Adults forget childhood dreams. Especially girls, who in childhood were his idealized future. Someone dreamed of beauty, singing, beautiful things, others were his adult life in abundance, surrounded by happy children, attentive to her husband in a large, bright house. But they all dreamed about his playhouse, which will embody conceived. Generations are replacing each other, but the desire of girls remain unchanged.
The story of toys has dozens of centuries. Known specimens found in Egypt, which relate to the existence of the state BC. e. In Europe, such products were available only to wealthy families, but with time, everything changed. Now children's store has everything that you want, from classic Barbie to the characters favorite cartoons, which can accommodate even castles. However, indecently high cost of such structures may surprise parents. But, do not be upset, to please your child can be a toy, made his own.
- The advantages of manufacturing small house with his own hands
- Drafting
- Shape, size and number of floors at home
Materials for building the dollhouse
- Plywood
- Wood
- Particleboard
- Laminate
- gypsum plasterboard
- Styrofoam
- Cardboard
- Houses of old furniture
- House from a cardboard box
- House-cloth bags
- Exterior design options
The advantages of manufacturing small house with his own hands
Any hack, especially created for her children, filled with warmth, has strong energy, brings joy to the kid. In the process, manifested individuality, creative abilities. To gather all the members of the family, happy to spend time surrounded by their loved ones. So, consider the advantages samoruchno design:
- Exclusivity, originality. House will be characterized in that it is a single piece of art produced. This will not be none. Companies producing factory products, make them especially with the items that they spoil, or structure unacceptable in general, but with a very attractive components. This is done by going to. Ideal toys with perfect form, characterized by extremely high costs;
- Always in fashion. Svoeruchny product will never lose its relevance. He is not dependent on advertising. The good thing is long like owners;
- Flight of fancy. you can realize all the wishes of the child in the creation of the house. It can be a desktop, achieving human growth. Have floors, a different number of rooms, windows, interior;
- Saving the family budget. In addition to a pleasant stay, holograph house will save money.

The child should be involved in the production house. He always tells you that would like to see, what to expect from the design created. In addition, it will be more appreciate a handwritten toy.

House - the cherished dream of many girls. It provides the opportunity to relax, play with friends, bring children's wishes. Work on the product begins with the question of how to make a doll's house with his own hands, what materials to use, determine the size. To do this, create a project the future design. It consists in transferring design on the paper. Must meet certain requirements:
- Functionality. Erected the construction should be practical. Meet certain standards, have an attractive exterior and interior. Be as good as factory options.
- The simplicity of design. Autograph project should be done without unnecessary frills. Complex schemes require certain skills. This will require to gain experience.
- Calculations. It is necessary to calculate the presence and amount of materials required. Define the tools with which the work will be carried out next.
- Precisely created drawings - the key to success. It depends on this appearance, neatness future construction. You can download ready-made models from the Internet, if you have the skills to perform a drawing, take advantage of special programs. Thumbnail preview, you can draw on a sheet in the box.

Shape, size and number of floors at home
An important stage of the design is to determine the size and shape of the house. It can be a single, multi-storey. Have a rectangular, square shape. Possible to create a castle with round towers. product parameters are different, it all depends on the area of a child's room, the child's wishes, the author's imagination. When you create a sketch rooms, consider the following requirements:
- The height of the ceiling in the room is determined from the increase in its inhabitants toy, it is generally two doll size. Such a requirement will enable to rearrange the rooms of residents of the house without difficulty;
- Rooms depth is calculated from the need space to accommodate objects installed inside. Width depends on the total area of the design, the number of rooms;
- The material used affects the area and height of the product. Every single raw material is characterized by the ability to withstand different loads to maintain the original shape;
- When you create a two-storey constructions must be properly positioned room. To the first floor are typical kitchen, hallway, living room, the second - a bedroom, lounge, office. It is also possible to envisage the presence of attic, balconies, verandas.

Small houses do most difficult. To work with small parts is difficult, especially hard to install windows, doors, perform finishing rooms.

Materials for building the dollhouse
In the construction of the house is an important factor in the choice of a suitable material, not only for the building itself, but also for all the elements that are part of it (desk, chair, bed, wardrobe). All components must be sturdy, reliable. For children up to 3 years, it is desirable to use pieces of wood, without varnish, paint. This is due to the desire of the child to try everything on the palate, it can chew, lick toy.
See also:How to decorate a vase with his own hands - decor ideas

Design can be manufactured using different materials: wood, plastic, metal, fabric, veneer, linoleum, wool laminate. The main thing is that the house has turned out strong, durable, does not fall apart at the first contact with the child. The most practical, are stable structures, built of wood, plywood, laminate. They differ little from factory products. Let us dwell on popular materials used in the construction.

This is a great choice for creating crafts. It is a laminate plate formed by gluing together several veneer series. It has a number of advantages, which are expressed in:
- High strength. Toys have a long service life, do not break in the hands of children;
- Appearance. The upper layer has a wood veneer pattern;
- Minor heat transfer. Plywood is warm to the touch - an important quality for a kid;
- Simple handling. Painting, cutting, drilling, milling, attachment - is not difficult;
- Reasonable price. For plywood house needs a bit of raw materials, and its cost is low.
The content of formaldehyde in the glue should be minimum, correspond to the identification E0. For the child, environmentally friendly product needs.
Getting started is to prepare the materials and tools. For this we need: sheets, plywood, not less than 5 mm thick; hacksaw or jigsaw for wood; PVA, carpenter's glue, tape; pieces of wallpaper (you can use the remnants of repairs); measuring instruments, pencil, pen.

The next step will be the construction drawing preparation. It can be downloaded from the network, to draw on their own. With everything you need, we start to work. Consider incremental mater class:
- According to the drawings form templates that are transferred to the sheet of plywood.
- Hacksaw or jigsaw cut structural elements Scrollsaw window frames and doors.
- Sharp corners and edges we clean the file, sandpaper.
- Using glue or nails, combine all of the elements, since joining the side walls of the base, and then move to the back.
- When the frame is ready, proceed to the dividing wall, fasten the top ceiling.
- If there is a second floor assembly is made the same way.
- Set roof simulate roofing thereon, for example, pasted colored, chopped cardboard.
- The next step will be interior decoration. For this purpose, the floor can be pasted film with wood pattern, to attach pieces of cloth lay linoleum. The walls are painted, hang wallpaper.
- If a multi-storey house, inside you can set the ladder.
- At the final stage we arrange decorative items, put into dolls.

Work with wood a little harder. In the process of manufacturing facilities will need the following materials and equipment:
- a sheet of paper, a ruler, a meter, a pencil;
- softwood planks or hardwood smallest thickness (GOST least - 16 mm);
- plywood, file, sandpaper;
- glue for wood, nails;
- wooden blocks;
- circular saw, jigsaw, hand milling equipment;
- protective mask, goggles.
The work takes place in several stages:
- Drawings prepare templates.
- We apply the template to the board and drag it to the layout.
- Circular saw Scrollsaw contoured preform.
- On the roof elements at their upper connection cut slope with an angle of 45 degrees.
- To cut the doors and windows jigsaw, drill holes for the intended edges.
- The final size of the openings do manual milling equipment, if not, you can use the file.
- Sharp corners and edges of all openings grind sandpaper.
- We are putting our design with glue and nails. Set on the basis of the side walls, which must reach the roof, floor septum disposed therebetween. Install the roof.
- As the rear wall using a sheet of plywood, fiberboard thickness exceeding 3 mm. It must go beyond all of the edges a few mm. After its consolidation milling machine finishes processing the walls of the house.
- balcony set, if necessary. To do this, take four identical rectangular bar, in which a hole is made at the upper edge, which is inserted around the rack serving partitions. Further, this structure is set next to the shoulder.
- At the final stage, set the chimney on the roof, clean the dust from the crafts.

Plate made in the process of pressing wood chips, used in furniture manufacturing. Quite easily treated. It contains formaldehyde. For work take the product to the type of emission E0, E1. To build a house, we need:
- chipboard sheets having a thickness of 8 mm, coated with veneer, paper or chipboard, coated with a polymer film;
- screwdriver, screws, glue;
- Drill with special nozzles for cutting holes;
- jig saw, hacksaw;
- sheet, a pencil;
- measuring tools.
Stages of creation of a house with an open balcony and a pent roof:
- On the veneers tolerated drawing elements.
- Cut out all the parts of the structure.
- To fasten the bottom of the side walls and partitions. Fixing takes place with screws. In places where they drilled holes screwing sure that the sheet did not exfoliate chipboard;
- Next fasten the ceiling, which will be the basis for the second floor.
- To get a pent roof, a wall, which is adjacent to the balcony, do higher than the side. They fasten our roof.
- The side walls and partitions balconies - one, but the lateral part have to cut.
- Before fastening the rear partition, pre-drill in her window in the shape of a circle, for this we use a drill with a special nozzle.
See also:How to make a box with his hands

To create a layout, you can use wood flooring. Materials for the manufacture of similar to a tree. They are as follows:
- thick laminate boards 8, 12 mm;
- paper, pen, ruler;
- jigsaw, drill;
- glue, stationery knife.
When you create a house lucky people who have a surplus building materials remained after repair. Consider a master class on creating a house with garage and a gable roof:
- Draw a chart, download it to the network.
- With small size installations, the wall can be made from a single plank, its width should be sufficient. For larger designs have to combine several slats.
- The face of the cut window, door and entrance gate to the garage. On the side wall of the garage make round holes with a drill with an attachment, they will serve as ventilation hatches. The windows on the sides is not required, it is better to do on the back wall.
- As the base foundation using thicker board 12 mm.
- The walls can be joined with glue, it is better to bond with iron corners, setting them on the internal junction of the partitions.
- The front side of the case removable.
- At the final stage, set the roof.
- If available there is a lot of free time can be made of a laminate door and gate, attaching them with small hinges.

gypsum plasterboard
The product of this raw material turns easy, but quite fragile. To create a home will need:
- plasterboard sheet;
- PVA glue, carpenter;
- pencil, measuring instruments;
- Construction knife, metal corner, profile.

Step by step wizard-class standard house in three floors:
- Mark up a sheet of drywall.
- First, cut out the building with a knife two side walls, then the two horizontal partitions.
- Are putting on our fins side walls so that they are parallel, they are at the same level. The attachment points of partitions on both sides to make the holes and fasten the corners, which will serve as an additional support. Sheets of drywall on the walls adjacent to the ends of smear glue and placed on the corners, which can mask the filler.
- Cut the base. It can also connect to the structure by means of glue and over.
- Set the rear panel. For its preliminary fixation using an adhesive tape.
- Fix the roof on the sides and on the rear wall of the ledge. For bending a sheet is not completely cut drywall.
- The final step will be the installation of vertical partitions, preferably one of them to strengthen the roof.
- If necessary, the product can be made mobile. To this should be reinforced base having attached thereto from the rectangular structure construction profile, to which are fastened the wheels.

Inexpensive raw material, which can be found in almost every home. Usually it is from the packaging of household appliances. This is a very fragile material. To work with him to be careful. To create a product we need:
- foam sheet;
- matches, toothpicks;
- foam ceiling moldings;
- measuring objects or glue gun;
- stationery knife.

Step by step process is as follows:
- We make drawings and create patterns.
- Stationery knife cut blank templates. To avoid crumbs, better to use a special thermal knife for cutting foam.
- The walls of the cut door, windows.
- The walls, the ceiling, the base is fastened between toothpicks or matches. They pierce the ends and sides of the foam planes (the junction). When docking parts additionally glued in their contact region.
- Putting the first floor of the building, starting with the installation of the front side and then the side.
- The second floor gathering as the first time.
- To create a roof using backups, they strengthen it.
- The top of the roof fastened matches, further reinforcing the tape until the glue dries.
- Between floors building a staircase. It is also made of foam. As the railing can be used bamboo sticks (they are used to enhance the design).
- At the final stage of making the outer and inner finish. Ceiling moldings are used to create the window sills.

Cardboard house - unreliable design. The little girl will break his fast. The material is easy to bend. Creates a product of:
- corrugated cardboard;
- pencil, ruler;
- scissors, stationery knife;
- insulating tape, glue, tape.
Technology for creating children's toys is as follows:
- The drawing is transferred to the board, from which a building component.
- In doing a cardboard window openings.
- Further, all the structure elements are glued together.
- walls do not cut off the edges to strengthen the structure, and wrapped and glued to the other planes.
- roof parts, which favor the house beyond, should be pasted with adhesive tape, electrical tape.
- House is very fragile, so it is better to place a small doll. Furniture respectively should also be lightweight, small.
See also:Decor for the house with his own hands - design ideas + photos

Houses of old furniture
Repair of houses, flats, update their interior is often accompanied by the purchase of new furniture, the old sent to the loggia, attic, basement. We'll have to print out the bins, because unused drawers, cupboards, shelves become an indispensable material in the construction of a dollhouse. Working with the model does not take much time, because the walls, the ceiling, the bottom is already ready. In the massive construction toys fit a regiment. For work, we need:
- pencil, measuring objects;
- plywood board;
- hammer, screwdrivers, jig saw, sander;
- nails, screws;
- old furniture;
- paint, glue.

Step by step instructions is as follows:
- Frame house is ready, it remains to construct the roof. To do this, measure the width and depth of the cabinet. Then cut the boards, making the junction at the upper slope of 45 degrees. Because standard depth of the cabinet is wider boards, have put together a few pieces together. After installing the roof enhances its partitions on each side, at the same time share the attic space into several parts.
- Available in shelf vertical partitions can be left, add more if necessary.
- locker doors can be used as the front side of the house, which is closed. Next, cut out the window, if necessary - the doorway, using a jigsaw and a drill.
- The next step is stripping the internal and external surfaces of the sander from the old coating. Then purify the entire structure from dirt, causes the ink layer.
- All these steps are related to the decoration of the resulting structure.

House from a cardboard box
The easiest way to build a house. You need to pick up a box of appropriate size. Materials for work must also be at a minimum:
- cardboard box from under the home appliance, the usual gray;
- pencil, ruler;
- Stationery knife, stapler, glue.
Working with the material is as follows:
- Stronger boxes out of household appliances use as floors, most importantly, to have the same size.
- Cut the sides of each window boxes.
- Merge three boxes together, the upper frames subject without partitions, which plays the role of the ceiling.
- Getting to the roof. To do this, take the cut cardboard cover and cut them with two bands, which will be the slope of the roof. Bending and superimposing the edges to each other, anchoring them to the side walls and on top of the roof at each other by means of staples and glue. Also joins the back wall and the attic.
- Internal partitions can be installed from separate sheets of cardboard, or choose the size of the box that accurately enter the floor, with a further reinforce the structure as a whole.
- Decorate the house with a cloth, fringes, ribbons, plastic foam products.

House-cloth bags
A unique artifact. By deploying the bag, we get the house, located on the same plane. To create such a miracle is necessary:
- HB pair of segments of fabric or felt, the size of 50x40 cm;
- trimming smaller tissue;
- buttons, yarns, tapes;
- pencil and paper;
- scissors, needle, sewing machine.
Consider a detailed master class:
- To begin, draw a sketch on paper, cut out patterns.
- Fasten the fabric to templates and drag it to the circuit.
- At the main pieces of fabric cut out windows and doorway sequentially, i.e. We do not proceed to the next hole until the patch install on existing.
- After completing all external elements, we proceed to internal. Here we can accommodate four rooms (the best option). It - bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, hall.
- For each room sew pieces of fabric, simulating typical items. For example, in the bedroom can accommodate a wardrobe with opening doors, bed, into which you can put a little doll. In the bathroom - washbasin with mirror, shower.
- At the final stage sew handbag handle, which is attached to the inner side of the fabric that simulates the wall.

Exterior design options
The facade was built, the house is almost ready, it remains several steps before passing it to the kid. You must finish the exterior design, to design products. Consider a few design options:
- Imitation brick masonry, roof tiles. To do this, take the sticks for ice cream, and the mode of their four parts. From pieces having rounded, lay out the roof starting from the bottom row, gradually moving up. Each subsequent row of laid overlapping the previous one. Top joint of the roof slopes cover one-piece sticks, perpendicular to the tile. Then we proceed to the front. Cropped rectangular glue sticks to the walls of masonry. The final stage will be the painting of the roof and facade paints.
- Simple painting home. The most common and fastest option. Paint the roof in pink, white walls.