Decoration of the walls - a mandatory step in the design of the room. Today, let us consider in detail a variant of decorating the walls - painting. This is a popular and popular way to update and diversify the interior.
Paint the walls in the interior provides space to creativity and imagination. Variety of colors on the shelves allows for design ideas and bring to life the dreams of the interior. The correct choice of material is important as the end result of this will depend. To begin the painting process study offered in the shops and select suitable materials.
- Options and tips on choosing colors
- Acrylic latex paint
- silicone paint
- latex paint
- vinyl paint
- Acrylic-vinyl paint
- Acrylic-latex paint
- structural paint
- Preparing walls
Which range to choose
- Trend color in the interior
The combination of colors and ways of applying paint
- The division of the horizontal
- color inserts
- accents
- Gradient and Ombre
- Horizontal and vertical bars
- Ornament
- geometric shapes
- textured painting
- frottazh
- Sponzhing
- old lock
Modern ideas of painting walls
- Living room
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- nursery
- hallway
- Bathroom and toilet
- Tips masters painting the walls with his own hands
Options and tips on choosing colors
Features colors that are important to know:
- To make painting indoors only need interior paints, on the packaging which there is marked "for internal work."
- How paint interacts with the water affects its application in various areas: rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen) in need of waterproof paint. For the rest of the premises, where there is moisture and humidity, can be used nevlagostoykie paint.
- All coloring materials are also divided into two groups, and there is no breathing. Vapor barrier (non-breathing) paints should choose only the premises where it is planned to spend a little time. The walls in the bedroom, for example, are painted only water vapor permeable paint. This is a guarantee of healthy circulation and air renewal.
- Wear resistance. This is an important indicator ink that shows a degree of resistance to abrasion. For example, if you plan to frequent wet cleaning of the walls, the paint should be durable.
- Hiding power, ie the ability of paint to cover the surface. This has a direct effect on its consumption. Spreading on the bank number denotes a given paint needed to cover 1 square meter of surface.

All these parameters must be considered when choosing to get the desired result. However, this is not all. Paint themselves subdivided by type, all the advantages and disadvantages which we will now analyze.
Acrylic latex paint
This dye is one of the most popular and sought after. Basically, a resin-polyacrylates.
Pluses: excellent hiding power, easy to apply, unlimited possibility to tinting. The same dignity and the paint is low cost. It does not fade, water-resistant, wear-resistant. It has no unpleasant odor, non-toxic. Also, to paint advantages include the fact that it is easy to use and is suitable even for those who did not take a brush in hand.

Disadvantages: high flow rate. When using this type of paint, often require the application of more than one, or even two coats of paint to achieve the desired result. Less paint and that is exposed to sunlight. Also, this does not paint resists mold and mildew.
silicone paint
These colors are called because they are in the composition of silicone resins. These coatings are a new generation of inks that have advantages vodnodispersnyh and silicate coloring materials, and defects have been remedied. It is increasingly being used in facade work.

silicone paint dignity that it is vapor-permeable and waterproof. It is resistant to sunlight, does not fade, is not afraid of high temperature. Resistant to alkaline attack and pollution. Scope of the silicone paint is almost unlimited due to its excellent performance properties, durability and variety of options in a decorative design.
Disadvantages of silicone dyes include high cost. When applied to a large area, this paint is quite expensive. But here it is taken into account and the fact that the durability of the paint, its durability and resistance to damage very quickly recoup all investments.
latex paint
This dye is a water-based composition contains latex. Paint known high wear resistance.
The advantages of latex paints are moisture resistance and strength. The surface can be subjected to wet cleaning without damage to the coating. This paint is universal: it is applicable to concrete, wood and paper. The coating of latex paint looks impressive and is able to decorate the interior. The paint is non-toxic, vapor permeable, endowed with excellent insulating properties, is very economical in consumption and dries quickly.

Among the shortcomings indicated that the walls for painting needs perfectly aligned. Latex absolutely repeats the entire surface of the wall. Also, the paint is not resistant to temperatures below freezing. In the room where such a stain paint, there should be strong temperature changes will be, otherwise it makes no sense to use it. The high cost may also scare off, but, as in the case of the silicone paint, it will be a good investment of money in the long-term durability and coverage.
vinyl paint
Created on the basis of vinyl compounds and virtually ousted from the market with acrylic paints.
Pluses vinyl paint in a low cost. This coating does not yellow, decorating her ability at a high level. Resistant to solvents and chemicals. Environmentally friendly: allowed to paint the walls and ceiling in the children's rooms.
See also:The frescoes in the interior of the 62 photos in the living room, kitchen, bedroom

Cons enough: strong drying shrinkage, making the second layer is often required to staining. Paints has established itself as not very durable. The disadvantages include low water vapor permeability.
Acrylic-vinyl paint
Dye which is based on PVA. Suitable for interior decoration. A budget option. A definite plus in an affordable cost.
The minus is that the painting indoors, should be favorable conditions, without changes in temperature and ideally aligned surfaces. The paint does not iznosostoykoykaya, so do not expect miracles from it.

Acrylic-latex paint
It contains quality latex dyes. Wear resistance, long-term operation without loss of protective properties and ornamental qualities.
structural paint
The viscosity of this material gives the paint to keep a given when applied relief.
It covers a lot of advantages from non-toxic and non-smell opportunity to make a unique embossed pattern with different degrees of roughness on a given surface. Paint waterproof, well washed, it is able to mask surface defects. Very durable.

The disadvantage is only enough to mention the high cost.
Paint quality and operating conditions - that's what you should care about when choosing a dye. It is not necessary to overpay for the brand, or for minor improvements, by which manufacturers often overestimate the price. You can always find a quality product for your budget. Contact the seller consultant.

Preparing walls
Prepare the wall - this is probably one of the most important stages. To begin with, it is necessary to remove all previous coatings. All roughness cracks and uneven thoroughly overwritten. Smooth surface - is the key to excellent results after painting. After alignment, the surface must be cleaned of dust. Brush with a soft cloth and a vacuum cleaner - any of these items to cope with this task.

The next stage-primer. It is necessary to fill small surface defects and increase adhesion of paint and the wall. Very popular acrylic primer. It is great for all types of surfaces. For priming the walls and interior partitions can be used several variants of equipment: roller, sprayer or a broad brush. Once applied to the soil, it should be left to dry completely. It will take about 5-6 hours.
After drying of the soil is carried out Shpatlevanie. For the first coat should be used starting putty. It exists both in the finished form, or as a dry mixture. The first layer applied over the masking grid, which consists of glass. After the plaster has dried, it will be overwritten with the help of a special device. Then you need to make the application of the finishing layer of putty, which is also erased after drying.

Acrylic primer not only enhances grip, but also has antibacterial properties, which do not allow to multiply on the wall of mold and mildew.

Which range to choose
The choice of color has a strong influence on the interior as a whole. Two different shades of the same color are capable of as a spoil, and to decorate the room. When choosing a color scheme must take into account the lighting, the desired color of the furniture and textile, the mood that you want to create in the room.
Neutral colors are always a win-win looks in the home interior: yellow, coffee, apricot. These fairly simple to pick up the interior and the color of a positive and calming effect on the psyche. Bright colors of the walls will require more attention and effort to pick them suitable surroundings. Designers are advised not to use more than five colors in one room.

Trend color in the interior
Fashion comes and goes, dictating its own rules, including in the interior. Most importantly, the setting is ideal for you. Consider, what color are relevant today:
- White immediately brings an idea of purity. White-constant lifesaver if you want to increase and expand the space. It recommended for small and dark spaces.
- Black, on the contrary, reduces the space. In low light, this color is able to transform the room into a very dark and gloomy. Designers are advised to dilute black glossy or specular surfaces.
- Gray. This color is often associated with the background for very expensive items in an interior setting. It is not necessary to do the main color of the room, because it itself is quite boring. Light gray with the addition of color stains in an environment perfectly decorate the interior, give comfort and an updated room.
- Red is known to excite the appetite and increases the pressure. With caution used in residential areas, especially in children's rooms. If you use it as the main color in the room, it will produce oppressive impression. It is used as an additional emphasis, especially in the interior cool colors. This will make the room cozy.

- Yellow effect on intellectual development, so ideal for children's bedrooms. This color is also used in the rooms, which are located on the north side.
- Orange has the ability to harmonize the conditions in the room. This color has to communicate, so the fit is excellent, for example, for the living room. With Orange you need to act as carefully as red. Do not make it the main color in the room, as it can get bored quickly.
- Brown, especially the bright colors, is considered a classic example of color in the interior. With it ideally combines shades of beige, peach, and coffee. Noble, creates comfort, color.
- The blue color gives a sense of peace and relaxation. This color reduces appetite adjusts to the relaxation wave. Ideal for the bedroom. Lighter shade of blue is able to expand the space.
- Purple color, especially its darker shades, can cause fatigue. For its use in the interior should approach with caution.
See also:Types of decorative tiles under brick

- Green is considered auspicious, and eye, and for peace of mind. Green is, as in warm tones, and in the cold. It is believed that this color helps to concentrate, so often used for the study. Designers often use in their decisions pistachio and olive colors: they are considered to be successful for the interior. By the green walls are not always easy to pick up furniture so plan ahead if you are going to use this color.
The combination of colors and ways of applying paint
Combine the color is not as easy as it seems. For the bright spots should use neutral and quiet tone in the interior. Also, always considered a good combination of related colors. Connect the different shades of the same color and get a harmonious interior.
Consider the basic methods for applying the paint colors in combination:
The division of the horizontal
This visual separation wall into two horizontal bands: it becomes a two-tone. Most often used ratio of one to one or two to one. The upper band is painted in a darker tone, the bottom is lighter. For a clear separation of bands is possible to use molding.

color inserts
Design with registration color inserts may be appropriate, for example, for a child's room. The basis of a neutral shade: beige, white. Against this background do drawing: geometric shapes, which are then painted over with bright colors.

Immediately worth mention that in the interior of the furniture can also be a focus. If you want to pay attention and focus on solving the bright walls, it is best to choose one or two walls and to produce staining in saturated hue. Leave the rest in neutral colors, so as not to overdo the accents.

Gradient and Ombre
The idea to make the gradient of the walls is one of the most popular in interior design. This method of coloring is obtained when different shades of the same color are applied to each surface of the wall or of its individual parts.
Ombre dyeing method consists in the fact that hue on one side of the room is changed in the horizontal or vertical direction. To get on the wall the whole range of shades of the same color, you must first produce surface staining in the lightest of shades available. Then, the wall is divided into quarters, and the lowest quarter of the need to be painted in the darkest shade.

The next step is to mix a darker shade with a small amount of light and the surface of the paint over a dark piece. In this case, you need to step up a little bit dark surface. In the center is usually used the most intense and vivid color, smoothing it gently to the light portion, which is at the top.
Horizontal and vertical bars
This design course can be done in many different ways. If the home is low ceilings, you can fix it by means of narrow vertical stripes. It visually stretches the walls and increases the height. To expand the space can be painted on the wall of a horizontal wide band. It is usually decorated with a variety of home furnishings: lamps and paintings.

This method involves coating under a wall surface different images figures. To significantly simplify the work using a stencil, which is made by yourself or buy a ready-made option in the hardware store.

geometric shapes
To create the desired style in the apartment, you want to application to the wall of geometric shapes. Diamonds, peas, squares - a few examples for decorating. This way of painting walls requires considerable share of patience, because a drawing by hand takes a lot of time and effort.

textured painting
Texture dyeing process is to result in a surface having a unique structure. This can be achieved in many different ways. In stores now have all the materials that are needed for the realization of this idea. This method is perfectly masks surface irregularities.

This method of decoration is suitable even for beginners. Paint the wall should be thick paint that dries immediately and will give time to create a unique pattern on it. For this purpose, immediately after application, taking a crumpled sheet of paper or polyethylene bag and blotted all painted wall, each time spade the previous print.

To implement this idea, we need a normal sponge or brush with soft bristles. Usual latex fits perfectly. For patterning taken sponge is dipped into the paint, and then lightly pressed against the wall surface. Since the entire area is treated. This method enlarges the decor of the room area.

old lock
This method of decoration can often be found in the hallways of country houses. This decor creates a simulation calculations of natural stone. It is considered expensive due to the fact that their own make it difficult, and requires the involvement of artists who know how to do it professionally.
See also:Mural in the interior of a modern kitchen

Modern ideas of painting walls
Often mistakenly believe that the wallpaper look much more profitable than painted walls. This is not true! And examples of this home decor using colors that do not give way to wallpaper decoration. Future design is limited only by the imagination. Modern materials can help make the dream a reality. Consider the recommendations designers to decorate the walls:
Living room
Living in each house to perform various functions. This is the most representative place in the house, but it is used everywhere in different ways. In one house, this room is a room and a meeting place for the whole family and guests, in the other - a quiet and secluded place to read. It is important to determine the functional load of the room, because it affects its color scheme!

If you love bright and saturated colors, but are afraid to use them, then there is a solution. Choose the same color, but more muted shades. Brown, pink, orange, light green, blue, gray, black and purple color perfectly diluted by white. It is the color that is used in the decoration and in furniture solutions. White neutralizes the dark and saturated colors. Living room - a place where it is possible to realize any idea into reality!
The walls in the bedroom often painted with latex paint. It is water vapor permeable and safe. With the same success it is possible to entrust the staining of wood, brick and concrete walls. The bedroom is designed for rest and relaxation, so the color should be chosen appropriate. Consider the most popular styles of interior, which are found in the bedrooms:
romantic Provence | There often prevail tender and transparent colors: light pink, lavender, pale blue, white and light purple. |
Baroque multilayer | Here the mix for at least three aristocratic shade of these colors: red emerald, pale green, gold, beige, chestnut, black and burgundy. |
High tech | only the basic color in cool colors are used in these interiors: dark gray, light beige, white, cream. |
Minimalism | A minimum of colors, the advantage of black, white and gray colors. |
elegant classic | Used classic neutral shades for wall decor: beige, brown, cream-white and milky. Painted walls perfectly with the furniture and floor covering in dark colors. In the bedroom, all colors are used only in a peaceful variant thereof. |

In the kitchen, people spend a lot of time. Here prepare, eat, socialize. Kitchen color scheme is very important, as it can directly affect the mood in the morning. Paint for this room must be water-resistant and washable.

Bright yellow hues always cheer up. Green for those who always sticks to the diet: a positive effect and calms the appetite. Light and beige shades are ideal if you need an elegant classic cuisine. Red color - bold and bright solution, but it requires careful handling as much effect on appetite.
Paint a child's room need a eco-friendly, water vapor permeable and washable. Children often paint on the walls and you need a special coating, with which you can quickly scrub pranks.
Fit for children's: one painted in the base color and then add their own bright accents. This bright stickers, markers and paints drawn cartoon characters, fictional characters - what fancy enough!

Preferred colors for the nursery: yellow, orange, blue, green, light blue, light pink.
Corridor - is the first thing people see when entering the house. It affects the appearance of family members living there. When choosing decorations for the hall is important to consider its size: for small and narrow spaces is undesirable construction of frame structures and the use of dark colors. The paint should be easy to clean and wet cleaning.

Wear resistance - this is another condition the choice of the colorant in the corridor. It should be borne in mind that light colors are too brands in the same place.
Bathroom and toilet
Due to the water-based paint, which is not afraid of water, paint the walls in the bathrooms are beginning to displace decorating tiles. Where you can feel free to express design ideas in full! Bright, muted, dark and light - a variety of colors and textures used in the bathrooms.

The main thing that is worth considering: the paint should not be afraid of water, be resistant to dirt and durable. Often combined walls, decorated with tiles and painted.
Tips masters painting the walls with his own hands
- After opening the package, paint, dye is mixed to obtain uniform color
- Painting takes place in a room where the temperature is not lower than 5 and not higher than 20 degrees Celsius. Humidity is also important to obtain the desired result. If the air is dry, it is best to include a moisturizer or use a sprayer.

- Drafts excluded!
- If the walls of the mold or fungus is present, then before painting the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution.
- Workers brush and rollers, you need to carefully wash and dry the paint.
In summary, it should be noted that, if carefully follow the technology and use suitable materials and dyes, the dyeing result will please come!