Repair almost completed, leaving only the final touches - placement of furniture, decor. At this stage, many are faced with the need to mount a variety of designs, the shelves to the walls of the home. Before you hang kitchen cabinets on the wall, you need to think carefully about their convenient location, it is desirable to draw up a detailed chart of all sizes.
- Determining the mounting height
mounting options
- loops
- Mounting plate
Step-by-step instruction
- How to prepare wall
- Required tools and materials
- Mounting strap, hanging cabinets
Especially methods of attachment to plasterboard walls
Special fasteners for gypsum boards
- Dowel "butterfly"
- Driva
- Dowel "molly"
- Hitch the cabinet to drywall sticked
- Using a mortgage
Special fasteners for gypsum boards
- conclusion
Determining the mounting height
Hang the cabinets are not too easy - hit should not be fixed where, because:
- all lying within the food, utensils, various utensils should be readily available when dostavaniya;
- geometry, the overall aesthetic appearance must not be violated irregular arrangement;
- We need to vent system seamlessly install, held at the desired locations;
- fix elements must be very reliable, to avoid falling under the weight of the contents, and the mechanical forces.

Disposition of any modern interior is primarily focused on the individual and family. The height of the cabinets above the floor - the most important criterion, depending on the growth of living in an apartment house. Ideal - to every adult member of the family was able to easily get to any shelf, without using a stool or ladder. For example:
- with growth owner 150-160 cm cabinets recommended hang 170 cm from floor level;
- if the growth of 165-180 cm height hanging 190 cm;
- for growth of 185 cm and above - 200-210 cm.

These parameters are given on the basis that the height of the table in the kitchen about 88 cm from the tabletop to the bottom of a wall cabinet for at least 45 cm from the top shelf - at the level of 110 cm.

The upper limit is strictly horizontal hinged design - it is easy to check by means of the construction of the water level.

mounting options
Main ways hanging kitchen cabinets made of chipboard, MDF, natural wood and other materials, there are two:
- normal - using the fastener elements and loops;
- with mounting reechki.

The specifics of the installation is such that in the first case, a second person is needed to help keep clear distance Wizard, in the second everything is done on their own, single-handedly, but the total cost of the parts will be released more. Occasionally found additional securing especially heavy, dimensional objects with the help of decorative ropes mounted to the ceiling, as well as chrome tubes installed on a floor framing system.

Mounting methods, types of fasteners on brick or aerocrete, plasterboard or MDF differ significantly in their performance.

When you use loops, fasteners, work is carried out as follows:
- is determined by the height limit, there is outlined strictly horizontal line on which drill marks the place where the first hole is drilled;
- installed fasteners, the use screws, dowels with special plastic, wood sealants;
- piece of furniture equipped with suitable fixation - loops, straps;
- after trying on the cabinet, mark the second point, the fastening element is screwed;
- at the end of the locker is suspended, the level is checked by a horizontal upper edge.
See also:Kitchen design in the country: ideas and tips

It is important to respect the equal distances between the holes. All lockers are mounted at the same height - they do not have to "dance."

Mounting plate
Mounting rail consists of a hook that is attached side furniture and most strips, hung to a certain height, which is the basis for the hook. The main features of this method:
- work is easily performed by one person, without the involvement of assistants;
- spinning screws help to move the design back and forth for optimal alignment;
- If the locker to hang a few planochki, increasing the number of screws, the product will contain a maximum reliability;
- upper part can be hung even when the bottom is already fixed;
- a full set of details will come out more expensive than using a loop;
- design will not fit snugly against the wall;
- the bottom of the cabinet should be slightly overstep the kitchen apron or rear wall area is secured hardboard.

Step-by-step instruction
Regardless of which of the above-described mounting methods chosen for the arrangement of the kitchen, the work process is divided into several stages:
- surface preparation, marking;
- selection of appropriate materials, tools;
- he process of hanging rails, adjustment, alignment design.

All of the locker installation process takes an average of about two hours, when the cabinets more, but they are mounted on one wall, each spent a little less time.

How to prepare wall
High-quality surface preparation, which will be mounted cabinets - the initial, crucial stage. From the wall material production depends on the maximum permissible weight of the hanging furniture from its flatness - the degree of fit of all parts.

During the preparation of the wall should be aligned as much as possible - any irregularities reduce the quality of installation, standard designs, mounted at the corners of the room, you need to set the angle exactly 90 cm. It is important to pre-install the required project kitchens switches, receptacles, lighting, stretch all the cables and other communications. To paint, paste tiles, walls with wallpaper is also desirable prior to the placement of furniture - the "Soviet" economy version "will paint around, only where there is clear ", for modern times is unacceptable, because it is often made to the operation of certain facilities adjustments.
The "new" building is better to install a plastic kitchen apron, as he carefully hides the majority of the irregularities, being supported on the "liquid nails", and the room was still able to give some shrinkage.

Required tools and materials
Tools for high-quality product installation requires a lot, but most of them are in almost every home:
- Drill or punch;
- Screwdriver or screwdriver;
- Suitable nozzles for screwdriver, punch;
- steel tape measure;
- a pencil;
- long range;
- spanner;
- building level;
- hammer;
- hacksaw or jigsaw;
- Clamp.

A set of materials for the installation is also great:
- base - wooden batten or a metal profile;
- Details of lockers;
- front loop;
- Intersection ties;
- screws;
- nails;
- tires;
- screws;
- canopies.

The choice of fasteners for suspended structures depends on from what made the walls of the room:
- for the main walls of concrete, brick, suitable ordinary bolts, anchors, anchor;
- the walls of the timber, lumber, trimmed lining, taken hardened screws, preferably having a rounded countersunk head, with a double thread;
- "Molly" to the grounds plasterboard installation is made with modern fixings.
See also:Kitchens Direct plan - ideas and tips for the interior

Mounting strap, hanging cabinets
In the most advanced set of kitchen furniture with all necessary accessories often included - buy more hardware, door closers, and other details are not required, which has a positive impact on the total cost products. Recommended suspension height as indicated in the assembly instructions.
The most commonly used hanging on a special bracket, as necessary markup cause much easier, and installation of all structures can be done as accurately as possible, perfectly fits into the existing interior. In addition, the number of leaves smooth, without noticeable gaps, and the load on the wall out of uniform - there is no danger of collapse, even if the thin walls.
To start to the sidewalls hanging furniture with the help of adjusting screws are fixed hooks. The dimensions of the protruding portion of hooks - two to four mm. After the holes are planned, performed their drills. Rail a little below the top of the lockers. If the wall is sturdy, on the bar is allowed to save, making the installation of their segments, the length of 10-15 cm.

Further, the pierce hole plugs suitable type - mounting plate securely fastens the maximum. At the time of suspension of the procedure with the suspension it is recommended to remove the door, take out the shelves. Once you can start to adjust the modules on the lockers, to connect separate "box" intersectional ties.
After finishing work shelves, door mounted in its place, mounted decorative cornices and others.

Especially methods of attachment to plasterboard walls
Construction of plasterboard - versatile, practical, easy to handle, has an aesthetic appearance. Their only serious drawback - low mechanical strength. Because any attachments attached to such products the maximum wall carefully using special fasteners, in certain procedures - professional or unconventional. Plasterboard is used for decoration of the walls of brick, foam concrete, gas silicate.

Pazogreben - a material also having a part of gypsum, but heavier. For its installation does not require the creation of the framework and the individual parts are mounted gypsum partition wall, simply by gluing together. Structural strength, the correct approach makes lockers hung, including by drilling through its rear wall, and then inserting the plugs.
Plasterboard often drawn ventshahty - their presence does not prevent you from installing cabinets directly in this place.

Special fasteners for gypsum boards
Gypsum board - it is made of gypsum, sheathed on both sides by cardboard, which serves to align the ceilings, walls, partition creation, etc.. There are wall and ceiling versions - the latter excessively thin, able to withstand a minimum load, because for the decoration of the walls are virtually unfit.
For high-quality assembly of GCR and gypsum fiber board (gipsovolokonnyh sheets), use special metal profiles, special hardware configuration. Fasteners are also different purpose:
- GCR for fastening screws to the profiles used for metal;
- wooden products for installation - screws for wood;
- frame for laminated plasterboard - screws "fleas";
- for connecting the guide wall to the concrete - with shock dowel screws;
- also used "butterfly", dowels Fischer, "Molly" spring "Hartmut" et al.
When you purchase it is important to assess the quality of fasteners - rusty, non-uniform thread, rapid changes in the thickness and size of elements for installation are not desirable.

Dowel "butterfly"
This embodiment there are four fastening - 8 at 28, 10, 50, a metal, versatile, they vary in size, configuration, limiting the load on the product. The principle of retaining wall is: plasterboard doing a hole in which to insert a spacer part and then screwed into the screw, the first expands, changes shape, becoming similar to the wings butterfly. Among the shortcomings: for plasterboard surface must be an empty space, and the sheet - not more than 12 mm thick.
"Butterfly" is recommended to insert, adjusted so that it is the most tightly held in the hole.

Driva is a hollow plastic, metal dowels, manufactured without any drill with a drill. When using it in drywall mounted not only hinged construction but also painting, lamps, small elements. Installation is simple: plug is screwed into the wall screwdriver, after which Phillips slot screw screwed into products.
For driva lacking the drill bit at the tip previously drilled hole.

Dowel "molly"
"Molly" withstand loads within 33-35 kg, the shape resembling an umbrella. During mounting in the wall of drilled hole, the sleeve is inserted, keeping an eye to its tine tightly etched to eliminate rotation. Next screw screwed, unopened part not tightly would stick in the gypsum board back side.
See also:Design black and white kitchen

Hitch the cabinet to drywall sticked
Plasterboard are made of brick, expanded clay wall made of hollow blocks, ceramic, silicate and other elements. Lightweight construction, weighing up to three or four kilograms, simply attach the sheets of plasterboard, and if the product has more weight requires installation on a steel profile or directly concrete, brick, block wall. To do this, using the cutter cut a piece of drywall, drilled in the wall of the desired number of holes in which to insert the screws. Cut piece is glued in place, accurately puttied, suspended cabinet.

Using a mortgage
When it is not possible to screw the screws directly into the frame, apply inserts of wood, the thickness of the frame equal parts. If the bar is much narrower or wider than the frame member, between the hanger and the wall a gap is formed that can lead to cracking drywall, deterioration of its appearance. When the strap is picked up correctly and accurately design mounted close to the wall.
In the course of the mortgage is screwed to the wall, "butterflies" before the skin, it is also possible anchor with countersunk heads. Then drywall is mounted on the frame by means of screws to the metal. After all the locations where the screws are screwed for hanging lockers.
Especially for hanging heavy structures used strong long screws mounted on the mortgage of suitable size, or use anchor bolts screwed into the concrete surface

Install hanging lockers with their own hands the newcomer is quite difficult, especially when it comes to the spacious kitchen, where several of them. The appearance of furniture, for mounting its individual items, should not deteriorate, the individual elements - "walk" look skewed relative to each other. It is important that all the straight lines were clear horizontal or vertical - then the cabinets will hang straight, without tilting.