- Types of household appliances for DHW organization
- Advantages and disadvantages of gas columns
- Advantages and disadvantages of
electric boilers In the process of repair, the issue of providing hot water for housing is of particular relevance. Most of this need arises from the instability of hot water supply or the lack of connectivity. It is in such situations that people try to decide whether a boiler or a gas column is better. In this article, we will try to find an answer to this question and consider the advantages and disadvantages of both devices.
to content ↑Types of household appliances for DHW organization
Individual hot water sources in apartments and houses are divided into two main types that depend on the type of energy used:
- Gas columns. Most people have the wrong opinion that these devices are bulky and unattractive units. However, modern gas heating appliances can have a compact size and an attractive appearance that will not spoil the overall interior of your kitchen. Such units can be of two types - automatic and semi-automatic.
- Boiler is a storage water heater that can be operated from gas or electricity. Such a device consists of a thermally insulated capacious tank, a tubular heater and a mechanism for regulating the level of heating of water.
Determine that it is better to have a gas column or electric heater, because each of the devices has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, a decision should be made based on the needs of the particular premises.
to content ↑Advantages and disadvantages of gas columns
Modern models of gas columns differ significantly from their predecessors in small dimensions and neat appearance, which allows them to be placed in a room of even the smallest kitchen.
To accurately understand for yourself, a boiler or gas column - which is better than the dimensions, it is necessary to take into account not less significant advantages:
- ability to provide an apartment or house with hot water for a long time;
- heating water almost immediately after opening the tap;
- modern turbocharged columns are equipped with electronic control systems;
- reliability in operation;
- easy repair in case of malfunction.
Important! Most modern equipment is equipped with an easy-to-use display, indicators for various purposes and a special thermometer.
But like any water heater, the gas column, besides positive qualities, has a number of drawbacks. About them, too, do not forget, determining whether a boiler or gas column is better.
The most important in this respect are:
- Installing the gas column in the house is quite a troublesome occupation. Before performing the installation, you will need to compile the project and coordinate it with the specialized services.
- Before embedding a similar design, you will need to collect a whole folder of permissions and get an official document that allows the installation.
- For anyone using a gas heater, you need to equip a reliable chimney and a supply and exhaust ventilation system. Although there are exceptions, as many manufacturers supply modern aggregates with coaxial removal of combustion products, in which a separate contour of the chimney is not needed.
- In order to achieve a stable and trouble-free operation, you will need constant pressure of gas and water in the system. Unfortunately, modern homes in most cases can not boast of the stability of these indicators.
- The efficiency of its use of a gas column is somewhat inferior to the use of an electric boiler. The efficiency of a gas-based water heater is 92% maximum, while similar indicators for electrical appliances are about 98-99%.This also needs to be taken into account, determining what is best - a gas column or electric water heater.
Important! The final temperature of the water dispensed by the column directly depends on the state of the liquid entering the system. In many houses in severe winter frosts water enters the system too supercooled, and therefore even the most powerful plant can not provide the owner with the required indicators.
to the contents ↑Advantages and disadvantages of
electric boilers The storage electric water heating appliances are very popular today.
Similar settings have a number of very significant positive qualities. In connection with them, many consumers prefer these devices, solving the problem, a boiler or a gas column - which is better.
In more detail, considering the advantages of electric boilers, it is possible to note such most significant factors:
- Simple and affordable installation, which you can produce yourself, without coordination and call of qualified specialists.
- Such systems do not require additional costs for the construction of the chimney and ventilation system.
- The operation of the boiler does not depend on the temperature and water pressure in the central water supply system.
- High intensity indicator. The coefficient of efficiency of such water heaters is 98-99%.
- The boiler is able to provide a one-time consumption of a large amount of hot water.
- TEN modern design of such a device does not directly contact with water, and therefore on its surface there is no scale.
But like any appliance, electric boiler systems have some drawbacks:
- One of the most important disadvantages of this type of water heater is the limited amount of water being heated, and accordingly the need for waiting for the next portion over a certain time period.
- Such designs are quite large in size, since they must contain the required volume of water. This fact can be a notable disadvantage in the conditions of small apartments.
- The price for boilers is usually slightly higher than for gas columns, which also does not contribute to budget savings.
Buying specialized devices for providing domestic hot water supply of a residential building, it is impossible to say that a gas column or a boiler is much better than alternative equipment. It is necessary to take into account many important factors in the form of the number of family members, the economy of installation, the features of the premises and much more. We hope that the information in this article will help you make the right choice and for a long time enjoy the hot water in the amount that you need.