Although the glamor and luxury of persistent association with expensive mansions, they can be implemented even in the decoration of the modest country house or an apartment in the Khrushchev. Internal content does not always correspond to the outer shell. As they say, nice to live not forbid. In order to recreate the luxurious interior in your home, it is better to hire a professional, as such registration is based on the details and does not tolerate amateurism. The luxurious interior of the apartment will require impressive investments and real design talent. The elegant surroundings will want to not only live, but also to take string infinitely guests, because the house is something to see, and have something to admire. Luxury accommodations should look expensive, elegant and impressive, like a magazine cover of the fashion trends in design. On what nuances should be considered, at the improvement of expensive apartments and discussed below.
- How to Book
- Key factors and style
- Features of the organization of space
- Glamor in the interior
- Colors
- Furniture and Furnishings
- Do not forget about lighting
- Important details of the interior
- conclusion
How to Book
Luxury - a relative term, though it is not alien to the rules. In order to obtain such an interior at home, will have to arm themselves with taste and finances. Be prepared for a big investment, so as the fulfillment of great ideas in cheap materials will not lead to anything good. Bad taste, too, have a negative impact on the interior of the composition. Unity of style must be respected in every room. To the total composition is disintegrated into separate pieces, each room is strung like an invisible common thread and still retains its uniqueness. For example, the kitchen should look like rooms that are rarely used for its intended purpose, because the owners of wealth often allows dining in restaurants than at home. Bathroom may seem like a spacious hall beauty salon, where a slow relaxing music or conduct a number of cosmetic procedures. It is desirable to provide it with steam or hot tub.

The bedroom is the perfect place for recreation, in which more comfortably you can read a book or engage in a luxurious boudoir. The living room is designed for large openings guests and bears little resemblance to those little rooms where friends are playing Monopoly and watching football matches. Mandatory element of the interior becomes a bar. Draw up an office in a classic style with an abundance of natural leather. The main attribute of this room - the library. The spacious cottages sure there is a place for a dining room with a long dining table. However, such a space for the realization of the ideas of the designer - the lot of private houses. The one-bedroom apartments and modern studios do not have room for such maneuvers. This is not a reason for abandoning the dream of the expensive design. Although luxury and tight spaces combined bad, but a number of tricks and techniques will allow to realize the idea of the beautiful interior in the constrained framework.
See also:The design of the room with no windows

Key factors and style
The secret of the design luxurious interior lies in the skillful combination of colors, proper selection and arrangement of furniture, combining textures of materials and polishing of furniture decor. A fundamental role in the design will play the selected style. That he will give a benchmark for the designer. By line of elite styles include both classic and modern trends. Although professionals often take as their basis the interiors of French suburban mansions. Their style was marked by a trio of timeless classics: the Empire, Rococo and Baroque. Styles gatherings among themselves and use an abundance of elegant decor, soft floral patterns on the expensive textiles, antiques, stucco and gilding. Furniture pick made of natural wood. Walls okleivayut expensive fabric wallpaper with a floral pattern. These are perfect destinations for apartments with more rooms, which are regulated are like palaces. Quieter classic prefers deep chocolate shades in combination with white, flowing shapes and lines, soft tissue curtains, tablecloths, and furniture upholstery. From the ceiling hang heavy chandeliers, decorated with crystal and gold leaf. The walls are decorated with reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Floors covered with wood and expensive rugs with patterns in quiet browns.

Colonial style is also referred to as the line of luxury, but his style is manifested somewhat differently. Direction welcomes bright decorative details on the background of soothing pastel shades. From the abundance of stucco and elaborate details of this style is declined. It found more angular shape, similar to parts of modern trends. Colonial style is a harmonious blend of classic and ethnics, because such houses were equipped in the opponent's territory. In the interior piece of the homeland still seeped influence local culture, which translates into extraordinary detail registration: the original paintings on the walls, exotic indoor plants, vases and handmade pots, curtains national motifs.

Neoclassicism is a fashionable medley that combines the old principles against the backdrop of new design techniques. Eco-style can also be luxurious. Natural materials are always costly. Of course windows, wooden furniture and minimalist details bear little resemblance to the classic luxury, but the concept of "style" over time is also changing. Even felling of timber may look expensive and stylish, if it embodies the canons of the Alpine-style chalet or an industrial loft.
See also:Panoramic windows in the interior of apartments and houses

Features of the organization of space
Luxury property presupposes the existence of large areas. Furniture they have freely and at the same time use it a minimum set as forcing every inch of the room there is no need. Welcome central composition. For example, a kitchen with an island-plan living room with a major area in the middle of a room or a bed without standard accent wall behind the headboard in the bedroom. To visually enlarge the space using a large number of reflecting surfaces: glass and mirrors.

Glamor in the interior
One option chic modern interior - glamorous style. It focuses not on the aesthetics, and value. The decoration uses only the most expensive, branded items:
- Gems;
- Antiques;
- Original paintings;
- Leather and fur;
- Exclusive details, which are created only once.

Of course all this splendor in the absence of expensive tastes can be mixed in a combination of absurd, therefore, to design better to invite a professional designer. He will arrange stylish glamorous collection at the perimeter of the room and the interior will look organic.

In the color palette should prevail calm tones that blend with the noble, deep tones. The second group include:
- Bodied wine color;
- A deep shade of blue velvet;
- Luscious chocolate tone;
- Emerald Green;
- Bright lilac lavender;
- Amber yellow;
- Olive;
- Steel gray;
- Light peach shade.

Interior palette should unconsciously evoke associative array with expensive things. For example, the burgundy-red hue reminiscent of expensive wine in a crystal glass, and the blue velvet traditionally used in upholstery palace furniture.

When choosing colors guided by their inner feelings. The situation must not only conform to the canons of chic and splurge, but also be comfortable, because the owners have to live in it, and not to visit occasionally during the festivities. It is the color palette has a great influence on the formation of mood and the "aura" of a room.

Furniture and Furnishings
Furniture runs only from natural materials. No simulation (chipboard, MDF) can not be used in an atmosphere of luxury. It is advisable to select the furniture sets that will be diluted with unique antiques. Handles made of bronze, brass or other metal with gold. This coating is also used in the frames of mirrors, framed pictures of baguette. The facades are decorated with rosettes of furniture, moldings and graceful carved decor.
See also:Interesting interior design of apartments

Do not forget about lighting
An important role in the perception of the space right lighting plays. The luxurious apartments it is usually a lot, as the disadvantages like the interior of a priori can not have, the light must penetrate to the most remote corners of it. We have already mentioned glass and mirrors, which are used in an elegant design to enhance their reflective effect, backlight is combined with these elements. In the course are not only a ceiling chandelier, but the sconces, lamps (floor, table) and hidden lamps that give a diffused light.

Stylish decor will complement the installation of hidden lights in the ceiling void, if the room has been used in the design of the ceiling frame. This additional lighting is switched off the chandelier will create a mystical twilight.

Important details of the interior
Design has always brought to mind by a decorative detail. They resemble the final touches on a nearly finished film, when an artist steps back a few paces, evaluate critically their creation and adds a couple of brush strokes that make the canvas completed. The luxurious style on the little things do not save, although the overall decor of the room, and so full of specimens of handicrafts and numerous decorations. Sofas and beds are sure to decorate pillows from expensive fabrics with neat patterns. The floors are carpeted veiled. For example, Persian, if you have the opportunity to buy them. Horizontal surfaces should not be wasted in vain, so they put the old phones, fixtures with statues instead of legs, graceful vases of porcelain or stone with fresh bouquets, family photos in neat framed. Real decoration of any room will be a sculpture of a man in full growth. The classic styles they can be statues of Greek gods and modern - ordinary people in unusual poses.

Luxurious interiors remain an unattainable dream for many who do not have finances to realize their fantasies. Unfortunately, the budget alternative for creating such a design no. Beskompromissnost- one of the chic qualities. If finances allow, but doubts about his own taste overwhelmed, it's best to seek professional help. If you specify all the nuances and select competent expert, the housing will not only look expensive, but also arrange for permanent residence in it. After all this trouble many luxurious interiors: they look nice, but they remain in the museum cold and uncomfortable.