How to remove paint from clothes - effective ways


  • Basic rules of
  • How to clean watercolor, gouache or acrylic paint?
  • Removing oil paint
  • How to save clothes made of cotton, silk and wool?

You can get into an unpleasant situation and discover a stain on your clothes. Often it is easy to wash, but sometimes the question arises: how to wipe the paint? Of course, you can try to contact a dry cleaner. But there will not always help, afraid to spoil the thing. If you make some effort, then the problem will be able to cope and at home.

Basic rules of

To avoid throwing a suit, you should follow a few simple rules.

  • If possible, proceed to remove the paint immediately after the incident. The earlier the better. It will be easier to wash off the stain until the paint has saturated the fabric completely. After drying, the higher risk is not to save clothes.
  • It is advisable to know from which paint the outfit suffered. Depending on the type, different methods are used. In one case, simple water is enough to wash the trail. In another( for example, to wash off the water-based paint), it is hardly possible to do without a solvent. What matters is what the outfit is made of.
  • In order not to spoil the fabric, manipulations must be made from the wrong side. From the front side, you should put napkins that will absorb the solvent and the remnants of the dissolved paint.

How to clean watercolor, gouache or acrylic paint?

If the incident occurred with watercolor or gouache, then the answer to the question of how to remove paint is very simple. These types are water-soluble, so they can be removed with water. In the event that the stain has not dried out, it is sufficient to rinse it well under a stream of cold water. After that, briefly soak and wash as usual. Most often this is enough. If the trail is old, it may need to be repeated several times.

Water-based paint is slightly more difficult to wash. It is usually acrylic compositions that must be taken out if it is unsuccessful to sit on a freshly painted bench. Use it and when repairing, so it's useful to know what to erase a paint of this type.

If the stain is completely fresh, then first rinse it with cold water. Then it's good to squeeze out a thing and wet to load into the washing machine. Add detergent powder and choose the longest washing mode. If necessary, repeat again.

Acrylic paint is not always easy to remove. If after two cycles in the washing machine the contamination is in place, then you need to pour a small amount of powder onto it and rub it gently with gentle movements. A toothbrush is suitable for this purpose. After that, you need to run the machine again, but at the highest temperature.

If this is not possible to wash the acrylic paint, then you should take a stain remover or bleach. You can prepare the solution yourself. To do this, add a tablespoon of salt to 3 cups of water and two - vinegar and ammonia. In one of these tools, soak clothes for several hours, then wash. A similar method will certainly help to clear the trace of water-based paint.

In case the paint is latex, it is worth using alcohol to remove it. It must be applied to a small piece of tissue and rub the affected area. As the contamination of the tissue must be changed. After the procedure, the costume should be washed.

Remove oil paint

It is not always possible to remove oil paint more difficult than acrylic paint. The catch is that even if it turns out to remove the substance itself, a fat stain may remain. But do not give up: you can both clean clothes from paint stains, and eliminate oily traces.

  • Effective fight against pollution of this type of purified gasoline. Will approach and "White Spirit".The trace of the paint must be treated, then moistened with pre-warmed glycerin. It is also possible to use a solution of ammonia. Then the affected thing is washed with household soap.
  • Also good for oil paint is a mixture of gasoline and acetone. They are taken in equal quantities and treated with a stain towards its center. If it does not disappear, then it is worth trying ammonia spirit. After it is possible to wash it off, the thing needs to be washed with laundry soap.
  • Another answer to the question, what to wash off the paint - kerosene. It should be applied to the desired area, leave for a minute, then try to clean with a cloth on which ammonia is applied. Repeat until there is a result.
  • Turpentine can help. It is applied to stains and waiting until the paint is softened. After processing these places with a solution of soda.
  • Also effective is a mixture of refined gasoline, turpentine and alcohol. With a cotton swab moisten the contamination, and then clean with a knife. The spot is fresh, the easier it is to cope with it. If it is old, then the solution on it should be left for a couple of hours.
  • A proven product is an ordinary vegetable oil. It softens the paint well, but it's not a fast process. The right place will have to be rubbed with a brush. In the end, there will only be a greasy little spot, it can be washed with soap.


It is important to use refined gasoline for cleaning. Otherwise, you can put an even greater spot.

Than to save clothes from a clap, silk and a wool?

If the trouble has occurred with the clothes made of cotton, then it is worth trying the following method. One liter of water will need a small spoonful of soda and a piece of laundry soap, pre-planed. The mixture must be brought to a boil, cool a little and lower the affected areas for a few seconds. Repeat as many times as necessary to completely eliminate contamination. If there are divorces, then the thing before washing should be soaked with bleach in warm water.

The question may arise: how to wipe the paint off silk? With this tissue you need to handle carefully. Will get rid of the laundry soap, they need to rub the stain. Then warm the alcohol on the water bath, moisten the rag and wipe the desired area. When the paint comes off, you need to get wet with hot water, put it down with a napkin and sprinkle with talc.

If it is interesting how to clean clothes from wool, then it can be done again with soap. Grate the soiled area, and then for a few moments lower it into boiling water. Most likely, in order to wash, repeat it will be necessary several times.

It is useful to know how to wipe off the paint if necessary. If the water-soluble can be easily handled, then to remove the acrylic, the facade, you have to work hard. But there are ways to save clothes. After using special tools, the dress should be thoroughly rinsed. Drying is best in the fresh air so that the smell disappears.