Despite a rich history, Scandinavian style looks quite modern. Although the direction of a number of features and is subject to certain theses, it transmits more spirit Scandinavian flavor, not its specific features. The most important features of the characters of the northern peoples were able to be reflected in the style: restraint, thrift, slowness, light exclusion and boundless love for nature and all natural. For the word "Scandinavia" is hiding the historical area, on which the group of developed countries: Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden.
These states despite the geographical proximity to the rest of Western Europe, have rallied around the symbolic center and has always kept to themselves. Maybe that's why the characters of the inhabitants of the northern part retained primitive, Nordic features. For example, all known saying "my house - my castle" is relevant for the Scandinavians as ever. They have always tried to create a cozy, neat dwelling, which want to spend most of his life.
Norwegians and Danes even have a concept of "hyugge", which literally translates as "something safe, nice and cozy, it evokes a feeling of psychological comfort." In recent decades it has become a full-fledged life concept, which began to actively introduce to the masses. Partially hyugge touches and interior question, because the house - it's part of human life.
- The origin of the style
- Features Scandinavian style
- Exterior features and construction
- Who chooses Scandinavian interior
- Color
Materials and methods of interior decoration
- Walls
- Floor
- Ceiling
- The choice of furniture and textiles
- On what to focus
- lighting Features
room decoration
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- nursery
- Bathroom
- Hallways
- conclusion
The origin of the style
The exact date of occurrence of the Scandinavian style will not call anybody. This process was long and almost took several centuries to "gain traction." Initially, Scandinavian designers decided to create a unique direction, which would have only native features and meets the requirements of their compatriots. The foundation was laid in the late XIX century. The main principle was recognized by the statement "more beauty in everyday things." That is in spite of the natural human desire for beauty, northern people have not lost their traditional attachment to practicality.

Although some experts design history suggests that the birth of the Scandinavian style began even earlier (almost 200 years before), when in Sweden came to the throne, King Gustav III. He devoted much time to fashion and everything connected with it. Perhaps for this reason, the king overlooked the conspiracy of aristocrats, which led to his death, but that's another story. Gustav by example the Swedes began to show that no matter how beautiful decorations for their homes, the British, the Italians and the French, their style can not simply be copied, but to add something of his own. Baroque and Rococo that time were replaced by elegant Empire style, which in Sweden went on a very different path, where "overgrown" many elements unique to the North.

For three centuries the direction of finally formed and strengthened. Unfortunately, until recently, it did not pay much attention, until modern Europe (Trendsetter), tired of pretentiousness, pomposity and luxury, has not paid his attention to simple styles. It happened in the 30s at the International Exhibition held in Stockholm. Designers to showcase their work, reflecting the way of life of the average inhabitant of Sweden or Finland. Shown was a success, which is consolidated in 20 years in Canada and the US after repeated exhibitions. Since then appeared from the direction of its official name, more often flitting in textbooks and journals on interior design.

Luxury gradually hand over the position, and in homes and apartments, like a breath of fresh air, burst into new directions. Some of them were kept as much as possible (minimalism, technologically modern), while others allow themselves to the presence of coarse parts (Provence, rural, industrial, fusion). And at this very moment is quiet and discreet Scandinavian way of life (the most mysterious concept), interested tired of chronic chase by the time the Europeans. With the advent of home hyugge, which began to devote entire treatises, which dismantled the Scandinavians did not under a microscope, it became popular and their characteristic style of the interior. He is calm, but not devoid of emotion (albeit meager).

Features Scandinavian style
By the main characteristic by which Scandinavian style can be distinguished from the closest "relatives" include the following features.
- Tranquil, natural colors, dominated by white (color snow blades - native landscape for northerners).
- The minimum amount of decor. Space must breathe.
- Only natural materials: no synthetics or plastics.
- Maximally simple decoration.
- Open plan. North does not like the style of the doorways, so often resorted to the combined premises.

When the design of the house will be able to save money by not buying a "multi-layer" finishes, but the natural wood or stone require additional costs.
Exterior features and construction
Projects Scandinavian houses are reliable. Architect sure to thoroughly verify all details and removes the excess, which do not bear any functional load. Northerners prefer to settle in the private country houses, which are quite unlike our traditional garden. During the construction of the Scandinavians always pay attention to the natural environment: it in no event it is impossible to destroy. From the holiday color here it is perhaps that location, and the whole house is more like a comfortable cabin forester.
See also:Design of private homes within

Place selected the most quiet with charming rural landscape, which can be admired through the panoramic windows. This is another feature of these houses: they must pass a maximum of light and allow spiritually complacent contemplation of the surrounding beauty. Trait evolved not from scratch, because the north is the short summer and the sun is so little, that I want to bathe in it if possible. The single-storey dwellings panoramic windows can develop into a glass wall.
Previously, houses were built on the same technology as our log cabins, but later became a wall sheathing boards outside (lining), or to use as a material for processed timber. Scandinavian buildings usually have an "island" gable roof. This "device" allows the snow cleaned independently and not be accumulated in the form of deposits. It also can run amok flora: the roof is often overgrown with moss, creating a camouflage for the surrounding nature. The presence of the second floor is not necessary, but for larger families is becoming a necessity. Attic space can successfully replace it with northerners love to equip roofed rooms, children's rooms and bedrooms.

Speaking about the window. Such an amount of sunlight is due to another feature of the Scandinavians: they are actively using alternative energy sources, including solar in the first place. After the Swedes, Danes and Finns are trying not to harm the environment. Do not be surprised when you see the rooftop solar panels and a windmill near the house.
Who chooses Scandinavian interior
This style preference, usually young, energetic people. They want to arrange your home with maximum comfort, which at the same time no stranger to extravagance. "Privacy and comfort" rule take those who are too tired from the excess in everything: in color, detail, forms. They want to come home and feel that only here you can relax and leave all the experiences of the front door. Going into his fortress akin to achieve nirvana in yoga, when a person is fully let go all household stuff and troubles to relax. Complete rest helps with redoubled zeal to rush into the maelstrom of everyday life. That is why the Scandinavian style is becoming a remarkable contrast to those who know how to relax, to gain strength for more intense work.

The main canvas in the Scandinavian style became white. It not only causes the server peoples nostalgia for the vast snowy expanses, but also expands the space, reflect light, which is so little in a cold climate. In order to avoid the feeling of emptiness "ringing in the ears," using variations in white with a little bit of heat: cream, pearl, ivory. Supplement it with cool shades. Imagine a palette of winter, what will it be? Blue-white transitions in blue, gray, and even turquoise. These tones and become a couple with a white form the basis of the color of the picture. Nobody forbids adding to it a grain of "heat" in the form of shades of pink, purple, green or yellow, but there should be enough. In general, to determine the color range, enough to go to the nature and look to its palette.

Scandinavians are not so boring people, as it may seem at first glance. They, too, are not alien to the brightness. In the middle of the last century, designers have come up with a Finnish company print "maki", which glorified the owners and became a hallmark of the organization. He shows bright colors that are quite primitive painted on white or the same background screaming. This print Scandinavians are actively used in the interior of their homes.

Materials and methods of interior decoration
Scandinavian style in the interior of a country house dictates strict rules regarding the materials for finishing works. It's very simple: they can only be natural. Finns, Swedes and Norwegians prefer wood (oak, elm, birch). It is lined walls, decorate the ceiling and the floor veiled. Wallpapers Scandinavians do not like, preferring rough paint strokes. Wood is used not only for the construction and decoration of houses but also in the creation of furniture. It is almost all made of this material with a few exceptions, when a metal or natural stone. Forget about synthetic drapery or plastic tile, they reduce the price situation and destroy the picture of Scandinavian interior.

The walls are usually plastered and just paint in bright colors. Priority again on the side of white and shades. When choosing colors, pay attention to its combination with the lighting in the rooms. In the store it may look quite different than in the house. Rough brush strokes are also welcome: light negligence in applying only emphasize the relief of the wall. By wallpaper resorted rare. They are part of paste, usually only one wall on which you want to focus. Shades selected neutral and the pattern are usually "botanical" character (floral or foliage, discreet cell). In addition, part of the wall can be finished with wood, stone or brick. The latter looks like a "hello" from the industrial style, but in Scandinavian frame fits.

Paul shrouded laminate, although sometimes used and the floorboard that a single layer of paint that looked through the natural wood pattern. The colors are preferred lighter shades of brown. Remember, northerners prefer the color close to the natural pine and treated with disdain for the red tones. Brown profitable emphasizes the whiteness of the walls and the atmosphere makes the room warmer. It is worth furry, soft carpet or bestial "skin" that is casually thrown to the threshold or under the sofa by the fireplace. The kitchen and bathroom floors veiled ceramic tiles in neutral colors (possible checkerboard pattern): black, white, gray, blue or purple.
See also:Veranda in the country with their own hands

Ceilings must be light. No stucco, painting or other bright elements on them are placed. Scandinavians centuries ceilings just plastered and painted or whitewashed. This practice has been preserved to our days. The only concession allowed - popular stretch ceilings, but they must be white and opaque. Glossy sheen on top of the room would be superfluous, will attract unnecessary attention.
The choice of furniture and textiles
The most striking specimen of Scandinavian furniture can be considered a budget of Ikea products. They are original in its simplicity and non-standard solutions. Furniture selected from natural wood. Materials on the basis of pressed and glued waste not suitable for such an interior. Forget about noticeable decorative elements, which are often decorated with legs, arms, or the front wall cabinets, beds and tables. Welcomes the use of:
- Marble (countertop).
- Glass (coffee tables, furniture decor doors).
- Metal (chairs, decor shelving or cabinets).

Nontrivial form, perhaps the only thing that can be a fantasy to win. Scandinavian style welcomes originality and quirkiness of lines that will enliven the interior.
To clearly understand what kind of furniture in question, just look at the catalogs 50-60x years. They present design works of such masters as Saarinen, Jacobsen, Eames or Aalto.

On what to focus
Accents are arranged in the basic color. As mentioned above, attention is sharpened on the wall, pasted wall-paper with an ornament or a collage of "mismatched" paintings, photographs. By the way, through a decor of bright colors can even break into the building.
Originally See photos in black and white with splashes of color (red dress, maroon lipstick, blue eyes). Floral prints can also take up part of the wall or be applied to furniture. On the sofa neutral gray place a couple of purple cushions and curtains made from natural fabrics can play shades of green. Do not forget about animal skins (more precisely, imitation), which cover the chairs, sofas or chairs.

And of course the northern interior is complete without houseplants. No need to turn the room into a branch of the Botanical Garden, just a few pots in the room. Forget the ranks of flower on the window sills, windows simply will not allow this. Flowers are placed on the tables or special racks. Preference is given to tuyam decorative, fern, dracaena, cacti, and in the bathroom you can place a real bamboo, which is its microclimate will like. And of course in any house the main focus - a fireplace. Warm heart of the house, its symbolic center, which will last for the whole family during the harsh winter. Next to it, attach the decorative woodpile, which will add comfort.

lighting Features
In terms of light deficiency in the lighting devices do not save, as in reflective surfaces. The ceiling is placed on the long spherical chandeliers holders. To help them establish an additional point light sources, which can also emphasize certain areas of the room. Sconces on the walls is fixed, and on the floor and countertops - lights on thin legs. For Scandinavian style characterized by coverage of a certain area of the room devices of the same color and shape but different sizes. During project development, the future of a country house is always guided by the rule of three types of light sources:
- Superior.
- Direction.
- Decorative.

room decoration
The slim hyugge concept there is one golden rule: every room should carry out their specific functions. His appointment underlines necessarily, but the room is not allowed out of the general atmosphere of the house. That is, through all the style of the room passes through a thin filament, which "strung" situation. It is unique everywhere, but in interior painting preserved the harmony and comfort. The project is the interior decoration of country homes are working in advance, simultaneously, or in consultation with experts looking at fashion magazines. Furnish the home can be their own hands, but it is necessary to consider all the details, so as not to miss and do not create too sterile, hospital environment.

Perhaps the most important rule to follow is a reflection of the inner world of the owners in the decoration of rooms. Direction is focused primarily on comfort. You should be comfortable and cozy in their own home, so move the "state of mind" in your home.
Living room
In the living room is placed a minimum of necessary furniture. Only a couple of chairs and a wide, spacious sofa, which is also still and transformed into a bed for guests was late. A low coffee table with a glass surface and the metal legs is placed in a separate corner near the bookshelves.

Take care of directional lighting for reading: it may be lamps on the wall or on the floor lamp. Wide windows are not usually tulle curtain, because the day you want to skip a maximum of light, and at night they close the blackout curtains neutral color (permissible with unobtrusive pattern). Floor near the sofa veiled soft carpet. On the wall hung a group of stylish paintings. Do not forget about the balls, soft plaids and shawls that are carelessly thrown on the sofa and armchairs. One wall can be completely shut down high racks of gray or brown in color with a niche under the TV and a few decorative elements (also neutral shades). Tall ferns in an elegant and simple pot will add life to the room. If a country house is equipped with a fireplace, the living room is the ideal place to host it.
See also:The interior of a log home - 30 photo design inside

The kitchen is usually combined with a dining room. Zoning space is easy to do with a decorative platform, which put a dining table and chairs. Its main decoration is a panoramic window that allows trapeznichat, with a beautiful view in front of the eyes. The kitchen itself ready to put the set of light-colored wood. Allowed freedom in the form of metal handles and glass doors. On the floor tiles laid a maximum of one or two colors. On the apron can recoup its laying out of the intensely bright material purple or green. Remember that warm colors contribute to the appetite, so this is where you can give up the perfectly white in favor of its softer shades. Small pots of herbs set directly on the desktop area and a dining area on the vase with fresh flowers for comfort.

In the bedroom, put a wide bed, which shrouded veil of gray or black. On the bedside table is required to place fresh flowers or houseplant and lamp. His ceiling is allowed to choose a bright color. In the corner you can hang the "floating" wicker chair with a blanket and a pillow, and a number of miniature bookcase or shelves with a couple of favorite books.
Environment enliven a pair of soft knitted poufs or decorative element on the wall, which rests against the headboard. Imitation deer antlers, painted in white color in the room will look original. Paul veiled soft, pleasant to touch the carpet with a pattern that is common with other textiles in the room.

In the children's room, still adhere to the "snow-white" of the atmosphere, but in this room, add more bright colors. Child for the full development just need to live and grow in the "colorful" atmosphere. Permissible pink or yellow furnishings and textiles on the windows.
One wall is usually decorated with paintings, in creation of which even the child may participate. registration process will be fun and exciting. Original element is the placement of "tree of knowledge" in the corner. Natural wood creates a decorative rack, shelf-branches which are supported on the trunk. They are arranged books and toys, and can be installed next to a small armchair with a table or a full working area. Learn the child becomes more interesting, because for each new work he would have to climb to this centennial oak! This original design course fits into the concept of Scandinavian style: a natural material that emphasizes the closeness to nature. Functional at least for the children: sitting area, bed, wardrobe and a pair of ottomans.

The bathroom set closed shelves for storage of household trifles, because you can put on display only a stack of white towels. Room veneer wood panels or tiles that are treated with special materials, saves material from moisture. Ceramics selecting either monophonic or with geometric patterns. Do not skimp on the mirrors in the room a lot of them do not exist. Bright accent will be a shower curtain with a floral print. Originally will look shell of solid stone, which will emphasize originality situation.
The hall is used "furniture" at least. Discard bulky dressing in favor of a simple hanger, and a special "tube" for umbrellas. The narrow, tall chest of drawers placed under the wide mirror. Revive the situation, you can use decorative niche in the wall with a pair of neutral-brac and a few paintings or photographs on the wall. Floor mat dim dark tones. The country house staircase to the second floor is usually placed in the hallway. It can be left in its original form, or to organize a separate zone underneath for storage.

Neat closed shelves will be a boon for large families who have difficulty coping with the disorder. Do not forget to place additional light fixtures along the walls of the corridor or hallway. These are the premises that are devoid of the already rare sunlight. The deficit must be compensated on several levels at once.
Scandinavian style out on the global design arena as ethnics, but over time it has become a classic, which took more than one test. Fashion trends have not been able to shake the "pillars" of the trend, but to seep into the interior northern pair elements. Your vacation home should breathe prudence, simplicity, ease and comfort. At the same time, from him shall winnow easy "winter" cold, which is close as the Scandinavians and Russians. Organically fit in the direction of rough natural elements: real stumps instead of chairs, branch-holders for things on walls or decorative "track" of wood Spili on the floor. Your house - it's your cozy fortress in which nice to sometimes be locked from the outside world. It is this idea carries a stern, serious and practical Scandinavian style.