to make sewing;
- Draws the shape of all the details crafts;
- Scalable pattern elements in natural size;
- To encircle tissue contours derived components;
- Cut the workpiece;
- Sew the front and rear side parts of toys, putting them face parts.
See also:Decorative panel on the wall with his hands 75 photo

Do not forget to leave a hole for the reversing of the fragments.
- We fill everted components present wool, foam or a foam;
- It remains only to carefully sew up the remaining holes and connect them into a finished product.

Articles made of glass bottles
Dispose of used glass bottles? An unaffordable extravagance. The variety of colors of bottles, their gloss and transparency, rounded shapes resembling feminine silhouette make these vessels perfect option for decorating the garden. Making decoupage former refuge of wine, you can use it as a vase, flowerpot, street lampshades. Asymmetric division of the lower and upper parts of bottles solve find use both as a candlestick. You do not know how to cut glass? Fifteen minutes ago, and no fancy tools.
- Take thick, preferably woolen thread and wets a combustible mixture (alcohol, vodka, paint);
- Wrapped with thick thread loop through which are going to share capacity;
- Incinerate thread and give it a good burn. During twist bottle along the horizontal axis, so that the glass is well warmed;
- Once a thread burn out, quickly dip the container in cold water. He snaps on the location of the thread;
- The edges of the resulting parts should treat sandpaper, to light candles, do not inadvertently hurt.

Articles made of metal cans
From cans can be made convenient shelf for small items in the garage, assemble organizer suitable for the kitchen, twist tin strips scenic charms. Large aluminum drums decorated with waterproof paint and used to cool on a hot day if you are not near a pond or river. Of metal food cans you can instantly make a lamp, if protruding from the wall of the lamp Ilyich no longer inspires. a simple algorithm:
- Bend piece solid wire in the shape of the stand for the mirror;
- Cuts through the middle of the banks on the two holes on opposite sides, threading them the tips of the stand and fasten the stronger;
- You are doing a hole in the bottom of the jar, with a diameter slightly larger diameter of the cartridge;
- You insert the cartridge and thread the lamp.
Well check the insulation of wires. It could save your life!

Crafts from cereals, coffee and pasta
Articles composed of small elements, during manufacturing calm and relax, result in order of the nervous system, allow to feel the whole being, as individual elements are combined in one. It shows how insignificant one detail, compared to their totality. Cereals, coffee and pasta are obtained excellent mosaics.
- First, fragments of the composition need to paint. Pasta and cereals are painted bright gouache or watercolor. Another suitable acrylic components;
- Arrange by color components of crafts;
- Put on your work surface selected artwork, or paint the mark where what shade are planning to use;
- Cover areas of the same color with a thick layer of paste, place them on appropriate color-treated cereals, wait until the hack is dry;
- Repeat the previous step until the end of the work.

Articles made of plastic bottles and disposable tableware
Articles made of plastic are durable, flexible and durable. Of these, even a schoolboy effortlessly make comely piggy bank, box, tree, turn the dishes in a colorful animal or insect. Availability and cheapness of the plastic ware allows you to collect masterpieces: Carnival masks and costumes by placing items on the item. Scales fairy mermaid or armor brave knight to celebrate Halloween and New Year - it's simple.
- Paint plastic spoons from the aerosol can;
- Draw the bottom of the garment to be decorated flat line that will take place colored flakes;
- Paste with a pistol spoon in a row, as close to each other;
- Superimposed layer by layer, slightly shifting aside;
- At the end of the formation of the suit handles of spoons, protruding from the top, carefully cut off.
See also:Bumpers in the crib for babies with their hands

Crafts from natural materials
Nature - a generous soul. It presents the best materials for handicrafts at any time of the year, throwing them right under your feet. Alas, not everyone knows how to dispose of its wealth. Hits cute autumn personally executed exhibits opens a teddy bear from the cones.
- Choosing the most enormous of available cores and adapt it under the body;
- Four identical pine will glue as tabs. Depending on the connection point, our clumsy can sit, stand or even waving five fingers;
- We take a more rounded bump for the head and two small for the ears;
- Draw a pretty attractive face.

Acorns wonderfully suited for the creation of small ships and men. "The cap" pod acts as a frigate nose. The match is the mast. people and animals from acorns body parts are also connected with matches. Dried leaves of different colors covered with paint left on the paper fairy autumn print. Ikebana combines many natural elements - there is something to experiment with. Of dried flowers out different bouquets.

origami technique permits the carry fi metamorphosis - Convert featureless flat sheets into any three-dimensional figures. Kusudama (balloon flower) - Modular origami pattern, suitable for any style of room. Modules, tapering from the second end when bonding to form flowers. And those, in turn, is connected to the balloon.
- Determine how much you need for the flower petals and flowers as part of the composition, calculate the number of blanks for the modules;
- Put all units on the model presented manufacturing techniques;
- Expand flat design, making them bulky, smooth out wrinkles where they should not;
- Connect received petals in whole buds of plants;
- Collect using thread flat ball so that the narrow part of the modules are in the center.

Needlework - secret new life in which you become a different person, to discover a hidden talent, hidden under the guise of routine. This is a hobby that will help decorate the cottage, to give her more comfort. Objects made with their own hands, are characterized by high functionality, the typical characteristics of your character and personality. You will show the grandchildren in old age, with no bills-paid job, a destroyer model posed for several months. Particularly valuable will be the involvement of the entire family and friends to your hobby. It inspires them to their own creations. Crafts will be called to close and pride in your own achievements. A suburban area, decorated with the fruits of hard work, will find an individual design and harmony with the surrounding nature.