How to store jamon and prosciutto at home-rules and nuances


  • Basic rules for storing and using raw ham
  • How to store the jamon on the bone and in the sliced ​​form?
  • Features of storing prosciutto at home

With the advent of supermarkets and boutiques of elite delicacies, every person has the opportunity to try the delicious national dishes of distant countries. Of particular interest is traditionally the jerky on the bone, so beloved by the inhabitants of Spain and Italy, but from the purchase of many people, the question of how to keep jamon or prosciutto at home is stopped.

The wrong approach to this process can spoil the whole impression of using the original snack. Therefore, before buying a whole leg or a part of it, you need to make sure that it is possible to create the right conditions for it.

Basic rules for storing and using ham-sausage

The approach to creating a chamon and prosciutto is approximately the same. Slightly dry Spanish or moist Italian jerky will please with its unique taste under the following conditions:

  1. Although these dishes are one of the types of raw meat, it can only be stored at room temperature. The constant effect of cold air is detrimental to ham.
  2. The leg not started should be suspended in a pantry or on a balcony of the house( under condition of observance of a temperature mode), having removed packing.

Tip: Prosciutto or jamon should breathe, so plastic wrap, foil or paper can only be used to transport the product. Within a few hours of staying in the artificial shell, meat begins to lose its taste qualities.

  1. The notched product can be used without fear for 3-4 months, provided that the shearing is processed correctly and the necessary environment is created at home.
  2. It is not recommended to keep jerky meat in close proximity to other fragrant products. Fibers very quickly absorb foreign odors, which can lead to damage to the product.
  3. The appearance of mold is not a sign of the spoilage of a ham. Colonies of noble origin should be rubbed with a cotton cloth dipped in olive oil to bring the product back to the market. Skin after such treatment is better to cut, it can slightly bitter.
  4. Freezing in the refrigerator or freezer is strictly prohibited. No matter how many months of storage this approach is promised, the taste of meat will be hopelessly corrupted.
  5. Chopped jamon or prosciutto, sold in a vacuum, should be consumed within a few hours after opening the package. If necessary, you can re-place the product in a sealed container, but this does not greatly increase its shelf life.

In addition, there are several secrets about the storage of specific national dishes. Their observance will allow to appreciate the taste and aroma of jerky meat without visiting its historical homeland.

How correctly to store a jamon on a bone and in the cut kind?

Acquisition of a whole pig's leg allows not only to save money, but also extend the shelf life of the product. It is in this form that jerky for the longest time retains its valuable nutritional properties.

We only need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • We find the houses in the driest room, where it is possible to maintain the temperature within 15-20 ° C.Differences in indicators should be avoided, this negatively affects the quality of the product.
  • A massive ham will be stored longer if it is coated on all sides with melted fat. In extreme cases, you can do with olive oil.
  • After cutting a piece of meat, cut the slice with fat and cover with a clean cotton cloth.

Sliced ​​jerky must be eaten. If several slices are still left, they should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of no higher than 5 ° C.Pieces lay on the plate and cover with foil or a damp towel. Shelf life in this case does not exceed 12 hours. Food film and plastic containers are prohibited. It is advisable to arrange slices of meat so that they do not come in contact with the packaging.

If the jamon has been in the refrigerator for a while, then it should be at least 10 minutes at room temperature before serving. This will give the taste the necessary saturation, and the aroma - the lost brightness.

Features of prosciutto storage at home

The approach to storing prosciutto is not very different from the characteristics of care for a ham. But the Italian jerky is more damp, so there are several features here:

  1. Having cut the leg, do not throw away the skin, it is this element that is best covered with a fresh cut. In addition, it is recommended to lubricate any unrefined vegetable oil. If there is no skins, then it can be replaced with oiled food parchment.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to cut the product for future use, it is better to trim it as needed. The taste of meat will be weakened already on the table and after a few hours from the original fragrance there will be nothing left.
  3. Sliced ​​slices need to be laid out in a row, not on top of each other, this will allow the taste to fully open and last longer.
  4. Unused ham should be wrapped in a cotton towel and stored in a refrigerator. Eat it is recommended within a day.
  5. Some experts say that prosciutto, unlike the jamon, does not react negatively to freezing. The taste of the dish does not really suffer so much, but such a valuable creamy consistency of meat is lost from such a temperature effect.

The listed rules for storing jerky meat apply only to blanks prepared according to all rules of the genre. Homemade products can have their own specifics, which will have to be taken into account.

The ham on the bone is considered quality and edible, while exudes its original flavor, has no formations on the surface( except noble mold) or a specific taste. When there are traces of damage, the affected areas must first be cut off, under them there may be a completely usable product.