How to store avocados at home?

Exotic fruit Perseus American, better known as avocado, hit the Russian market recently. This tropical fruit is not used to our latitudes, and the housewives have a reasonable question: how to store the avocado, so as not to lose its useful properties? Let's look at how good this product is and how to keep it in perfect condition.

Useful properties of avocado

Avocados are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, and in cosmetology. It's all about the unique properties of avocado oil - it has a beneficial effect on the skin: smoothes wrinkles, soothes and heals. Also Perseus American contains a very low percentage of sugar - only 1.5%, which can serve people suffering from diabetes. The fruit is rich in vitamins A, E, P, C, group B. It should be noted that the beneficial microelements and nutrients contained in the "alligator pear" normalize blood circulation and stabilize digestion. Avocado is a natural organic remedy against constipation. The avocado pulp has a beneficial effect on almost the entire body.


Carefully choose the avocado when buying. No methods can save the fruit, if it was originally from the foul-bed. It is very difficult to determine the degree of maturity of the avocado by color, so pay attention to other external signs. The fruit should not have skin defects and dark spots. If after pressing on the fruit there are dents, most likely, it is overripe - dents should quickly disappear.

Methods of storing avocados at home

So, following the above tips, we bought the ripe and juicy fruit that will not let you down. Now it's our turn not to fail the exotic fruit and provide him with the conditions of keeping that will keep him in its original form right up to the filing on the table. It should be remembered - without proper care, the tropical fruit spoils very quickly.

Let's list the basic principles of how to store avocados at home.

  • Storage temperature Perseus American should not exceed 10 degrees Celsius. Therefore, store it in the refrigerator, and if you keep on the balcony, watch the thermometer.
  • For long storage of the avocado pulp, it can be frozen. To do this, it should be kneaded, moistened with lemon juice and sent to a freezer.
  • If you have purchased an unripe fruit, you must store it at room temperature, between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius, for rapid maturation. To understand how fruit is ripe, you can just press. The immature fruit will be firm, there will be no dents left on it. On a ripe avocado dents quickly drag on, on an overripe - will remain.
  • When the avocado ripens, its skin will darken. Optimum, if it gets dark evenly. If the darkening is stained, most likely, something goes wrong and the fruit spoils.
  • The cut fruit quickly oxidizes and darkens. Avoid this with lemon juice.
  • In optimal conditions, avocados can be stored for three to five days. On the sixth even in the refrigerator, the fruit begins to darken and lose its flavor.

Despite all the delights of exotic fruit, do not forget about contraindications. The fact is that even a fruit stored in ideal conditions can cause damage to health if you are allergic to it. The exotic character of the "alligator pear" here is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the fruit is rich in vitamins, and on the other - it is impossible to predict how the mid-latitude organism reacts to it. Avocados should not be used by nursing mothers - babies may develop digestive problems.

To summarize, it is worth saying that avocado is a storehouse of vitamins, nutrients and trace elements, but it needs to be stored and used wisely.